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Best player of each class!


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whats going on gents, i wasn't going to make a pub list but seeing as though most of the pub legends of my day are gone, save ivan and cielo it seems! god i never want to deal with cielo again. Hey! heres my imp list, opinion based right?!


Sith Juggernaut: caedo, aka cpt squishy aka recently promoted to major squishy

Sith Juggernaut tank: xzander, nobody. xzan is more tanky and honestly nobody should be in the dps slot but the man knows how to gaurd swap when he has to

Sith Marauder: Fay'te,(not saying anything else that might further inflate her ego) i don't have much experience with these other marads ppl are putting up but hey hit me up sometime and i would love to heal for you

Sith Assassin: Rinnegan, my man, he's just solid, i don't ever see the guy have a bad game

Sith Assassin tank: i want to throw zenod in here but i want to put Dizom up for a vote on this one too, guys got chops and i think he can give zenod a run for his money

Sith Sorcerer: really only one guy comes to mind but the proper spelling of his name eludes me at this time so i'm going to rain check this and edit it at a later date

Sith Sorcerer healer: redheaded, damn your aoe heals


Operative: back in my day it was gearedmonkey for this slot but i think he runs heals these days, ziara is solid but i don't have a lot of play time with any other dps ops at this time to compare really

Operative healer: sooo many good ops healers out there, i cant really decide, maybe when you jerks aren't op anymore we'll see who the real winners are lol

Sniper: Dr'venkman, i've been seeing him out shine the rest on a regular basis

Mercenary: do these exist? if you think your name goes here please hit me up in game sometime i got to see this :)

Mercenary healer: so i see these other names you guys put here and i haven't met these guys yet but **** i want to play with you guys to, i feel like a friggin unicorn in this game right now

Powertech: reich, no shut up, it's reich

Powertech tank: reich again, but for real, it's reich

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Sith Assassin: Rinnegan, my man, he's just solid, i don't ever see the guy have a bad game

Sith Assassin tank: i want to throw zenod in here but i want to put Dizom up for a vote on this one too, guys got chops


Noooo way. There are no assassins on this server that would "give me a run for my money" anymore. There was Demelain that, I admit, was better than me and had more experience, but now that he doesn't play as much and especially not on his sin, I think I could win more duels than he would. Our last record was 33 duels back to back, it was 20-13 for him.


Dizom and Huungsolow only play deception from what I've seen.. Rinnegan played all 3 specs and thus he'd be the one I'd vote for #1 since I'm not voting myself :) THOUGH he needs to taunt more. 0 protection games as a sin shouldn't happen.



WTB assassins that want to do duels, first to reach 20 wins is established as "best".



Also Pocket; WORRY NOT FRIEND. I'll take care of Fay'te's ego ;D

Edited by Arkillon
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whats going on gents, i wasn't going to make a pub list but seeing as though most of the pub legends of my day are gone, save ivan and cielo it seems! god i never want to deal with cielo again. Hey! heres my imp list, opinion based right?!


Cielo mainly playing his sorc... named CIelo on POT5.


I feel like to be "best duelist" you need to be consistently good across a variety of classes/specs....that would make sense....right?


I was going to say I was the best Dualist... but I see what you did there.;) Then again I only two boxed for pve.

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Noooo way. There are no assassins on this server that would "give me a run for my money" anymore. There was Demelain that, I admit, was better than me and had more experience, but now that he doesn't play as much and especially not on his sin, I think I could win more duels than he would. Our last record was 33 duels back to back, it was 20-13 for him.


Dizom and Huungsolow only play deception from what I've seen.. Rinnegan played all 3 specs and thus he'd be the one I'd vote for #1 since I'm not voting myself :) THOUGH he needs to taunt more. 0 protection games as a sin shouldn't happen.



WTB assassins that want to do duels, first to reach 20 wins is established as "best".



Also Pocket; WORRY NOT FRIEND. I'll take care of Fay'te's ego ;D


I'm always down to duel Z. I can play other specs as well, but because I am a pretty noob dueler, I usually run deception just because I am most familiar with it. The tank hybrid you ran against me the other night was new to me as the only spec I've messed with close to that is dark maul. I wonder how the maddeception hybrid would fair against that tank hybrid. Anyhow let me know when/if you wanna duel some more, we can set something up. I'm sure other sins would love to duel it out as well...P.S. I by no means think i'm the best sin or even top 5 on the server, really only played it since 2.4 but its been a blast pissing people off in warzones.

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whats going on gents, i wasn't going to make a pub list but seeing as though most of the pub legends of my day are gone, save ivan and cielo it seems! god i never want to deal with cielo again. Hey! heres my imp list, opinion based right?!


On a side not Oleli still plays too but he mainly plays on lowbies or his scoundrel...

Cal from Remnant of Jedi has a toon on this server but was only doing ranked, it stopped popping and I stopped seeing him.

Andov sometimes logs in once every blue moon as long as he is not fighting crime with his mother.

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Ok ill give my two cents. Not gonna do pubside due to time constraints and when I play on my rebels, unless I'm in a premade, I spend more time raging then noticing any individuals. It would be a who fails less list mostly.


Sith Juggernaut: Malrak, Nobody

Sith Juggernaut tank: CVN, Xzander

Sith Marauder: Frequencyz, Tchong

Sith Assassin: Zenoid, Rinn

Sith Assassin tank: ?Lendle?, or any of the better dps sins

Sith Sorcerer: Dr Mo, Shazzam

Sith Sorcerer healer: Fadera


Operative: Swurve, Stand

Operative healer: Sittin-on-toylet(spelling?), Xa'vuy, Lyana

Sniper: Dr. Venkman, Zani

Mercenary: Dominia, Chasso(been gone a while)

Mercenary healer: Donnamite, Draft

Powertech: Rektal, No Retreat

Powertech tank:Gag


I feel like my list is pretty close to many others in this thread. I also admit there are others who could be mentioned, however, these are the individuals I seem to notice the most. I tried to avoid mentioning the same person twice where I could, as I know a few people whom are great on all their classes. I apologize for no pubs, I just couldn't think of many who deserve mentioning outside of my own guild or ID, so I just saved you all the misery of that.

Edited by Bman_p
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Ok ill give my two cents. Not gonna do pubside due to time constraints and when I play on my rebels, unless I'm in a premade, I spend more time raging then noticing any individuals. It would be a who fails less list mostly.


Sith Juggernaut: Malrak, Nobody

Sith Juggernaut tank: CVN, Xander

Sith Marauder: Frequencyz, Tchong

Sith Assassin: Zenoid, Rinn

Sith Assassin tank: ?Lendle?, or any of the better dps sins

Sith Sorcerer: Dr Mo, Shazzam

Sith Sorcerer healer: Fadera


Operative: Swurve, Stand

Operative healer: Sittin-on-toylet(spelling?), Xa'vuy, Lyana

Sniper: Dr. Venkman, Zani

Mercenary: Dominia, Chasso(been gone a while)

Mercenary healer: Donnamite, Draft

Powertech: Rektal, No Retreat

Powertech tank:Gag


I feel like my list is pretty close to many others in this thread. I also admit there are others who could be mentioned, however, these are the individuals I seem to notice the most. I tried to avoid mentioning the same person twice where I could, as I know a few people whom are great on all their classes. I apologize for no pubs, I just couldn't think of many who deserve mentioning outside of my own guild or ID, so I just saved you all the misery of that.


This is close.

Edited by Hellinchaos
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Dps Jugg- Malrak, maliken, on'man'army, mr'miyagi

Tank Jugg- xzander, CNV

Dps merc- Chasso(even if he is hiding atm)

Heal merc- Donnamite, Pocket-healer

Marauder- Frequencyz, Lafayette, Fay'te

Pt tank- Lieghvi ( i think that's how you pronounce it, apologies in advance Laf)

Pt dps- Rektal, Gag, No Retreat, Fotm (jokes)

Sorc heals- Lilu, Thesauce, Deez-nutz, Annabell

Sorc dps- Vengeanc, Dr Mohamed

Sniper- Reaper, Dr'verkman

Op dps- Swurve, Sicari, Stand

Op heals- Obamacare, Evilharisonford, Sasouke, Sittin'om-toylet, Xa'vuy, Kieki

Assasin tank- (do we really have any people playing assassin tank?)

Assasin dps- Zenod, Rinnigan, Huungsolowe

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There are plenty of people on this server that think that they're amazing players but will never do ranked because they don't want to lose their raging reg pvp epeen stiffy. Most people on this server would rather live in their own fantasy world where reg pvp is the ultimate test of skill and since their 4 man premade can dominate then that makes them the best. They feel that they don't have to play with anyone who's actually good because they already know they're the best because regs said so.


If they have done ranked pvp its either Yolo queue, which only comes down to who has less deadweight to pull on their team (and nothing else) or kickball 4s which, while they require more skill than yolo queue, is still not as difficult as going against a different guild (because kickball is all about making the teams "even" and just getting your comms)


Either way VERY few people on this server participate in any form of ranked because they just want to believe that they're the best and that no one can possibly have more talent or better coordination in pvp than they do. No one actually wants the truth on this server and because of that, no ranked happens.


Also, before you start typing "but PTs and Marauders are overpowered! It's all about what comp you run" every comp has its counter but you either don't want to try and find it or if you ran a mirror comp you're players are just worse than the enemies. If you look outside the small pool of ranked on this server you see that on PoT5 and The Bastion a lot of teams don't run AP or smash because enemy teams have learned how to play against it. Personally I've gone 13-1 with quad gunnery commando (and not all against push over teams) so strategy, execution and player skill > team composition.


If you want to see how good you actually are whisper anyone in Mexican Cleaning Ladies, Tae's guild, or lnfinite Darkness (its a lowercase "L" not an i) on Pub side or Cheesecakes or KFT on the Imperial side.



To echo what Entity said I do think a lot of players mentioned cannot be considered best player without doing ranked. This is especially true for delusional players who seek attention on the forums despite having failed and ranked proving them they are not of equal caliber. Not trying to point any fingers but look at this guy:




If a player can be considered best player while losing 2/3 ranked solo games (not even gonna mention his grouped ranking) there is clearly something wrong with the perception of "best". Despite this there are plenty of great players without great rankings (harrison, frequencyz, tchong/rektal, faddy, hung to name a few) due to the lack of teams queuing.


And that ranking is without playing against the KFT squad that retired so many people to resort to the forums for reassurance of their "skill". The best players have gotten to their level because THEY DO NOT QUIT. Infinite Darkness queued pub side against us for close to 15 games. They were hands down the toughest team by a mile because they have enough maturity to not cry about losing and make excuses about composition and try to learn and adapt like sapient functioning adults.


TL;DR: The Group Ranked leaderboards speak louder than any of us here and the only way to tell who is the best is through queueing up fours.

Edited by Hellinchaos
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To echo what Entity said I do think a lot of players mentioned cannot be considered best player without doing ranked. This is especially true for delusional players who seek attention on the forums despite having failed and ranked proving them they are not of equal caliber. Not trying to point any fingers but look at this guy:




If a player can be considered best player while losing 2/3 ranked solo games (not even gonna mention his grouped ranking) there is clearly something wrong with the perception of "best". Despite this there areplenty of great players without great rankings (harrison, frequencyz, tchong/rektal, faddy to name a few) due to the lack of consistent ranked pops.


And that is without playing against the KFT squad that retired so many people to resort to the forums for reassurance of their "skill". The best players have gotten to their level because THEY DO NOT QUIT. Infinite Darkness queued pub side against us for close to 15 games. They were hands down the toughest team by a mile because they have enough maturity to not cry about losing and make excuses about composition and try to learn and adapt like sapient functioning adults.


TL;DR: The Group Ranked leader-boards speak louder than any of us here and the only way to tell who is the best is through queueing up fours.


well by that logic im the best jugg on the server because i have the highest group ranked rating of all juggs, but we all know im not the best ;)


in all seriousness though, its true kft arena team lulrolled a lot of people, but its not exactly fair to say ranked arenas is the deciding factor on who is the best.

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well by that logic im the best jugg on the server because i have the highest group ranked rating of all juggs, but we all know im not the best ;)


in all seriousness though, its true kft arena team lulrolled a lot of people, but its not exactly fair to say ranked arenas is the deciding factor on who is the best.


Based on my experiences my hypothesis is because of the depth chart of KFT and amount of alts we have. Thus class and composition are less of a variable in determining of "best" player. I speculate that some "skill" in pvp is developed by playing multiple classes and understanding the counters to each specific class. Because of this factor, many players would be considered "best" across multiple toons. I would easily do (and have done) 3 good madness sorcs and am op healer and pit them against this server.


This is further supplemented and by Entity's post:


Personally I've gone 13-1 with quad gunnery commando (and not all against push over teams) so strategy, execution and player skill > team composition.
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To echo what Entity said I do think a lot of players mentioned cannot be considered best player without doing ranked. This is especially true for delusional players who seek attention on the forums despite having failed and ranked proving them they are not of equal caliber. Not trying to point any fingers but look at this guy:


Makes no sense, so according to you a team based format is the best way to decide who the best individual players are?


P.S. KFT didn't do much ranked before 2.5, like when ID or Physics were around.

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Makes no sense, so according to you a team based format is the best way to decide who the best individual players are?


P.S. KFT didn't do much ranked before 2.5, like when ID or Physics were around.


Your logical fallacy exists in that individual skill is directly correlated with best player. However, the designers of the game developed combat around group team play. Thus, skill performance is more correlated to how an individual contributes to the effort of a team, not how well he is by oneself. This reflected in the inherent mechanics of the game.


For example, I rarely run into marauders on ranked games who rotate off their target to obfuscate an enemy ravaging.


The best player makes others around him better.A player who can play his own class well might be a 7/10 player in a group, but a 8/10 solo. But a player that can not only play his class well, but understands the enemies class, can adjust the rotation accordingly and can best the entire enemy team at their own classes is the best player.


I've only seen this ability in about ~ 5 players on this server.


P.S. Some of our ranked players came from or did ranked with those guilds...

Edited by Hellinchaos
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this thread makes me laugh hard, ty guys.


btw, anyone know who the level 52 scoundrel on pub side is who named his character "Ravinder" with the legacy name "Sucks". I don't care too much about not having the name anymore but I'd just like to know who envied me enough to do it.

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this thread makes me laugh hard, ty guys.


btw, anyone know who the level 52 scoundrel on pub side is who named his character "Ravinder" with the legacy name "Sucks". I don't care too much about not having the name anymore but I'd just like to know who envied me enough to do it.


Well theres a familiar face

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Aww man :D! I made an awesome recap of the last few pages but a mod removed it :'( It involved 'Comments that are sexual or vulgar in nature are considered inappropriate for the forums.' so that's what everyone here is missing out on :(
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Aww man :D! I made an awesome recap of the last few pages but a mod removed it :'( It involved 'Comments that are sexual or vulgar in nature are considered inappropriate for the forums.' so that's what everyone here is missing out on :(


It was a great recap too...Summed up what makes this thread so entertaining.





I'm jelly of ravinder because he has an obsessive fan... :(

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this thread makes me laugh hard, ty guys.


btw, anyone know who the level 52 scoundrel on pub side is who named his character "Ravinder" with the legacy name "Sucks". I don't care too much about not having the name anymore but I'd just like to know who envied me enough to do it.


That's me legacy name doesn't apply to that character. Number 1 fanboy so had to take the name when you left.

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