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PvP Server Leaderboards v2.4.1


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I'm sorry can't seem to get that picture better or I'm just a n00b at this lol but it was 11,784 with sniper Tsarunai biggest hit area






Try uploading the screenshot to imgur, much better quality.


Also, all updated, once again. Congrats to team Gladium for the first team rating entry!

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So not a record but a suggestion: could we get a +300k Healing/Damage catagory? Other server leaderboards have it and seems like an interesting one.


I'll get back to you guys about this and the deeps/prot thing by sometime Thursday. I don't have a lot of free time tomorrow and it's late tonight :<


Also, the entries are not updated as of my hitting 'Submit Reply', but they will be updated before I go to bed tonight! Hopefully! >.< Long day. Too many inter-person politics. i r teh exhausted.

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Alright, so this is what I'm thinking.


First, two categories for hybrids, for both Warzones and Arenas. 360k/360k damage/healing, and 360k/360k damage/prot. 360k because that's the medal award before the game just gives up on giving you credit. xP I may be convinced for a slight reduction in requirement for the protection hybrid, though. I'll just wait and see how this works out first. As quoted below from the updated rules post:

Rules Regarding the Leaderboard

4. Be sure the stat you are entering for is clearly displayed (though that should be obvious :p ), and if using 1 screenshot for multiple entries, please specify each category you are entering for. Also make sure that entries for the two Hybrid categories meet the 360k/360k requirement.

New Additions

4. Hybrid Heals, and Hybrid Tank categories. These categories require 360k+ damage, in addition to either 360k+ healing or 360k+ protection.



Second, concerning ML_Doubletap's question... I hadn't really considered if we should allow by round or not (I know, shame on me for not thinking ahead on it >.< ). Looking back over the current arena entries, only one slipped by as a singular round instead of an overview of the totals (Missoni's HPS entry). So my question to you guys is:


Do we want to let arena entries be posted by round only in addition to the overall tab? Or should it be overall exclusive? I'll let you guys discuss and provide opinions during tonight and tomorrow since I'll be working all day tomorrow anyways :D


Also, a change to rule #5, as quoted below, in response to the odd screenshot links I got from Kelik-rah. I'm accepting Kelik-rah's screens, but in the future let's try to refrain from cropping things. There's just too many places on the internet now that will allow you to upload a full sized, 2560x1440 or bigger image in full res, without downgrading quality or requiring cropping.

Rules Regarding the Leaderboard

5. Please try to show both teams in your screenshot (the All tab, not the Allies or Enemies tabs). This is a guideline more than a rule, but will be strictly enforced in the event there is serious allegations of fraud. Please also try not to crop your screenshots. I double check which maps entries are on, and I can't see the locale if you crop down to exactly the scoreboard.





OMG are you saying that you have a life outside of updating this Super Serious Business thread? NOT ALLOWED.


Get to work, slacker. :p


no u! *runs off, cries, and hides until tomorrow evening*


<3 In all seriousness, this made me laugh. inorite? What kind of a gamer am I, having a life outside of video games. Pah! :p

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