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Everything posted by Nephrahim

  1. But what if you don't want to play any other character? I don't think every single person wants to roll every single class, even if the story is good, they might just not like the gameplay.
  2. Every single tor issue seems to have some people showing up to blindly deny it exists. As if pointing out something wrong with the game makes you hate it.
  3. Uh, I can do that without a mod-station too. I just drag the mod out.
  4. In your options. Social tab. There's a "Show Sith Corruption" option. Uncheck it.
  5. Well, that explains it. It's hillarous how they're still in despite serving no real use.
  6. You can mod things without a mod station. Just crl right click them.
  7. Empire chat on my server is pretty constantly terrible. Still, I hate to stereotype, maybe I just always catch them at the wrong time.
  8. Roll an inquisitor and sacrifice him.
  9. Yeah. You only run into it when you're in a very intense situation and forget how the combat works, but I have intrupted heals before. And it's resulted in a wipe (Might have wiped anyway, but it didn't help, for sure.)
  10. I don't mind the circlets. I just imagine they're designed to stop at the head tails (And ignore the part in the middle where you can see it's clearly clipping.) What they need is a way to alter the twelik model so the lekkus hang forward when you're wearing a hood.
  11. Are you serious? You don't see the difference between choosing allegiance to a faction, and choosing to lock yourself into either being good or being evil? Why even give us the choice every single action then? Just let me check 'evil character' on character creation and I can autorespond with the dark point option.
  12. It's stupid in a story based game I have to "Break character" in order to "Grind alignment points" to wear something. That is all.
  13. They just don't wear hoods. At all. Any robe with a hood has none when a twe'lik wears it.
  14. Still nothing. BH quest gets multiple dev posts 9For good reason, it's a bad bug I gather.) but still nothing to say to us.
  15. Being able to adapt to a problem doesn't solve it. I can walk around around a creeky floorboard, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be fixed before it cracks and someone breaks a leg. (Strained analogy I know, but you should get the meaning.)
  16. I like that things are constantly being added to the topic. There are a lot of people who want to see this fixed.
  17. Yeah, it accidently canceling heals is a huge problem. One of the reasons I like DPSing more in this game.
  18. This is where I am as well. Yes, I can still play the game. And have fun with it. But that doesn't mean this isn't a problem. It is, a big one.
  19. In games, tenths of seconds can seem like an enterntiy. Ask someone who raided in WoW what it was like when their screen would freeze dude to lag for even half a second. End of the world.
  20. Didn't have as much fun leveling him. I might go back to one later. Really, there are so few 50s right now, it'd be pretty odd for them to be completely balanced. You should give the populations more time to stabilize.
  21. I've said it before here, but I really REALLY hope they are working on this. If they can fix it, it would just improve the game tremendously.
  22. Even this would really really make me happy. I hate that stupid cast bar. Why the hell is it there if it doesn't TELL me anything.
  23. My entirely unfounded susspicons is they choose this because they didn't want it to be too unbalanced due to the empire v Republic ratio. This way the republic can win, even if it makes it count less. It's the big problem in open world PvP. Finding a way to design around faction balancing. We'll see if they figure out a better way to do it.
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