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Low D Textures


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no its all your hardware :p


It isn't. And I'm not going to be like others in the thread and start a *****-measuring contest.




Because I'd win.



I wish Bioware would speak to us and tell us if they know the issue exists or not.

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lol ya in the end though in all honesty im easily pleased... if they add higher quality textures I wont complain.. I remeber when EQ brought out planes of power and all the character models and textures were replaced... That was a good day ;)


Yes lol.

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There may actually be a problem because I run 1080... looks nothing like that. FAAARRR Better and my friend runs the game in 3D... FAAAARRR Better. So either you're lying or theres a problem with the game interacting with your hardware. Good luck.


I have to agree, i've never seen anything remotley that bad in game.

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game looks amazing on my computer, I suggest you update your computer.


Doesn't change the fact that the textures are low res. You can tell simply by ctrl-rightclicking an item to see it on you and watch how it looks blurred. The game can't decide as in certain quest cutscenes the textures look sharper.



Now relax, I'm not saying it's bad. I'm loving this game but that doesn't mean it doesn't have issues. Simply because your eyes can tolerate it, doesn't mean there isn't something wrong.

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People who say this issue doesn't exist are either trolls or blind.


Devs have already acknowledged it.


Apparently this cannot be said often enough. :)


The issue is there and I'm seeing textures randomly change from high quality (crisp) to low quality (blurry) ALL THE TIME. It's like the game doesn't care what you set your settings to, it will display the textures as it sees fit.


Yip, the only setting that works as intended right now is low, regardless of wether one has a beast pc or not.


Medium works mostly correct, but there is always one or the other lowres texture mixed in.


On highest setting, the quality textures are only shown within cinematics.

Outside of this range it behaves like the medium setting.

Edited by Ommm
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Every single tor issue seems to have some people showing up to blindly deny it exists. As if pointing out something wrong with the game makes you hate it.


It does, doesn't it?


I've made my share of posts regarding issues that SWTOR has, but that doesn't mean I hate this game or anything. I just want it to be even better.

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I'd like to mention I also have this problem. Some items, such as Galactic Market terminals, Mod stations and Jedi robes look pixelated while the rest of the game looks great.


I'm using an Nvidia card too with the latest drivers from Nvidia.


My spec is


Alienware M11x laptop

Core i5

GT540M 1GB


I have everything on high apart from shadows (low) and get 30+ fps at 1360*768. The rest fo the game looks great, I wish they'd sort this out!

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Armor textures look washed out and blurry mostly in cutscenes. Not only that , many textures outdoors look the same way , look at rocks on Voss for example . Its like antialising is disabled as well as anisotropy. Looks very trilinear, ugly. Sorry to say this but even Wow looks nicer. Older Mmos look nicer. This looks like i went back in time 10 years ago, and direct x 8 is the brand new thing .


My system is old and will replace it in a few months. I have Core2duo 6600 , 8 gigs of ram and hd 4850. I played Aoc on high , Aion on High - Medium , WOW - maxed out, and recently played Witcher 2 on medium.


All of these games looked awesome with my old setup. Swtor looks like crap. I am not here for graphics i intend to play several storylines , being almost done with my jedi sentinel, gonna raid some with my guild , not going to quit any time soon, but honestly speaking they need to FIX DAMN GRAPHICS. THIS IS NOT 2002.

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Bumping , because this issue ticks me off.


Here is a compiled list of threads covering this unresolved and relatively unacknowledged issue: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=91723


Bioware, please acknowledge this in your OFFICIAL game issues thread asap: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=5533


Once this above is done, I will no longer feel the need bump daily in the attempt to bring this to Bioware's attention.

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game looks amazing on my computer, I suggest you update your computer.

This always upsets me when people say this. By PC game standards, the game is not fine. No AA and bugged textures to the point where playing the game on high settings is the same as medium settings is not okay. The game is GREAT looking in cutscenes, but outside of the cutscenes the visuals are bugged.

Edited by Merex
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Bioware gave an official response in my thread http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=91723&page=3. I will now refrain from bumping, as I see Bioware has referenced this issue in the 1.02 notes: "Graphics preferences in settings files are now consistent with actual settings in use."


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Stop being ignorant.

In the cutscenes you can see the full effect of high resolution textures, however as soon as you're back to playing they blur out. I don't know if this is a bug or if they yet have to enable the option. The game looks anything but amazing, and I'm running it at maximum settings and 16AA.


this is just true... not that I really have a problem with it, just noticed that too and also wonderd why it is, since they HAVE those texture set ready

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So far I haven't had any problems with blurry textures, I think it may just be a problem with hardware support. I know there are quite a few problems with different graphics cards. I do believe you with those pictures though as you can see that the background textures look fine but close up they look awful. It may just be a case of bad luck.
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I have the same issues!

It is NOT a system issue i can assure you there is no way my system is under powered to run swtor.


AMD FX-8150 Zambezi Set to 4 cores and OC stable at 5.0g per core


ASUS Crosshair V Formula/Thunderbolt AM3+ AMD 990FX


GeForce GTX 580 (Fermi) 3GB 384-bit GDDR5 Times 4... 3 in sli one as a physx card.


CORSAIR Vengeance 32GB (4 x 8GB) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 1866


This is a new build system i just put together a few weeks ago.


If my system is to low brow for swtor then there is a real issue!


Fact is my new system does no better than my old system for swtor

amd 2 core at 3.4 per core

8800gtx ultra

8 gigs of ram

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