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Ranked solo Arenas should be for the l33t


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It will be really sad to see, after season 1 starts, so many undergeared/new players queueing for solo ranked arenas screwing the rest of us that worked so hard to be fully geared and be competitive.


This shows not only a poor understanding of the game systems, but also how selfish players get in order to "gear" themselves faster.



Whenever i get an undergeared-newbie, i have to work harder (only extreme exceptions, but extremely rare), its so stressfull for me, and i know that a lot of people feel the same.


In the end, if its a win, the UG/newbie wont even thank us for carrying him, and if its a loss, he wont take responsibility, meanwhile, we get our ranks screwed and lose the will to queue again.

Edited by Osoygatitalove
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It will be really sad to see, after season 1 starts, so many undergeared/new players queueing for solo ranked arenas screwing the rest of us that worked so hard to be fully geared and be competitive.


This shows not only a poor understanding of the game systems, but also how selfish players get in order to "gear" themselves faster.



Whenever i get an undergeared-newbie, i have to work harder (only extreme exceptions, but extremely rare), its so stressfull for me, and i know that a lot of people feel the same.


In the end, if its a win, the UG/newbie wont even thank us for carrying him, and if its a loss, he wont take responsibility, meanwhile, we get our ranks screwed and lose the will to queue again.


So you've never had to work for your pvp gear? You just instantly got the best pvp gear? You've never been undergeared? You must be so epic and l33t. How come youre not doing 4v4 ranked if youre so good?


You obviously have poor understanding of the game systems yourself if you're complaining about people being undergeared. Obviously they need to play warzones to get gear. goodness me.


Stressful for you? I think you take the video game too seriously

Edited by Ayelinna
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Obviously they need to play warzones to get gear. goodness me.


They can get plenty of ranked comms completing the dailies and weeklies in unranked WZs. This is so trivially obvious that it shouldn't even bear mentioning, and yet, here we are.

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They can get plenty of ranked comms completing the dailies and weeklies in unranked WZs. This is so trivially obvious that it shouldn't even bear mentioning, and yet, here we are.


Maybe you would prefer it if Bolster played a bigger role? Group up if you're "l33t" - problem solved...solo queue if you're looking for gear.

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So you've never had to work for your pvp gear? You just instantly got the best pvp gear? You've never been undergeared? You must be so epic and l33t. How come youre not doing 4v4 ranked if youre so good?


You obviously have poor understanding of the game systems yourself if you're complaining about people being undergeared. Obviously they need to play warzones to get gear. goodness me.


Stressful for you? I think you take the video game too seriously


please read the title, im talking here about ranked arenas, i geared myself full conqueror before 2.4, when 2.4 hit, i geared myself full obroan in ranked arenas, but some folks joined solo ranked with partisan, even with EWH, so NO, you didnt get the point of my thread.

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It will be really sad to see, after season 1 starts, so many undergeared/new players queueing for solo ranked arenas screwing the rest of us that worked so hard to be fully geared and be competitive.


This shows not only a poor understanding of my selfishness over the game systems, but also how selfish I get get in order to "Play solo ranked"



Whenever i get an undergeared-newbie, i have to work harder (only extreme exceptions, but extremely rare), its so stressfull for me, Because of my selfishness and i know that a lot of people feel That i am being selfish.


In the end, if its a win, the UG/newbie gets me to the point of being selfish and i get pissed for carrying him, and if its a loss, I wont take responsibility for my own selfishness, meanwhile, I get my ranks screwed and lose because pixel rating are a big thing to me



Notice i fixed your post it has a lot more L33T truth in it now. Those that run rank solo que have every right to do so. Your L33T selfishness is your not playing well with others. If you get that stressed over a rating step away from the PC games since it serious business, my best advice i can give to you. Sorry L33T truth hurts sometimes...... L33T truth just crit you for 90000....

Edited by Neoforcer
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Maybe you would prefer it if Bolster played a bigger role? Group up if you're "l33t" - problem solved...solo queue if you're looking for gear.




Seriously, wth?


Don't do that.


Don't tell people it's "normal" to gear up in ranked queue. It's not. It's ranked competitive play. Running in a group is not always fiesable nor desirable. Solo doesn't mean it should be "help random people gear up".


How would YOU like it if people started perpetuating the myth that's it's ok for people to queue LFG operations and HM flashpoints in greens? I mean if PvE-ers gonna be l33tist they have progression raid nights for that, PUGs are for gearing up 19k hp people in HM 55s, even if it means a 2h FP run and wipes galore in ops.


Not so much I bet. You'd kick from group on the spot infact. So stop being hypocritical. OP phrased it immaturely but he's got a VERY valid point. Solo ranked is NOT there for you to get gear fastest. IF you want to do that grab 3 more ungeared people and get nuked in premade ranked together, don't drag random people down with you.

Edited by aeterno
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It will be really sad to see, after season 1 starts, so many undergeared/new players queueing for solo ranked arenas screwing the rest of us that worked so hard to be fully geared and be competitive.


This shows not only a poor understanding of the game systems, but also how selfish players get in order to "gear" themselves faster.



Whenever i get an undergeared-newbie, i have to work harder (only extreme exceptions, but extremely rare), its so stressfull for me, and i know that a lot of people feel the same.


In the end, if its a win, the UG/newbie wont even thank us for carrying him, and if its a loss, he wont take responsibility, meanwhile, we get our ranks screwed and lose the will to queue again.


I have a lot of toons pvp geared and I like to pvp a lot in this game, that aside I disagree with the OP.


pvp gear doesn't mean anything in wzs any more, you can go in practically naked and still be competitive with bolster. the only thing that pvp gear is good for is open world pvp, so pretty much never.

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It will be really sad to see, after season 1 starts, the truly "leet" players of this game, that have to "pug".


Its really a shame that these masterful players of pvp, can not manage to round up a few other players just like them, and join a group ranked PvP, I wonder why that is?? There honestly seems to be quite a few of them, and they aren't too bashful about announcing how superior in every way that they are to, normal folk, or "noobs".


You'd think it would be easy for them to find a group with all that awesomesauce oozing out (just ask them about it).....


I may have to look into this, there may be underlying issues afoot!

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Heh, the reason I'm avoiding ranked is because of the players like the OP. Who feel they are "carrying me" because what, my gear is not top of the line or I don't have my rotations down to perfection? Nice.


Ranked solo arenas should be for players like me, who want to have fun in an arena and get ranked comms, win or lose. You want "l33t" stuff, go duke it out in premades.


I swear, people don't even know how to have fun in games anymore. Just like my old GW2 PvP guild, gameplay deteriorated to running around like a pack of piranhas, duking it out with other packs of piranhas, being perfectly synchronized step-by-step by the raid leader constantly going on TS "movewithmemovewithmeleftleftveilveilveilDPSDPSDPSrunbackrunbackrightrightright"... gah.



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Since there is no gear requirement for entering, it is working as intended. If rating is very important to you, why que solo at all?


Agreed, if this was intended for a certain type of rating they would have lockouts if your gear doesn't meet the requirements. I am not a huge pvper, but I do pug usually a couple times a day for the FUN of it. Truth be told I own next to no pvp gear. This is why I pug, to get the experience, test my skills and have FUN. Going ranked in a pug will help me gear fine, but again it'll be more to test my skill and get better at pvp going against those l33ters (if thats a variation of their leetness). I the OP doesn't want to deal with us commoners, they need a group of friends to run with and dominate the matches.

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You guys fail to recognise there is a whole spectrum of people between "leet" and "in it just for the comms cos the loss is generally equivalent to a non-ranked win".


Some people aren't hardcore to a point of doing rated team play, yet still like "competition light" in pvp which is solo ranked. Some may be in PvE guilds with friends that can't really field a competitive 4man and instead focus on solo. Some may be on PvE servers where solo tends to pop more often than group.



Is it really so much to ask for, for people to show some common consideration to do gearing up in normal warzones and not handicap 3 more that may or may not genuinely care about the ranked portion of the ranked warzones? Working as intended cos no gear-check? I'm tagging along your DP HM on my alt tonight, I may only have 146 pve gear on it but hey, aint no gear-gating. First 2 bosses you'll manage 4sure and I'll be needing on some drops, that's all I require out of that run, lemme have my fun.


I mean I wouldn't have the gall to say to my GM hey I'm under geared but I'm in on the next progression run for the drops, deal with it. And I'd be embarrassed to queue under geared in the LFG knowing I'm making a milk run for 3 more people into something needlessly painful. Even more so if the system didn't have a VK in place. I'm just weird that way I guess, doing due diligence beforehand at appropriate levels, to not be a handicap to other people.

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If anything I'd say that those gear farmers are killing the ranked solo, it's certainly the reason to why I'm not playing it ( I played 50 games and had severely undergeared people on my team in 10-15)


Nor are they doing anyone a favor. Solo ranked Arena is for the most part extremely lopsided, due to lack of class balance, so in the event that they're ending up on the weaker team they're only adding to the imbalance. I've come across a number of players who have showed up in un-auged gear because they don't see any point on wasting credits on pulling conq mods when they're going to get Obroan soon anyway. So these people have around 27K HP. 27K HP means that they in most cases will get targeted first. You don't learn the game by dying in 10 seconds. Combined with for instance a sorc on the team they'll all be wiped out in a couple of GCD'es.


So in conclusion:

*They are weakening the team

*They are giving the other team a psychological advantage

*They are not winning much, meaning that they could have played normals, where the chances of winning in crap gear are increased, instead

*They do not improve as players by wiping

*They are the reason geared people don't want to queue

*It's an egoistic behaviour where they're putting their own urge to get gear as fast as possible first. They're obviously not interested in a good expereince either because no one in their right mind would enjoy getting wiped in ten secs and being the cause of that wipe.

*One gear farmer can make the three geared players he/she just got matched with stop queueing for the night so they are slowing down the queues. There are less gear farmers than geared people out there so it's not that they're the reason queue pops in the first place.


Also, I'm not expecting people to show up in full Obroan but augs are pretty much a requirement and this is what I've seen many gear farmers ignore. Had they only pulled their conq mods or used them in a combination with auged PvE items it would have been much better.

Edited by MidichIorian
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If anything I'd say that those gear farmers are killing the ranked solo, it's certainly the reason to why I'm not playing it ( I played 50 games and had severely undergeared people on my team in 10-15)


Nor are they doing anyone a favor. Solo ranked Arena is for the most part extremely lopsided, due to lack of class balance, so in the event that they're ending up on the weaker team they're only adding to the imbalance. I've come across a number of players who have showed up in un-auged gear because they don't see any point on wasting credits on pulling conq mods when they're going to get Obroan soon anyway. So these people have around 27K HP. 27K HP means that they in most cases will get targeted first. You don't learn the game by dying in 10 seconds. Combined with for instance a sorc on the team they'll all be wiped out in a couple of GCD'es.


So in conclusion:

*They are weakening the team

*They are giving the other team a psychological advantage

*They are not winning much, meaning that they could have played normals, where the chances of winning in crap gear are increased, instead

*They do not improve as players by wiping

*They are the reason geared people don't want to queue

*It's an egoistic behaviour where they're putting their own urge to get gear as fast as possible first. They're obviously not interested in a good expereince either because no one in their right mind would enjoy getting wiped in ten secs and being the cause of that wipe.

*One gear farmer can make the three geared players he/she just got matched with stop queueing for the night so they are slowing down the queues. There are less gear farmers than geared people out there so it's not that they're the reason queue pops in the first place.


Also, I'm not expecting people to show up in full Obroan but augs are pretty much a requirement and this is what I've seen many gear farmers ignore. Had they only pulled their conq mods or used them in a combination with auged PvE items it would have been much better.


You raise some good points and I agree with several of them. However, IMO it is unrealistic to expect the "masses" to match/agree with your personal standards. In other words, if you want control you run in a group.

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You raise some good points and I agree with several of them. However, IMO it is unrealistic to expect the "masses" to match/agree with your personal standards. In other words, if you want control you run in a group.


It's not about control it's about basic gamer etiquette.


There is a similar but more "established" standard what one ought or ought not need on.


I'm not seeing a lot of you going "you want control run content with friends/guilds" & "mechanics enable it so fair play to him" when topic of ninjas comes up every fortnight. People get worked up over vendor trash/alt twinks being snagged from them and somehow it's ok to basically shaft 3 other folks in a rated match "cos comms" lol?

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So in conclusion:

*They are weakening the team

*They are giving the other team a psychological advantage

*They are not winning much, meaning that they could have played normals, where the chances of winning in crap gear are increased, instead

*They do not improve as players by wiping

*They are the reason geared people don't want to queue

*It's an egoistic behaviour where they're putting their own urge to get gear as fast as possible first. They're obviously not interested in a good expereince either because no one in their right mind would enjoy getting wiped in ten secs and being the cause of that wipe.

*One gear farmer can make the three geared players he/she just got matched with stop queueing for the night so they are slowing down the queues. There are less gear farmers than geared people out there so it's not that they're the reason queue pops in the first place.



i couldnt agree more, well said.


If this was a PVE thread, surely more people would agree its not fair to carry up to 2 undergeared in HM DP/DF, they would just kick them from the start, and even then, if you wipe, you got no penalty, but in PVP you have RANKS and for a lot of us thats quite important.


People on this thread say "queue ranked groups" as if that was the solution to every disease, yeah, thats the reason we have exclusivly Smashers+OP+PT groups, that way, you encourage people to play a few classes, killing diversity and fun for a lot of people. You try to justify those who screw the PVP for a lot of people telling us to reroll?, why not telling the undergeared, hey, roll unranked before rankeds, its quite easy to get full conqueror now, get a million credits and augment it, dont you think is much more fair than telling everyone, hey, reroll other class cause thats not FOTM....

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