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Why force players to subscribe when they still have gametime?


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"It's standard practice" is no justification for something unethical.


This is nothing but corporate greed. The purpose of this practice is to take advantage of people who forget to cancel subscriptions, and I definitely am one of those people. I had Wow subscriptions on for 6 months after I had stopped playing.


If SWTOR has 2 millions players today, and assuming a 10% attrition at the end of free game-time and 10% of those forgetting to cancel the subscription, that makes 20,000 * 15 = $300.000 of free money for EA, i.e. money earned without any service provided.


Why would Bioware assume that I will subscribe after 1 month that they would require credit card information in advance? I will subscribe after 30 days if I want to.


I am a contrarian, I hate people who assume stuff about me and I often go out of my way to prove them wrong. :)


Besides Trion's database was breached today, and credit card information possibly stolen. Six months down the line if this happens to EA, it is unfair for people who never played after free game time, they never really needed to provide credit card information in the first place.

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Simply put.


Marketing strategy to "CLOSE THE SALE"


that's all it is.


We're all consumers, you have to remember that. Even the salesman are consumers.(EA BW Suits are consumers too.) It's all about how you feel about the tactics being used on you to close you.


This method is normal. A large percentage will forget about the credit card being entered and the company will make bank off of those people too. They know it!

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The way SWTOR is currently set up.. you can't even log in to use your FREE gametime without first subscribing... what the heck?



Once you and those like you, in this thread, gather some maturity and world experience you'll know that this has been the way of Internet games since at least 2004, when I started to play EQ.


You are not subscribing, you are entering required information for your account which you are creating. Once the CC or Game Card is charged, then and only then are you subscribing; money has changed hands, a commitment has been made, a contract has been entered into, you have subscribed.

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The only MMO's that are not set up this way, are Free to Play ones. Other then that every MMO out there with a subscription cost, requires a CC up front.


So unless you can come up with an example of a P2P MMO that didn't, then what he said is true.


Yeah, the all might "WoW", which I didn't like enough to play for more than 3-4 month. I don't know if it has changed since a couple of years ago, but when I started playing it, only...


  • Downloaded the free trial
  • Payed for additional time when the trial was up using a game card


I never had to setup a payment plan of any kind to play that game. And have played other games like that as well. Granted some of them are currently F2P (they weren't at the time I started playing them) but that does not remove the fact that, even if those games are F2P:


Things have NOT "Always" been this way.


This just a "standard" practice that has slowly crept in because people placidly accept it without doing or saying anything about it and ...


Let bioware walk all over you more.


...or whatever company name may apply.

Edited by VisionStorm
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Here's how it works.


1) you make an account, register a 60 day playtime card, you actually get 90 days since it's 30 days free. Your original 60 day doesn't start until the 30 FREE DAYS are over.


2) Register a Visa, set it at monthly occuring subscription, your card will not be billed for 30 days since YOU GET 30 DAYS FREE!




Stop saying its a rip off, cause its not.


Bolded for dramatic effect.

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Yeah, the all might "WoW", which I didn't like enough to play for more than 3-4 month. I don't know if it has changed since a couple of years ago, but when I started playing it, only...


  • Downloaded the free trial
  • Payed for additional time when the trial was up using a game card


This is the selective memory that the guy was talking about earlier. It's never been like that for WoW. A) you can't just pay for time after playing the free trial. You need to buy the game. B.) You need to set up a subscription before playing your free 30 days from buying the original version of the game.


And the pay before you play, even for free days has been like that since at least 1998 when I started playing Dragonrealms on the web after it moved from AOL. It's still like that https://www.play.net/dr/signup/home.asp amusingly enough this is the same company that made the Hero Engine.

Edited by Dasffion
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"It's standard practice" is no justification for something unethical.



I can accept some people don't agree with the need to register a payment method, it wouldn't bother me either way on if one was or wasn't needed.


However just because you don't like something doesn't make it unethical.


How is there any form of scam or lack of ethics involved? You're not being charged extra for your included game time.

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"Once you and those like you, in this thread, gather some maturity and world experience you'll know that this has been the way of Internet games since at least 2004, when I started to play EQ."


So your point is, when you grow up, you will realize being pushed around is a fact of life. The strong will take advantage of the weak and make the rules for you, so do not bother to protest but comply even if it makes no sense.


Great advice!! for the kids. :)


IMO, "It's standard practice" does not justify something unethical.

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Once you and those like you, in this thread, gather some maturity and world experience you'll know that this has been the way of Internet games since at least 2004, when I started to play EQ.


You are not subscribing, you are entering required information for your account which you are creating. Once the CC or Game Card is charged, then and only then are you subscribing; money has changed hands, a commitment has been made, a contract has been entered into, you have subscribed.


Except that information is not "required" if you're using a game card, but you have to pay money upfront to buy one (unless you steal one which could be possible). So this fabled "requirement" of CC information to confirm your identy doesn't float, and unless you steal your game card you have to pay money upfront to have one.


So people's arguments on the other side of the issue are completely valid. You refusing to see that says nothing bout our maturity level.


And I repeat, NO it has not always been this way (I tried WoW after 2004 and didnt have to go through any of this) and always being this way is no justification for it.

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1)Activate subscription with billing info

2) Cancel your sub and remove billing info

3) Play your free 30 days


...what in the world is so difficult in that?



Me, I dont use credit card online, I bank transfer cash to Paypal and use my paypal account to sub.

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If you don't like "Because everyone else does" how about "Because it was on the game box" and "because it's been on the FAQs"?


Once again you're not committing to anything you're just proving that you have a valid form of payment, something that has been stated will be required to play for awhile.


For those of you who don't like this or don't understand it I suggest you go play F2P games or Single player games because P2P games are not for you.


it says it is required to play the game yes. It is a subbed based game. However forcing commitment before you even begin your free trial is a shady practice in itself. Yes they want a form of payment for when your free days end. But they can just as easily not let you play until you put in your sub info afterwards. They are not going to lose any subs money by doing this. People aren't accidently going to get free time when they should be subbing.


Vice versa, people who dont want to continue could forget to unsub thinking they are on free, or thinking if paid by paypal that its already deducted so its a sink.

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Downloaded the free trial


You played a free trial, which is a whole different thing. When I started playing WoW it required that I put in my CC. This was back around the first expansion.


Things have NOT "Always" been this way.


Yes they have. UO did it, EQ did it, CoH did it, WoW did it, AoC did it, AC did it...

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This is the selective memory that the guy was talking about earlier. It's never been like that for WoW. A) you can't just pay for time after playing the free trial. You need to buy the game. B.) You need to set up a subscription before playing your free 30 days from buying the original version of the game.


And the pay before you play, even for free days has been like that since at least 1998 when I started playing Dragonrealms on the web after it moved from AOL. It's still like that https://www.play.net/dr/signup/home.asp amusingly enough this is the same company that made the Hero Engine.


Yeah, I forgot about buying the game box and having to wait for the install on top of my original trial install (which took way longer for some reason), but I'm 100% certain about the never setting up a subscription plan. I know this for a fact because I did not own a credit card or have a paypal account at the time.


The only possible way I could have played the game was with a game card, and if I had to set up a game card on top of paying for the game box I would have remembered. Becuase I would have been raging about it as much, or perhaps even more than I am now, considering it would have been newer to me then.

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it says it is required to play the game yes. It is a subbed based game. However forcing commitment before you even begin your free trial is a shady practice in itself. Yes they want a form of payment for when your free days end. But they can just as easily not let you play until you put in your sub info afterwards. They are not going to lose any subs money by doing this. People aren't accidently going to get free time when they should be subbing.


Vice versa, people who dont want to continue could forget to unsub thinking they are on free, or thinking if paid by paypal that its already deducted so its a sink.


Everybody does it, you're mistaking first month free with free trial.


first month free requires purchase, free trial doesnt. if you want free trial, come back in a year or two.


Fact is...tenth of the box was covered with capital size letters saying "REQUIRES ACTIVE SUBSCRIPTION TO PLAY" if you didnt understand what that ment, you have your own inexperience to blame.

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You played a free trial, which is a whole different thing. When I started playing WoW it required that I put in my CC. This was back around the first expansion.




Yes they have. UO did it, EQ did it, CoH did it, WoW did it, AoC did it, AC did it...


I didnt have to? i played around launch too.

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either your trolling or your memory are failing you!



Icant say anything about DDO or Fallen Earth becuse i only played the trials there!

ST:O and Final Fantasy online and SWTOR are the only mmorpg that do it like this!

that im aware of and trust me i bought and played alot of mmorpgs!


Rifts own customer support site proves you are a liar. https://trionworlds.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/489/kw/30%20days%20free

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Hahaha a garbage post has 18 pages of responses. There are more interesting (and actually factual) posts out there that have garnered less attention. GG Interwebs.


I would suggest returning the game if you feel like you've been cheated. I totally know you won't though, because this is a dumb complaint.

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Free game client download trials are not the same as 30 day free with sub. Swtor currently doesn't have a game trial download. Also every game i have played since 2004 works the same way as swtor. Have your parents help if you guys are having trouble.
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