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Which Star Wars movie is your favorite and why?

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Well, exactly that, which movie is your favorite and why? And please, don't say "because the prequels suck" or any of that BS, that's just ignorant. I hate Jar Jar too, but I have no problem with the prequels. Anyways, I'm bored at work, with a slow and unproductive friday, so please give me something awesome to discuss with the Star Wars community. :csw_vader:
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Well I won't say the prequels "suck", just that they were poorly written and I pretend that they don't exist. So the Force is caused by bacteria? So to stop a Sith/Jedi I just need to overdose them on penicillin? :D


On to the topic at hand.....


I would say Empire Strikes Back for a few main reasons. One, it didn't have the expected ending, The Bad Guys came out on top. Two, the whole fight scene with Vader & Luke was fantastic culminating in the revalation that "I am your Father", for the ultimate mind job on poor Luke. I would of liked Return of the Jedi more, but Ewoks annoy me. They remind me of Giant Space Gerbils. I'm aware that Lucas put them in due to budget constraints, he originally wanted wookiees. I guess it was cheaper to find smaller actors than 7' ones.


As for the upcoming Episode 7....


It's going to suck. Sure it will have lots of nifty flashy CG effects, but SW is more than that. Abrams has never done movies very well. Cloverfield was a ripoff of a korean kaiju movie, The Host. He just tweaked the setting from Korea to New York. Super 8 was E.T. with the alien just not being friendly. ST:Into Darkness copied a lot from ST:Wrath of Khan. Since Abrams established with Star Trek that he will ignore 40+ yrs of lore and do what he wants, I fully expect him to botch Ep7. Whether or not he botches it worse than the prequels is left to be seen.

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I have at least 2 favourites but i cant decide which one i like better


ep. III revenge of the sith because:

I tend to be a fan of the dark side and enjoyed the ending

it had tons of intense action

like the music


ep. VI ties with ep III because:

death star II is cool

intense action as well

music involving the DS 2 was good

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Ep. V: Cause Vader is at his most bada*s here.


Ep. III: One of the only very popular recent sci-fi movies where nobody is killed by lens flare. Plus, I love seeing Anakin falling to the Dark. He's less whiny that way. And he gets more b*tches.



Abrams? Why is Abrams directing EU movies? He didn't even know Trek lore, let alone SW lore. Also, he really needs to upgrade the armor of the Enterprise's crew.... they keep getting killed by lens flares.

Edited by Xakthul
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I don't hate the prequels like some old timers do.I even didn't care about SW before Kotor1/2 but I like all of the movies,not equally ofc.

But if i had to chose which 2 i would like to watch and choose just 2,with the other ones being unavailable, it would be episodes 1 and 3.

Edited by Kaedusz
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Empire Strikes Back.


As an eleven year old kid watching that in the theaters in 1980, it was fairly epic. Then toss in Vader revealing to his offspring who he really was, it only added to it. As the old cliche goes, that one came out of left field.


Good character progression overall from various aspects.


For two plus years we all anticipated the follow up to Star Wars, and we weren't let down.

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Well it was Empire Strikes Back because it was so dark. But Revenge of the Sith probably is up there simply because it is just evil. The heartbreak of Obi Wan losing Anakin, the Senate going to hell, so much at stake.


I will always cast my mind back to the original Star Wars and seeing Ben kenobis face and his Aunt/Uncles when Lukes parents were mentioned and how I thought it was bad acting - it wasn't, they were hiding the truth. Lots of folk probably hate George Lucas for the prequels (for me it was changing Anakin at the end of ROTJ) but he has given us the most timeless movie experience ever and for that, I am grateful.


Now if only Bioware could make SWTOR as epic...LOL

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Return of the Jedi, overall.


Luke finally comes into his own as a man and a Jedi. I don't mind the Ewoks like some do and remain convinced the anti-Ewok bandwagon is something of a recent feeling that's overcome a lot of the SW fanbase just because.


It's like, come on, every element of SW doesn't have to have Shakespearean depth and seriousness. There can be a bit of child-like goofiness thrown in every once in a while.


Empire I just didn't appreciate until I was older. As a kid, I thought the film was kind of boring, as blasphemous as that may seem. Now, the Yoda scenes are some of my favorites in the entire series of films.


I never hated the prequel films, I liked the Phantom Menace and Revenge of the Sith, and the Anakin/Padme romance was a massive waste of a romance opportunity and a good John WIlliams theme.

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As for the upcoming Episode 7....


It's going to suck. Sure it will have lots of nifty flashy CG effects, but SW is more than that. Abrams has never done movies very well. Cloverfield was a ripoff of a korean kaiju movie, The Host. He just tweaked the setting from Korea to New York. Super 8 was E.T. with the alien just not being friendly. ST:Into Darkness copied a lot from ST:Wrath of Khan. Since Abrams established with Star Trek that he will ignore 40+ yrs of lore and do what he wants, I fully expect him to botch Ep7. Whether or not he botches it worse than the prequels is left to be seen.


Soapbox 'on':


Abrams is one of the most overrated filmmakers ever. His apparent title as Spielberg's heir is a joke. He has none of the natural talent and story telling understanding that Mr. Blockbuster does, and none of his films are classics like Spielberg's are. Hits and box office money makers? Yes. Classics that have true cinematic staying power? No.


I won't immediately say Ep7 will fail, but there's A LOT weighing against it. Problem 1 is that they're going to try and recreate the magic of 1977. This is wrong, because May 1977 was a Once in Movie History moment that can't be recreated. I missed it, which sucks, but I know the feelings my Dad describes of seeing the Star Destroyer pass over the screen at the beginning of Ep4 can't strike twice. That's why it's magic. Doesn't work twice.


Problem 2 is expectations. Remember Ep1? Expectations were gargantuan. Need a refresher then watch "The People vs. George Lucas" on Netflix and the chapter of Ep1. People said there was absolutely no way in God's universe the film could fail. One particularly ironic guy said God should be ashamed he hasn't created anything as good. Yeah. Nobody's saying that now. Everyone created 1977 in their minds and the film was made, in their minds. It was released...and yeah.


Same will happen again. Expectations will skyrocket, creating crushing pressure that's even worse than the pressure on Ep1 (which didn't even have any pressure since no new SW films had been made in 15 years).


Back to Abrams. It's been said Ep7 and presumably the other two films will be stand alone stories unaffected by the EU. Just like what Lucas did: ignore everything the fans have done to keep the franchise alive in the public conscience. What is needed by the filmmaker(s) is a strong grasp of just where the SW franchise is right now, where the fans are, and where the franchise needs to go cinematically. Where the films go, that's where the franchise goes as a whole. This includes knowledge of the EU.


What we need is what Nolan gave the recent Batman trilogy. He read the source material, knew where the previous films had both succeeded and erred, and charted a course from there. What I'm afraid we're going to get is a generic SW story that basically assumes, well, its SW so whatever we do it'll make lots of money. Just throw lightsabers and Wookiees at it and the fans'll eat it up. Wrong.


The next SW needs a vision to further the franchise, not a desperate attempt to recreate what's already been.

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As a kid, I loved the Ewoks so back then it was Return of the Jedi. Now it would be A New Hope, followed by Revenge of the Sith and Empire Strikes Back. And despite what anyone says, I still love The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones.


As to why. Well New Hope is the Star Wars introduction and imo sets the pace for what's to come next. We get Sir Alec Guiness as Obi-Wan and we also see all the relationships first being formed. I think that's what the prequels were missing out on. The camaraderie and the relationships between all the characters. The banter between Han and Leia or Han and Chewie. The loyalty that Luke shows Han and that Han eventually reciprocates. We know why everyone is so loyal to each other throughout Ep 4-6 but we don't know why that's the case in Ep 1-3 even though Ep 3 has the most emotional content out of all of them.


For Phantom Menace and AOTC it was finally seeing Jedi and Sith in action. I'm a huge fan of the Genosis arena fight and the fight between Maul and Obi-Wan/Qui-Qon. Also, AOTC was where we finally get to see Yoda in action. Excuse me for saying so, but I was high as hell when I saw AOTC and that fight with Yoda and Dooku was epic in my mind lol. So epic I had to make sure it was epic and went back and watched it sober a few more times.


Anyway, I'm not high anymore and still love the prequels despite all the faults. But the original is still my favorite.

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The original 1977 film. I think it had the best acting. What anchored the film was Alec Guinness's presence which hasn't been matched in any of the subsequent films though Ewan Mcgregor comes close.


If the new trilogy can find someone like that, then everything else will likely fall into place.

Edited by Projawa
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Episode V is my favorite. Wampas, AT-ATs, Yoda, the asteroid chase, Boba Fett, Cloud City, the first great Lightsaber duel (sorry Sir Alec, you were bad), Vader revealing the truth. Awesome movie from start to finish. In 1980, this was just an amazing piece of work. If you watch some stuff from around then, the quality so so different.
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Empire Strikes Back. The whole tension, the reveals, the excitement, it was by far the best of the series and has one major factor behind it. George Lucas didn't direct it, that was Irvin Kershner, and Leigh Brackett and Lawrence Kasdan did the screenplay. Again, without George. It's amazing how good a movie can be when he isn't in control. It's what gives me high hopes about the next trilogy.
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Star Wars Return of the Jedi would be my favorite classic because of the ending battle was just epic having the death star with all it's Destroyers going all out with the last remaining rebel forces and at the same time we got a battle on the ground going all out.....but to this day I still wondering

A) where the hell was that AT-AT walker




C) Really...beat by cute fluff teddy bears with sticks and stones ...I'm starting to wonder if wearing the armor was even worth it...might as well run around naked have a better chance of winning that fight.


Then revenge of the Sith would be my next favorite just because of the story of seeing the fall of the jedi and raise of the empire is just awesome to see and the order 66 was something that I think tied everything together pretty nicely knowing that trust never truly existed and the fact the same people fighting by their side through the series would be their number 1 enemy.


The only downfall I saw was the fact Vader wasn't pictured as I was made to believe when I saw the classics as a child, where it was kind of hinted that Vader was more of the murder of Jedis and went out of his way to find and destroy everyone of them which made me picture epic battles with the dark lord having these wise Jedi masters be sliced down by this one dark lord felt more epic then what was shown on the screen.

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Wow, been away for a few days and there's answers.


Honestly, as far as the Original Trilogy goes, I'd have to say that The Empire Strikes Back was also my favorite. The opening scene in A New Hope where Vader walks in is awesome, as well as them running around the Death Star, and Return Of The Jedi did have a lot of cool moments like the lightsaber fight and Vader killing Palpatine, but Empire as a whole felt like a better movie with less down time.


However, with that being said, my favorite has to be between The Phantom Menace and Attack Of The Clones. Now before the hate comes in, let me explain. First of all, seeing the real Jedi in action was just epic, as was the duel with Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan against Maul. Best saber fight out of all the movies in my opinion. Secondly, we all wanted to see more about Obi-Wan since the Original Trilogy, and seeing him as a padawan, plus Qui-Gon as his master, was much more than I could have hoped for when Phantom Menace came out. Yes you all hate Jar-Jar and I don't really care for him, but Liam Neeson and Ewan McGreggor made for a great duo, and I don't think they could have picked better actors for the characters, and ever since its release Qui-Gon has been my favorite character, with Obi-Wan following closely behind.


As for Attack Of The Clones, Jango. Enough said. But seriously, Jango Fett was bad*** and much cooler than Boba in my opinion. The introduction of the Clones was awesome as well as their backstory. Ever since I was a kid, I was always obsessed with Darth Vader and the Troopers, and the Clones were by far cooler than the Storm Troopers to me. Jango on the other hand, he had such a calm demeanor, well played by Temuera Morrison, and that fight scene between Jango and Obi-Wan was pretty kick***, seeing him take on a Jedi in hand to hand combat. Not many people would have the guts to do that. Plus meeting Temuera and Daniel Logan (Boba Fett) in person and getting pictures with them just made it more so (hence the signature). The Geonosis arena scene was also pretty sweet, and giving Mace Windu more character was pretty cool too, actually making him a favorite character as well.


As far as Revenge Of The Sith is concerned, I don't hate it, it was a GREAT movie like all the others, and every time I see the fight between Mace and Sidious it never gets old, but as soon as Anakin disobeys Mace and comes running to Palpatine, thats when I hate it. Again, great writing, but the betrayal just angers me, not to mention if Anakin had done things differently, and I'm not saying it was bad either, but had he trusted Obi-Wan enough, or not been so afraid to talk about his visions, none of that would have happened. That and I think Mace should have just killed Sidious straight up instead of putting his saber to his face and talking ****. Just kill him and its done. Forever. Lastly, while I have no ill feelings for the prequels, they killed the image of Vader for me. Instead of seeing the whiny excuse for a Jedi that was Anakin, I prefer the stone wall that was Darth Vader from the originals. I understand Anakin wasn't perfect and had his problems, but some of the whining was kinda over the top. Saying things like "its not fair" and "he's holding me back" is just proof that Anakin was weak, not conflicted between light and dark.


Overall, my rant being a little long winded, my favorite is tied between The Phantom Menace and Attack Of The Clones. Now if only I could meet Liam Neeson and Ewan McGreggor. :3

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As for Attack Of The Clones, Jango. Enough said. But seriously, Jango Fett was bad*** and much cooler than Boba in my opinion.


Of course he was more bad*** than Boba.


Boba did nothing in the original trilogy.


I'm convinced that the only reason he became popular is because people watched the movies so many times...and wanted to be so different...that they picked out a minor character to say he was their favorite.


He literally does nothing.


When he attempts to do something special...Luke makes him look like a fool...and then he is killed not too long after.


From the original movies alone...there is absolutely no logical reason that Boba would truly be someone's favorite character. Anyone who says he is...is simply trying to hard to be different.



I apologize for the "rant"...but I just rewatched the trilogy the other day...so it's been on my mind.

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Wow, been away for a few days and there's answers.


Honestly, as far as the Original Trilogy goes, I'd have to say that The Empire Strikes Back was also my favorite. The opening scene in A New Hope where Vader walks in is awesome, as well as them running around the Death Star, and Return Of The Jedi did have a lot of cool moments like the lightsaber fight and Vader killing Palpatine, but Empire as a whole felt like a better movie with less down time.


However, with that being said, my favorite has to be between The Phantom Menace and Attack Of The Clones. Now before the hate comes in, let me explain. First of all, seeing the real Jedi in action was just epic, as was the duel with Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan against Maul. Best saber fight out of all the movies in my opinion. Secondly, we all wanted to see more about Obi-Wan since the Original Trilogy, and seeing him as a padawan, plus Qui-Gon as his master, was much more than I could have hoped for when Phantom Menace came out. Yes you all hate Jar-Jar and I don't really care for him, but Liam Neeson and Ewan McGreggor made for a great duo, and I don't think they could have picked better actors for the characters, and ever since its release Qui-Gon has been my favorite character, with Obi-Wan following closely behind.


As for Attack Of The Clones, Jango. Enough said. But seriously, Jango Fett was bad*** and much cooler than Boba in my opinion. The introduction of the Clones was awesome as well as their backstory. Ever since I was a kid, I was always obsessed with Darth Vader and the Troopers, and the Clones were by far cooler than the Storm Troopers to me. Jango on the other hand, he had such a calm demeanor, well played by Temuera Morrison, and that fight scene between Jango and Obi-Wan was pretty kick***, seeing him take on a Jedi in hand to hand combat. Not many people would have the guts to do that. Plus meeting Temuera and Daniel Logan (Boba Fett) in person and getting pictures with them just made it more so (hence the signature). The Geonosis arena scene was also pretty sweet, and giving Mace Windu more character was pretty cool too, actually making him a favorite character as well.


As far as Revenge Of The Sith is concerned, I don't hate it, it was a GREAT movie like all the others, and every time I see the fight between Mace and Sidious it never gets old, but as soon as Anakin disobeys Mace and comes running to Palpatine, thats when I hate it. Again, great writing, but the betrayal just angers me, not to mention if Anakin had done things differently, and I'm not saying it was bad either, but had he trusted Obi-Wan enough, or not been so afraid to talk about his visions, none of that would have happened. That and I think Mace should have just killed Sidious straight up instead of putting his saber to his face and talking ****. Just kill him and its done. Forever. Lastly, while I have no ill feelings for the prequels, they killed the image of Vader for me. Instead of seeing the whiny excuse for a Jedi that was Anakin, I prefer the stone wall that was Darth Vader from the originals. I understand Anakin wasn't perfect and had his problems, but some of the whining was kinda over the top. Saying things like "its not fair" and "he's holding me back" is just proof that Anakin was weak, not conflicted between light and dark.


Overall, my rant being a little long winded, my favorite is tied between The Phantom Menace and Attack Of The Clones. Now if only I could meet Liam Neeson and Ewan McGreggor. :3



Excellent write up. Pretty much right on par with how I feel about all points mentioned, especially in terms of the highlighted. As a youth seeing those movies, that was one bad *ss dude, you didn't f*ck with. After watching his evolution in the prequels, that was all but destroyed.


Regarding Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon. I would have loved to have seen that extended into the next movie without killing him off so fast. One of those necessary evils.


Empire and Star Wars. 1 and 1A.

Edited by Pirana
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