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Master/Aprrentice Relationships...


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So in all of the Jedi and Sith stories (Male) there is an option to have a romantic or at the very least a Physical relationship with your apprentice. How common is that lore wise?


I know for the Jedi it should be considered to be off limits, but for Sith? I know from one of the stories we find that the Imp military is heavily male dominated and women are if not expected they are assumed to sleep with their higher ranked officers for advancement. The republic military seems to be less male dominated and have fewer cases of that, even going so far as to frown on higher ranks sleeping with people under their command without first filling out forms where both parties make it clear they aren't being pressured to do so.


I would imagine from a Sith point of view it would be almost expected for an apprentice to give in to whatever their Master may want of them, no matter how repugnant the idea may be to them. Seeing as the Sith are all about passion and doing whatever feels right and taking what you want by force.

Edited by StarMagus
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Well...the JK has the option to kiss Kira while she is still a padawan...


...but you don't have the option to start a relationship with her till she is a Jedi Knight herself.


So at that point...it's really just two Jedi Knights being in a relationship...not a Master/Apprentice relationship...in my opinion.

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Well...the JK has the option to kiss Kira while she is still a padawan...


...but you don't have the option to start a relationship with her till she is a Jedi Knight herself.


So at that point...it's really just two Jedi Knights being in a relationship...not a Master/Apprentice relationship...in my opinion.


She's not a Padawan at time of the Relationship, but wasn't she still his Padawan during the story?

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She's not a Padawan at time of the Relationship, but wasn't she still his Padawan during the story?


Kira is given the rank of Jedi Knight at the end of the first chapter. Even though she follows the Hero of Tython, she's no longer a padawan.


Anakin in RotS is no longer a padawan either but in the beginning of the movie, he and Obi-Wan are working together to rescue Palpatine from Grievous.

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Which doesn't change my question.. the fact is he still is hitting on his former padawan and certainly can flirt and try to start stuff with her before she's a full Jedi. So going back to the main question....


Lore wise how common is that because every one of the male versions of the story have it to some degree, so it seems like the game is presenting it as very common for the Padawans/Apprentices to have a sexual relationship with their masters/former masters.

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Which doesn't change my question.. the fact is he still is hitting on his former padawan and certainly can flirt and try to start stuff with her before she's a full Jedi. So going back to the main question....


Lore wise how common is that because every one of the male versions of the story have it to some degree, so it seems like the game is presenting it as very common for the Padawans/Apprentices to have a sexual relationship with their masters/former masters.


The absoulte irony here is that a LS Sith Warrior can't romance Jaesa even tough she has left the order :rolleyes:

Edited by jankiel
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The absoulte irony here is that a LS Sith Warrior can't romance Jaesa even tough she has left the order :rolleyes:


Light Side Jaesa is very... cold and detached. Which is weird because as a Light Side Sith, my guy still shows tons of emotions and she's supposed to be following my example... but turns into a robot. I don't get it. :tran_tongue:

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Creepiest romance in-game is: Consular and Nadia Grell.


She straight-out begs for comfort sex after her father dies.


I feel like I'm abusing my position of authority over her in many ways.


It's icky.:o


You are, but about the only thing I can say to make this less creepy....


By the story the Jedi Consular is some sort of force prodigy that was rushed through training, and reached the levels unheard of in the story line in record time. He is still really young, so while it's still an abuse of authority, they are really close in age and probably have almost the same level of experience in dealing with the opposite sex and the like.


So it's not like a 40 year old teacher getting his 18 year old student to sleep with him, but more like a 20 year prodigy who already has 2 PHDs and is going for his 3rd one getting into a relationship with a 19 year old college student who works for him under a work study program from her college.


The power level/authority is clearly different but it's not 100% predatory.

Edited by StarMagus
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Light Side Jaesa is very... cold and detached. Which is weird because as a Light Side Sith, my guy still shows tons of emotions and she's supposed to be following my example... but turns into a robot. I don't get it. :tran_tongue:


Well, Dark Side Jaesa is over the top, too. And if you romance her, she's like constantly begging you to sleep with her. I think no matter how you play the Warrior, you just break something inside of her head. :p

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You are, but about the only thing I can say to make this less creepy....


By the story the Jedi Consular is some sort of force prodigy that was rushed through training, and reached the levels unheard of in the story line in record time. He is still really young, so while it's still an abuse of authority, they are really close in age and probably have almost the same level of experience in dealing with the opposite sex and the like.


So it's not like a 40 year old teacher getting his 18 year old student to sleep with him, but more like a 20 year prodigy who already has 2 PHDs and is going for his 3rd one getting into a relationship with a 19 year old college student who works for him under a work study program from her college.


The power level/authority is clearly different but it's not 100% predatory.


The consular always seemed like it was someone in their 30s, early 40s, because of their voice.


The JK seems to be the one in their early 20s.

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He didn't seem that way to me, I mean they talked about him being stronger in the force at age 4 than one of his trainers ((a jedi Master)) was at age 15. Why would they then wait until he was in his 30's to send him to Tython for training?


The story just doesn't work for him to be anything but really young.



They even describe him as "a Young Padawan" in the opening scroll. His story is clearly taking place around the same time frame as the other characters and their story lines all happen in about a year or so just by matching the the events of when things like invasions start and the like.

Edited by StarMagus
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The power level/authority is clearly different but it's not 100% predatory.

There's also the fact that the story doesn't go into the weeks and weeks spent in hyperspace on that ship. I'm sure the Barsen'thor and Nadia talked and actually grew into a relationship, rather than just deciding to get it on after the Senator died.


I'm convinced that there was something there before she became his apprentice, and that the relationship followed a natural progression over time.

Edited by JacenHallis
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Not having had DSJ as a companion, it totally depends on how they write the script. There is nothing wrong with a woman having a high sex drive and the desire to express it with somebody.


She goes crazy over the idea of making the perfect Sith babies with you. That is all.


Edit: Note that her behaviour isn't necessarily targeted toward the player. IIRC the first convo with her is about what it means to be a Sith and the second is about her having partied too hard and not remembering what exactly happened and with whom. :p

Edited by Darkelefantos
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Then you have Vette, who also asks for comfort sex when her mother dies, and her sister tries to disown her..... but that's not really Master/Apprentice. IDK 'bout Sin crew members, tho. Didn't get far enough to romance Ashara.

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Then you have Vette, who also asks for comfort sex when her mother dies, and her sister tries to disown her..... but that's not really Master/Apprentice. IDK 'bout Sin crew members, tho. Didn't get far enough to romance Ashara.


Ah she doesn't ask for comfort sex. She doesn't have sex with you until after you marry her, which can be some time after her Mom dies.

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Probably not he first former Jedi who goes sith and has a drunken orgy. At least she didn't decided to slaughter a school full of kids like a certain skywalker did.


Well, nobody would know, since the player wasn't there and she doesn't remember what exactly happened. So, don't count on it. Of course, she didn't execute Order 66, that's true. Although, getting into the Jedi Temple on Tython would probably be pretty hard, seeing as they have a lot of Masters there.

And you still never see more than 4 members of the Jedi Council at a time :mad:.


.... Oh, right. We're kinda sorta of-topic. What was the original question? :D

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Creepiest romance in-game is: Consular and Nadia Grell.


She straight-out begs for comfort sex after her father dies.


I feel like I'm abusing my position of authority over her in many ways.


It's icky.:o


sh does not "beg for sex". All she ever said was that she wanted to "stop hurting" and be like your counselor which just means that she just looks up to you, I like nadia because she represents a bond between master and padawan.

now if you want a companion that matches your description try DS jaesca wilsaem. She slept with the SW at least twice.

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I always thought that this:


JK romances his current/former Padawan

JC romances his current Padawan

SW romances his current apprentice, a former Jedi Padawan (but only after driving her insane)

SI romances a former Jedi Padawan (not sure if she becomes his apprentice?)


. . . was kind of weird, but more a result of what the folks at Bioware thought would appeal to whoever they see as their main demographic than an accurate sample of what romances for force users would be like according to lore. But hey, lore doesn't materialize out of nothing, so who knows. *shrug*


I mean, if someone writes a novel where all of the romances are between a male teacher and a young female student, it doesn't really matter why he wrote it that way. Maybe he wrote it that way because he thinks that the people who will read his novel are young men that will find the idea of a young female student as a love interest appealing. Maybe he has a thing for that sort of romance himself. Or maybe he had some complex, unique social system in mind that he wanted to portray. Who knows? Regardless, the result is that relationships between a male teacher and a young female student are not uncommon in the "lore" of the world that the writer created, at least not in the eyes of the readers.

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Ummm..... Luke and Mara? That counts as master/apprentice.


I don't really count that one. She was already a trained force user when they met and most of her training was done by the Emp. He training under Luke was very brief and consisted more of learning to use the light side rather than the Dark Side instead of a full on Padawan-Master relationship.


Technically she was briefly his student, but to me there was nothing creepy about that relationship. Well other than she first learned about luke because she was ordered to kill him.. heh.

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