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Anti Murder Measures.


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I duel plenty, and play lots of WZs, and those are generally fairer fights than I would ever get in open-world PvP on a PvP server.


You avoid PvP servers out of fear of such behavior? You can't be the only one. If such behavior can be deterred, wouldn't you feel safer on a PvP server?


This is, in no way, eradicating open-world PvP. This is just a little measure making PvP better for everyone.


News flash, you're on a pvp server. If you don't want to get ganked go to a pve server.


You're saying my options are never PvP, or get utterly murdered every other time I turn a corner. Where's the middle ground where I run into a like-leveled player every once in a while? And why are you so opposed to the creation of said middle ground?


Yeah, once more I will quote my cousin Annika...


You brought in reinforcements? That's sad.


The OP isn't going to get it, he's not going to stop trying to convince us how broken PvP is, and he still thinks a comparison to small pox is valid.


And you, my fellow player, still don't and apparently never will understand the point of this thread. How often do I need to repeat myself that I'm not talking about the entire PvP system; I'm talking about a minute measure that you probably wouldn't even notice the implementation of. (Unless, of course, you're one of them who can only win against other players when they're 30 levels below you.)


The small pox comparison is perfectly valid. I'm sure people back then were telling others that small pox is a fact of life that will never go away; ever. People may have ridiculed doctors for trying to cure it. I don't know the exact story, but is small pox around, anymore?


Said jerks on PvP servers may be a fact of life, as well. But that kind of behavior can be discouraged; thus their activity will fade away. How can you be so opposed to overall improvement? Unless you're one of said jerks, there's no reason to oppose this.


Explain to me, good and hard, how this is such a bad idea. How will this implementation bring more harm than good?


Sorry to say, but I am thinking he's either a troll or something else.


Adamancy is trolling? Because I have faith and stand up for my suggestion, I am the bad guy? Maybe you're the true troll, AbsolutGrndZero, opposing this idea and even calling in backup to see a good idea tarnished for no valid reason.

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There is a valid reason to oppose this rule. I personally like the danger of running on a PvP server. At any moment I could get rolled or roll someone, it's exciting. I remember fondly moments when a couple people get ganked and reinforcements get called. Twenty minutes of back and forth calls for assistance and a pitch battle ensues. You have people of all levels just blasting away at each other.


Admittedly this hasn't happened too often on this game given the smaller pop size, but man was it fun in other games. The fact of the matter is, there is a server type for people who want to choose when and the manner in which they PvP. So long as you leave my server type alone you can have your own CB-PvP server.

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Just yesterday I was in the Outlaw's Den deploying seeker droids and an opposing faction player came up and asked me if I was searching for Dread Seed Armor. Later I sped past another redname player who was in a speeder heading in the opposite direction.
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There is a valid reason to oppose this rule. I personally like the danger of running on a PvP server. At any moment I could get rolled or roll someone, it's exciting. I remember fondly moments when a couple people get ganked and reinforcements get called. Twenty minutes of back and forth calls for assistance and a pitch battle ensues. You have people of all levels just blasting away at each other.


Admittedly this hasn't happened too often on this game given the smaller pop size, but man was it fun in other games. The fact of the matter is, there is a server type for people who want to choose when and the manner in which they PvP. So long as you leave my server type alone you can have your own CB-PvP server.


Yes, and it's fun to actually engage or be engaged. From my experience, even 10-15 level's difference doesn't qualify for the retaliation of this idea. After all, it's fun to get caught in a sudden skirmish, but tell me, don't you actually want to be able to participate in said skirmish? Would you rather fight other players or spontaneously die with no warning whatsoever?

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  • 2 weeks later...
That's an interesting idea, player-on-player bounties.


I can imagine something like a GTN console, you access it and see the Find Bounty or Place Bounty tabs. It might work something like the GTN interface, as well. You can search players with bounties on them by class, role, level, or how big the price on their head is. You pick your target(s) and the game assigns you a mission: Kill or capture <player name>. If multiple people place bounties on the same person, it simply adds to the pot, and the person or team to complete the bounty first gets to claim it.


And how would you calculate bounty payout? The killed person loses nothing - so what would you pay out of nothing? Even better - the one with the bounty get his friends on other side to kill him, and share the profit.

Provoke people to place bounty on you and get rewarded for being a jerk - perfect scenario, isn't it?

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Give an example? I don't know of any.


DAoC had it's anti ganking features for high levels pushing into lowbie territory of other realms.


Warhammer Online had the BEST feature ever in stopping high levels from messing wih people that stood no chance against them. If you went into an area where people have no chance against you, your character was turned into a chicken...literally...and all you could do was run around and cluck at people.


After all, only a coward picks a fight that is so lopsided in their favor to be laughable.

Heck the op is generous...I'd do something like Warhammer...only far more amusing. If the level range is bigger than 4 and you are the aggressor, you get that first hit off...and then are immediately down-leveled to level 1 for an hour of played time (logging out is not an option), your gear grants no stats and your weapon grants no stats (thus you do unarmed damage values and are forced to use the unarmed attacks to defend yourself). You lose access to your ship, cannot quick travel, cannot fleet pass, cannot join a group (are also immediately removed from a group if in one), cannot talk in guild or general chats....essentially made out to be a sitting duck just like they were hoping to prey upon due to having no spine. After all, who cares what happens to you if you are too afraid of a fair fight to attack people in your own level range?


This comes from someone that at one point in time used to hunt people of lower level just to drive them out of an area a guildy was attempting to quest in and was getting slaughtered.

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In Warhammer Online if you attacked a player lower than you in a area 10 levels below your rank you were turned into a chicken with 1hp and hit the player for 1hp. Obviously if that player wasnt afk he tunred round and 1 shot the chicken. And thats coming from a game that was above all about pvp.
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In Warhammer Online if you attacked a player lower than you in a area 10 levels below your rank you were turned into a chicken with 1hp and hit the player for 1hp. Obviously if that player wasnt afk he tunred round and 1 shot the chicken. And thats coming from a game that was above all about pvp.


Sounds fair to me. ;)

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In Warhammer Online if you attacked a player lower than you in a area 10 levels below your rank you were turned into a chicken with 1hp and hit the player for 1hp. Obviously if that player wasnt afk he tunred round and 1 shot the chicken. And thats coming from a game that was above all about pvp.


I remember that first month. I'm pretty sure you could get turned into a chicken from wandering into a low-level PvP area. Which was great, when I was exploring...


(Man, that game was bad.)

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This comes from someone that at one point in time used to hunt people of lower level just to drive them out of an area a guildy was attempting to quest in and was getting slaughtered.

So he was flagged for PvP yet you both viewed it as a problem that he was getting killed while questing? I don't PvP, so I play on a PvE server. If someone plays on a PvE server, they can avoid getting "murdered" by not flagging, including not doing quests in PvP areas like the Outlaws' Den. "Problem" solved.

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So he was flagged for PvP yet you both viewed it as a problem that he was getting killed while questing? I don't PvP, so I play on a PvE server. If someone plays on a PvE server, they can avoid getting "murdered" by not flagging, including not doing quests in PvP areas like the Outlaws' Den. "Problem" solved.


There was (and still is for that matter) a bug that leaves you flagged while leaving a warzone at times if you are on a planet shared by both factions. Even on a PvE server this causes you to stand out (you can see a flagged person nearly twice as far away as a non-flagged one I have noticed) and it takes all of 3 min tops to get off your lowbie and on a high level to go grief.


Also, I can tell you are not a player from early on. The first 3-4 months of the game, simply entering another factions "area of control" would immediately flag you. The warning message and timer were glitched and never displayed...you immediately were flagged. Meaning a very innocent exploration could quickly turn into a gank fest on a PvE server. I had to rescue more than a few guildies due to this bug. Several medcenter locations also had no guards, meaning you could be farmed (several places on Hoth on both factions were infamous for this). The original guards were also the level of the area...meaning my shadow tank could invade any Imperial town on Tatooine or Hoth and basically laugh at them while /waving at the Imp players. If I had wanted to I could have entered any town I wanted and farmed the crap out of people.

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