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Are you waiting for something else to play?


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Whilst I am happy playing SWTOR and SWGEMU for my MMORPG fixes, I do keep getting a buzz about Black Desert online. The scope of the game with sieges, open zones, mounted PvP etc along with the superlative graphics have me really interested.


Just not sure if I will ever be able to stomach the twitch aim based combat though /sigh...


Still, it does like it could be awesome sauce, combat system aside :)



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Waiting? No. Anxious to try future releases? Absolutely. ESO looks like it could be a player if imho they can keep Skyrim's live NPC VA and improve the mounted movement system. Also, scuttlebutt has Turbine retiring LotRO in 2014 in favor of a more expansive Middle Earth MMO. Leaked (whether true or false is anyone's guess) is that it will incorporate all of Tolkien's Middle Earth - including The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, and The Silmarillion. Though not slated as an MMO the DICE/EA/Disney Battlefront 3 title looks pretty plush too.
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We could have an endlessly nerdy debate over what constitutes "anime-style," which would add nothing in terms of how much wildstar's anime(or not)-like graphics style holds for TOR fans.


There really isn't much to debate about what constitutes as anime-style. Nor does it matter whether people who play TOR will like the style or not, some will, some won't. I'm just saying, you could say it's just as Disney-like as you can say anime-like.


Isn't popular American CGI just a kid-friendly version of Anime's style? That's what it looks like to me anyway, but I'm not a fan of either.


There's so many different styles of Japanese animation aimed at both kids and adults and so many American styles that are influenced by so many different sources that there is no way to even answer that.


Just a little factoid, what most people consider to be defining features of anime was the result of Osumu Tezuka's (known as "The godfather of anime, the father of manga, the Walt Disney of Japan") huge presence, and his biggest influence in design was early Disney and Max Fleischer. So it really all just one big snake eating itself.

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I heard wildstar had movement issues and a sluggish resoonse and clunky movement is really annoying. For an action based game its essential. Youd thonk one company would eventually make a mmo that just good things known to work and remove the excess headache
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Wildstar ftw. My hubby is beta testing it and it looks like great fun. I can hardly wait!


Lucky him :(


I am really excited about Wildstar and even though i will continue to play SWTOR, i need Wildstar to release quickly because i played GW2 and loved the style of combat but left it because of endgame. Wildstar seems to remedy that.


I heard wildstar had movement issues and a sluggish resoonse and clunky movement is really annoying. For an action based game its essential. Youd thonk one company would eventually make a mmo that just good things known to work and remove the excess headache


That was a complaint from a few people during early Alpha stages but most new videos especially from people playing PvP at conventions seems to suggest that it's been taken care of. Also, Arenanet (also under NCSoft) used the same style in GW2 and the combat was never sluggish.

Edited by DKNS
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Teso has good ip behind it but im afraid it will just be a lame toy in a pretty box.


Mmorpg gave black desert over an 8 on hype why does it get such high ratings what is special about it? When is launch? I have a hard time trusting their rankings because they have complete turds with nearly an 8 rating


I guess all the people ingame that said they were just playing this till something else comes out are not liekly tje kind to ne posting on the forums


I looked up what little info there is on black desert. Its goig to open beta korea very soon so best bet for usa is mid to late 2014 for launch i hate waiting


The gfx look amazing as does the combat but there is so little info about it. Like how does the ability and char provression work etc

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I think the population will take some hits this winter and spring. Being a franchise game I'm just going to assume that swtor soaked up a lot of players who usually don't play the genre. I know that I'm certainly one of them. Well, for me atleast the game has become a bit stale and with two new consoles and a crapload or new games around the corner I have no intention of sticking around (I'm already packing and looking for someone who can have my stuff, I will be permanently gone Nov 5th when COD.Ghosts comes out). For others it might be because of one of the upcoming PC MMO'es.
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I am not waiting on something else. It is possible that this is the last MMO I will ever play. I had hopes for Neverwinter seeing as playing on a persistent world on NWN is what got me into online gaming in the first place, but it was too changed and I just couldn't get into it. I might try TESO or I might not. I might just play this game until it dies and that will be the end of it.
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Not waiting, but wouldn't mind checking out TESO. Limited hotbar space only piques my interest, because that would mean that the devs would be focusing their balancing attention on individual powers much more. Love the TES universe, and the game looks promising in terms of atmosphere, lore and pvp.


Not abandoning ToR - I do like this game, but I'm taking regular breaks which leave the opportunity to explore more projects.

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Not waiting, but wouldn't mind checking out TESO. Limited hotbar space only piques my interest, because that would mean that the devs would be focusing their balancing attention on individual powers much more. Love the TES universe, and the game looks promising in terms of atmosphere, lore and pvp.


Not abandoning ToR - I do like this game, but I'm taking regular breaks which leave the opportunity to explore more projects.


Six abilities dont worry you about being stale and lack variety and versatility?

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Cannot say I am waiting. Sure, I watch what games will come out or what games go free to play and sometimes I even think about playing some WoW (has been many years since I played that game) or RIFT (played it before SWTOR came out and it is now F2P) again. I think Wildstar looks cute, but I doubt that any of my friends is going to try it. I still don't know enough about TESO to have an opinion on that game. Should ever the World of Darkness MMO come out I will surely be there to try it (have played for about a decade the pen & paper games). I doubt I would even try an Mass Effect MMO, should BioWare ever do one, unless I see huge improvement in SWTOR til then so that I can asume that they learned a lot about how to make an MMO.
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Six abilities dont worry you about being stale and lack variety and versatility?


Not in the slightest. You can combine those abilities in whatever fashion you so desire. Classes will have much more variety than they do here, or in any other mmo for that matter with the exception of TSW, which I still play on occasion.

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Six abilities dont worry you about being stale and lack variety and versatility?


Considering the original Guild Wars did an awesome job with 8 skills (abilities) which were, for the better part of your playing time, effectively 7 since a resurrection skill took up one slot, I'm very interested in what TESO will do with six abilities.

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Well I don't trust the management at ESO (suspect they'll be all too similar to Hickman), and I don't like Wildstar's artstyle - I left WoW because it was too cartoony, Wildstar is even more so.


So still waiting for EQNext. And if that's disappointing, then I'll wait for Guild Wars 3.

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I cant imagine having enough versatilty for pvp with that few. I mean half of them would be cc stuff or anti cc


It sounds like oops i would have lived if i only had x ability equipped and it seems like it would turn micro managing your abilities into a game of its own. Think of how many abilities you need for a raid how would six not get boring thru 50 levels of getting upgrades to the same ones

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Hmm... I think waiting is the wrong way to characterize it. I don't wait. If a game isn't what I want, it doesn't become a place holder. I don't have to play if I'm not enjoying myself. Yet, I also understand that no game is perfect so I live with imperfections as long as I'm having fun.


By the same token, I don't wait to play other games once they become available. I will jump all over a new game for example and remain sub'ed here as well because I enjoy this game. It isn't one or the other. When GW2 was launched I was there, and spent some time trying it out. But I realized within the first couple of weeks that it was not something I enjoyed and quit playing. Yet, it had very little impact on my TOR sub and weekly play.


So bring on the other games. I will play them if they are fun, and yes, as I don't have all the time in the world it is possible that I may choose to play one or two games over another. It's the ebb and flow of MMO gaming today. With that said, I will be a sub here for a very long time. Ironically, any time spent away from this game makes me appreciate it more.

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Hmm... I think waiting is the wrong way to characterize it. I don't wait. If a game isn't what I want, it doesn't become a place holder. I don't have to play if I'm not enjoying myself. Yet, I also understand that no game is perfect so I live with imperfections as long as I'm having fun.


By the same token, I don't wait to play other games once they become available. I will jump all over a new game for example and remain sub'ed here as well because I enjoy this game. It isn't one or the other. When GW2 was launched I was there, and spent some time trying it out. But I realized within the first couple of weeks that it was not something I enjoyed and quit playing. Yet, it had very little impact on my TOR sub and weekly play.


So bring on the other games. I will play them if they are fun, and yes, as I don't have all the time in the world it is possible that I may choose to play one or two games over another. It's the ebb and flow of MMO gaming today. With that said, I will be a sub here for a very long time. Ironically, any time spent away from this game makes me appreciate it more.


This i can definitely relate to. Took a break in the summer to try out TSW, Tera, etc. but never could get into them. And when i came back, i realised all that i had missed. Sure the game is not at all perfect but it does so many things really well.


The only thing that's bugging me right now is my need for Fantasy MMO so that i can alternate among the two. But after playing the quests and stories here, i am absolutely spoiled while trying new MMOs. I do hope that Wildstar / TESO / EQN don't disappoint very badly in the quests/stories department.

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