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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

2nd Digital Expansion


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Logically I doubt it will be bolstered. If you think about it, by limiting us to 3 ships (probably with the same parts for each faction) it should be a hell of a lot easier to balance it and also each ship type really has a 'defined' role. For the start, at least, there will be so little variety of gear that I doubt bolster would be necessary.


Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if they mixed level 1s and level 55s together because in reality (judging by what I interpreted as 'benefits to your ground character') people will start at the same point, no matter what level they are.


How dare you apply logic to BW regarding pvp!? I will await an official statement =)

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Nice work eric :) Looks...interesting! Any idea if this will be on the test server prior to launch? If so, I'll ask the obvious "happen to know when" question?


Yup! The current plan is that you will see it on PTS before it goes live. I have no information to release yet as to "when" though.



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It's not exactly like this will interest every PvPer while someone who has no interest in regular PvP is guaranteed to have no interest in this.


I don't care for the PvP in SWTOR but I will definitely be playing this. That said, Bioware, know this, I expect you to have singeplayer and possibly coop PvE missions for this as well, not necessarily for the release of this but at some point and not a year after this.


I honestly don't see that happening, PVE missions in space would actually have a development cost while PVP map can be pumped out at little to no cost to the company. I'm not trying to be negative because most folks here know what a huge supporter of the game I have been in the past but , I see PVP map after PVP map and a new avenue to sell cartel coins and that's it. The PVE players will be left out of this completely.


If I'm wrong a dev can happily pop in to correct me.

Edited by Jett-Rinn
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The big question is: WHEN? Not so much when it comes out, because we know that, but what that time means.


2.5! You were the Chosen Update! It was said you would bring balance to the classes, not forget them! That you would fix the issues, not ignore them! You were my dream... I <3'd you...


In all seriousness, this brings up a big question. When is 2.5 hitting PTS/Live? Will it even exist?

Edited by idnewton
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The big question is: WHEN? Not so much when it comes out, because we know that, but what that time means.




In all seriousness, this brings up a big question. When is 2.5 hitting PTS/Live? Will it even exist?


2.5 is likely to be release along side of the 2nd Expansion on December 3, just like 2.0 was release alongside the first Expansion. December 3 is 9 weeks away from 2.4, which if you take away Thanksgiving, it fits into their plan of an update every 8 weeks.

Edited by Bstr
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2.0 WAS the expansion. If that did happen here, it'd be 3.0.


Rise of the Hutt Cartel was the expansion that you had to pay for; 2.0 was the update that was for free. Also, they mentioned that there would be a 2.5 and 2.6 update, so we are not just skipping to 3.0



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regarding everything, I'm seeing that this will have a alterntive progression pattern. as we level up we'll unlock new things, new abilities etc. depending on how this works it might not be unbalanced to not have a level divide. the call of duty games are proably a good example to look at
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It will be free, that is correct!


OMG I just spit up my soda... FREE... after all these months of paying a SUB and we get it FREE... :D


I'm going to FRAME this and when some EA Bean counter decides to charge "$9.95" for SUB's in a couple months I'll pull this up again.

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OMG I just spit up my soda... FREE... after all these months of paying a SUB and we get it FREE... :D


I'm going to FRAME this and when some EA Bean counter decides to charge "$9.95" for SUB's in a couple months I'll pull this up again.



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What a lovely surprise! I have been wondering when we will get news of a new expansion. Form the trailer and invo, this looks like it will be a fun new addition to the game. I am curious though, will this expansion be a PVP/starship only update, or will we get some more story content / a new planet?


Anyway, this is great news for the future of the game and I think this feature will make a lot of people happy! :i_angel:

Edited by Cyberwoman
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Wow. The optimism in this thread is nearing overload.


It's nice (and surprising) that the SSSP is actually real but let's get realistic people. Makeb and Cathar were hyped for many months prior to release. A 6 month time-frame is probably a lot more plausible.

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Wow. The optimism in this thread is nearing overload.


It's nice (and surprising) that the SSSP is actually real but let's get realistic people. Makeb and Cathar were hyped for many months prior to release. A 6 month time-frame is probably a lot more plausible.


if they wheren't reasonably certin when this would be ready for deployment we'd not have gotten an exact date

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Wow. The optimism in this thread is nearing overload.


It's nice (and surprising) that the SSSP is actually real but let's get realistic people. Makeb and Cathar were hyped for many months prior to release. A 6 month time-frame is probably a lot more plausible.


Did you not see December 3rd or...... ?

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Wow. The optimism in this thread is nearing overload.


It's nice (and surprising) that the SSSP is actually real but let's get realistic people. Makeb and Cathar were hyped for many months prior to release. A 6 month time-frame is probably a lot more plausible.


Haven't they already said that Subscribers get early access from December 3? Or have I misunderstood something?

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12v12 free flight PvP, with rewards, and ship customization

Free DLC, and subs get access sooner then preferred and free


but wait.....according to forum mythology..... Bioware never gives free DLCs, never does content for PvP only, never plans to do free flight space content, and never gives subs anything that free players don't get. oh.. wait.. reality trumps mythology.


Some crow to be eaten in the forums this week IMO.


And for those that can't follow the business drivers here... this is cleverly designed and marketed to encourage subscription PvP players to continue or return and resub. ;)


Least constructive post in this thread. And I was ready to type something super positive too :mad:


Anyways, very impressed with the presentation and information coming out so far, it's very surprising.:)

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SHUT UP AND TAKE MY...... oh wait. :D


I hope this space content with free flight is a sign of things to come. Sincerely hoping that this type of flight expands into space exploration and such.


Me too.


In fact, I would have taken space exploration over PVP but at least this is a step in the right direction on all ground.

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I'm glad they're willing to expand upon this. I honestly would eventually like to see PvE space combat, and have it tied into endgame as well as the rest of SWTOR. Flashpoints and operations could also include space combat, as well as having space dailies and a combo of both gametypes (such as boarding a capital ship and taking it down from the inside, as in Star Wars Battlefront 2).
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