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Best player of each class!


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Guardian DPS: Radiance


Guardian tank: Talionis


Sentinel: Tisci


Shadow DPS: Effort


Shadow tank: None


Sage DPS: Charlie's sage


Sage Healer: ?


Scoundrel DPS: Entity


Scoundrel healer: Entity


Gunslinger: Calem (BY SO MUCH)


Commando DPS: Zachariah


Commando healer: Donna


Vanguard DPS: Finish or Stormrayne (lol didn't even change)


Vanguard tank: ?






Juggernaut DPS: Magikarp or Gooboo


Juggernaut tank: Pvesucks and Sudatzo


Marauder: Asuna or Maureena


Assassin DPS: Zenod and Iscariot


Assassin tank: Zenod


Sorcerer DPS: Abalam


Sorcerer healer: Lexi or Poison


Operative DPS: Sicari


Operative healer: Xa'vuy


Sniper: Dr'venkman


Mercenary DPS: Chasso


Mercenary healer: Bunny


Powertech DPS: Jalgo


Powertech tank: Benzos


Updated September 18th, 2014

Edited by Arkillon
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Template to encourage people to post their opinions (come on ***)


Jedi Guardian:

Jedi Guardian tank:

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Jedi Shadow tank:

Jedi Sage:

Jedi Sage healer:



Scoundrel healer:



Commando healer:


Vanguard tank:


Sith Juggernaut:

Sith Juggernaut tank:

Sith Marauder:

Sith Assassin:

Sith Assassin tank:

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Sith Sorcerer healer:



Operative healer:



Mercenary healer:


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Taesty-Cakes is a Sentinel.


Also you have some people up there that are no longer on Shadowlands or perhaps I just have not seen them in a long time. Calem has been quits for a while. Don't think Donna has touched the sorc in a while. etc etc


i really miss Calem :/ he was one freaking pain, but i can't think of other gunslingers.. same thing for sorcs, i don't remember any that caught my attention, i'd have to pvp some more and pay attention, some are "good players" but not "the best of the class"... but yeah you're right bell isn't ever on unless i ask, i'll edit it



ALSO this isn't representative ffs, please post what you think

Edited by Arkillon
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tbh I think your post is totally representative of pvp .. like .. a year ago ... lololol. This is what happens when you leave and come back Zenod ! You get to learn everybody all over again. Don't feel bad I stopped pvping for a few months. So i'm learning which Red Names to run away from all over again.


P.S. I also miss Calem/Patches/Lokio. He was the best. Amazing at everything he did and always patient enough to explain or break down anything to anybody. I miss all my Tranquility/Serenity pvp friends :(

Edited by Zalindae
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tbh I think your post is totally representative of pvp .. like .. a year ago ... lololol. This is what happens when you leave and come back Zenod ! You get to learn everybody all over again. Don't feel bad I stopped pvping for a few months. So i'm learning which Red Names to run away from all over again.


hey ID still queues often on pub side :o Xega still plays, so does Donna, Maliken, Sorshia, Civilie, Visas and everyone I named! I've played with Rinnegan like two days ago, or three, etc etc :(



And I forgot to name One'man'army, but that dude's pretty darn good on more than one toon

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Haven't seen Entity in ages and ID left their best by far on PoT5. We just get the scraps >< <3 you guys anyway .. well most of ya, you know who you are :p Sadly, ID leftovers are still competitive vs most of our server.


Tae, som and viper have pub alts on shadowlands, their mains are on pot5 :p entity plays like everyday, i queued with him yesterday :) (he queues a lot with KFT, he was on his commando Ntityy)

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Haven't seen Entity in ages and ID left their best by far on PoT5. We just get the scraps >< <3 you guys anyway .. well most of ya, you know who you are :p Sadly, ID leftovers are still competitive vs most of our server.


Huh? There are no ID leftovers. It's just our Shadowlands pub alts. All imp mains are on Pot5.


There are also some new guys we picked up on Shadowlands pub side because we don't have enough alts here to Q 4s consistently.

Edited by ParagonAX
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I'm gonna make this easy on y'all imp pvers.


Mercs- me and Krastin.

Marauders- Ranick

Operatives- no comment

Sorcerer- Ryz

Sniper- reaper

Ptech- Lorm

Assassin- me

Jugg- Toddy






I'd have to say Reaper would be the #1 sniper on our server atm, I never see Dakis pvp

also you lose credibility when you nominate yourself and your guildmates /sigh

silly pvers

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who would be your pub side best players?


Are you always this snarky?


My time on pub side is limited, but I do know some good players from over there.


Ayita (I believe her scoundrel is on pot5 though)

Tae (first player, in this game, who I came across that made me sit back and say "they know what they doin". That was like a year and a half ago.)


There's a bunch of people in this game who I respect and would ask for help. Yes most of them are in my guild, but that shouldnt lessen their credibility when I mention them. HMD has a lot of good players and for each advanced class, we have atleast one person who has mastered it. We strive for excellence, but we don't harp on each other about it. What we have, came naturally. So you can say what you want about me and my guild, I won't care, because I know who I am and I know who my guild is; knowing who and what we are is enough for me, y'all's approval and respect matters little in the grand scheme of things. :)


I guess I'll start writing down the names of people who impress me, it's the least I can do for those good players who aren't in HMD.


Thank you

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Are you always this snarky?


My time on pub side is limited, but I do know some good players from over there.


Ayita (I believe her scoundrel is on pot5 though)

Tae (first player, in this game, who I came across that made me sit back and say "they know what they doin". That was like a year and a half ago.)


There's a bunch of people in this game who I respect and would ask for help. Yes most of them are in my guild, but that shouldnt lessen their credibility when I mention them. HMD has a lot of good players and for each advanced class, we have atleast one person who has mastered it. We strive for excellence, but we don't harp on each other about it. What we have, came naturally. So you can say what you want about me and my guild, I won't care, because I know who I am and I know who my guild is; knowing who and what we are is enough for me, y'all's approval and respect matters little in the grand scheme of things. :)


I guess I'll start writing down the names of people who impress me, it's the least I can do for those good players who aren't in HMD.


Thank you



First things first, I'm sorry if I offended you, this thread isn't aiming at insulting people or anything like that, it's opinion based and that's all there is to it... Also, I'm a sarcastic person by nature, sorry :/ and english isn't my first language, it's not the first time I accidentally offend someone just by saying in english what I'm thinking in another language (it often comes out at rude) I had a lot of problems dealing with guildmates who thought I was being rude on purpose when I just couldn't find a way to properly translate something so I'd just say it literally and a lot of players didn't take it well, heh.


I only dislike one person in your guild (long story short, kicked her from a guild I had made and she disliked why) and that's all, I don't go around bad-mouthing hmd, since I like a couple players in there, it's really just one person I can't stand, and it's between me and her (or so I thought). The reason why I frown upon naming guildmates in every spot is because the first attempt of this thread ended up in people only naming their guildmates and it became old quickly.



Also, I have a .txt of players who impress me and what faction/guild/class they are :p it started with Jackdanials (from Infinite Darkness) a WHILE ago when the first server merges happened, my first civil war on corellian run and he did 650k damage, I had NEVER seen damage over 300k on my old server, since we had one or two warzones popping a night at peak times, and that's about it.

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