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Which class makes the overall greatest impact on a warzone/arena match?


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Cry more? Every swtor player knows that operative/scoundrel healing is the best. And they are the hardest to kill. If you have a good healer then you will win an arena, even if the dps lack intelligence. I left a fully geared and min/maxed sage healer to go scoundrel healing. Still refuse that healers make or break an arena premade/ pug? There might be a few videos on youtube about Shutdownx. He is one of the best, if not THE best healer in all of PoT5. I have had my fair share of encounters with him.


Actually speaking as a Sorc healer, I never get shut down, and never got shot down on Prophecy of the Five, or on Anchorhead before server consolidation. I guess it kinda helps to know how to play the class though. Don't say that Operative Heals are the best just because you never see quality Sorc and Merc heals anymore now that I left your server.

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in the solo rated queue, it's definitely the hybrid sage/sorc. they can effectively heal a 4m while only using 22 pts in their skill tree, so they're able to queue as dps.


obviously, grp skill is paramount, and superior opposition will triumph, but the point here is that solo rated will often match 4 dps vs. 4 dps or 3 dps and a tank against 3 dps and a tank. so if one of those dps is really a healer (rather than having the ability to off heal), then the field is already tilted in their favor. give him a guard and he's virtually immortal -- again, unless the other team are vastly superior in skill.

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This is perhaps one of the most idiotic statements ever made on these boards. Considering the company you're in, that's quite an accomplishment.


Well if you don't have good DPS you're not going to accomplish anything unless you can get fast caps on everything. You cannot clear nodes if you cant kill anything. You can have the best healer(s) on the server but if you don't have dps to go with it you're going to have to rely more on luck to capture objectives. Only thing this doesn't cover is huttball since it's more about moving the ball but if you cant stop the ball carrier or control mid you'll be hurting as well.

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Well if you don't have good DPS you're not going to accomplish anything unless you can get fast caps on everything. You cannot clear nodes if you cant kill anything. You can have the best healer(s) on the server but if you don't have dps to go with it you're going to have to rely more on luck to capture objectives. Only thing this doesn't cover is huttball since it's more about moving the ball but if you cant stop the ball carrier or control mid you'll be hurting as well.


In standard Ops format grouping of 2 Tanks 2 Heals and 4 DPS, 1 DPS being bad isn't going to make a group bad, however either a Tank or Healer being bad would be much more painful for the rest of the group. Of course that doesn't mean much, I have won WZs with less people on my team than the other time. Regardless though the point is that no group is bulletproof.

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I thought Po5 had some good pvp players. If you get bored come on ToFN. We can surely give you this experience in arenas.


I actually decided to consolidate all my toons onto one server that they where already on, so I left Po5 and moved to The Harb, it was a bit cheaper for me in the long run, and I didn't have to lose my character's names which would have happened if I did it the other way.


*edit* Also part of the reason why I am able to keep from getting shut down, is because I play smart. I obviously don't want to go into too many details in describing it, but I know what I am doing.

Edited by SuperGrunt
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*edit* Also part of the reason why I am able to keep from getting shut down, is because I play smart. .


Yes the rest of us are stupid and have no clue what we are doing. I wish you were on ToFN and we could show you how you can be shutdown and die.


I obviously don't want to go into too many details in describing it, but I know what I am doing

Obviously I wasn't expexting you would do so.

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Yes the rest of us are stupid and have no clue what we are doing. I wish you were on ToFN and we could show you how you can be shutdown and die.



Obviously I wasn't expexting you would do so.


Listen I never called anyone stupid so please don't imply that I did. However the vast majority of Sage/Sorc players don't know how to play their characters well, and I wouldn't be too surprised if more than a few didn't know the tricks that I know.

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A really good infiltration shadow/deception sin can really turn the tide in WZ's like hypergates, novare, civil war, and to a lesser extent, voidstar. Bursting down node guards and ninja caps can be really valuable. They're not of huge value in huttball though. No more than most other classes anyways.


Arenas, has to be an operative/scoundrel healer. To the above sage, I don't care how good you are, even a half-decent scouperative is probably going to outheal and outlive you.

Edited by Jimvinny
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A really good infiltration shadow/deception sin can really turn the tide in WZ's like hypergates, novare, civil war, and to a lesser extent, voidstar. Bursting down node guards and ninja caps can be really valuable. They're not of huge value in huttball though. No more than most other classes anyways.


Yeah they're the best at capturing nodes but it should never be expected and you shouldn't rely on this to happen all the time. If I'm in a warzone and notice that there is no chance for my team to take an objective I'll give it a go but more often than not I'll fail in taking the point but works in more of a diversion drawing the other team away from the main fight.


And phase walk in huttball AKA the ole give n go.

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A really good infiltration shadow/deception sin can really turn the tide in WZ's like hypergates, novare, civil war, and to a lesser extent, voidstar. Bursting down node guards and ninja caps can be really valuable. They're not of huge value in huttball though. No more than most other classes anyways.


Arenas, has to be an operative/scoundrel healer. To the above sage, I don't care how good you are, even a half-decent scouperative is probably going to outheal and outlive you.


I have been real busy lately so I haven't ventured into Ranked since Arenas hit live, but I have done a few Unranked Arenas, which would have a more derp per capita rate, and I have yet to die in one, let alone lose one yet. One thing I have as a Sorc that a Sco/Op heal wouldn't have is a Knockback. I helps a lot if you know how to use it.

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I have been real busy lately so I haven't ventured into Ranked since Arenas hit live, but I have done a few Unranked Arenas, which would have a more derp per capita rate, and I have yet to die in one, let alone lose one yet. One thing I have as a Sorc that a Sco/Op heal wouldn't have is a Knockback. I helps a lot if you know how to use it.


Well upload a video of a ranked match (or even an unranked match) and let us see the teams you have been playing against.

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IMO, the biggest difference a player can make in an Arena is through a tank class. Even in a DPS spec, a player who throws out the taunt to the right player at the right time, can completely destroy the other team's chances of victory.


****** healer on your team and awesome heals on theirs? Just use your CDs wisely and outDPS their heals. Very low DPS on your team? Work your *** of doing their job. But when we have two teams of all DPS or DPS and tanks, you say to your tank, "Keep the mara taunted, we'll kill the squishy DPSes first", and he doesn't acknowledge, you know you're screwed.

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Well upload a video of a ranked match (or even an unranked match) and let us see the teams you have been playing against.


A. I am not vain enough to record my matches,

B. I don't even have recording software installed on my PC

C. Even if I was vain enough to record my matches, I wouldn't want to upload it anywhere b/c then it would tell people the secrets that I alluded to and mentioned that I don't want to reveal.


Do you really think every one that plays this game is so arrogant that they think that everyone, or heck even anyone would want to watch them play a game? I honestly only see one reason to watch videos of someone else play would be tutorials, and to get mechanics. Twitch and LiveStream type services only make sense to me, when Devs are using them to communicate to the players about the game.

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IMO, the biggest difference a player can make in an Arena is through a tank class. Even in a DPS spec, a player who throws out the taunt to the right player at the right time, can completely destroy the other team's chances of victory.


****** healer on your team and awesome heals on theirs? Just use your CDs wisely and outDPS their heals. Very low DPS on your team? Work your *** of doing their job. But when we have two teams of all DPS or DPS and tanks, you say to your tank, "Keep the mara taunted, we'll kill the squishy DPSes first", and he doesn't acknowledge, you know you're screwed.


In many cases tanks are like an unsung hero in PvP. They make sure huge contributions but don't always get the recognition they deserve. When they guard healers and a healer can't be killed, it's because the healer is OP. When they taunt, AoE taunt and switch guard in the mid giving your dps a huge advantage over the others, either that dps class is broken or the healer is able to out heal 3 dps because he's OP. My tank friend works his butt off protecting me, taunting their strongest dps, CCing crowds and holding nodes and gets only 1 MVP vote (from me), I crouch throwing HoTs and heal for 400k and I get 4 MVP votes, wth?

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In many cases tanks are like an unsung hero in PvP. They make sure huge contributions but don't always get the recognition they deserve. When they guard healers and a healer can't be killed, it's because the healer is OP. When they taunt, AoE taunt and switch guard in the mid giving your dps a huge advantage over the others, either that dps class is broken or the healer is able to out heal 3 dps because he's OP. My tank friend works his butt off protecting me, taunting their strongest dps, CCing crowds and holding nodes and gets only 1 MVP vote (from me), I crouch throwing HoTs and heal for 400k and I get 4 MVP votes, wth?


I always vote top Prot, unless I am in a group with guildies, where we then normally swap votes.

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A. I am not vain enough to record my matches,


Nothing vain when it is a request. You don't even have to talk or edit it, just show us (or me) your play style. Also after looking at your sig, not sure you are honestly worried about being too vain.


B. I don't even have recording software installed on my PC


Lots of free stuff online. Doesn't take long to setup.


C. Even if I was vain enough to record my matches, I wouldn't want to upload it anywhere b/c then it would tell people the secrets that I alluded to and mentioned that I don't want to reveal.


What, that you are playing against muppets?


Do you really think every one that plays this game is so arrogant that they think that everyone, or heck even anyone would want to watch them play a game? I honestly only see one reason to watch videos of someone else play would be tutorials, and to get mechanics. Twitch and LiveStream type services only make sense to me, when Devs are using them to communicate to the players about the game.


Yes, I am asking for you to make a tutorial about how to play our sorcs the right way. The way you claim you and only you know how to do. I certainly don't know how to stop a good team from shutting down my sorc in an arena without a lot of help from my teammates. I would like to learn.

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In many cases tanks are like an unsung hero in PvP. They make sure huge contributions but don't always get the recognition they deserve. When they guard healers and a healer can't be killed, it's because the healer is OP. When they taunt, AoE taunt and switch guard in the mid giving your dps a huge advantage over the others, either that dps class is broken or the healer is able to out heal 3 dps because he's OP. My tank friend works his butt off protecting me, taunting their strongest dps, CCing crowds and holding nodes and gets only 1 MVP vote (from me), I crouch throwing HoTs and heal for 400k and I get 4 MVP votes, wth?


Same. Votes tend to be given in this priority:


1. Guildie is ALWAYS primary choice

2. Highest damage (if he out DPSes all the healers in the group)

3. Highest healing

4. Highest damage (if no DPS outdamages the highest healer)

5. The Random guy that did/said something that made your day.


It's funny how tanks get so little credit. I play Smash and Combat, and can count at least a 100 times where a tank saved his friends *** by taunting them right before Force Sweep or Bladestorm. Funnily enough, the tank will only ever have a single MvP vote. :rolleyes:

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It's funny how tanks get so little credit. I play Smash and Combat, and can count at least a 100 times where a tank saved his friends *** by taunting them right before Force Sweep or Bladestorm. Funnily enough, the tank will only ever have a single MvP vote. :rolleyes:


You put a guard on me, and you'll have my scoundrel healer following you like a rabid fan all around the warzone healing like a green battery, and a MVP vote from me.

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Who is this unknown unnamed non factor pretending to be a pro pvp'er? He has secrets lol yeah like his toon names.


yeah i'm curious who he is too, since i'm from anchorhead. the only good sorc healers from there were peach and niktika, and you're neither


inb4 more excuses why he can't share his no-name

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