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Sorc/Sage heal in RWZs


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Hey guys


I have seen some posts about Sorcerer in RWZs and i really dont get any clear answer. Most posts say that Sorc are weak/squishy and **** for rwzs, but some also say that u must play the class properly and will succeed..


But for me as Sorc this rwzs have been like this :


1. 99% the first one to get jumped/attacked and gang raped when the rwz starts.

2. If you survive the first gang bang by getting the **** away u get stunned/rooted, u cant fukin use unbreakable will, cause u know abnother fukin stun is coming and then ur finished.

3. If u also survive the second rape, u can heal a bit, but getting stunned for the second time u MUST use UBW or pop the barrier.


I am not saying that i havent exepirienced good rwzs where i have excelled and been a big asset for my team..but that is like 1 out of 5 or 6 rwzs.


My Q is, IS sorc **** in RWZs, and should i just stop playing this char in RWZs? cause in normal wzs i am very good!but in rwzs i dont have the time to react before i get stunned rooted up my ***.


My second Q is, if sorc are not that bad (for those who thinks that), can any1 come up with a spec/gear or playing style (tip) on how to play in rwzs. I have tried kiting/using LoS as an advantage, but what i have seen is that if u dont have guard as Sorc in rwzs ur fuked pretty much 90% of the times.


And for all u rwz wankers who havent played sorc lvl 55 in rwzs pls **** and keep ur fukin comments to ur self when a sorc heal get gang raped. If u guys have a sorc lvl 55 RWZs, q with me, show me how the **** u guys execell in rwzs and then talk ****..or else **** and dont let sorc heals get the rage just because ur ***** are small!!

Edited by Seph-I-Roth
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I will list some of the issues i have been facing while trying to play Ranked.


1. To many global cooldowns makes playing Sage healer VERY slow and boring

2. to long cooldown on Mental alacrity so apart from channeling Healing trance, i only spam Benevolence because of lack of time and interrupts

3. Forcebarrier cannot be used whilst Electronet.

4. Running out of force because our only tool to recover force makes you lose health

5. Sentinel/Marauder IMBA

6. Operative/Scoundrel Healer IMBA


If you are going to continue playing Sage Healer in ranked, do what i do, apologize for playing Sage at the start of the round.

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Yep, to be even remotely viable in RWZs we (talking specifically about heals here) have to use the old bubblestun hybrid that BW tried to destroy in 2.0.


The bubblemez is the only way we have to Make Them Pay for trying to kill us. It is the one thing we have that allows us to eat the melee stun train, because they are stunned right back, and then we can get away to do something. Full corruption's ability to Make Them Pay is just TERRIBLE, and it's ridiculously easy to zerg a full corruption healer until dead as a result because that corruption sorc does not have enough CC to impair melee pursuit long enough to get some casts off.


GG Bioware. By ignoring class balance you've recreated the very build you attempted to destroy.

Edited by AdrianDmitruk
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GG Bioware. By ignoring class balance you've recreated the very build you attempted to destroy.


You understand balance in arenas and pvp takes years, even warcraft after 10 years has balance problems.


Calm down, take some meds, and reroll like everyone else till the class you like gets a buff.


Simple fix.

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You understand balance in arenas and pvp takes years, even warcraft after 10 years has balance problems.


Calm down, take some meds, and reroll like everyone else till the class you like gets a buff.


Simple fix.


LOL full corruption has been broke since 1.2...


Granted between 2.0 and 2.4 a really skilled player could mesh the various Frankenstein band-aids Bioware threw at the spec in 2.0 and actually do well. But it was still far from optimal--the op heal with his instants still ruled PVP.


But 2.4 came out and forces full corruption into arenas which diminish their strengths and amplify their weaknesses because there is no backline to hide behind; there are no objectives to divert the DPS' attention away from the sorc if only for a second. The bandaids Bioware gave us don't work in arenas--and yet we cannot simply opt out of queuing them. So we have to go back to a build Bioware explicitly tried to destroy just to make arena play bearable with our desired class and role. And that part about being forced to going back to a build the devs explicitly said they didn't want, by the devs' own decision to release ranked arenas while simultaneously punting on class balance, is what makes it so LOL.


I know that class balance is never perfect and never ending, but I don't see how you can reasonably deny that 2.4 was a complete punt in that area. 2.5 looks to be much the same aside for some tweaks to a few other specs while we continue to be left in our broken state. We've been waiting to be buffed back since 1.2. How much longer do you expect us to wait?

Edited by AdrianDmitruk
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We've been waiting to be buffed back since 1.2. How much longer do you expect us to wait?


Reroll and wait, I mean there is other classes and specs to play.


I am having fun with my other classes, I pay no mind to buffs or nerfs, I play FOR FUN.


But, I am a different breed of a man, a man that don't give a @#%&.


Know what I mean?

Edited by Makavelithug
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Reroll and wait, I mean there is other classes and specs to play.


I am having fun with my other classes, I pay no mind to buffs or nerfs, I play FOR FUN.


But, I am a different breed of a man, a man that don't give a @#%&.


Know what I mean?


Reroll is a ****** answer, especially given how long bioware takes to balance the game.


Is it a smart answer? yes, but only because re-rolling is the only option

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Hey guys


I have seen some posts about Sorcerer in RWZs and i really dont get any clear answer. Most posts say that Sorc are weak/squishy and **** for rwzs, but some also say that u must play the class properly and will succeed..


But for me as Sorc this rwzs have been like this :


1. 99% the first one to get jumped/attacked and gang raped when the rwz starts.

2. If you survive the first gang bang by getting the **** away u get stunned/rooted, u cant fukin use unbreakable will, cause u know abnother fukin stun is coming and then ur finished.

3. If u also survive the second rape, u can heal a bit, but getting stunned for the second time u MUST use UBW or pop the barrier.


While I don't know about the language, I'd say that it is not too far off. It's very similar to what anyone else who plays a healer goes through though -- except for the scoundrel/operatives who have that stealth and Kolto Cloud//Recuperative Nanotech. (I really wish my Commando/Merc had something that could respond as quickly as that. The delay time for the Merc/Commando equivalent for their mass heal is terrible.)

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Reroll and wait, I mean there is other classes and specs to play.


I am having fun with my other classes, I pay no mind to buffs or nerfs, I play FOR FUN.


But, I am a different breed of a man, a man that don't give a @#%&.


Know what I mean?


If you look at my sig you will see that I already rerolled :rolleyes:


Rolled op after 1.2 but I NEVER enjoyed it as much as my sorc.


I want to play the class where I can have the most fun. Doesn't mean such class is viable. And there's nothing wrong with wanting more than one heal class to be viable.


(Unless of course you play scouperative heals and don't want to follow your own advice LOL)

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Sorcerer is not a good class. Lets just put it this way: no matter how good you are on your Sorcerer, you would be way, way better on other classes, especially on warriors, operative, etc.

I am telling you this as someone who has the Sorcerer for the main and Assassin, Juggernaut, Operative, Sniper, Mercenary for alts. I did have a chance to play a Marauder.

There are so many ways you can lock down the Sorcerer, you do not even have to kill it to disable his/hers team.

Ignore what BioWare designers are telling you. If they knew anything, they would not give us Rated Warzones, then remove it, or give us Season one and then ask for Brainstorming. Those are the same people who said, if you are re-stealthing to use the opener, you are playing above their expectations. They would not say that, in a game where every class has a stun, interrupt "you need to heal to full", or that people are having a perception problems. I ask and challenge them to show us how to play BUT win, not play and lose every game.

Problem comes when a good Sorcerer goes vs not-so-good players and then you have people saying Sorcerer is amazing, from both sides. Those are the same people who will come and say "sorc is good, l2p".

My advice, if you have the time to level and gear another character, go for Operative healer or a Juggernaut (tank/dps) because, I have a feeling, every other class might get a nerf before the Juggernaut and, if played correctly, they are unstoppable. :)

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Hey guys


I have seen some posts about Sorcerer in RWZs and i really dont get any clear answer. Most posts say that Sorc are weak/squishy and **** for rwzs, but some also say that u must play the class properly and will succeed..


But for me as Sorc this rwzs have been like this :


1. 99% the first one to get jumped/attacked and gang raped when the rwz starts.

2. If you survive the first gang bang by getting the **** away u get stunned/rooted, u cant fukin use unbreakable will, cause u know abnother fukin stun is coming and then ur finished.

3. If u also survive the second rape, u can heal a bit, but getting stunned for the second time u MUST use UBW or pop the barrier.


I am not saying that i havent exepirienced good rwzs where i have excelled and been a big asset for my team..but that is like 1 out of 5 or 6 rwzs.


My Q is, IS sorc **** in RWZs, and should i just stop playing this char in RWZs? cause in normal wzs i am very good!but in rwzs i dont have the time to react before i get stunned rooted up my ***.


My second Q is, if sorc are not that bad (for those who thinks that), can any1 come up with a spec/gear or playing style (tip) on how to play in rwzs. I have tried kiting/using LoS as an advantage, but what i have seen is that if u dont have guard as Sorc in rwzs ur fuked pretty much 90% of the times.


And for all u rwz wankers who havent played sorc lvl 55 in rwzs pls **** and keep ur fukin comments to ur self when a sorc heal get gang raped. If u guys have a sorc lvl 55 RWZs, q with me, show me how the **** u guys execell in rwzs and then talk ****..or else **** and dont let sorc heals get the rage just because ur ***** are small!!


i basically agree with your description of how arenas play out as a sage healer, but i think this is how it's supposed to be. If you manage to get to your "level 3" you did well, and if the other team has anything but a scoundrel healer there is a big chance that he didn't and you win the round.


Stuff is supposed to die in arenas, it would be boring if most games went to the stupid gas cloud, so as a healer you will either be controlled or killed when the other team is doing it right.


and honestly i kinda enjoy to constantly fight for my life for like 2 minutes straight, it just sucks if i **** up and die like 20 seconds in

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Thx for all the replys...


After reading a little more on the forum..and tried some more rwzs..i have dicided to reroll..cause that sorcerer is just ****. I love to play that roll, but when u are only getting raped, and putting ur other teammates on a disadvantage i will lay down the ONLY char i actually liked to play, down...!


hate that ****..but that is life..


Hope BW wake up and do something abt it!Cause sorc are the most neglected class atm (and has been for long)!

Edited by Seph-I-Roth
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Thx for all the replys...


After reading a little more on the forum..and tried some more rwzs..i have dicided to reroll..cause that sorcerer is just ****. I love to play that roll, but when u are only getting raped, and putting ur other teammates on a disadvantage i will lay down the ONLY char i actually liked to play, down...!


hate that ****..but that is life..


Hope BW wake up and do something abt it!Cause sorc are the most neglected class atm (and has been for long)!


see your points and experience similar on my healer sor, but they far from worse healer in game. try playing merc healer see how long u last b4 u swap lol.

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see your points and experience similar on my healer sor, but they far from worse healer in game. try playing merc healer see how long u last b4 u swap lol.


Yeah, but u almost never see merc healers in RWZs m8..and that is actually for exact that reason..cause they suck..and maybe thats what we sorc also should do..:)


Its a shame!But a sorcs heal without a tank, plus a well coordinated team will lose more then win!

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Sorcerer is not a good class. Lets just put it this way: no matter how good you are on your Sorcerer, you would be way, way better on other classes, especially on warriors, operative, etc.

I am telling you this as someone who has the Sorcerer for the main and Assassin, Juggernaut, Operative, Sniper, Mercenary for alts. I did have a chance to play a Marauder.

There are so many ways you can lock down the Sorcerer, you do not even have to kill it to disable his/hers team.

Ignore what BioWare designers are telling you. If they knew anything, they would not give us Rated Warzones, then remove it, or give us Season one and then ask for Brainstorming. Those are the same people who said, if you are re-stealthing to use the opener, you are playing above their expectations. They would not say that, in a game where every class has a stun, interrupt "you need to heal to full", or that people are having a perception problems. I ask and challenge them to show us how to play BUT win, not play and lose every game.

Problem comes when a good Sorcerer goes vs not-so-good players and then you have people saying Sorcerer is amazing, from both sides. Those are the same people who will come and say "sorc is good, l2p".

My advice, if you have the time to level and gear another character, go for Operative healer or a Juggernaut (tank/dps) because, I have a feeling, every other class might get a nerf before the Juggernaut and, if played correctly, they are unstoppable. :)


Bolded most important parts.


Especially the part "if youre using vanish reopen you are playing above our expectations".


What kind of s*cumbag developer would say crap like that? I have never ever read something so stupid and it creeps me that its an official dev quote.


Austin, how far have you fallen from the tree?


The vanguard ("perception problems") and the sage (h2f, mtp) shows you are a scumbag. But its ok. You can be a scumbag and still be competent. You are paid to develop and not to be a nice guy. I get it.


But the vanish reopen awnser shows that youre not only a scumbag, youre downright clueless of what you are doing.

Edited by Laforet
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I understand that people get angry with sorc design. While it's very, very, very, very easy to get started, the class is EXTREMELY hard to master.

It has an incredibly steep learning curve and only the best master sorcs will eventually be able to heal to full and make them pay. This learning process takes several years so don't expect to see any master sorcs until 2017.

Edited by Cretinus
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