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So why is there romance in this game?


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Just going to ask the obvious question because I've never understood it. I've heard a bunch about "immersion" and depth to the story, but am I the only one who finds it all creepy?


I can even see two people meeting online in the game and going on to get married or whatever, but that's two real people. Romancing an NPC? I'm sorry, but there is something very weird about that. If it's a loneliness issue, it's time to get out of the house. "Immersion" might fly more if the story was more adaptable such as the KOTORs, but it's not. It's scripted, and you pretty much follow it as it's laid out. Sure, there's light and dark dialogue options, but the story lines for the classes end the same way no matter what. Granted I've never understood people reading romance novels either because that's something you ought to be finding in the real world not in fiction, but in a video game where there are actual live people you can meet, and which is centered around killing and destroying things, it makes even less sense.


What exactly is it people take away from scoring with their NPC?

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Take out this game's story and it doesn't have much else to go on compared to other mmos, it's the only thing that keeps it distinctively different, it's going to be the main focus point when this game is advertised.


I don't understand the way you say it's scripted... of course it is? that's like saying whats the point in playing call of duty's campaign if its scripted? or why play any games campaign/storyline for that matter. It doesn't matter how much diversion there is as it's all still scripted, laid out for you to follow that path.


" Romancing an NPC? I'm sorry, but there is something very weird about that. If it's a loneliness issue, it's time to get out of the house."


It depends how you play your character, I don't tend to create characters based on "myself" but what I would like a sith warrior or whatever to be like.

Edited by Onyxus
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Spot on example of part of modern society:


Violence, killing, torture - cool, mature, fun etc.

Romance, flirting, sex - creepy, perverse etc.

Pretty much. Genocide-grade mountains of dead bodies that a typical character leaves by the time they reach 55 doesn't seem to imply that the player is a sad, lonely, cruel puppy-torturer.


OP, mature people don't go "Ewww, gross, u must b sad n lolny if u like that lol, get out more, lol", when they see kissing in a Thor movie. Romance is part of the narrative, storytelling, character development, whatever. Why can't it be part of a comprehensive storytelling of SWToR? Don't like it, avoid it - the story is yours to shape. It's a Bioware game, after all.

Edited by Helig
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Because in this, like in Thor movies, it seems superfluous and meant to give fatsos something to bonerize over


Seriously, it's not all about you.

That said, the romance options make a certain amount of sense, especially since romance and/or flirting have played pivotal roles in virtually every Star Wars movie so far. NPC romance is not really my cup of tea and all, but i fully endorse its inclusion for those who want it. After all, it's not like you're required to flirt or reciprocate NPC flirting. Now some of my (not actually fat at all) friends do get their "lady boners" over romantic options in games and that's fine with me. i'm not insisting that they shouldn't be there just because i don't get into it.


Just like i love having my Inquisitor run around helping everyone she can and being an all around ray of sunshine whenever possible. Could never be a Jedi, is far too in touch with her emotions and empathy. Refuses to give in to negative emotions and is saddened that the only two acceptable paths of Force wielding in most of the galaxy are Angry Sour McGrumpy-**** and Aloof Happiness-denier-pants. Seriously, it's one effed-up galaxy where the only two options are a death spiral of anger and fear or eschewing all emotion. You'd think at least a couple Force users would be emotionally healthy and centered enough to be able to deal with their emotions in a mature manner.


Edit: Seriously? **** is censored? *facepalm* For the love of Pete, Mike, and Ahnold it's a relatively rarely used word, but it's used as an obscenity far, far less frequently than "box" is, and that word's allowed.

Edit 2: Is sourpuss at least allowed? (Apparently yes.)

Edited by NyxNoxNothing
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The weird part comes when you start to think about and realize that all those lovey dovey lines are actually being delivered by someone sitting in a recording studio somewhere, and that someone is presumably married or dating someone who isn't you.
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Because in this, like in Thor movies, it seems superfluous and meant to give fatsos something to bonerize over

Not really. In the first movie, at least, it was a part of the protagonist's character development. Admittedly, a bit clumsy and underdeveloped, but it was a pretty obvious plot tool.


I also find it fun how you project your own experiences on to other people.

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I can even see two people meeting online in the game and going on to get married or whatever, but that's two real people. Romancing an NPC? I'm sorry, but there is something very weird about that.


I don't think it's weird that fictional character on the screen has a romance with another fictional character on the screen. But I admit I've always found it a little creepy that people imagine they are a fictional character on the screen.

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Spot on example of part of modern society:


Violence, killing, torture - cool, mature, fun etc.

Romance, flirting, sex - creepy, perverse etc.


Lets go Forums!!


Seriously: its a RPG. Why do we even discuss this. Plus its been an important part of the Bioware singleplayer games.

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Why Op? Because I've always wanted to get it on with a twi'lek and I have a very vivid imagination! Not to mention I can only get my wife to wear that costume a few times a year lol. U think it's weird to romance & flirt with npc's in a video game? Sounds to me like you're just a very dull, boring, closed minded person....Guess you've never watched a movie and thought about "romancing" the lead actress (or actor if you swing that way....) Guess you've never seen a swimsuit issue of Sports illustrated, or a music video, or ****.... And had certain thoughts.....basically.....stop trying to justify your own personal insecurities by calling ppl weird because they ACTUALLY RP IN A RPG.
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The weird part comes when you start to think about and realize that all those lovey dovey lines are actually being delivered by someone sitting in a recording studio somewhere, and that someone is presumably married or dating someone who isn't you.


The weird part is that the part is acted?? Because that's basically what you've just described.


I don't think romance in a game is weird or creepy, romance is a part of life, it would be far weirder if they excluded it.

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Hmm, does the op think acting is weird because actors pretend to have romances that aren't real? What about writing? That's pretty weird, eh? Imagining your self as not only one of the characters involved, but both! Super creepy! There probably shouldn't be romance in movies. That's just weird voyeurism, right? In fact, we probably shouldn't read or watch romance in any form--that's just so wrong. Hmm. Maybe we shouldn't talk to npcs at all. It's not like they're real. In fact, this pretending to be a character....pretty weird. We should just kill everything that moves without talking to anyone.
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OP must think Tony Stark is a super creep, because he had a lot of romances.


Romance IS creepy, when you think about it.


Spending time with someone to see if you like them enough to tell them your really dark and absurd secrets, just so that you might not scare them off, and then you can move into together, to spend more time together, and have less dark and absurd secrets? Because you're afraid of dying alone? And then you see each other naked? Or sick? Have to wash each other's clothes? Perhaps even look after pets or children?


Really creepy. It sounds unnatural. Surely humans were meant not to form strong pair bonds.

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Romance IS creepy, when you think about it.


Spending time with someone to see if you like them enough to tell them your really dark and absurd secrets, just so that you might not scare them off, and then you can move into together, to spend more time together, and have less dark and absurd secrets? Because you're afraid of dying alone? And then you see each other naked? Or sick? Have to wash each other's clothes? Perhaps even look after pets or children?


Really creepy. It sounds unnatural. Surely humans were meant not to form strong pair bonds.

Yeah, trust and affection are for wusses. Nothing is true. Everything is permitted. #YOLO #SWAG

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Romance IS creepy, when you think about it.


Spending time with someone to see if you like them enough to tell them your really dark and absurd secrets, just so that you might not scare them off, and then you can move into together, to spend more time together, and have less dark and absurd secrets? Because you're afraid of dying alone? And then you see each other naked? Or sick? Have to wash each other's clothes? Perhaps even look after pets or children?


Really creepy. It sounds unnatural. Surely humans were meant not to form strong pair bonds.


It's funny and sad how modern society saw violence, cruelty, torture and rape as something good, fun, cool and mature while simply proclaim all this as the way of the world or "this is truth accept it or you're immature naive in denial!". Not that I didn't say sometime being bad guy is fun, but If in real life people actually obsessed in violence, torture, killing and being paranoid then something is very wrong here. I'm not being over positive either but I guess some men just want to watch the world burn.

Edited by shamfurdispray
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Watch movies...read books.


In almost all of them...there is some sort of romance.


It's a part of storytelling.


Romance can and does, in most cases, add more to the story and the characters within the story.


Sure...if you look at swtor as nothing more than your "gear grinding" "endgame" "pvp" type of mmo...I can see where the romance aspect of the story makes no sense.


However, the main part of swtor are the class stories. I personally always view this game the same way I view Mass Effect and Dragon Age Origins. I play for the stories...and the mmo aspects are just fluff for me.


It's a story telling game...with mmo aspects.


Is swtor still good without the romance aspect, yes.

Are the stories and characters better because of the romance aspect, yes. (in my opinion)


Is the original trilogy good without romance, yes?

Does adding the romance with leia make the characters and stories better, yes. (in my opinion)


The romance in the prequels is actually one of the main focuses...and is basically the reason for Anakins downfall.

I know a lot of people don't like the prequels...but the fact is, romance sidestories are a part of nearly all good storytelling.

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I give you 2/10 for the try. But 1 of the 2 is a pity-point, because I am a gentle person. :p


You can have two more bonus points for answering the following two questions:


Romancing an NPC? I'm sorry, but there is something very weird about that.


What is "very weird about that"? (Please be specific and detailed.)


What exactly is it people take away from scoring with their NPC?


What do you think yourself it could be? Let's have an insight about your mindset, shall we?

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