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Who the @#$%! designed the space map? It's broken and unbalanced...favored to repubs!


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You got repub's capital ship right outside point B. So point B is so hard to even contest because repub gunships snipe the crap out of people... and when you try to engage them, they run right to their capital ship where the turrets will one shot anyone who gets close. So you can't chase them, and soon as you turn your back, they snipe you again.



I'll spend the whole match trying to kill them as a scout (the counter to them) and rarely catch them. But any other map, I own them any day of the week. And you can't ignore them because, again, they will snipe any enemy around point B.


Fix that crap plz. Don't even know why you got turrets on capital ships in the first place.

Edited by happyscrub
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You got repub's capital ship right outside point B. So point B is so hard to even contest because repub gunships snipe the crap out of people... and when you try to engage them, they run right to their capital ship where the turrets will one shot anyone who gets close. So you can't chase them, and soon as you turn your back, they snipe you again.



I'll spend the whole match trying to kill them as a scout (the counter to them) and rarely catch them. But any other map, I own them any day of the week. And you can't ignore them because, again, they will snipe any enemy around point B.


Fix that crap plz. Don't even know why you got turrets on capital ships in the first place.


Actually, the Imp and Republic ships are the same distance away from all the checkpoints to avoid any unfair advantages. And as for why the Capital Ships have turrets, that is to prevent spawn camping from the enemy team.


From the Devs: "Once we had a rough idea of the level size, I created a 2D map of the play space in order to visualize where points of interest (POI’s) would be placed relative to player spawn-in points. At this stage, everything is measured to ensure no team has an inherent advantage in the map..." ~ Article can be viewed here

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As an Imperial, I've won on that map every single time (Kuat is the annoying one). It looks like it's further away, but if you fly through the asteroid, you can beat the enemy fighters. Try switching power to your engines, use Barrel Roll if you have it, and then use your boost all the way to B.
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I'm an Imperial and went 27-0 in my GSF matches today. There's nothing wrong with the maps, if anything that map is Imperial favored because A isn't surrounded by a structure and is closer to the imperial launch. C is closer to the republic launch and has the awful construction yard around it.
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I'm an Imperial and went 27-0 in my GSF matches today. There's nothing wrong with the maps, if anything that map is Imperial favored because A isn't surrounded by a structure and is closer to the imperial launch. C is closer to the republic launch and has the awful construction yard around it.


I have gone 3-23 on that map as an imp and I spend most of my time taking nodes or holding them..meaning, I am at least doing my job...so I am not the reason the losses are happening.

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Actually, the Imp and Republic ships are the same distance away from all the checkpoints to avoid any unfair advantages. And as for why the Capital Ships have turrets, that is to prevent spawn camping from the enemy team.


From the Devs: "Once we had a rough idea of the level size, I created a 2D map of the play space in order to visualize where points of interest (POI’s) would be placed relative to player spawn-in points. At this stage, everything is measured to ensure no team has an inherent advantage in the map..." ~ Article can be viewed here


Maybe from where you spawn at, but NOT where the turrets are at. PLUS imps have a giant meteor blocking their ship giving more distance because you have to go way around it. Even on the map the head of the repubs ship is half a square closer.


Try it yourself. Go in a game and sit at point B and go to both the imp and pub ship and see how faster, and easier it is to get to the pubs turrets and how easy to do snipe and runs in open space.

Edited by happyscrub
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As an Imperial, I've won on that map every single time (Kuat is the annoying one). It looks like it's further away, but if you fly through the asteroid, you can beat the enemy fighters. Try switching power to your engines, use Barrel Roll if you have it, and then use your boost all the way to B.


I'm not talking about the spawn. Talking about the ship defenses and how the map heavily favors cheesy snipe run tactics by pub gunships. Everyone I seen do that rack up tons and tons of kills with little to no threat to themselves.

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I'm not talking about the spawn. Talking about the ship defenses and how the map heavily favors cheesy snipe run tactics by pub gunships. Everyone I seen do that rack up tons and tons of kills with little to no threat to themselves.


My question is: Why are you following them that close to their capitol ship? If you chase them off, there's no way they can hang far back enough to get protection from their capitol ship and also snipe people defending/attacking the satellite. Part of strategy is knowing when to run. Part of strategy is knowing when not to chase someone. If they want to sit by their ship and be of no benefit to their team, let them... instead of letting them kill you and keep you tied down.


Edit: Heck, just realized the better argument here. Republic may have a clearer path to nodes B and C.... but that also means any gunships sitting at those points have a clear line of fire at republic ships that are returning to the battle. Imperials may have to dodge a few things, but they have better cover on the approach. Or perhaps better usable cover when guarding the satellites.

Edited by Luneward
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My question is: Why are you following them that close to their gunship? If you chase them off, there's no way they can hang far back enough to get protection from their capitol ship and also snipe people defending/attacking the satellite. Part of strategy is knowing when to run. Part of strategy is knowing when not to chase someone. If they want to sit by their ship and be of no benefit to their team, let them... instead of letting them kill you and keep you tied down.

Exactly. The same goes for other situations; if the enemy fleet is clustered around point B, for example, would you chase an enemy ship into that cluster to get 4 ships attacking you? Let them go and find an easier target.

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Maybe from where you spawn at, but NOT where the turrets are at. PLUS imps have a giant meteor blocking their ship giving more distance because you have to go way around it. Even on the map the head of the repubs ship is half a square closer.


Try it yourself. Go in a game and sit at point B and go to both the imp and pub ship and see how faster, and easier it is to get to the pubs turrets and how easy to do snipe and runs in open space.


Actually, I HAVE played both imp and republic sides at least 8 times each and I can safely say, there isn't a difference. You do know there are holes in the asteroids to fly through, right?

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I can't measure it effectively, but empire is clearly gimped in trying to reach point C first in either map. The overhead map makes it look clearly closer to Republic space, and it certainly feels that was having to fly around the medium-sized crap in the way.

It looks like C is closer to the rep spawn (typically, at the start of the game I take my scout and make a beeline to C and capture it without opposition), but isn't A closer to the empire's spawn ?

EDIT: that's on shipyard. As far as I can tell A&C are at the same distance from both spawns on kuat mesas.

Edited by Loc_n_lol
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The map is definitely not right but not for the reasons given. What is needed is a 3d map of the where enemy ships are, current with the circle showing triangles you can't tell where an enemy ship is a 3d map similar to the one used in Elite would be more useful.
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First: The maps a perfectly balanced. You just need some practice


Second: Its a nice change of face for Begeran Colony. Imperials frequently dominate warzones. Seeing Republic faceroll imps in space combat consistently is oh so sweet

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It's a good change of PvP Pace, Imperials have been dominating Ground PvP for a long time in Warzones. Now it's Republics turn to return the favor but by doing it in Space. The Maps are perfectly balanced, both sides are of equal distance from each satellite. Just practice and get used to it.
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seriously...count the fly time out of the spawn point and past your defense turrets. Repubs turrets extend far out past the imps. My post has nothing to do with reach point B faster, which most of you seem to think I meant. Edited by happyscrub
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It looks like C is closer to the rep spawn (typically, at the start of the game I take my scout and make a beeline to C and capture it without opposition), but isn't A closer to the empire's spawn ?

EDIT: that's on shipyard. As far as I can tell A&C are at the same distance from both spawns on kuat mesas.


The map looks balanced overhead on Kuat Mesas, but the pillars to fly around from the start spawn to C is particularly worse than republic's. It's not a game breaker, but it is an annoyance.

Edited by ImpactHound
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Look...I'm TERRIBLE at pvp....like, bloody awful at it. I haven't pvp'd once in SWTOR as an actual toon, but I have been playing GSF pvp since last night, and I can tell you why it feels like balance is off. Imps go for the throat, while repubs tend to go tactical. That's it. What I mean is, I have noted more of my imp buddies just going for the kill, rather than being smart and tactical and taking the A, B, C points on the map. Watch the queue before launch...imps almost always start off with primarily scouts and strikeships, whereas if you watch the repubs, they almost always roll out a few gunships. So they camp the gunships at the A & B map points while imps ALWAYS race for C, and then tear us to shreds when we roll in to try and take the map points.


When you see more tactical fighting done on the imp side, rather than all out destruction, then you might see some better balance. In my opinion, I could care less...I'm having fun each match regardless of whether I win or lose. I always score points...almost always one of the folks to take at least one map point and hold it, and I'm starting to get good at dogfights. Win, lose...as long as I get to blow crap up I'm a happy camper.

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Actually, the Imp and Republic ships are the same distance away from all the checkpoints to avoid any unfair advantages. And as for why the Capital Ships have turrets, that is to prevent spawn camping from the enemy team.


Actually, I HAVE played both imp and republic sides at least 8 times each and I can safely say, there isn't a difference. You do know there are holes in the asteroids to fly through, right?


Again: The imbalance on this map isn't the distance, it's the f***ing LINE OF SIGHT!


Republic gunships can just camp in front of their capital ship and safely snipe away enemies fighting over the middle and northern satellites.

And if an enemy tries to approach them, they just back up a bit to their capital ship and let their opponents get killed by the turrets.


This is simply impossible on imperial side, because there are big, fat, f***ing huge, massive asteroids blocking any line of sight.


I've tried this strategy myself on a repblic toon and i got more kills and assists (without dying once) than in any other match on imp side.

And I didn't have a single upgrade on this ship.


This is just terrible game design, letting people safely camp at their base and let them get the most kills at the same time.

It's just ridiculous...:mad:

Edited by Sindariel
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