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10 Good
  1. I have plenty of those unique lighsabers still kept and new(er) players are always amazed when they preview them. They were indeed unique and felt special. I wish they had been converted to legacy bound and for sure it would be nice to be able to get them again, even through the Cartel Market...
  2. Indeed! Thank you. There is a mandalorian hunter and a mandaloria brawler on the pier and the datapad with the codex entry on top of a crate in the corner.
  3. Can you clarify that a bit? How/when/which char? Is that an ach only available with BH chars or something? Thanks in advance! Really appreciate the help
  4. Cheers mate, that one had been bugging me for years and gave up a long time ago. Will do asap
  5. How about the "Kill it with fire" Defeated 100 Makrin on Makeb while they were burning? Is that obtainable now and how?
  6. All our raid groups, including officers and GM are unsubscribing. WE HAVE BEEN TOLERATING a ton of Sith but ENOUGH is ENOUGH. Destroyed classes, NO PVE/PVP content for ages, a freak show cantina were devs trolled us and insaulted our intellligence and NOW THIS. WE ARE DONE! WE ARE DONE! My guild has 147 subs atm, I will personally advise every single one of them to unsubsrcibe. Shame on you for this amazing game that you kept destroying bit by bit, shame on us if we keep giving you money for it. I have been playing this game EVERYDAY since launch, watching amazing players and frineds leaving one by one cause they got frustrated and bored. Its a hard decision but ENOUGH is FREAKING ENOUGH!
  7. Thanks mate... for the answer and ofc the guide
  8. Wow! I didnt think of that... didnt make the connection... Ofc I've already read that guide... and read and read and then read some more... Even more depressed now after hearing that he s also playing a bounty hunter PS. thanks for posting, I owe you a bottle of whiskey...
  9. Please, tell my brother in arms, that I share his frustration and his pain. For 3 years, I never played anything else than a (mostly anni) mara. I currently play a PT tank... P.S. Could we have a link to that guide? or is it in a closed guild forum or something? I would appreciate it. Even if I wont obviously play with my mara anytime soon.. I would still like to read it.
  10. ^^ What he said... I double dare you combat/community team. But I guess since you are planning to nerf the rest of the "overperforming" dps classes, RIP poor carried pve marauders. We were a PVE (and pvp) endangered specie, now we will be extinct... ^^In no other MMO anyone could fight with a lightsaber, so we are playing SWtor... but.. suprise! You cannot do that here either...Wanted to be a Jedi? Wanted to be a Sith Lord?... Nope! Reroll! Cause when we design encounters, we never consider melee dps! why should we? ....
  11. I do, I really do appreciate the answer though I feel that you are just bullSithing us... it's just damage control and a generic "we hear you and will do something in the "future" about it". Just buying some time trying to keep us subscribed as more as possible.. Thats what that answer is telling me after that initial post... damage control, PR, without a real plan behind it. On top of that, instead of fixing our problems asap, your only idea is to nerf other classes so that they are equaly "bad".. or "at the same level" according to BW. Congratz on pissing other classes on top of marauders/sentinels. We get nothing and instead they loose something... IF ONE class was overperforming.. I would understand nerfing it.. but 3? ... And besides that^^ which in the end one could argue that the players will get over it if everything is smooth and equal etc... What about the melee unfriendly pve ops that we have atm that have a high dps requirement and even the fps that ppl have dared you to clear with the gear requirements that you have posted? And although I'm not for sure an amazingly skilled hardcore player, I am neither a SM casual. And I'm telling you..No, I am warning you.. keep nerfing classes and you will only make this Sithy ops even harder to the few guilds that are actually clearing 7-10/10 bosses atm... and just frustrate your pvers even more... I guess we should have used to it by now.. who cares abour actual pvp/pve players in this game, right?
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