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The latest Corrupter Zero fix


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The thought that my raid group is above average is a truly terrifying thought :l



About the boss...

it did took us by surprise but we only had to sacrifice the marauder and rezz her just in time for the kill and her BT :D

it is a hectic fight that needs to be fixed but is doable :)

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the number of mines during the laser seems to be random, we never had less than four. Even with suiciding, a kill was not possible after that. And all of this for 2 bosses when we could do all the others... we did not stick around to see if we could get lucky. It needs a fix really fast; that and the untargetable brontes from dread council.
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Killed Brontes after this, one of the Hands after the 6 Finger phase had full health. Additionally, one of the Hands in the final phase was at full health as well. Doubt it's working as intended but wasn't too difficult to work around.
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Yeah thats a good idea... Design a fight that requires people to die in order to complete!! Granted it may be possible, that is a poorly designed mechanic and does need to be resolved. And if in fact this is what they intended then Corruptor Zero needs to drop a lot more credits than what it does currently!


Just fix the mechanic to where he wont cast it during his laser phase and that should fix everything easy peasy lemon squeezy!!

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As soon as I read the "fix" to the Concussion Mines in the patch notes on Monday I thought, "if that makes the Mines 'real' on every Boss cast, this fight is going to be ridiculous." Lo and behold, it did.


The fact that the mines continue to be cast during both Anti-Gravity Field and the Death Laser phase is clearly a bug/design oversight, as no boss fight should ever be designed to require someone to die. Every fight should be clearable with no party members dying if the group is skilled enough to execute the mechanics properly.


A Sniper/Sorcerer/Juggernaut/Marauder/Powertech/Mercenary (i.e. any non-stealth class) who has a Concussion Mine applied to them at the beginning of the Death Laser phase will not be able to live to see the end of that phase. It's ticking for 14K at four stacks. No amount of defensives and healing can get those characters through the entire four cycles of the Death Laser. You would be at ten stacks or more by the end of it, and who knows how much that ticks for.


Some correction to the Concussion Mine mechanic needs to be made immediately. Suggestions are:

  1. Correct the timing of the cast to not have it overlap with Anti-Gravity Field or the Death Laser.
  2. Make the Concussion Mine a cleansable mechanic where, once cleansed, the mine drops on the ground and leaves an AoE explosion effect for a certain amount of time (i.e. similar to the way yellow circles work in the TFB HM Writhing Horror fight.)
  3. Remove the mechanic completely, which I would not like to see happen.

Edited by Levram
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the mines appear on 16m HM as well :( its a bit of a cluster.....


hey guys small tip, if you test stuff before you release it this doesnt happen.

How about you take a few guys from the reskinning old gear cartel market group and make them test an op boss for 45 min, it would work wonders.

Edited by dego-harmonium
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This fight is completely ruined. It is impossible to beat. Great 'fix' Bioware/EA! Now we have to wait a while for you guys to notice the problem.


"Impossible" is the incorrect word for this; its just broken even more. Many guilds have cleared this boss even with the mines appearing during the laser phase. This bug is still annoying nonetheless.

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The fight is not impossible to beat. Yes, it is harder than before, but still not even close to nightmare content. We went in there today with the background of that mentioned fix in the patch notes so we prepared our tactic around that:


All guys in the raid hugged the Boss all the time for aoe heals and instant cleansing of the mines on the boss. We only moved when there were ranged adds appearing. That was the only time where we noticed some "higher" damage to the raid. (melee adds will run to the group so off-tank can aoe taunt while main tank taunts the boss again)


We wiped once at the laser phase cause of mines going out and we were standing together. In the 2nd pull we killed it. The key is to sacrifice the 1st guy who gets the mine (either run into the beam or type /stuck) and the 2nd one going on the opposite corner and healing him. He will end up with ~6 stacks when he can cleanse himself again on the boss. As you have one combat revive, we ended up the fight with all 8 guys alive.


Intended or not - I like that this fight has become more challenging. If you would not receive mines during the laser phase this fight would be a total joke and a walkover. (not worth being called HM)

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This mechanic is getting rather absurd. One week the fights a joke, the next fight its significantly harder. With the content being a month old I would hope there's something that can be done to make things more manageable. I don't care if the fights easy cheesy or difficult - I just want it to be consistent.


I don't like having to train new strategies every week in regards to these mines as it gets confusing to some players.

Edited by Tyminator
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This fight is completely ruined. It is impossible to beat.


As pointed out several times already, it's not impossible and people are clearing it. Video proof from our run tonight: http://www.twitch.tv/original_bro/c/3163308


Until this gets changed (assuming it's not an intended mechanic), here are some ways we found you could cheese the mines during lasers:


  1. Stealth classes (ops/shadows) can stealth to remove it
  2. Marauders can pop undying rage and leap to the boss, surviving the laser
  3. Sorcerers can force speed to the boss and force barrier (seen in the video)


Although certainly it is not ideal for all comps, most teams ought to be able to pass the content with a little RNG and luck.

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Well we "Used" to clear this boss, but now each week we keep hitting BUGS.


Still seeing "INVISO" Mines attached to people. They have no DEBUFF and then all of a sudden you see the debuff and they have like 5 stacks. ***?


We did the STACKED approach and it appears to have worked for a little bit until the INVISO mine's got us.

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Anyone else had problems with the mines starting with more than one stack? We had that a number of times tonight; the boss would cast it and the mine started off at 4 stacks or more... :(


You're probably not noticing the mines fast enough, make sure to watch the bosses casts and when he casts concussion mines call it out.

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Anyone else had problems with the mines starting with more than one stack? We had that a number of times tonight; the boss would cast it and the mine started off at 4 stacks or more... :(


YES.. saw the same thing. No DEBUFF showing up and then "BOOM" a toon has 5 stacks already. Trust me I heal and it's a HUGE DEBUFF Icon. LOL


Absolutely stupid! I hope BW fixes this BUG ASAP! But I doubt we will do this boss this week and just knock on the final boss of DP HM again instead.

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YES.. saw the same thing. No DEBUFF showing up and then "BOOM" a toon has 5 stacks already. Trust me I heal and it's a HUGE DEBUFF Icon. LOL


Absolutely stupid! I hope BW fixes this BUG ASAP! But I doubt we will do this boss this week and just knock on the final boss of DP HM again instead.


nope, never had this, and we wiped on him all night


what we had were lag issues, where one would either activate the mine on the boss without clearing it (i guess the server and client were in a disagreement about "on the boss"), and a few times people died to lasers, even when standing in the right place (again, probably client/server disagreement about position).


The game seems to have quite a lot of timing issues. Anyone wonders whether Bioware tests the game over medium/high (~100ms) latency links, or just on LAN (with <1ms latency)?

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I would not go as far and say it is impossible to kill. I am sure that many like us, used to one shot this boss. There are two things people need to consider. Before the laser phase and LOS, the concussion grenade issues can be solved by being in Melee range most of the time. Concussion grenade becomes harmless with this tactic. On the part where we get concussion on LOS that is annoying however we did not lose everyone. We lost 1 tank and 1 healer by making sure we ignored the adds and put two slinger shields. After this it was an easy kill.




Before patch : one shot

After this patch : 4 attempts needed compared to one shot Brontes and one shot Council.

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Its doable.

Thats beside the point. Its a broken mechanic which requires either luck or a very specific setup to master.

And it makes the boss way harder compared to all the others.


They messed up again by 'fixing' something which didnt need to be fixed while they didnt touch other bugs in the current content which are far more important. Its perfectely understanable if people ***** about this.

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Its doable.

Doable..? Yes it is but you need some luck and over gearing I would wager.


Do I think there are a large number of raiders that are trying HM and will hit a road block? You bet they will.


It's yet another attempt to fix a buggy boss and done rather poorly at that. So thanks BW.


So now we have Corrupter Zero and Dread Master Brontes from 2 separate operations that are bugged to the point that I would bet many raiders in HM will not be able to finish the raid.


While both can still technically be completed, not nearly enough has the ability to overcome this raiding roadblock.


It's a damn shame.

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We were one shotting this on alt runs prior to this fix. Went in last night and wiped 8 times with a mix of mains, alts and casuals. We could not complete this encounter with this group in 72 gear. The frequency of the mines was crazy and even after we started stacking the constant one ticks mines, boss aoe and add damage was wiping us. We gave up concluding that if we went in on our 78 geared main raiding group we could beat it but it is certainly bugged.
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We were one shotting this on alt runs prior to this fix. Went in last night and wiped 8 times with a mix of mains, alts and casuals. We could not complete this encounter with this group in 72 gear. The frequency of the mines was crazy and even after we started stacking the constant one ticks mines, boss aoe and add damage was wiping us. We gave up concluding that if we went in on our 78 geared main raiding group we could beat it but it is certainly bugged.



Yeaaah forge was in there last night with our primary group that is 5/5 in both....he was a joke last few weeks.


We were able to figure out the first phases will just be very difficult but doable with proximity as we got gradually farther each crack, but then saw the report that mines are spawning on players continuously during laser phase, forcing you to suicide yourself to not kill the group...and we decided to go clear palace instead.


There was also 1 instance where one of our players was clear as day sitting dead center inside him, both tanks both healers and myself saw it, and the mines just kept going off and stacking and wouldnt clear...so also slightly buggy, but def doable up to last phase.

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