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Commando Changes Brainstorming


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I am not a healer commando, don't care about healing gameplay as such myself, but the fact is that all healers should be equal in all matters in the game to avoid the situation where one healer class will be overlooked because it just cannot cleanse or purge Force/Mental effects. ALL healer classes should be able to cleanse/purge ALL effects equally.


I cut away the stuff that has already been answered

to these debuffs sages got nerved some days back they can no longer cleanse the most dangerous force Dots (those you couldn't cleanse either (the madness/balance ones))


and in DP/DF the dots you can't cleanse but sages can shouldn't appear and if they do they can be healed trough without trouble

have you ever double-saged Corruptor zero?

that fight actually has a Dot that's not easily avoidable one that is only cleanseable by Scoundrels and Mandos but not by Sages.

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Can you please stop throwing out the next random idea that pops into your head...........


Alacrity is awful. 5% is <.1s off of your GCD with current stat curves.

Charged Barrier is fine as is.

Additional pushback does nothing, especially when MP and AMP already have 70% pushback resistance.


Actually 5% alacrity will give you around 2 more APM which is indeed noticeable in a PVE situation where you're continually casting. I agree in general with the rest of your sentiment though.


I seriously believe that if CoF is changed to work the same way IA does, then Gunnery will be incredibly powerful and I might can start bringing it to raids again over my slinger, though I wouldn't say no to getting back the free HiB in gunnery either. Also Give Mortar Volley back it's 8m radius and remove the minimum distance requirement. It's ridiculous that my slinger can drop flyby on himself inside the ship that is theoretically dropping the flyby, but MV has a 5m minimum distance.



edit: PVE is where I'd like to see 5% alacrity. My bad.

Edited by ArchangelLBC
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Instead of the 5% temp sheild we get for getting off X grav rounds how about replacing that with "While reactive sheild is in place you have a 50/100% chance of not being able to be interrupted"? I believe reactive shield is what out little dome that gives us a damage reduction is called (sorry Im not in the game atm and Im on my first cup of coffee). Personally I would easily take that over the 1% per shot even with the increase in the tree already there. This makes it not permanent (like you all were talking about earlier last year that upset so many pvpers) and yet still addresses the biggest issue Commando and Merc has. Healers in both classes already have this except it reads as if it is permanent and isnt set by the reactive shield. Its not pushback per se that is an issue but the interrupts. As it is we have the whole reduces pushpack by 70% if you set the tree right at least in Gunnery.
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Can you please stop throwing out the next random idea that pops into your head...........


Alacrity is awful. 5% is <.1s off of your GCD with current stat curves.

Charged Barrier is fine as is.

Additional pushback does nothing, especially when MP and AMP already have 70% pushback resistance.

Duran'del here:


With all due respect, 70% and 100% PB resistance are different. When I solo dailies as both a Gunnery and CM Commando, I do notice that I get push back. This delays it by tenths of a second, but during an Ops such as SnV, during the phase where styrak gives an uncleanseable DoT and I'm healing, I do notice that my heals are being pushed back. And that tenths of a second of a delay can be the difference between a wipe and a clear. You wanted more survivability for Gunnery? Up to 10% DR might help.


This is a Brainstorming thread. I just post my ideas. I'm sorry I'm not some L33T commando pro like you. I'm just some stupid player who posts stupid ideas on this stupid forum for this stupid game, right? I haven't even seen you post many ideas. You only posted one that seems like it would never get ingame.

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Duran'del here:


With all due respect, 70% and 100% PB resistance are different. When I solo dailies as both a Gunnery and CM Commando, I do notice that I get push back. This delays it by tenths of a second, but during an Ops such as SnV, during the phase where styrak gives an uncleanseable DoT and I'm healing, I do notice that my heals are being pushed back. And that tenths of a second of a delay can be the difference between a wipe and a clear. You wanted more survivability for Gunnery? Up to 10% DR might help.


This is a Brainstorming thread. I just post my ideas. I'm sorry I'm not some L33T commando pro like you. I'm just some stupid player who posts stupid ideas on this stupid forum for this stupid game, right? I haven't even seen you post many ideas. You only posted one that seems like it would never get ingame.


Dude, settle down.

I've healed S&V a few times and pushback is the least of my worries. During the last phase of Styrak (is the DoT you speak of the exhaustion zone he knocks people into?) my priority is keeping Kolto Bomb spammed out for AoE heals to keep everyone topped off so they don't die from being punted. If you're THAT WORRIED about pushback, take a point out of First Responder and put it in Combat Shield so you can have 12s of no pushback during a burn phase.

The biggest Commando issue with pushback is Gunnery's tendency to lose the last tick of Full Auto. Secondary to that is Gunnery getting Grav Round continually slowed down. Combat Medic and Assault Specialist don't rely on channels at all and don't have to spend nearly as much time casting as Gunnery does.


Honestly, I feel that most suggestions you throw out are done without much thought. Before you put an idea down, think to yourself "will this fix a problem, or will it make us tremendously overpowered and set ourselves up for being mercilessly nerfbatted into irrelevance?"

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And here I thought recieving feedback for their combat team was the purpose behind this thread.


You know what bugs me, still, after all this time? I've never really considered gunslinger passive defense bonuses given by being in cover particularly overpowered. They're very good, sure, but the class is obviously designed with a specific mentality in mind: hole up in cover, sit there, and unleash damage from your fixed position. Which in of itself is fine. But if their plan was to have slingers be more dependant on staying put, and giving them the tools needed to remain that way, what the hell was the design principle for commandos and sages? Because if their intention was for them to have the mobility that slingers lack and not have them play in fundamentally the same way, they've failed. They've failed big time.

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IMO, the biggest mistake the devs made in the balance between range/melee is giving melee classes 30m gap closers. Gunslinger/Sniper is the only class that can actually out-range the majority of gap-closers, and they have innate defense against gap closers.


That, and having 4-5 ways of having casts interrupted, but giving 2 of the 3 caster classes almost no way to defend against interrupts.

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And here I thought recieving feedback for their combat team was the purpose behind this thread.


You know what bugs me, still, after all this time? I've never really considered gunslinger passive defense bonuses given by being in cover particularly overpowered. They're very good, sure, but the class is obviously designed with a specific mentality in mind: hole up in cover, sit there, and unleash damage from your fixed position. Which in of itself is fine. But if their plan was to have slingers be more dependant on staying put, and giving them the tools needed to remain that way, what the hell was the design principle for commandos and sages? Because if their intention was for them to have the mobility that slingers lack and not have them play in fundamentally the same way, they've failed. They've failed big time.


well if you have seen the changes for the commando in 2.6 then you would know that THIS thread was not consulted for what changes were needed and they made a new thread asking our opinion and right now that thread is just full of made guardians that want buffs for vigi there is hardly any merc/mando presence showing our disapproval of the so called "balance" change we got for dps merc/mando

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IMO, the biggest mistake the devs made in the balance between range/melee is giving melee classes 30m gap closers. Gunslinger/Sniper is the only class that can actually out-range the majority of gap-closers, and they have innate defense against gap closers.


That, and having 4-5 ways of having casts interrupted, but giving 2 of the 3 caster classes almost no way to defend against interrupts.


It's not the gap closers that are the problem. I'd argue they're necessary for PVE. It's that they failed to give other ranged classes ANY defense against gap closers.

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It's not the gap closers that are the problem. I'd argue they're necessary for PVE. It's that they failed to give other ranged classes ANY defense against gap closers.


Gap closers are definitely necessary for PvP, but giving them 30m range? 20m range would have been better IMO.


Many melee players dont even bother to chase when I kite them. They just sit at range and wait for the gap closer to come back up and *bam* theyre right back in range.

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Gap closers are definitely necessary for PvP, but giving them 30m range? 20m range would have been better IMO.


Many melee players dont even bother to chase when I kite them. They just sit at range and wait for the gap closer to come back up and *bam* theyre right back in range.


Which wouldn't matter if you had a decent gap closer defense.

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Can you please stop throwing out the next random idea that pops into your head...........


Alacrity is awful. 5% is <.1s off of your GCD with current stat curves.

Charged Barrier is fine as is.

Additional pushback does nothing, especially when MP and AMP already have 70% pushback resistance.


Pretty much yeah pushback isn't worth a patch. But if MP after a successful AMP became uninterruptible that would be a nice QoL change that I would like and pretty sure we all would. Also alacrity is pretty much only good for energy return and you don't need much of it to have max return.

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Bored and was thinking of stuff




Passive talent at 45 for medics, after using Bacta Infusion the next 2 Advanced medical probe or Medical probes become immune to interrupts lasts 8 secs


Passive talent at 45 for gunnery, after using demo round the next 2 grav rounds or full autos become immune to interrupts lasts 8 secs


Passive talent at 45 for assault, after using assault plastique the next 2 charged bolts or full autos become immune to interrupts lasts 8 secs


Hold the line- now allows you to cast while moving


tech override- Cd reduced to 1 min and has 2 charges. Reserve power-cell Cd reduced to 1 min


Medic tree:


Efficient Conversions now also causes diversion to restore 8 ammo and reduce the CD by 10 secs


Front line medic- redesigned Anytime you take damage the active CD of adrenaline rush is reduced by 2 secs this can only happen every 6 secs, additionally when adrenaline rush is triggered the CD of hold the line is reset.


Supercharged cells- now restores 16 ammo up from 8 ammo and increases alacrity by 5% for the duration


Combat support cell- redesigned- no longer increases healing by 3% at 30 stacks. Now causes hammer shot and full auto to heal for 100% of your tech bonus healing.


Probe Medic - now also has the following effect. anytime hammer shot critically heals any ally affected by trauma probe it restores 1 ammo.


Bacta Infusion now restores 8 heat and increases all healing done by 3% for 8 secs.


Psych aid- now also causes targets affected by you field aid to take 3% less periodic damage for 6 seconds


Kolto pods- now also reapplies the slow from kolto residue.


Combat shield and efficient conversions have switched spots in the talent tree




Heavy trooper: now increase Endurance by (2/4%) and increases healing received by (2/4%) up from (1/2%)


Charged barrier: Charged bolts and grav round have a [50/100%] chance to reduce damage taken by 3% stacks 2 times lasts 15 seconds.


Cover fire- additionally applies the hinder effect on the first two ticks of full auto.


cell charger- while armor piercing cell is active you regenerate [1/2 energy cells] every 1.5 seconds.


Overclock-changed now causes the 2 charged from tech override to consume no ammo on use.


Demolition Round critical hit chance is increased by 10% if an enemy is at 20% or lower.




Suit FOE- changed now reduces damage taken by periodic effects by [7.5/15] and causes field aid to ignore the global cool down.


Reflexive battery - changed increased damage component on concussive charged removed. Now causes Hold the line to slow all attackers by 30% for 2 secs anytime your attacked.


Parallatic combat stims and soldier's endurance have switched spots in the talent tree


That's all I can think of for now.

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Bored and was thinking of stuff




Passive talent at 45 for medics, after using Bacta Infusion the next 2 Advanced medical probe or Medical probes become immune to interrupts lasts 8 secs


Passive talent at 45 for gunnery, after using demo round the next 2 grav rounds or full autos become immune to interrupts lasts 8 secs


Passive talent at 45 for assault, after using assault plastique the next 2 charged bolts or full autos become immune to interrupts lasts 8 secs


Hold the line- now allows you to cast while moving


tech override- Cd reduced to 1 min and has 2 charges. Reserve power-cell Cd reduced to 1 min


Medic tree:


Efficient Conversions now also causes diversion to restore 8 ammo and reduce the CD by 10 secs


Front line medic- redesigned Anytime you take damage the active CD of adrenaline rush is reduced by 2 secs this can only happen every 6 secs, additionally when adrenaline rush is triggered the CD of hold the line is reset.


Supercharged cells- now restores 16 ammo up from 8 ammo and increases alacrity by 5% for the duration


Combat support cell- redesigned- no longer increases healing by 3% at 30 stacks. Now causes hammer shot and full auto to heal for 100% of your tech bonus healing.


Probe Medic - now also has the following effect. anytime hammer shot critically heals any ally affected by trauma probe it restores 1 ammo.


Bacta Infusion now restores 8 heat and increases all healing done by 3% for 8 secs.


Psych aid- now also causes targets affected by you field aid to take 3% less periodic damage for 6 seconds


Kolto pods- now also reapplies the slow from kolto residue.


Combat shield and efficient conversions have switched spots in the talent tree




Heavy trooper: now increase Endurance by (2/4%) and increases healing received by (2/4%) up from (1/2%)


Charged barrier: Charged bolts and grav round have a [50/100%] chance to reduce damage taken by 3% stacks 2 times lasts 15 seconds.


Cover fire- additionally applies the hinder effect on the first two ticks of full auto.


cell charger- while armor piercing cell is active you regenerate [1/2 energy cells] every 1.5 seconds.


Overclock-changed now causes the 2 charged from tech override to consume no ammo on use.


Demolition Round critical hit chance is increased by 10% if an enemy is at 20% or lower.




Suit FOE- changed now reduces damage taken by periodic effects by [7.5/15] and causes field aid to ignore the global cool down.


Reflexive battery - changed increased damage component on concussive charged removed. Now causes Hold the line to slow all attackers by 30% for 2 secs anytime your attacked.


Parallatic combat stims and soldier's endurance have switched spots in the talent tree


That's all I can think of for now.


Duran'del here:


1. Your idea of a "redesign" for CSS is, no offense, a bad idea. It's fine as is, but could use an alacrity boost. I don't understand why people want FA as a heal. It makes no sense. Same for the redesign of Frontline Medic. We no longer need it as of 2.6, so its fine as is. Crits from Hammer Shot should not restore energy cells. We have First Responder for improved regen, GCD, and cast time.Supercharge Cells should give interrupt immunity for it's duration. Diversion shouldn't restore energy. It should provide a Charge Shield for players that are 10m of you, however. I like the CM spec because it actually requires skill, unlike Scoundrel healing. The Bacta Infusion idea is very, very bad. It could use a 5% heal increase, but energy regen and healing buff? Do you want to ruin the skill cap for this class? Psyche Aid should heal for an additional amount of health for each debuff it removes, but shouldn't decrease periodic damage. That would be OP.


2. The 2 charges of overclock are a necessity for Gunnery. The spec is so cast-dependant that 2 free abilities would do nothing to stop us from being shutdown. a 100% push back and interrupt immunity for FA's CoF proc would be extremely good. Hinder on FA is a good idea, but I can see it being OP.


3. The Soldier's endurance talent is in there so Tanks can snatch it up easily. HtL slow would be OP.

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Duran'del here:


1. Your idea of a "redesign" for CSS is, no offense, a bad idea. It's fine as is, but could use an alacrity boost. I don't understand why people want FA as a heal. It makes no sense. Same for the redesign of Frontline Medic. We no longer need it as of 2.6, so its fine as is. Crits from Hammer Shot should not restore energy cells. We have First Responder for improved regen, GCD, and cast time.Supercharge Cells should give interrupt immunity for it's duration. Diversion shouldn't restore energy. It should provide a Charge Shield for players that are 10m of you, however. I like the CM spec because it actually requires skill, unlike Scoundrel healing. The Bacta Infusion idea is very, very bad. It could use a 5% heal increase, but energy regen and healing buff? Do you want to ruin the skill cap for this class? Psyche Aid should heal for an additional amount of health for each debuff it removes, but shouldn't decrease periodic damage. That would be OP.


2. The 2 charges of overclock are a necessity for Gunnery. The spec is so cast-dependant that 2 free abilities would do nothing to stop us from being shutdown. a 100% push back and interrupt immunity for FA's CoF proc would be extremely good. Hinder on FA is a good idea, but I can see it being OP.


3. The Soldier's endurance talent is in there so Tanks can snatch it up easily. HtL slow would be OP.


Eavn here,


listen man commando heals can use all the love they can get, so don't hate.

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