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Add cockpit/first person mode please


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It would be a very nice quality of life thing that would be nice for people if a cockpit mode/first person mode was added to GSF. There are a few people who like that kind of gameplay especially real life pilots or want to be pilots.


Also its a bit more immersive to play in the cockpit instead of a magical camera that fallows behind the spaceship.

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the controls would make so much more sense inside the cockpit.


Tell you what ive been thinking my joystick the ace combat 6 with throttle joystick has a thumbstick on the top of it.


Moving with the joystick and aiming with that thumbstick on the actual stick.


Think of it....it makes me drool I need that!

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They will probably add joystick/controler support eventually, GSF isnt truly released yet anyway, just early access. But i would like a cockpit mode my self, theres very little use in seeing the sides and back of your ship as is.
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I believe joystick controls are in development....and once they launch is probably when *I* will start the whiny posts, cuz I stink at joystick controls, lol.


(thank god I have an Xbox controller though...maybe that will work?)


I'd be down with a cockpit mode too...although it's not something that makes or breaks the game for me.

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Here is the thing... Giving you a cockpit would frame your FOV a lot, giving you a huge disadvantage. Have you ever played racing game using cockpit view, and then switched to the view behind vehicle? The track (or battlefield, in our case) overview is incomparably better from the far back view.


Second, joystick. Sure, take your joystick. Now you fly your ship with joystick, and aim woth your joystick... But w00t, you can only aim straight in front now because you don't use mouse! Shame... You have X360 controller? Cool, you can now move your ship with one joystick and aim with the other one, but you still miss perks of strafing, ascending and descending. Not to mention you lose mouse aim sensitivity. There is a reason why (most) online shooter games have separate servers for consoles and for PC.


Don't take me wrong, I see why you would like these ideas implemented. More immersion, more nostagia, more awesomeness. But these are changes that would give huge disadvantage to people who would "enjoy" using them. They would need to be either enforced on everyone, or not added at all. You are playing an arcade minigame aspect of SWTOR, not a spacefight simulator.

Edited by Slivovidze
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Here is the thing... Giving you a cockpit would frame your FOV a lot, giving you a huge disadvantage. Have you ever played racing game using cockpit view, and then switched to the view behind vehicle? The track (or battlefield, in our case) overview is incomparably better from the far back view.


Second, joystick. Sure, take your joystick. Now you fly your ship with joystick, and aim woth your joystick... But w00t, you can only aim straight in front now because you don't use mouse! Shame... You have X360 controller? Cool, you can now move your ship with one joystick and aim with the other one, but you still miss perks of strafing, ascending and descending. Not to mention you lose mouse aim sensitivity. There is a reason why (most) online shooter games have separate servers for consoles and for PC.


Don't take me wrong, I see why you would like these ideas implemented. More immersion, more nostagia, more awesomeness. But these are changes that would give huge disadvantage to people who would "enjoy" using them. They would need to be either enforced on everyone, or not added at all. You are playing an arcade minigame aspect of SWTOR, not a spacefight simulator.


This is one of the dumbest posts I've read all day.


GSF had the potential to be far more than an "arcade mini game " of SWTOR. No one would be making anyone use the 1st person view/joystick so why would it need "enforced?

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  • 2 weeks later...
This is one of the dumbest posts I've read all day.


GSF had the potential to be far more than an "arcade mini game " of SWTOR. No one would be making anyone use the 1st person view/joystick so why would it need "enforced?


I wouldn't get too offended by this "arcade mini game" comment, I don't think the the poster meant disrespect by this. As far as space shooters go, this GSF is a bit more on the arcade side than hardcore sim.


Also, as was mentioned, a cockpit view, while fun, limits the player. As such, most will not default to this in order to stay competitive. This won't even have to be enforced since a cockpit view offers nothing but disadvantages to the 3rd player view. Especially when a large part of the game involves hugging defense nodes.


This leads to the real issue: is cockpit view really worth the dev's time to implement? Do they design a cockpit mode that only a handful will appreciate and even few will actively use? or use those guys to start designing new maps, ships and game modes?

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I wouldn't get too offended by this "arcade mini game" comment, I don't think the the poster meant disrespect by this. As far as space shooters go, this GSF is a bit more on the arcade side than hardcore sim.


Also, as was mentioned, a cockpit view, while fun, limits the player. As such, most will not default to this in order to stay competitive. This won't even have to be enforced since a cockpit view offers nothing but disadvantages to the 3rd player view. Especially when a large part of the game involves hugging defense nodes.


This leads to the real issue: is cockpit view really worth the dev's time to implement? Do they design a cockpit mode that only a handful will appreciate and even few will actively use? or use those guys to start designing new maps, ships and game modes?



All very true, however shouldn't people at least be given the choice? It doesn't seem like a huge issue in actuality and it certainly wouldn't disadvantage anyone. Game's such as Star Wars Galaxies (I realise is not in existence anymore) had this feature from the beginning of their Jump to Lightspeed expansion so my question is if a game that one no longer exists and two is at least 7 years old could produce this feature then why can't the latest Star Wars MMORPG incorporate it into their designs? Isn't the very reason to produce a new game to make it better than all that came before? So with that said then (at least in my opinion) it would be very much 'worth the time' of the developers to provide this functionality to those who would like it, after all a game is only as good as the people who play it and if some of those people are asking for an additional function that (overall) won't harm those who either don't like it or don't want it then why shouldn't it be done?


However I'd like to end on a positive note and I will by saying that the concept of Free Flight and the physics and software engineering that has gone into that is extremely well done. I am glad to see that someone on the development team listened to the community way back in the beginning and added this concept. It is very much appreciated by someone who has been playing this game since it started and I hope to see similar advances by the development team utilising the community in the future.

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It would be a very nice quality of life thing that would be nice for people if a cockpit mode/first person mode was added to GSF. There are a few people who like that kind of gameplay especially real life pilots or want to be pilots.


Also its a bit more immersive to play in the cockpit instead of a magical camera that fallows behind the spaceship.


you do realise what 'quality of life' even means as a phrase, and how it cannot possibly apply to GSF, unless some hippie douche 'therapist' is using it as an 'aid' for a paient.

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Second, joystick. Sure, take your joystick. Now you fly your ship with joystick, and aim woth your joystick... But w00t, you can only aim straight in front now because you don't use mouse! Shame... You have X360 controller? Cool, you can now move your ship with one joystick and aim with the other one, but you still miss perks of strafing, ascending and descending. Not to mention you lose mouse aim sensitivity. There is a reason why (most) online shooter games have separate servers for consoles and for PC.


Theoretically the accuracy penalties of firing off dead center would balance out locking your crosshair dead center. The way some weapons take brutal accuracy penalties for being off center I'm not entirely convinced that a moving crosshair is that great a thing or would prove superior to a crosshair locked dead center (so no accuracy penalty) that simply requires a little more work to keep/get on target.


Personally in a turning dogfight I don't think the mouse would be superior to a stick since the stick with crosshairs locked center would allow me to pull a tighter turn to line up my sights dead center with no accuracy penalty. Sometimes in order to keep my mouse on the lead indicator I have to keep it at the edge of the firing arc or pull a tighter turn to get it dead center at cost of not being able to shoot because my mouse is at the edge of the arc flying my ship and not anywhere near the lead indicator.


Just observing that done well both could have strengths that are situational.

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I'm sure it will be implemented soon. You can already hold the F key to watch your 6 and 3/9 line. It's such an old school and basic concept that goes back generations and generations in flight sims, folks should stop acting like its some kind of never before seen experimental state of the art request. Its just the cockpit view. The F key feature needs to be more streamlined as well. We also need, now more than ever, a voice chat feature for GS, so we can do formation flying and flight coordination. That's the bread and butter of all modern flight sims, where its built in to the game.


About all the comments of "arcade" style play. Listen kids, if you never played in an arcade, dont misuse the word or try to redefine it. There was NEVER a flight sim that was fully dimensional in the arcades, ever. Flight sims were always on PCees, not the arcades. I know War Thunder has an "arcade" mode. But its a misuse of the word, and we shouldn't feed into that. Look at Free 2 Play, a term which took over "Shareware". Shareware was a term that came to be, because of the "freeware" movement (actual FREE no ads software). Shareware was basically crippled software that would become fully accessible after you made a payment, which is what Free To Play actually is - Shareware. Allot of kids don't know that, which is why we shouldn't misuse words. Humanity suffers from amnesia, because we age and don't pass down the knowledge. Free too Play is not Freeware and War Thunder Arcade mode is not an Arcade style video game, its just "easy" mode, outside of the cockpit view.


So when folks are asking for cockpit view, they are asking for something more challenging, and developers should deliver to that desire. So you have been informed my dear developers. You now have full blown Galactic Starfighters on your hands ... no wait, WE'RE ON YOUR SIX, COMING IN HOT!!! :csw_speeder:

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