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10 Good
  1. Get custom gear you like and forget this problem altogether.
  2. Just join the crafting and alliance windows back for the f's sake. How the hell I can say, which companion is on mission, looking on just the alliance window? And crafting window doesn't list influence levels. Oh, and always sort companions in a selection dropbox by influence level descending.
  3. Sad thing, nobody hear our screams.
  4. loose - not fixed in place. lose - cease to have And why you only listing hals the choices? There's more variants.
  5. Yes, exactly that issue. You may stop repeating it in circles. It is very, very old bug, that occured for different items in the past.
  6. This issue is stretched as far back as I can remember. Which makes it 3 years now. (This is my third holiday event in the SWTOR.) This, along many other issues, never got even slightest attention. Enough that all options to contact their support are down to "call us, we'll have a nice chat".
  7. Funny, I just came here to ask the same question. I can't for the life of me find Immunity/Initiative/Quick Savant 36 Enhancements recipes anywhere.
  8. Will it be fixed? Well, it was like this for the better part of the last four years. What are the chances that something in the biofail care about bugs?
  9. My understanding is that "romancing" gifts were removed as a conception. Checked on multiple classes now, no change before and after romance.
  10. Dear whiners. Can I haz ur stuf? Level Sync is a weak attempt at making all of the game content relevant. A weak attempt at removing the boring power creep that plague majority of would-be-MMO-RPG games of today. There lies a long way ahead, but it is a good first step. My only concern that this would be the only step taken, and Blizzard will again pick up and improve upon the design.
  11. In general, stealth makes it easier to get to your class quests, but never makes it easier to complete them. I.e. I've been able to get my operative from Hoth at 36 with very little help. (Only ever asked for help when faced the last stage on Hoth, in the Star of Coruscant. Got a party from some SW, and we scratched eachother's backs.) However, it turned out to be a mistake, when I tried to level her past that mark, and I had to grind a few levels before I were able to beat next encounters. If you ask, which SW you should pick, I would not recommend one over another. Properly geared and played Marauder could beat encounters through sheer power, where Juggernaut has to stand back and eat damage as much as they only can. Both ways work, however, just in a different manner.
  12. http://kolobok.us/smiles/standart/rofl.gif No matter how you slice the truth, it won't change the flavor. Other people "have stuff" because they have it. Want a slice of theirs? Go ahead, try your teeth.
  13. Nah, she's fine... You just has to know how to cook her. But the problem is that that ***** doesn't like even half the gifts at least a half as other like few. You're making a strange meal here. Mine's very much listening... And I'm Dark V soon. Time to check the recipe? But... but... you DO have Khem Val... do you?
  14. Where do you see preferences panel in this blog, or where this blog is available ingame?
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