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Seriously whats with the Alacrity on armor for non casters


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If you want bis gear first day, you might as well ask for a free lv 55 full BiS on day 1 of launch. You can't just define a maxed out character as something that "should be grinded/ground for," and say that min'maxing good stats is something that should come pre-completed.
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If you want bis gear first day, you might as well ask for a free lv 55 full BiS on day 1 of launch. You can't just define a maxed out character as something that "should be grinded/ground for," and say that min'maxing good stats is something that should come pre-completed.

Nobody said anything about any of that, you jumped to conclusions way to fast. I see no use whatsoever for alacrity as a non caster so I was only asking why is was even on there. If you want to argue the min max case then put crit on it, crit is a complete crap stat that you would re-maximize out of but at least has some use on the character. Simply placing a worthless stat on an item just to place the carrot a little further out is a piss poor design concept. Might as well put cunning on it.

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Nobody said anything about any of that, you jumped to conclusions way to fast. I see no use whatsoever for alacrity as a non caster so I was only asking why is was even on there. If you want to argue the min max case then put crit on it, crit is a complete crap stat that you would re-maximize out of but at least has some use on the character. Simply placing a worthless stat on an item just to place the carrot a little further out is a piss poor design concept. Might as well put cunning on it.


Place the carrot a little further out? That logic simply doesn't compute. Whether you have a single Conqueror mod with alacrity on it, or a single Conqueror mod with Crit on it, you will still end up spending exactly 400 reg comms replacing it. The only difference being that in one case you have a useless stat, and in the other you have a useless stat (if you don't get it, that means NO difference at all).

Edited by EzioMessi
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Place the carrot a little further out? That logic simply doesn't compute. Whether you have a single Conqueror mod with alacrity on it, or a single Conqueror mod with Crit on it, you will still end up spending exactly 400 reg comms replacing it. The only difference being that in one case you have a useless stat, and in the other you have a useless stat (if you don't get it, that means NO difference at all).


^nailed it


even so, alacrity is even more useless than crit.


Personally, I'd go with BiS gear on day 1 :)

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^nailed it


even so, alacrity is even more useless than crit.


Personally, I'd go with BiS gear on day 1 :)


Watch what you wish for. If I've learned something these past few months, Bioware's a magic lamp that grants wishes. The Cartel Market is the genie. :p

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If you want bis gear first day, you might as well ask for a free lv 55 full BiS on day 1 of launch. You can't just define a maxed out character as something that "should be grinded/ground for," and say that min'maxing good stats is something that should come pre-completed.


i'm sorry, but there's a difference between bis stats and stats ostensibly for casters.

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Same reason why the stats on pve gear bought with commendations are all jumbled up. It's a continuous grind to max out your stats as best as possible. Just a forced time sink really. It's to keep people busy after they purchase the gear and give them reasons to keep grinding.
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Same reason why the stats on pve gear bought with commendations are all jumbled up. It's a continuous grind to max out your stats as best as possible. Just a forced time sink really. It's to keep people busy after they purchase the gear and give them reasons to keep grinding.


again, that's reasonable. but alacrity??? crit/pwr/acc...not alacrity. not on VG gear. luls.

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again, that's reasonable. but alacrity??? crit/pwr/acc...not alacrity. not on VG gear. luls.


I'm not saying I agree with it, just saying that is pretty much why they do it. It's just a secondary grind after you get the piece itself.

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What if they just sold the armoring, mods and enhancements as separate purchases with a wide selection of stats to be combined anyway one would like? Most rip the mods out anyway, so why not just start with it as a purchase that way? The armor may not suit one's aesthetic tastes, or the armor for another class may be more to one's liking.


In fact, they could just sell new tiers of armor as separate purchases for any combination of desired looks. Have a new vendor called "wardrobe" with a variety of looks for each tier. Everything would be priced accordingly with the armoring mod being the most expensive purchase, and that could then be combined with any wardrobe look one wants. It's still a grind, so the escalation and achievement is there, but there is more variety, and at a minimal investment of change on the development end.

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What if they just sold the armoring, mods and enhancements as separate purchases with a wide selection of stats to be combined anyway one would like? .


have you seen the prices for enhancements? it's ALMOST as expensive as an entire set (2k + 800 vs 2.5k). I can imagine the "pick-your-own-armorings" being 2.6k.

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have you seen the prices for enhancements? it's ALMOST as expensive as an entire set (2k + 800 vs 2.5k). I can imagine the "pick-your-own-armorings" being 2.6k.


Then they should re-price the whole thing and remove the pre-assembled gear:


Armor + Mod + Enhancement = 2.4k, with the lion's share to the armor.


The gear appearances can be bought separately if one wants a distinct look only the PvP vendors sell.


The same prices are paid overall, so it does not remove the grind to acquire competence, but the system will favour mix and match to the user's desire. They did start this game with the modifiable equipment from level one, so that should continue in all gear selection through a toon's development cycle.

Edited by Vadua
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Bioware explicitly said that the "This makes no sense!" stat distribution on some pieces of gear is by design. They want people that are interested in min/maxing their characters to spend the time to replace those bad mods and enhancements. Those "useless" stats are useful to Bioware...you have to spend more time playing to get rid of those pieces.
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Place the carrot a little further out? That logic simply doesn't compute. Whether you have a single Conqueror mod with alacrity on it, or a single Conqueror mod with Crit on it, you will still end up spending exactly 400 reg comms replacing it. The only difference being that in one case you have a useless stat, and in the other you have a useless stat (if you don't get it, that means NO difference at all).


First let me compute the logic of placing the carrot further out.

By adding a stat to armor that is not optimal you are "placing the carrot a little further out" Meaning that carrot on a stick grind you had just got a little longer because you had to get the armor piece and then optimize it. This is not why I was asking the question in the first place but since it was brought up about the grind and getting fully optimized gear from the start I used this term, sorry if it was too complicated for you.


Next let me explain to you the difference between crit and alacrity on gear because obviously you do not understand that either. Crit while not being an optimal stat is still a dps increase over having nothing at all. Alacrity even at very high amounts on a non casting character will doubtfully make even the slightest difference in dps. If it does indeed lower the GCD that would also be a less than useful stat as based on the ping times the average user sees in this game cutting the GCD in half would be needed to even notice a difference. Having crit on your gear while grinding out a full suit of gear over a few weeks or months even depending on your play time is more desirable for a non caster than alacrity. If you do not now understand the difference between a useless stat and a less than desirable stat, I apologize that my question was too complicated for you.

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Bioware explicitly said that the "This makes no sense!" stat distribution on some pieces of gear is by design. They want people that are interested in min/maxing their characters to spend the time to replace those bad mods and enhancements. Those "useless" stats are useful to Bioware...you have to spend more time playing to get rid of those pieces.


This was exactly my point. This is an extremely lazy game design tactic and any pvper should be outraged. There are many many many other ways to increase a grind time that simply tossing some random stats on an item. Raising the price of items while being pretty much as lame would have been less of a slap in the face and easier on their part. The people that came up with this idea are the same people that design pvp, balance classes, ect. How does that make you feel?

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alacrity reduces the GCD on instant abilities. its not 100% useless for everyone; only about 98.8% useless.


In case you missed it.


Alacrity is crap b/c of the DR curve. If it didnt have such poor returns it could actually be beneficial to stack some for any class (lowering the GCD is almost always good)

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alacrity reduces the GCD on instant abilities. its not 100% useless for everyone; only about 98.8% useless.


my charts and graphs actually depict alacrity as being only 97.62% useless.


This was exactly my point. This is an extremely lazy game design tactic and any pvper should be outraged. There are many many many other ways to increase a grind time that simply tossing some random stats on an item. Raising the price of items while being pretty much as lame would have been less of a slap in the face and easier on their part. The people that came up with this idea are the same people that design pvp, balance classes, ect. How does that make you feel?






you'd rather spend more time grinding BiS with less time having non BiS


than having more time with non BiS and the same amount of time with BiS?





Edited by Zunayson
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