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Commando Changes Brainstorming


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Indeed.. my guess would be 2-3 at most. Looking forward to finding out more info next week. A step in the right direction for healers though. :)


well if trauma probe is limited to two it's fine three would mean that there's one left for yourself and Frontline-Medic is only 90% useless instead of 100% 4 and there will be a Problem.

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Mercenaries/Commandos will now have a skill to eliminate pushback on Tracer Missile/Grav Round and Power Shot/Charged Bolts.

Mercenaries/Commandos can now cast Kolto Shell/Trauma Probe on more than one target at a time. Mercenaries/Commandos can now use Rapid Shots/Hammer Shot on themselves while Combat Support Cylinder/Combat Support Cell are active.

Finally some usefully changes for the commando :)

That give me hope, but........ don't stop here. Thats really not enough for pvp, but depending on how many trauma probes, nice for pve.


Some ideas to that:

You remove pushback for dd spec, but why not for combat medic who suffer most of it (of course behind interruptions)? So if you don't want give him more interrupt immunity (and i not really understand why), then please be consistent and remove pushback for all casts for his specialization (all heal casts for combat medic, all damage casts for dd specs).


Let 2 trauma probes be stackable and for pvp, let them stay on not killed target(s), if the commando is killed.

If you don't want it to be stackable then, just an idea, change the kind of healing from trauma probe, like that:

If incoming damage is more than 25% or 33% of current hp, trauma probe heals with 2 or 3 charges (skillable, so every combat medic can choose between normal and "new").


So after nearly 2 years you give me hope for my commando healer, so please don't stop and think the problems are now solved, instead bring it to the good end and improve him further more, to bring him back in pvp and not only be second choice in pve (yes yes theorycrafter.....)

Edited by DomBah
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We already have 70% pushback on GR and CB...... The pusback change is a non-change. Not to mention it doesnt address any of our main problems.

It's a disruption to our damage output that literally only we and sages have to deal with. I'd agree that it doesn't really address our main problems, but I wouldn't call it a non-change given the amount of dps burst phases that happen alongside consistent incoming damage in pretty much every operation.

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It's a disruption to our damage output that literally only we and sages have to deal with. I'd agree that it doesn't really address our main problems, but I wouldn't call it a non-change given the amount of dps burst phases that happen alongside consistent incoming damage in pretty much every operation.


The different between 70% pushback resistance and 100% is going to be indiscernible.


If you take the 70% talent, and you should be, you already all but negate the effects of pushback.

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The different between 70% pushback resistance and 100% is going to be indiscernible.


If you take the 70% talent, and you should be, you already all but negate the effects of pushback.

Still, most other classes completely negate it. Completely trumps almost. There's no reason we should have such an arbitrary disadvantage ontop of everything else. Trying to kill off orbs on phase 2 TFB as gunnery was a god damn nightmare, for instance.


I'm not saying it's really worth celebrating - especially so if they're not going to apply it to other abilities than grav round and charged bolts - but it had to come sooner or later.

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I just hope Bioware addresses the issue with Commando ammo management (especially for Gunnery) and our survivability!


What? If they made Gunnery/Arsenal anymore more manageable with Energy Cells/Heat ... they might as well remove the mechanic altogether.

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I would love to see something that adds some defense to existing skills and some extra damage. Here are a couple possibilities.


1. Concussive Force (2pts in Arsenal Tree)

Stock strike has a [50 / 100] % chance to immobilize the target for 4 seconds. Direct damage caused after 2 seconds ends the effect. In addition, Concussion Charge's Knockback effect is stronger and pushes enemies [2 / 4] meters further away. I’d like to add a 4 sec root/snare to the knockback portion. Non-cleansable but can be broken with a cc breaker.


2. Deleted




3. Grav Round

Activation: 1.5 secs

Energy: 19 (reduce to 18)

Range: 30 m

Fires a round that creates a gravity vortex on the target, dealing 1814 - 2716 kinetic damage, crushing the target's armor and reducing armor rating by 20% for 45 seconds. Gravity vortices leave targets vulnerable to High Impact Bolt.


Increase the reduced armor rating to 40%




Edited by Darknessinme
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2. Concussive Round

Activation: 2 secs (would like to make this 1 sec)

Energy: 8

Cooldown: 60s (40 sec)

Range: 30 m

Fires a round at the target that knocks it out for up to 60 seconds. Non-player, non-standard and non-weak targets do not - regenerate health rapidly while knocked out.


Changes: Remove damage causes this effect to end prematurely and reduce knock out time to 40sec.




Are you suggesting an 8 second hard stun in pvp? :rolleyes:

Edited by diadox
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None of that is suggesting that. It seems to be asking for a hard 40s stun for PvE. And though I dont PvE, that sounds massively overpowered.


After re-reading my number 2 suggestion and going through the other classes’ abilities and stuns, it would be indeed be OP and not a viable suggestion to have the stun "not broken by damage". So I am retracting that suggestion.



Edited by Darknessinme
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What? If they made Gunnery/Arsenal anymore more manageable with Energy Cells/Heat ... they might as well remove the mechanic altogether.

It's not so much that our resource is just innately difficult to manage, it's that gunnery relies on the whims of the RNG gods to decide whether or not we struggle for ammo cells. Gunnery ammo management practically hinges on whether or not curtain of fire decides to proc regularly or not.


I wouldn't say we have poor management, it's just flaky and inconsistent. For something with a 45% chance to proc, I sure do go the whole cooldown of full auto without a single instance of it happening a lot.

Edited by Bleeters
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It's not so much that our resource is just innately difficult to manage, it's that gunnery relies on the whims of the RNG gods to decide whether or not we struggle for ammo cells. Gunnery ammo management practically hinges on whether or not curtain of fire decides to proc regularly or not.


I wouldn't say we have poor management, it's just flaky and inconsistent. For something with a 45% chance to proc, I sure do go the whole cooldown of full auto without a single instance of it happening a lot.


personally before energy is eased up i'd like an indicator for cell-charger

a small cycle that indicates when the next input comes about the Size of the combat indicator freely movable in the interface design something like the wait symbol on you tube.


but yes comparing these "45%" to for example the "45%" charged Bolts has...

(I think the only "45%" proc with a higher Proc rate then ionic-accelerator is dirty-shot (but that one at least can be explained by math:rolleyes:))

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Well the 45% is in fact 45%. Its been tested by others that have posted their results, cba to link them but they are around if you look for them.


The problem is that its 45% on every single Grav Round. When you compare that to Ionic Accelerator, which appears to have an additive proc rate (45% on the first Charged Bolts, 90% on the second), Ionic Accelerator has a much more predictable proc rate than CoF.


And while theoretically the odds of going the full 12s w/out a CoF proc are slim, it does happen. As others have said, our energy management should never be dependent upon RNG. So either make CoF procs function the same as IA procs, or redesign the mechanic so that it is more predictable and reliable.

Edited by cashogy_reborn
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Well the 45% is in fact 45%. Its been tested by others that have posted their results, cba to link them but they are around if you look for them.


The problem is that its 45% on every single Grav Round. When you compare that to Ionic Accelerator, which appears to have an additive proc rate (45% on the first Charged Bolts, 90% on the second), Ionic Accelerator has a much more predictable proc rate than CoF.


And while theoretically the odds of going the full 12s w/out a CoF proc are slim, it does happen. As others have said, our energy management should never be dependent upon RNG. So either make CoF procs function the same as IA procs, or redesign the mechanic so that it is more predictable and reliable.


^This. The only thing that ruins playing Gunnery for me is that the proc rate of CoF can easily deplete my energy. I don't see anything wrong with making CoF like IA, because if that doesn't happen the flat proc rate needs to be higher on CoF andr the energy required for a CoF FA or Grav Round needs to be reduced.

Edited by AngelFluttershy
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None of that is suggesting that. It seems to be asking for a hard 40s stun for PvE. And though I dont PvE, that sounds massively overpowered.


It was essentially what his change would mean :rolleyes:


Concussive Round is a mezz. 60 seconds in pve, 8 seconds in pvp. If it was changed to a hard stun in pve, that's what it'd logically be in pvp. Still, it was a pointless comment on my part since I did realize that was not what he meant :p


Back to brainstorming!

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Duran'del here:


-Have First Responder be 5% alacrity.

-Charged Barrier is 2% DR per stack.

-MP and AMP are immune to push back.


Can you please stop throwing out the next random idea that pops into your head...........


Alacrity is awful. 5% is <.1s off of your GCD with current stat curves.

Charged Barrier is fine as is.

Additional pushback does nothing, especially when MP and AMP already have 70% pushback resistance.

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I am not a healer commando, don't care about healing gameplay as such myself, but the fact is that all healers should be equal in all matters in the game to avoid the situation where one healer class will be overlooked because it just cannot cleanse or purge Force/Mental effects. ALL healer classes should be able to cleanse/purge ALL effects equally.


Do NOT limit commando AoE ability by targets. Most annoying and silly restriction. Other healer classes will heal anyone and everyone who is within their AoE healing range but commando is the only "poor shmuck" who's AoE heal is limited to 4 targets? Remove this silly limitation.


Make so that ALL DPS trees are viable and produce equal amount of good DPS. I personally like Gunnery skill tree, I mostly play PvE and I feel that it suits my cannon-toting ways more, but I am getting more and more annoyed by the fact that the DoT skill trees seem to overpower the "straight up shooting" trees (and not just for commando, other classes as well). All DPS trees should provide equal DPS, the difference would be in mobility. I see Gunnery being as more stationary (like it is now) and thus suits PvE perhaps more, while Assault would be more mobile combat method and would suit for example PvP more. So fix these silly DPS differences between DPS skill trees and make them both equally viable.

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Do NOT limit commando AoE ability by targets. Most annoying and silly restriction. Other healer classes will heal anyone and everyone who is within their AoE healing range but commando is the only "poor shmuck" who's AoE heal is limited to 4 targets? Remove this silly limitation.

Sage/Scoundrel AoE heal isn't unlimited either, it has 8/4 limit. It's actually commando that has unlimited, sure the big hit of kolto bomb is ony for 4, but the kolto pod is unlimited.

Make so that ALL DPS trees are viable and produce equal amount of good DPS. I personally like Gunnery skill tree, I mostly play PvE and I feel that it suits my cannon-toting ways more, but I am getting more and more annoyed by the fact that the DoT skill trees seem to overpower the "straight up shooting" trees (and not just for commando, other classes as well). All DPS trees should provide equal DPS, the difference would be in mobility. I see Gunnery being as more stationary (like it is now) and thus suits PvE perhaps more, while Assault would be more mobile combat method and would suit for example PvP more. So fix these silly DPS differences between DPS skill trees and make them both equally viable.

That wouldn't be balanced. Balance is Melee sustained>Melee burst/Range sustained>Range burst. For example who would take a balance shadow over a gunnery commando if they both have the same dps but commando has lower setup time, superior burst and 30m range?

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