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@Bioware: Stop taking your player base for granted.


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Yeah EA is about to pay off my mortgage.. I am happy taking my profits off the table just in time for the holidays and $23 bucks a share is a great price to unload a toxic stock.


btw To any EA execs reading this.. the problem you have is that your lackeys are way to ignorant to be doing the job they are doing. I would have continued to invest in your company and buy your products if it wasn't for the sheer number of morons you have employed over the last 5 years.


I will happily buy your shares again when they hit $11.00, if and only "if" you come clean on your balance sheet and show everyone how much money FIFA makes for you..


Like is said, careful with that 200. You might hurt someone.


Oh here's a tip, EA doesn't care about your stocks that aren't paying off your mortgage. Stocks aren't paid out from EA, you are paid for their value from other investors. From your "replace the engine" thread to the other classics you opened...you've pretty much fallen off of anyone's radar because no one can actually take your seriously.



And if you are just getting a rise out of people...it's over man. The schtick is done.

Edited by Arkerus
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Yeah EA is about to pay off my mortgage.. I am happy taking my profits off the table just in time for the holidays and $23 bucks a share is a great price to unload a toxic stock.


btw To any EA execs reading this.. the problem you have is that your lackeys are way to ignorant to be doing the job they are doing. I would have continued to invest in your company and buy your products if it wasn't for the sheer number of morons you have employed over the last 5 years.


I will happily buy your shares again when they hit $11.00, if and only "if" you come clean on your balance sheet and show everyone how much money FIFA makes for you..


Asking a company to show you on their balance sheet how much money they're making(let alone the fact that he's asking them to display the earnings for a single product within a division).


EA doesn't really care if you dump some piddling amount of stock.


This thread is nothing if not entertaining.

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In that case it hurt more than it helped, and the old engine wasn't that great to begin with.


Good ol Funcom and their silliness, that new engine came out and my FPS dropped by an average of like 10-15 that day for good.


At least Funcom made real technical improvements to make use of higher end graphics cards, Age of Conan now flies on my GTX 580 with everything on max and SweetFX installed


still best looking MMO after the recent 5 year anniversary



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- PvP is getting stale

- PvE is getting stale


I disagree, I like the PvE a lot, and with space combat pvp coming the pvp has just started.


To expand on why im very happy and eagerly awaiting the galactic starfighter expansion is because me and my friends are constantly hopping between swtor and a WW2 pvp dogfighting/ bombing game. With this expansion hopping is no longer necessary.

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Huh? Here? I think you got the wrong game...they use to be good...but they haven't been for months now.


That, or you have been around since launch and you have literally FARMED every little thing to death until their was nothing to achieve anymore making this game boring. Trust me, ive done it before.

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I have been noticing a bunch of good changes around here over the last month or so, however there still seems to be a disconnect between the people working on this game and the people playing it.


First, I want to first thank the new guy on the forums for at least interacting with the community on some level. Kudos to you for at least trying to be on the front line.


Second, I don't know who is in charge at the moment at BW Austin, but it seems to me like that person needs to take a long look at just what is happening to this game.


- GSF: I have a bad feeling about this


Could you please describe your specific concerns about this new game feature?


- PvP is getting stale


When was the last time they added new PvP content? Oh, GSF? Hmm...


- PvE is getting stale


When was the last time they added new PvE content? When did Oricon come out?


- The SW IP can no longer keep this thing afloat


That's pretty much baseless conjecture. Only EA knows for sure whether or not this game is solvent. Oh, wait. We all know whether or not the game is solvent because if it was not, EA would shut it down quicker than you can cry out an exclamation after dropping your mobile phone in the loo.


Now, I want to say something positive about the game but I can't. There is nothing positive other than slightly increased communication..


really here is what we need


- a timeline of what is to come.. doesn't have to be specific but at least some sort of coherent goal as to what this games future will be


You mean sort of how Eric comes here and tells us in advance when new features are coming and what those new features are? Wish Granted!


- more interaction between devs and community


You mean like how the community is all over Dev Tracker every working day? Wish Granted!


- less people overzealously defending any action in this game


Or is it just overzealous because you disagree with differing points of view?


- enhance the game engine or scrap it


You mean like they've done pretty much every patch since release? Wish Granted!


[ Redacted]


[ Reserved ]



Gee, I geuss it's not so bad, really, is it?

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Disappointed. Expected a video of someone clumsily dropping their mobile phone in a porcelain throne. :D


Haha my daughter is notorious for that!!!! How do you drop your phone in the toilet? Carry it in your back pocket obviously lol but back to the thread it seems like the have cycles that info comes out. So i believe that it's good Tuesday and Wensday they usually post info. So I think the op has a vendetta or something.

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Gee, I geuss it's not so bad, really, is it?


Don't worry. He has already been proven wrong or a troll in this thread. And his response:


Something happened in this thread that has now cemented my disdain for the community.
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Timelines don't appease posters like the OP. They just give them ammo when something on the timeline doesn't hit its mark. Even with the biggest game addition since release about to come out there are still plenty of "what have you done for me lately?" threads popping up. GSF is already old news and taken for granted by some types because it has been on a timeline for over a month already.
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I have been noticing a bunch of good changes around here over the last month or so,


That's good to hear. Maybe you should tell that to this guy:


Now, I want to say something positive about the game but I can't.


He seems to disagree with you.


however there still seems to be a disconnect between the people working on this game and the people playing it.


Rather: There is a disconnect between some people who comment on the forums and the people actually playing the game.


First, I want to first thank the new guy on the forums for at least interacting with the community on some level. Kudos to you for at least trying to be on the front line.


Second, I don't know who is in charge at the moment at BW Austin, but it seems to me like that person needs to take a long look at just what is happening to this game.


- GSF: I have a bad feeling about this

- PvP is getting stale

- PvE is getting stale

- The SW IP can no longer keep this thing afloat


None of those are facts (I'm hoping you remember what a fact is, right) They're just your opinions, and you haven't even managed to provide any support for them. Ranked PvP just went live and it seems to be fairly popular. There is a new Arena coming, and a new Huttball location soon. While you have a bad feeling about GS, a lot of people in the beta seemed to really enjoy it. PvE just got a new planet and we're getting a new a new event very soon.


As far as the SW IP, with a new movie on the horizon, its probably the second most powerful IP on the market, losing only to WoW due to its sheer mass.



There is nothing positive other than slightly increased communication..


really here is what we need


- a timeline of what is to come.. doesn't have to be specific but at least some sort of coherent goal as to what this games future will be


This is unrealistic. Development timelines are too complex to allow for the kind of timelines you want. And the community has shown a distinct lack of understanding of this fact when timelines have changed in the past. Considering there are some people in the community who think that the game engine can be changed in a couple weeks by a pair of interns, its a bit rich to think that they'd be able to understand the difficulties of predicting development schedules even three months in the future.


- more interaction between devs and community


The community has done little to encourage this. If the community wants interaction, it has to start with them. Furthermore, as a developer, I'd prefer to code than deal with community complaints (and lets be honest when we talk about what sort of "interactions" you are hoping for).


- less people overzealously defending any action in this game


I don't see nearly as much of this as people claim there is. Opposing an overzealous complaint is not the same as an overzealous defense. In most cases, the "White Knights" are simply calling out exaggerated and unrealistic complaints. That's not the same as blind defense.


- enhance the game engine or scrap it


They have enhanced it. They just enhanced it. They've rewritten shaders a couple times. They just added a full new game mode with controls and interactions that weren't possible before. They added the macrobinocular and seeker quests. They added Arenas. They have revamped shadows twice. They've added dyes and numerous texture optimizations. All of those are engine enhancements.


As for scrapping it, you've already had that topic explained to you multiple times and you've displayed just how little you understand about game engines, and how software functions on a fundamental level. You're in no place to make any sort of development suggestion.

Edited by Malastare
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