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Promotions: Jorgen or Dorne?


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evertime i go try bang elara now all she says is acknowledged sir , should never have married her i guess =p


i promoted dorne cause your xo needs to understand regulations to keep the squad away from beauracratic interferance , jorgan would end up getting havoc squad tied up in red tape when we need to be out there wining the war

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Even though I romanced Elara I promoted Aric since in my opinion a tactical assault unit shouldn't have a medical person as their XO. I lost 1 point of affection with Elara though she didn't "say" anything about that through the rest of the storyarc.
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I haven't gotten to this part yet but I intend to promote Jorgan. I just feel really bad how the actions of Tavus lost him his officer's position and put him under the command of someone he had recently been ordering around. Not to mention that he's experienced, loyal, and hates imps! :p
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Jorgan. Whilst he was a major a-hole in the start (I let him die a few times just for self satisfaction), I couldn't stand Dorne. M1 4X has more of a personality than she does.
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I'm promoting Jorgen because he's qualified, got screwed over when I got promoted over him and he's a good loyal soldier


Just so.


Jorgan was a jerk to me, and we tangled a lot and ended up in stupid pissing contests that always ended with "Well, who's the Havoc Squad CO, huh? Huh? Oh, right, NOT YOU." But in the end, he took the fall for something that wasn't his fault, he backed me up with less complaining than I would've done in the same situation, and getting him back to where he started seems like the least I could do.


I would love to sponsor Elara's career more - stars know not many Republic officers would give her a fair shake - but I've known Jorgan longer and he is my brother. Elara serves well, but with two years on the force she can afford to wait a while longer. Jorgan had, what, seven years, followed by a completely undeserved demotion?

Edited by bright_ephemera
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I chose Jorgan. He has more experience and was already a lieutenant. Also, Elara is all about rules and to me, that means horrible adaptability should something go wrong on the battlefield or something.
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promoted Dorne. It made the most sense.


Frankly Jorgan is a pain. He constantly undermined me in the field and doesn't respect the chain of command. He was also to obsessed with his own vendetta for his own good. Constantly wanting me to make poor decisions do to his own feeling in the Ex-Havoc squad case. He could not properly set aside his own feelings to properly weight and make a decision. He would have been a poor leader. Would have easily got my men killed or caused them to defect, think he would have learned his lesson, but no. It was further cemented that he didn't deserve the promotion, when he approached me after Dorne received hers. He challenged my leadership to my face and called me inept to see his skills. I saw all and his childishness only further lowered my opinion of him. If I find he has been giving Dorne a hard time, so help me he'll be off the squad.


Dorne on the other hand was both a ranking and decorated imperial officer, and since joining republic she has becoming a decorated solider. Her text book knowledge of rules and regulations have been invaluable to me. Yet, while knowing all the rules she knows how and when to break them if a moral issue comes into play. (OOC She has been behind my character 100%, my character and her seem to think on the same wave length.) She seems like she take her leadership responsibilities seriously and not a gift she deserved, like some one would have.


Edit: Though, I am against the rules involving Droids holding an officer position in the military. I might have had a hard decision if I had an option to promote M1-4X, though I would have regretted it as I got to know him, I found out that he might be a terrorist.

Edited by CaptCody
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  • 3 weeks later...
There was an option in that conversation to have Garza chose. Did anyone take that option? What happened?


:o i didn't take that choice because i was worried she would choose wrongly. But I imagine she would've said something like "Havoc is your squad, commander. You have to choose" or whatever.

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Jorgan. I need my XO on my ship, overseeing my crafting.


This. You don't really use him as a DPS Commando, and when Tanno is crafting orange gear, there isn't much of a choice for companion (Forex is scavenging) :p

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:o i didn't take that choice because i was worried she would choose wrongly. But I imagine she would've said something like "Havoc is your squad, commander. You have to choose" or whatever.


She picks Jorgan, and you lose affection with Dorne.

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evertime i go try bang elara now all she says is acknowledged sir , should never have married her i guess =p


i promoted dorne cause your xo needs to understand regulations to keep the squad away from beauracratic interferance , jorgan would end up getting havoc squad tied up in red tape when we need to be out there wining the war


This. I need someone to keep my *** out of trouble with the brass, not someone who makes it worse by head-on confrontation. Dorne may be attached to rules, but on Taris she proved that there's a rule or regulation for everything and you just have to know the right one to justify your actions. She does know all the loop holes and she's smart enough to know when to take that route and when better not.

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Elara is too attached to rules and war has no rules.


That was pretty much the basis for my decision as well. For those not familiar with how the military works, the XO is typically in charge of managing day to day activities, maintenance, logistics, and basically doing the grunt work so that the commanding officer can do more important things. The XO is also in command in the absence of the CO.


Jorgan is obviously more experienced than Dorne. I would much prefer that my chief medical officer concentrate on those duties than irritating the entire squad by citing regulation all the time. A real unit needs to be able to operate outside of regulations in order to be successful, and I don't see Dorne filling that role.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was at a total loss as which one to select. I read the opinions of others online and struggled a bit. Then I noticed the selection, Speak with them first. So I did. It reminded me of my own board selection process in the military. I asked Jorgen and he became defensive and all but suggested that there should be no need to weigh this decision. He was in charge before and he should be in charge now. Dorne was not capable of making the hard decisions that he was. I asked Dorne and she suggested that she had what it takes and pointed out all of her accomplishments and medals. She suggested that Jorgen was a fine soldier, however, his abrasive demeanor was a detriment to the squad.


EXACTLY. I lost my first command bid for being a "drill sergeant". I late was moved to command when I realized that people in advance combat positions MUST be connected to more than simple order barking and in your face commands. My own team was advanced many times because we functioned as a connected team. After a time I became "the ole man" and was looked to for leadership, support and reassurance when necessary.


I promoted Dorne. But then, after I ended typing all of this prattle I recalled, it's just a game.

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