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Dear BW...Feel Free To Hop On The Open PVP Wagon!


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More and more...open pvp events are getting organized by players. Shouldn't that tell you something;) Instead of making the likes of the Bounty event for PVE only.....why not implement faction controlled outposts on every planet to control and be rewarded. Your engine can handle 50 players duking it out in one spot...I seen it a few times this year. If you have an outpost on each planet, you just created anti-zerg carrots. Therefore, the 'engine' excuse is only a lazy excuse.


I see a lot of pvpers sitting at the pvp kiosks on capital ships these days bored! Make war and send us out in the open please. And we will forget about your lazy attempts with Gree and Ilum.


And no worries, we will still que up to your WoW model in between.


Is it to late to scrap the EvE thing in the next expansion?:p Who the hellz gave you that idea? Oh right...all the threads that demanded space pvp in the last couple years *sarcasm*.

Edited by Josewales
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The game engine can't handle it. This is a dead horse.


Yes it can...



Aside for the above I can't say I care about OWPVP... It needs to be done really good to make me care for it. Like attacking the enemy fleet.


Up to then WZ's are still better, just give us more of them and better done ones if possible (VS is crap **** because of how doors work).

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The game engine can't handle it. This is a dead horse.


It can handle 20v20 in the open world. It cant handle 100v100, which I highly doubt would even be common given the games current population.


There are plenty of ways that they could create some owPvP, either instanced or truly open, but they have no interest in pursuing them. Its sad; this game has so much potential and the devs seem to constantly be going in the opposite direction.

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For all the people that love World PvP I am curious did you play GW2?


What did you think of that model? Did you enjoy?


Is that what you would like SWTOR do? Also how do you alleviate the issues that world pvp seems to have? Also were you around for Ilum at launch and what did you think of that?

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The game engine can't handle it. This is a dead horse.


It doesn't have to be a full open world event to add some fun to the wait. Just something as simple as being able to duel while waiting would be an improvement.


The main reason I hang around fleet is because of the PvP vendors and mission terminals. Put those in the outlaws den and we can fight while we wait for warzones to pop.


Even better add comm drops for fights in the outlaws den so that people can get comms without warzones. Have them gain like XP after each player kill. It doesn't equate to full OW pvp but it would give us something worthwhile to do while waiting in the queue.

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For all the people that love World PvP I am curious did you play GW2?


What did you think of that model? Did you enjoy?


Is that what you would like SWTOR do? Also how do you alleviate the issues that world pvp seems to have? Also were you around for Ilum at launch and what did you think of that?


GW2 owpvp was awesome. I'd love that in swtor.


As for the "issues" I couldn't care less. In OWPVP even if my server is getting facerolled I still just sneak around looking for random kills. It's a load of fun.

Edited by JP_Legatus
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More and more...open pvp events are getting organized by players. Shouldn't that tell you something;) Instead of making the likes of the Bounty event for PVE only.....why not implement faction controlled outposts on every planet to control and be rewarded. Your engine can handle 50 players duking it out in one spot...I seen it a few times this year. If you have an outpost on each planet, you just created anti-zerg carrots. Therefore, the 'engine' excuse is only a lazy excuse.


I see a lot of pvpers sitting at the pvp kiosks on capital ships these days bored! Make war and send us out in the open please. And we will forget about your lazy attempts with Gree and Ilum.


And no worries, we will still que up to your WoW model in between.


Is it to late to scrap the EvE thing in the next expansion?:p Who the hellz gave you that idea? Oh right...all the threads that demanded space pvp in the last couple years *sarcasm*.


The bounty event is very popular.


I agree with you in a way though. One of the coolest parts about WoW was being about to take a full raid into the other factions capital. Can't do that with the fleets.

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For all the people that love World PvP I am curious did you play GW2?


What did you think of that model? Did you enjoy?


Is that what you would like SWTOR do? Also how do you alleviate the issues that world pvp seems to have? Also were you around for Ilum at launch and what did you think of that?


It was ok but it kept turning into a big ranged fest. Melee tend to be forced into a pull gank roll in these situations as there isn't much else they can do.

Edited by JackNader
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For all the people that love World PvP I am curious did you play GW2?


What did you think of that model? Did you enjoy?


Is that what you would like SWTOR do? Also how do you alleviate the issues that world pvp seems to have? Also were you around for Ilum at launch and what did you think of that?


I tried one of the free weekends they had. Didn't even make it to Sunday afternoon. It makes the two major mistakes that you can have with Open World PvP:

1) Faction Imbalance. In a big enough battle, numbers always win. But wait, GW2 has three sides so the two smaller sides can gang up on the bigger one, right? Wrong; the two larger sides invariably gang up on the smallest one for easier kills and XP. It's a joke.

2) Time to action versus time to death. Run around for five minutes looking for a fight, die in ten seconds.

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Ah, all these new players that never got to see Ilum and all the player backlash.


No, they've tried open pvp, they even tried redoing it- it's been a huge waste of time and resources, and the playerbase hated it. Not that open world pvp can't be good- but BW sure can't do it well.

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We need open world pvp it is a MUST in end game content sure warzones are nice but they dont have the fun factor of the unknown that you find in open world it is very easy to do tough just do it instanced so the server can handle it like max 50 players or so per zone, on every diferent planet and then by capturing some outposts later you could get republic or empire controll on that said planet giving bonus to the players on it like 5% XP or something else, and if a faction controlls the entire galaxy then they gain something else for example that would incentivate both factions to figth for controll and all players should get an instant noticce and pop to teleport to a planet that is beeing attacked, that would also fix the timmings for when players would meet etc... this is just an idea tough but we need something to make us feel the fight between the empire and the republic.
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Quite serious the engine isn't capable of handling larger fights. On my server we had open pvp regularly on oricon in the last month. It usually turned out to be a lag fest. And even the small scale thing we caused last sunday in section X (we just wanted to kill Dreadtooth but an Imp group was there before, so flagged us for PVP and trying to engage them to ninja the kill :p... it then escalated quite a bit :)) turned out to be an uber lag fest and we were like only 20 something on our side when the heat was rising. Also it really isn't as fun as people think i would be, since no matter how skilled your group is the side that has more players on will most likely win. Yeah and melee you have to be very selective about your targets.

It can be fun, but somehow it is more fun if it is the players doing it anyway and seriously doubt BW wants to expose the weakness of the games engine so obviously in doing an official event. If you have OPVP a lot depends on the community on your server, this stuff can be readily be organized if you enough people want to.

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Having 6 or more pvp objective outposts at once on different planets gives laggers a choice to pvp in less traffic...there should always be at least one outpost that is left unattended or a few players hanging around. And concerning pop imbalance, same thing. Just better organization on the underdog. Plus make npcs part of the objectives to stall any kind of quick hopscotch....and still need to use our ships to travel between.


I seen almost every pvp mmo out there since 2K. One thing that didnt work for the likes of Warhammer...was how easy it was to spawn and within a few seconds be back with the zerg. All that did was feed the zerg monster and create lazy pvpers. Now if one consider's Daoc...it took time to coordinate and go on the offensive. Therefore many brought their 'A' game since it was a bit of work to get to the pvp...and in turn a much better experience. Point is...it's all in the carrots. If we need to spread out the players due to engine troubles or pop imbalance...then set up the carrots properly. And that takes effort on BW's part! It will work and if there are rewards, we will show up either way loving it or hating it. And for us old skool pvpers...we will love it! Unpredictable pvp & an actual War....gob gob!


Hell I would ask for a planet strictly for this model....but that is asking BW to much:P

Edited by Josewales
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.....why not implement faction controlled outposts on every planet to control and be rewarded. Your engine can handle 50 players duking it out in one spot...I seen it a few times this year. If you have an outpost on each planet, you just created anti-zerg carrots. Therefore, the 'engine' excuse is only a lazy excuse.


Yes, this would be awesome! Sounds like you played SWG. ;) The faction bases were a lot of fun to capture and hold. The longer it was held the better the rewards. The GCW(Galactic Civil War) bases were also a lot of fun. SWG also had player faction bases that could be captured and destroyed for benefits. But unfortunately SWTOR doesn't have player housing, so that would never be a possibility. SWG had an awesome open world PvP setup.


For all the people that love World PvP I am curious did you play GW2?


What did you think of that model? Did you enjoy?


Is that what you would like SWTOR do? Also how do you alleviate the issues that world pvp seems to have? Also were you around for Ilum at launch and what did you think of that?


I never played GW2.


Ilum was actually a lot of fun at launch. Yes, there was tons of lag issues when large groups formed up for battles. But it was the most PvP fun I've had in the game so far. When I'm not doing warzones I'm usually hunting for Imps on Oricon, the Den, and Ilum when it's active. The Den would be fun if more people would show up more often. I'm there almost every night btw. ;)


Warzones are just crap. There's really nothing nice I can say about the warzones. They're just plain boring. It's the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over ad nauseum. If it wasn't for the gear I would only play them when I was in the mood, which would probably be hardly ever. Maybe 2 or 3 times a month at the most.

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Yes, this would be awesome! Sounds like you played SWG. ;) The faction bases were a lot of fun to capture and hold. The longer it was held the better the rewards. The GCW(Galactic Civil War) bases were also a lot of fun. SWG also had player faction bases that could be captured and destroyed for benefits. But unfortunately SWTOR doesn't have player housing, so that would never be a possibility. SWG had an awesome open world PvP setup.


Yep SWG was awesome until Sony borked it up. I remember rolling into SWG the first year of launch....and while watching 'Yahoo Chat' dancers, a cantina brawl broke out. The domino flag effect had almost everyone having fun. That is when I got hooked. The base raids was a blast also...very political and some feelings got hurt. But who cared. Also love hunting down rep farmers also with my CM/Rfileman:) Always something different to do in that game....just like all old skools. And none resembled each other and they all worked! Now all we are forced to play WoW clones for new gens....and miss the old ways. Excuse me while I wipe a tear from my eye.

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Yep SWG was awesome until Sony borked it up. I remember rolling into SWG the first year of launch....and while watching 'Yahoo Chat' dancers, a cantina brawl broke out. The domino flag effect had almost everyone having fun. That is when I got hooked. The base raids was a blast also...very political and some feelings got hurt. But who cared. Also love hunting down rep farmers also with my CM/Rfileman:) Always something different to do in that game....just like all old skools. And none resembled each other and they all worked! Now all we are forced to play WoW clones for new gens....and miss the old ways. Excuse me while I wipe a tear from my eye.


Hehe, yep. And not meaning to stray of topic, but having a player bounty hunter on your tail chasing you across the galaxy, whether you were flagged for PvP or not, was nothing short of exciting. I always enjoyed being out in the middle of nowhere on the map, and then seeing this blue dot on the map coming towards me, knowing that it could only be a bounty hunter. How hard would it be to put something like that into SWTOR? I wouldn't think it would be that difficult.

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Hehe, yep. And not meaning to stray of topic, but having a player bounty hunter on your tail chasing you across the galaxy, whether you were flagged for PvP or not, was nothing short of exciting. I always enjoyed being out in the middle of nowhere on the map, and then seeing this blue dot on the map coming towards me, knowing that it could only be a bounty hunter. How hard would it be to put something like that into SWTOR? I wouldn't think it would be that difficult.


Too many instances and friendly only zones.

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