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Does anybody really do space missions?


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I think its safe to say that space combat isnt what any of us expected, not when a game like X-wing vs TIE Fighter was better and was made like 1989...

Nearly 23 years ago with slower internet links and much less powerful PC, we had a better, multiplayer, 3D, free roaming space sim with a great UI and flight dynamics.

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Nearly 23 years ago with slower internet links and much less powerful PC, we had a better, multiplayer, 3D, free roaming space sim with a great UI and flight dynamics.


This game isn't a flight sim. Just in case you didn't get the memo, the space combat in this game is an OPTIONAL side mini game.


It was never intended to be a core option. Get. Over. It.

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I have thoroughly enjoyed the space combat in Star Wars: TOR. It gives a vintage feel, good experience and a solid credit boost for little risk. By risk I mean, crafting missions can fail, you can pay for repairs from dying/fighting in missions and you replace items on your person over your ship about 5x as often if not more. It's an excellent supplemental to any player willing to do it.
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I love the space missions. A good idea for dailies. I would like to see it expanded. More missions at the least, a non-rail oriented system at the best.


Still, upgrading my BH's ship and working for those special addons like EMP's, Power convertors, and torpedos was a big part of my motivation during my first trip to 50.


When I was getting near 50 I even splurged for the purple, player crafted ship upgrades. I am still incredibly happy with those purchases.


I just wish they would let me destroy the Republic vessels I cripple. Sure, I have destroyed my fair share of fighters and bombers, but the big destroyers and battleships I can only cripple.


Even after I have destroyed their engines, shield generators, and every turrent on their hull, they still fly around in their smoking, flaming heap.


Let me just put them out of their misery with a well aimed torpedo plz.

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This game isn't a flight sim. Just in case you didn't get the memo, the space combat in this game is an OPTIONAL side mini game.


It was never intended to be a core option. Get. Over. It.


Whether it's what they gave us or not, it's what a good group of people were asking for.


Sorry you're content with it.

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I have really enjoyed them but I think there can be so much more. I've been playing shooter games on PC since the late 90's so it's pretty easy for me to complete the missions. I'd like to see something added in such as a server scoreboard for each mission so you can set higher goals than just winning.
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I'm terrible at this type of game. I needed like 4 tries to complete the first mission, so it wasn't very exp/time efficient.


If I max upgrade my ship, can I make them trivial? I'm only interested in the extra exp, and I don't have credit shortage for upgrades.

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I did the space dailies all the way up to 40 with no upgrades.

Me = pro pilot. :cool:


Shenanigans. There is stuff that you have to use missiles to take out because your lasers are to week (even with the tier 1 upgrades) before they are out of your sights to be able to shoot. Unless you only did the Fondor Escort Mission.

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Shenanigans. There is stuff that you have to use missiles to take out because your lasers are to week (even with the tier 1 upgrades) before they are out of your sights to be able to shoot. Unless you only did the Fondor Escort Mission.

Missiles aren't ever really required for most things... In fact, most of the stuff you're using missiles on can be blown up with regular blasters.


And your stock ship has 20 missiles.

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They're a fun mini-game diversion, and they're a great way to fill in missing levels while leveling.


I do hope they add more missions, create progression at 50, and add some more depth to it. I do want to see them get better, but I expect it to be treated as a diversionary side-game, like it is.

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I like them. I don't do them every day. Usually when I have a few minutes to kill like while I'm eating a bowl of cereal before work I'll launch a few. They're a great way to finish off a level between planets.


The fact that I don't rely on them as a major portion of my gameplay experience is probably why I like them.

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I pretty much view these as a nice diversion every now and then. Besides, I sometimes get down to no cash so I need them to get me money. Like at the moment my lvl 41 JK is on about 8K credits but needs another 202K credits to get Speeder (rank 2) training.
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I like them more than I thought I would. They're a really nice, fun diversion from questing, and the EXP & cash gained from them is pretty nice as well.


The only ones I avoid are the escort missions. Those things suck.

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