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3,000 Cartel Coins FOR A Tauntaun ...


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Freedom of speech includes everyone elses right to disagree with you and letting you know that they think you are wrong.

Freedom of speech is NOT a right to say whatever you want without anyone being allowed to oppose that.


Yes, people have the right to express a wide range of opinions, even the right to disagree, and believe me plenty of people disagree with me, which is their right. (even if they're wrong;))

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The more money people spend on ******** like this, the lower the odds are that they will put in the effort to develop things of substance.


Far be it for me to tell people how to spend their money, but if you think that you are the only one affected by your purchase you are seriously kidding yourself.


I for one will not be buying it, and I hope that enough people follow suit so EA doesn't keep trying to pull this kind of crap in the future.

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There is some basis for legitimacy, IMO, to complain about an item that is overpriced for a single use, or an item that is not available by some other means, or perhaps even an item that was superior to it's in game equivalent.


To my knowledge none of these contentions are in play.


This particular item, this exact item is not available in game, but two very similar mounts are. They cost no cash at all. Now this one...this is an item you can purchase and sell on the market, for those that do not wish to grind for the in game mounts.


Yes, the price is a bit high...like the armor IMO, and some of the other items on the market. But this item is actually set up properly...it is available in game as well, or at least a very close alternate.


I feel the argument against high prices one use dyes had more legitimacy than this one did. But...that does not mean the price is not a bit overinflated...again, if it is too high folks will not purchase it and they will have to lower the price.


I give them a pass on this one. They introduced the tauntaun in game first, let some time pass, then posted a tauntaun mount on CM that had only one superiority...it could be sold. To me that is acceptable at any price.


I think you are essentially paying for the idea that you can sell it and avoid the grind. I'm not sure if 3k CC is a justifiable price, but I think the market will decide that.


Just my slant.

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Doesn't work quite that way. You see, the bean counters do count the sales per item and they keep close metrics on what does and doesn't sell. Further, marketing and finance make projections on how much money they can make on the CM per quarter. So if an item prices itself out of the projected customer demand by being over priced, it hits EAs projections for the income generated by the CM.


For items like this, they know they aren't going to sell many, they are meant to spurr more CC purchases. What will happen in this case, IMO is their projections will be off. One purchase doesn't encourage EA to do more of this, 1000 purchases doesn't either. It all comes back to what they expect to make.


So, to throw more conjecture out there, my guess that they have in fact a plan to float the price out there and adjust it later if need to meet their projections.


The best thing to do in protest, is not to buy.




And this one is a great measuring stick. They can compare tauntaun sales to secant sales. They will know which one delivered a better return. For example:


We sold 10,000 secants at 1,800cc, but we sold 8,000 tauntauns at 3,000cc. We sold more secants, but we had a better return on tauntauns. Let's try to hit the sweet spot and price the next one at 2,500cc.

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The more money people spend on ******** like this, the lower the odds are that they will put in the effort to develop things of substance.

Things of substance? You mean like cars, clothing and vaccines? Last I checked, BWEA is a game company.


Far be it for me to tell people how to spend their money

Even though you just did and do so again.


but if you think that you are the only one affected by your purchase you are seriously kidding yourself.

Really? Do you feel a sharp, stabbing pain every time someone buys something off the CM?

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And it has absolutely zero effect on YOU if they do or do not.


Well, I don't know about that. The argument could be posed that if you patronize the item you will justify it's price, and therefore the price will remain "inflated". That could be used as an argument to try and convince folks to avoid purchasing the item to reduce it's price.


The whole "if we all unite together we might be able to convince Bioware" argument, which at least has some merit IMO.


I personally think that it would be a fools errand, so to speak, because folks will likely purchase based on desire instead of "conscience".

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If the 'prices remain inflated', guess what? You still don't have to buy the stuff. You can still buy it off the GTN if you really want it.


...or grind for it in game. Naturally that point can be made, which is one I certainly pointed out. I feel it is a complaint over nothing, but that is just my slant.

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...or grind for it in game. Naturally that point can be made, which is one I certainly pointed out. I feel it is a complaint over nothing, but that is just my slant.

As noted more than once, the complaint is based on the desire to get the thing but not wanting to pay the price of the thing. So yeah, a complaint over nothing, as you say.

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Well, I don't know about that. The argument could be posed that if you patronize the item you will justify it's price, and therefore the price will remain "inflated". That could be used as an argument to try and convince folks to avoid purchasing the item to reduce it's price.


Incorrect in this case. Why? Because there is zero reason to acquire the item for CCs unless you wish to. Most consumers, with any consumer sense at all, will buy things they don't need only if the price meets their value expectation.


IF... it was a item you had to have in game (not want to have, but had to have).. it would be a different value proposition entirely.


This whole thread is just the latest butthurt anti-CM virtual protest march in a virtual forum on the internet. It was old 9 months ago, and it is old today.

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Incorrect in this case. Why? Because there is zero reason to acquire the item for CCs unless you wish to. Most consumers, with any consumer sense at all, will buy things they don't need only if the price meets their value expectation.


IF... it was a item you had to have in game (not want to have, but had to have).. it would be a different value proposition entirely.


This whole thread is just the latest butthurt anti-CM virtual protest march in a virtual forum on the internet. It was old 9 months ago, and it is old today.


Well, I think my point stands but it is in no way a defense for the OP. I think the entire argument has little to no merit since the item is available in game for zero cash. This is just another option IMO.

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Incorrect in this case. Why? Because there is zero reason to acquire the item for CCs unless you wish to. Most consumers, with any consumer sense at all, will buy things they don't need only if the price meets their value expectation.


IF... it was a item you had to have in game (not want to have, but had to have).. it would be a different value proposition entirely.


This whole thread is just the latest butthurt anti-CM virtual protest march in a virtual forum on the internet. It was old 9 months ago, and it is old today.


So agree with this.


OTHOH, I would be embarrassed to ride around on this thing. 3K CC for a very unexciting re-skin of an existing mount? Sadness.

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we need to show em this is crazy


The best way to do that is with your wallet. I buy CCs and I use them, but it's a rare thing when I buy something that's not discounted. In fact, I think I have done it only once (had to have that bowecaster when it first came out...lol) Their non-discounted prices tend to be on the high side, in my opinion. I show that by voting with my wallet. If everyone did this, there would be no issue. They would discount things to something more reasonable or they would sit there unpurchased.


If people are still buying these crazily-priced items, then it's pretty clear they aren't all that crazily-priced.



Ranting on the forums is more fun though, I guess...heheh.

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Well, I don't know about that. The argument could be posed that if you patronize the item you will justify it's price, and therefore the price will remain "inflated". That could be used as an argument to try and convince folks to avoid purchasing the item to reduce it's price.


The whole "if we all unite together we might be able to convince Bioware" argument, which at least has some merit IMO.


I personally think that it would be a fools errand, so to speak, because folks will likely purchase based on desire instead of "conscience".


I think its more likely that Bioware is testing the possibility of running premium Sparklepony sales alongside their regular old $15-20 Sparklepony sales. Offering multiple price points(assuming its relatively inexpensive to provide alternatives) would typically offer more revenue than either individually.

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OTHOH, I would be embarrassed to ride around on this thing. 3K CC for a very unexciting re-skin of an existing mount? Sadness.


Yeah. It's kind of like stripping down nekid, slathering silly sauce all over you.. and running through Fleet yelling "look at me! look at me!!" :p


On the other hand, for a few million credits on a GTN transaction... it might be fun anyway.... watching all the silly folk pointing fingers and shouting out "silly!!" as you streak by in Fleet. :D OR... even better.... get a posse together, all with the new Tauntauns, and chase the OP around Fleet on his home server. :p


Parry and deflect "silly" with "silly" IMO. :D

Edited by Andryah
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So how much does an account unlock for the Ashfall Tauntaun cost on top of the 3000 credits to purchase it? Is it even possible?


They are following their emerging formula of CC_cost/3 for the unlock of direct buy items.


In other words 1000 cc.

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Are they forcing you to buy it?


A bunch of self-entitled socialists.


You sir, failed with your silly remark. You call someone a socialist when they are just being a customer. A socialist would not complain about prices. A socialist would take his or her part and just move on. What you are describing as socialist is an individual exercising one's freedom of speech in capitalistic market as a customer. Of course I am basing my post to assumption that you are from the US of A.


On topic


As far as providing re-skinned tauntaun for that high price? It's business as usual. Asking 3k cartel coins for a re-skinned tauntaun obviously makes people feel slightly stupid. If not right now, perhaps later on when they consider the situation. At some point, some businesses start losing (paying) customers when they make them feel stupid. It's a business decision with short term results and long term effects.


I don't mind the price. I am just horribly disappointed to see BW do this kind of absolute rookie mistake.

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Mountain and Ashfall Tauntaun are offensive since they're not as canon as the gorgeous Tundra Tauntaun. I make an exception for the Strike Force Tauntaun since it's awesome, but as far as I'm concerned they should make the Ashfall Tauntaun 300,000 Cartel Coins. People should pay a premium for stuff like that:rak_03:


*I'm mostly kidding

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I must say that I am disappointed that this new tauntaun is 3k.. It is nothing more than a reskin.. Even the Czerka CR-17 Incendia Speeder is only 1800cc.. That was a brand new model and speeder type..


I think Bioware needs to lay off the sauce on this one.. This mount is only worth 800cc at best.. Especially since it is just a reskin..


I am certainly not going to buy this mount for that price.. Anyone would be foolish to pay that much for a reskin in my opinion.. :rolleyes:

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I am certainly not going to buy this mount for that price.. Anyone would be foolish to pay that much for a reskin in my opinion.. :rolleyes:


How is it foolish? I have money to spend on the leisure activities of my choice. Why are your choices better than mine? Maybe you drink or smoke, maybe you go to expensive restaurants, maybe you go on exotic holidays, maybe you have 7 dogs, maybe you keep all your money under your mattress... whatever your choices, they are not better than mine. You just have different priorities.


I want a tauntaun. You can buy it or not buy it, but I'm not sure why you feel entitled to pass judgement on my choice.

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How is it foolish? I have money to spend on the leisure activities of my choice. Why are your choices better than mine? Maybe you drink or smoke, maybe you go to expensive restaurants, maybe you go on exotic holidays, maybe you have 7 dogs, maybe you keep all your money under your mattress... whatever your choices, they are not better than mine. You just have different priorities.


I want a tauntaun. You can buy it or not buy it, but I'm not sure why you feel entitled to pass judgement on my choice.


First of all.. I didn't pass judgement on your buying decision.. But ask your self this?? Is it foolish to pay new car price on an old car that just has a new pain job?? The sad thing is, there is probably some people that have done exactly that because they let some shady dealership scam them.. Is Bioware a shady dealer??


Sometimes when you look at a deal being offered.. It is just a foolish buy.. This is one of those times.. If someone chooses to pay 3000cc for this mount then they are simply showing approval to Bioware for this kind of behavior.. Which is exactly why I will not be buying this mount for that price.. To me this deal feels like a complete and total rip off.. Especially when you compare it to previous mounts released in the market..


I for one have standards... As I pointed out the Incendia mount is only 1800cc.. When it came out it was a new model and a new mount type.. This mount is nothing more than reskin.. They added some black to it.. Can't they just sell us a can of spray paint instead?? I'll paint my own mount.. 3000cc for this mount is simply absurd.. They are really getting bold in their attempts to drain money from our wallets via the Cartel Market.. Can we at least demand some standards and some quality??


Like I said.. I will not be purchasing this mount and I am entitled to my opinion that anyone would be foolish to purchase this mount.. Does that answer your question??

Edited by MajikMyst
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30 Euros for a tauntaun... I can't believe it.


I've mentioned it somewhere else: 60 CC is a price I accept for digital items. I'd happily spend 30 Euros on useless items in Swtor. But it would have to be 50 different items for 60 CC each. Not one for 3.000. Never!


I'm writing that just in case BW figures they need to find other ways to get more money in. Obviously some people are into expensive stuff. I'm cheap. :p


There is a town in Finland near the Russian border. The shops there have two different price systems: One is the "normal" price. Let's say a jacket for 50 Euros. Then there is a second price tag next to it, but in Russian language. On there, the price says 350 Euros. I asked about this and the answer is: The Russians driving all the way to that town have so much money, they would feel embarrased to only pay 50 Euros for a jacket. In order to keep their status at home they have to pay 350 Euros. The jacket doesn't matter. Only the price does. Insane in my opinion. Normal to others.


Maybe there is a possibility to implement something like this in Swtor, too. Offer some items for 3000 CC for the ones who can and want to afford it. And then make a new "bargain" section. Put a lot of fluffy stuff in there. Nothing unique. Just something people can spend some little CC on if they feel like it.


But then again, why would I care. There's nothing for 60 CC on the cartel market yet, hence I don't use it and can keep my moolah for myself.

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