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Idea concerning section showing current PVP teammates


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((First time posting in a forum here ever so bear with me))


As we all know, when one is in a PVP Match, the side section shows all current teammates. If teammates are within a certain distance, their names are highlighted, a slight way of showing their distance to us, and is a helpful tool in targeting allies for effects. (Force Armor, Force Valor, Rescue, etc)


However, as a healer (55 Jedi Sage before someone asks), I've noticed that sometimes someone's name is highlighted, but given their position behind an object--a pillar, or a turret in Civil War--, the healing ability cannot be started to be cast because the ally in question is not in my line of sight, although their name is highlighted. This can prove detrimental, especially for healers on both sides--that second before you realize your effect isn't casting as to when it does can cost one the game.


I think this should be changed to a degree, or another symbol added to discriminate between allies at too far a distance to be effected by your abilities, within range but hidden, and within line of sight that abilities might be effective.

Or, perhaps add a toggle option to make it so only teammates in your line of sight and within a respectable distance are highlighted, rather than those who may be out of line of sight and unaffected but are still close by, should the prior list be too complicated.


I'd like to hear anyone's opinion on this small matter :3

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I think the issue is that the UI needs to *provide audio cues* for some of these spellcast failures, along the lines of WoW's "I can't cast that yet" / "that ability isn't ready yet"


the lack of audio cues just compounds the fact that you can't *move* where the red UI text is displayed that tells you if you are stunned, interrupted, affected by LOS, or if an ability is still recharging. I want to be able to move that text box. Also the boxes for quest status updates and zone transitions.

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This kinda annoys me too at times. I think what would be good if the game could highlight the friendly player you are targeting on your minimap so you can get a rough idea of where they are at..


Its mainly 8v8 issue but i think it could be a nice QOL improvement for healing Since quite often ((usually at mid on civil war) you'll have a player targeted to heal, in range but he's hiding somewhere outside of LOS and you have no idea where he is. I mean you could blame the bad dps for losing the healer but i still think this would be a nice addition.

Edited by AngusFTW
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I think this is a good suggestion! I like the idea of having the targets in range highlighted with maybe a different color if they are LOS'd from you. I don't think this significantly lowers the skill cap for players but is a nice QOL improvement. Please implement - and I'm not even a healer!
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I disagree, actually.


Do I think it'll help with healing? Yes. Do I think it'll make everything easier? Yep.


Do I want to spend the entire warzone staring at the OPs frames playing whack-a-mole? Not really.


Keeping your head up and looking around trying to keep track of where your teammates are and where the LoS issues are is part of being a good healer. I don't agree with them dumbing it down any more than it already is.

Edited by Morde_
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Keeping your head up and looking around trying to keep track of where your teammates are and where the LoS issues are is part of being a good healer. I don't agree with them dumbing it down any more than it already is.


Since tab-targeting does not switch between allied players, looking up, seeing who is hurt, looking to the ops frame, finding their box, clicking on it, then attempting to heal (by this point they might've gone out of range) is a massive time waster.


Personally the only time I every look up at the majority of screen is when I see a massive AOE on me, or when my peripheral notices there is more red than green on my screen, and I need to relocate or throw down an AOE of my own. As a healer I am more focused on my teammate's health meters and my own cooldowns than I really am of the battlefield.


It becomes an annoyance when the game relays to me "Your ally is about to die, but their name is highlighted, but sadly you cannot see them!". On Civil War when the middle turret is congested with players, taking the time to see if that highlighted player is below ground or not loses you another few thousand health on another player that needs it more.


If DPS can tab target until their force leap connects with a person with quickness, why shouldn't a healer be able to have the option to easier differentiate teammates that actually can be assisted?


Do not misunderstand me, it does make the healer's job a little easier, but being a healer in itself is no easy matter. You've sacrificed your own ability to kill something that poses aggression to you in order to pour your own life into selflessly healing your teammates--in the end, all you have is a bubble that keeps you safe for a paltry 10 seconds, and if you are the only healer in a PVP match, that's barely enough time to consider your epitaph. I think this differentiation system would be more than welcome among the healers.

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You can tab target select friendly players.


Geez you learn something new every day huh?

The note is well appreciated, but even with a dps file, I do prefer clicking my hotbar as opposed to spamming keys, especially since most of my more potent abilities are around the screen.

Going back to the main topic, even if you select that person, a healer is going to be more focused on their cooldowns more than anything else to more effectively heal, and again the main issue is about the concern for the highlighting issue of not seeing the player than it is a playstyle.

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However, as a healer (55 Jedi Sage before someone asks), I've noticed that sometimes someone's name is highlighted, but given their position behind an object--a pillar, or a turret in Civil War--, the healing ability cannot be started to be cast because the ally in question is not in my line of sight, although their name is highlighted. This can prove detrimental, especially for healers on both sides--that second before you realize your effect isn't casting as to when it does can cost one the game.


If your teammates are so stupid that they keep hiding from you, then they do not deserve to be healed. Let them die and concentrate keeping the players alive who know how to play the warzone that you are in, the others are merely liabilities.

Edited by ThorgrimLutgen
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((First time posting in a forum here ever so bear with me))


As we all know, when one is in a PVP Match, the side section shows all current teammates. If teammates are within a certain distance, their names are highlighted, a slight way of showing their distance to us, and is a helpful tool in targeting allies for effects. (Force Armor, Force Valor, Rescue, etc)


However, as a healer (55 Jedi Sage before someone asks), I've noticed that sometimes someone's name is highlighted, but given their position behind an object--a pillar, or a turret in Civil War--, the healing ability cannot be started to be cast because the ally in question is not in my line of sight, although their name is highlighted. This can prove detrimental, especially for healers on both sides--that second before you realize your effect isn't casting as to when it does can cost one the game.


I think this should be changed to a degree, or another symbol added to discriminate between allies at too far a distance to be effected by your abilities, within range but hidden, and within line of sight that abilities might be effective.

Or, perhaps add a toggle option to make it so only teammates in your line of sight and within a respectable distance are highlighted, rather than those who may be out of line of sight and unaffected but are still close by, should the prior list be too complicated.


I'd like to hear anyone's opinion on this small matter :3


A good QOL improvement for sure

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