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Why so many complaints?


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Game has been out for like 2 days..and maybe a week or so if you got the early start...but come on no game EVER (at least that ive played) had a smooth 100% PERFECT start...come on now...so far im in love with this game and think Bioware has done a great job and even i have found some bugs..but nothing crazy enough to inhibit gameplay...give it some time..wait for some chances..my god people


edit: o and if youre 50 already...well..damn...go outside until more content is available


edit2: good feed back guys..thought id get trolled :D this community is way better than LoL


let the game settle in people and it will be more amazing then it is alrdy


edit 3: i mean i guess im a little biased...ive liked star wars since i was a kid.. i mean im only 24, but the fact that i like star wars so much makes this game that much better


what i really like about it, though, is how it reminds me of the original Old Republics which are great games, but now its an MMO - its like the same game, but way bigger, with more stuff, and people i can play with - i cant explain it, but it just makes it better, also i told myself i was done with MMOs, well this one is dragging me right back in


edit 4:

All the complaining is just the wow fans feeling threatened that their 7 years of time spent grinding their way through that game will be for nothing if there are no people left playing it that they can show off their leetness to. But not to worry, those people will head back to their precious once their free month is up.


this can be true...it is pretty annoying that everyone is trying to compare the games...they are opposite..if you dont like this then go back to WoW


i dont get people...who are you to judge a game thats been out for 2 days?

Edited by Daeclue
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I agree. It has only been out for a few days, release that is, and honestly the best launch yet. Yes there are bugs and issues. Yes there could be features. But, this is not WoW, if you want those features. PLAY WOW. Don't play TOR if you think the features are the same.


Sorry, had to rant a bit.


Edit: I am also having a blast with this game. I love all of the aspects thus far.

Edited by Adarann
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Because they expect TOR to be as advanced as WoW is after seven years of development. All I can say to the people complaining is quiet down and give them a few weeks to start fixing and adding stuff.


How can they fix stuff if people don't complain.

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The game is alright, but I was expecting more from a big name Star Wars title. For one, I was expecting the graphics to be much better than they are. They are too nintendo-64, WoW, cartoony looking. I was also expecting some more in depth Empire vs. Republic mechanics.... there is very little there, a few small pvp battlegrounds is about it.
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How can they fix stuff if people don't complain.


Complaining about what other games have for features that they want to copy, is not the right way of doing it.


Suggesting new features that could be useful, keyword COULD, to the game and enhance all aspects. If its not useful, like most of the complaints that people have, then its just something thee want due to laziness.

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Game has been out for like 2 days..and maybe a week or so if you got the early start...but come on no game EVER (at least that ive played) had a smooth 100% PERFECT start...come on now...so far im in love with this game and think Bioware has done a great job and even i have found some bugs..but nothing crazy enough to inhibit gameplay...give it some time..wait for some chances..my god people


edit: o and if youre 50 already...well..damn...go outside until more content is available



Its because all the people who love the game are either playing it or sitting in queue patrolling the forums *cough*

Thus that leaves all the whiners to flame and complain. Don't try and reason with them - they were deprived oxygen during there first moments

Edited by Elyons
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I see people giving games reviews of a 1 out of 10 for having problems at launch... like "screw this game it sucks cant even install right"... smh....:confused: does that mean the game content deserves a 1????


so many people complain before they actually get to play the game because they are soooo eager to enjoy it...


People that complain about problems at launch probably have never truly experienced launch days.



It's almost like when a baby is born... Do people complain that the baby cant walk or drive or talk or think like an adult...? no because its just born.


Launch day is....a Launch day... its like a video games birthday...and this "baby" MMO has a bright future...that can turn good or bad... time will tell :)

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Game has been out for like 2 days..and maybe a week or so if you got the early start...but come on no game EVER (at least that ive played) had a smooth 100% PERFECT start...come on now...so far im in love with this game and think Bioware has done a great job and even i have found some bugs..but nothing crazy enough to inhibit gameplay...give it some time..wait for some chances..my god people


edit: o and if youre 50 already...well..damn...go outside until more content is available


I agree, to many people set thier expectaions to high, they don't know how to play a story driven game, only thing some folks know is point click and kill, it's a wierd bird people cry they want something different in an mmo, give them something a bit different then the cry it's not what they are used to. /shrug


I am enjoy the game and the story, it's fun to me.. so far the game has been right on par with what I expected for a new game, I am really intrested ind seeing where the dev's take the game to with new content.

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Instant gratification culture + strong feelings of anticipation = high risk of disappointment.


I've seen a few legitimate complaints, but the majority seem like the hot air from mouth breathers with an exaggerated sense of self-entitlement.

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I haven't actually gotten in game yet but from the looks of it this game has the potential to be the best MMORPG out there. But when I saw all the negative reviews I was put in a damper mood. But im glad some people are having with it, I can only hope I can have the same experience as you guys have had.
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I haven't actually gotten in game yet but from the looks of it this game has the potential to be the best MMORPG out there.


You will probably be disappointed if you go into the game with that mindset.

Edited by scrynen
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Instant gratification culture + strong feelings of anticipation = high risk of disappointment.


I've seen a few legitimate complaints, but the majority seem like the hot air from mouth breathers with an exaggerated sense of self-entitlement.


Couldn't have said it any better... This is the mindset of a lot of people today.. at least out here in the western world... Nice to see people aware of it :)

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All the complaining is just the wow fans feeling threatened that their 7 years of time spent grinding their way through that game will be for nothing if there are no people left playing it that they can show off their leetness to. But not to worry, those people will head back to their precious once their free month is up. Edited by Chris_G
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I haven't actually gotten in game yet but from the looks of it this game has the potential to be the best MMORPG out there. But when I saw all the negative reviews I was put in a damper mood. But im glad some people are having with it, I can only hope I can have the same experience as you guys have had.


It's pretty much just like WoW...I recall having more fun leveling in WoW, though. The dialogue is annoying and the quests are boring.


My biggest issue is, HOW ARE THERE NO REALM FORUMS?!

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Instant gratification culture + strong feelings of anticipation = high risk of disappointment.


I've seen a few legitimate complaints, but the majority seem like the hot air from mouth breathers with an exaggerated sense of self-entitlement.


Average game that made itself out to be some sort of innovative masterpiece for years = disappointment.

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All the complaining is just the wow fans feeling threatened that their 7 years of time spent grinding their way through that game will be for nothing if there are no people left playing it that they can show off their leetness to. But not to worry, those people will head back to their precious once their free month is up.


You contradict yourself in back to back sentences. Impressive.

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