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Merc changes...!


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I will say, if they can live up to having more frequent balance changes then I think it will be a big step in the right direction. Their current cadence for balance changes has been far too low, at around once every 6 months.


I dunno frequent isn't better if it leads to classes being broken and OP every mionth with constant FOTM classes

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No its because the worst class in game is the one that the forum goer mains


If you dont see such an issue with Merc/Mando heals in arena's then I will challange you to min/max your commando as heals bring it in vs our mainsquad and see how long it lasts.

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Holy cow, that is a lot of troopers. You have your own Havoc battalion.


You are assuming they lived; likely go through this many on a per planet basis simply by hitting the wrong key at the worst possible time.


If Cryo-Grenade is our only stun, a longer ranged Stun to be added is requested, even if it is a Stun effect placed on an extant ability.

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I still just want to know what happened to the plan that they were going to nerf the pure DPS classes to bring them within the stated hybrid tax. This was giving me some hope that I would be more competitive in operations with my gunnery commando and arsenal merc. As it sits now, the slingers and sentinels absolutely destroy me in parses, even when I get great CoF/Barrage procs.


I've min maxed the bajeezus out of my gear and I've hit the glass ceiling. If they were only parsing 5% or so above me, that would be fine, I would expect that considering that I can heal and cleanse without having to respec, but right now it's sitting at about 9-15% depending on how my RNG works out.


This is just unacceptable.

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As MLK said in his Letter from Birmingham Jail, "For years now I have heard the word 'Wait!' It rings in the ear of every [Merc] with piercing familiarity. This 'Wait' has almost always meant 'Never.' We must come to see, with one of our distinguished jurists, that 'justice too long delayed is justice denied.'"
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I can think of three very easy-to-implement changes off the top of my head. Each one would probably take 5 minutes to implement:


1. Increase the % on Full Auto without increasing the lockout. Or make Full Auto free during CoF. Just change the internal numbers of the skill.


2. Decrease the cooldown of Tech Override and Recharge Powercell to one minute. Again, just change the values.


3. Make Rail Shot free in Gunnery. Make a higher tier skill reduce its cost by 2 more. That way you won't have to touch the set bonus.


All of these features were widely requested by the community and none of them would take long to implement. You wouldn't even have to revamp our resource system with these changes.

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Hey everyone,


I wanted to try to address a few of the issues that you brought up in regards to the blog and the 2.5 changes.


Mercenary Changes // Other Class Changes


The changes that are listed in the 2.5 blog are currently all of our planned Class changes for that Game Update. I realize that not all classes or specs received changes. Know that Class changes are something that we will be doing with more frequency moving forward and you should look for more blogs/information such as this when we do.


I realize there is always frustration if your class does not receive changes (especially buffs) but this is something we will always be working on!


The Balance Patch!


I just want to make sure I set an expectation that we will never really have something that is "a balance patch." That is to say, the player expectation of a balance patch is one where almost every class and every spec receives changes. You simply wont see that volume of changes outside of something like an expansion. You will certainly see Class changes coming in some Game Updates. However they will not be on the scale I think a balance patch might imply.


Also, don't forget that we will be bringing back the Class Reps shortly after 2.5 goes live. You will certainly notice some of the great suggestions we got out of the Class Rep initiative made it to be changes in 2.5 (especially some of the quality of life stuff!). I know the classes who did not receive changes will be eager to get their feedback to us and so I will be sure to get them in the front of the order (such as Merc/Commando).


Thanks everyone,




EXCUSE ME!!! NO CLASS CHANGES FOR MERC/MANDO? YET YOU ARE GOING TO BUFF MANY OTHER CLASSES? WE ALREADY STRUGGLE AS IT IS... IF THERE IS ANY PRESSURE ON US OUR DPS DROPS TO NILL THIS IS RIDICULOUS! I never make posts like this but seriously, Bioware you have to be the dumbest programmers i have ever encountered... why did the Star Wars MMO have to fall into your incapable hands....

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*shrug* We will see these type of thread no matter who or what is being nerfed for buffed. There will always be an aggrieved party.


I have a Commando and I look forward to more frequent changes. Everything doesn't have to be changed in one sitting.

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*shrug* We will see these type of thread no matter who or what is being nerfed for buffed. There will always be an aggrieved party.


I have a Commando and I look forward to more frequent changes. Everything doesn't have to be changed in one sitting.


I dont think we were expecting *everything* to be changed. But zero changes? Cmon......


Its a poor effort at best by Bioware

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What a sad day i dont understand did a merc piss in the devs coffee.


could be ;) getting killed by a legit merc is painfull , even with the stealth nerf to heatseeker and tracer missile.

Next they might nerf pyro again , cause it still is competitive even with those lag crap programs they are not fixing !

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could be ;) getting killed by a legit merc is painfull , even with the stealth nerf to heatseeker and tracer missile.

Next they might nerf pyro again , cause it still is competitive even with those lag crap programs they are not fixing !


Stealth nerf? Haven't noticed a reduced amount of damage...

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Can we at least get the devs to adjust the Power Surge/Tech Override cooldown, or add the ammo counter to our energy bar? Both are very very small changes that shouldnt be overly time consuming to implement, and both would go a long way to showing us that youre actually trying, and not just blowing us off again.
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Can we at least get the devs to adjust the Power Surge/Tech Override cooldown, or add the ammo counter to our energy bar? Both are very very small changes that shouldnt be overly time consuming to implement, and both would go a long way to showing us that youre actually trying, and not just blowing us off again.


No that would screw with our official title, "Red Headed Stepchild."


But you're right, maybe a tiny QoL improvement will take some of the sting out of getting rammed in the pooper this time around.


Also, I'd still like to know why the combat devs didn't follow through with their answers regarding nerfing the DPS on slinger/sniper and mara/sents. They said they knew their damage was overtuned, and said they wanted to normalize it to bring the hybrids closer to the pures, but they completely sidestepped that for 2.5 with no indication as to their thought process.


Mando/Mercs had better be getting some kind of damage buff come 2.6. I'm getting tired of parsing 9-15% behind our slingers.

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