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Arena starting with less than 4 players


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Hate to break it to you, but I think you're going to see this a fair amount. The folks who don't want to do arenas are going to just drop anytime they are put into one out of protest. They want separate queues for arenas and warzones, and don't want to be forced to do one they don't like.


So, I think many folks will run into this issue. Hopefully, Bioware takes notice and addresses the issue.

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So arena matches start before one team is complete and its a rather pointless 3 v 4 ****'fest?

Happened to me twice already.


That's what happens when someone leaves. I ended up in a 2v4 match (on the short end) when people left. It sucked, but it was over quickly, so easy to move on from. At least it backfilled with two new players before round 2 started.

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Ha. Unfortunately, I think that will be their fix. Punish the folks even more.


"You're going to play arenas and like them!"


sure you could do that but if you slap a dogs snout too many times he usually will bite back, forcing players to do something they don't like will either have them:


1. never quing up again which leads to longer que times anyway.




2. people whom aren't happy customers will just unsub.


I love to pvp and I was going to do arenas with my pvp guild and was motivated for 2.4, I did unsub 2 weeks ago because I was just so bored I wanted to check out 2.4 and if I liked it I would re sub due to it being up in about a week, and if I didn't like it I wouldn't sub it was that simple.


but knowing I don't have a choice in the mater why bother, why would anyone want to play a arena game in a pug group? getting steam rolled over and over being its the best 2 out of 3 why would I or ne one want to go through that ordeal?

1. class balance should have come before arenas.

2. cross server ques should have come before arenas.

3. an option to que or not to que for them should have launched with 2.4.


shoving arenas down the throats of gamers whom don't want to do them or didn't ask for them is silly. so in a sense no mater if there is a penalty or not the que times will get longer regardless.

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Hate to break it to you, but I think you're going to see this a fair amount. The folks who don't want to do arenas are going to just drop anytime they are put into one out of protest. They want separate queues for arenas and warzones, and don't want to be forced to do one they don't like.


So, I think many folks will run into this issue. Hopefully, Bioware takes notice and addresses the issue.


Exactly you can thank BW for their glorious option "you will go into arenas and like it".


Except people will leave ruining the reg queues anyway for everyone. Just wait till the premade QQ starts and the why are WZs starting 8v4 as regstarts who get wrecked in Ranked Arenas begin to farm PuGs with no role matching in the Reg WZ queue and leave every WZ.


Although I would like to see the option kept in low level arenas or offer a Solo Arena queue for leveling if they have to remove it.

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You expect BW to fix cowards and quitters?


really? cowards and quitters you say? folks that don't want to do something they don't want to do or didn't ask for are cowards are they?


so let me put this into terms that you could understand.


you walk into a restaurant and order a steak with a baked potato and a side order green beans.

the waiter says naa what im going to give you is a nice plate of dog poo I know that you don't want dog poo or find it pleasing but im going to give it to you anyways. im certain most people even you would stand up and say im not eating dog poo or want to eat here again.


on your way out the waiter calls you a coward and a quitter for not eating the dog poo. this is basically what you are saying to paying customers whom didn't ask for or want to do arenas. all they want is a choice. putting a pug group together for an arena match is silly, its pointless, and further more a service that most don't want.

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Yes, they will extend the cooldown after leaving to few hours, that will teach them :)


And then people will stop joining the queues altogether and the queue times go from 10 minutes to 2 hours.


But before they make yet another stupid decision, those of us that don't want to do arena's will keep leaving whenever they pop.


You expect BW to fix cowards and quitters?


Just when I thought I would never so so much stupid in one post again, you prove me wrong.

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really? cowards and quitters you say? folks that don't want to do something they don't want to do or didn't ask for are cowards are they?


so let me put this into terms that you could understand.


you walk into a restaurant and order a steak with a baked potato and a side order green beans.

the waiter says naa what im going to give you is a nice plate of dog poo I know that you don't want dog poo or find it pleasing but im going to give it to you anyways. im certain most people even you would stand up and say im not eating dog poo or want to eat here again.


on your way out the waiter calls you a coward and a quitter for not eating the dog poo. this is basically what you are saying to paying customers whom didn't ask for or want to do arenas. all they want is a choice. putting a pug group together for an arena match is silly, its pointless, and further more a service that most don't want.


I think that's a faulty analogy. As I understand, your point is that it's a subjective matter and some people prefer one thing over another.


I don't think BW is trying to make people "eat dog poo". I think that they're in the steakhouse business and a few vegetarians walked in and became upset when they couldn't order veggie burgers... And hey, it's a valid complaint, but like anything, it won't change unless there are enough vegetarian customer's going to steakhouses to justify adding it to the menu.

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The risk of ending up in a really lopsided arena match in the normal queue isnt worth the time so I quit the second the map has been loaded. The alternative would be to stay long enough for the game to fill up and perhaps it might have been balanced, in terms of specs and classes, from time to time but by staying and potentially dropping last second I'm screwing over the people who stay. So it's better to insta-quit and give someone els the time to fill my spot.
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I think that's a faulty analogy. As I understand, your point is that it's a subjective matter and some people prefer one thing over another.


I don't think BW is trying to make people "eat dog poo". I think that they're in the steakhouse business and a few vegetarians walked in and became upset when they couldn't order veggie burgers... And hey, it's a valid complaint, but like anything, it won't change unless there are enough vegetarian customer's going to steakhouses to justify adding it to the menu.


the point I was trying to make is this:


not giving players a choice is always a bad thing, there was only a very small group of players clamoring for arenas and forcing those whom don't like that type of play into a pug group in arenas are wrong. from launch of 2.4 it should have been a choice to go into arenas as either a premade or as a solo que'r. by not giving players a choice is what enflames the community.


I will admit I wanted to do arenas when I was subbed, but not as a pugger and not being made to do that. in my opinion arenas should be a choice, and I am certain a lot of people would prefer to go as a premade not as a pug pick up.


also all of this talk about long ques could be solved with cross server pvp ques, this is what the community should be clamoring for and speaking up about. all of this rhetoric about its too hard to do well guess what, "TOUGH" all of us have to do tough things in our lives some at work and some out of work but we do them.

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I think that's a faulty analogy. As I understand, your point is that it's a subjective matter and some people prefer one thing over another.


I don't think BW is trying to make people "eat dog poo". I think that they're in the steakhouse business and a few vegetarians walked in and became upset when they couldn't order veggie burgers... And hey, it's a valid complaint, but like anything, it won't change unless there are enough vegetarian customer's going to steakhouses to justify adding it to the menu.


Speaking of faulty analogies you mixed up what is what. 8 man WZs are what has been on the menu for 2 years(ie steak). Another way to look at it you go to the steak house and are required to order off a random menu. You could get steak or veggies, but have no choice in the matter regardless of what you want for dinner.


Back to the topic, I don't mind the system on my Mara, Sniper, Guard, and Scoundrel. I'll stick with reg WZs on my merc, vg and sage though.

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Speaking of faulty analogies you mixed up what is what. 8 man WZs are what has been on the menu for 2 years(ie steak). Another way to look at it you go to the steak house and are required to order off a random menu. You could get steak or veggies, but have no choice in the matter regardless of what you want for dinner.


lol, you're right but if we're going to be that particular, they're all faulty analogies, because having the choice in food doesn't create a queuing/time problem :)

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I was one of those that said I would leave arena pops, but I haven't...i've played through every one that I ended up in and to be honest...they are sooooooooooo damn boring. I really wish they would separate the queues.
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sure you could do that but if you slap a dogs snout too many times he usually will bite back, forcing players to do something they don't like will either have them:


1. never quing up again which leads to longer que times anyway.




2. people whom aren't happy customers will just unsub.


I love to pvp and I was going to do arenas with my pvp guild and was motivated for 2.4, I did unsub 2 weeks ago because I was just so bored I wanted to check out 2.4 and if I liked it I would re sub due to it being up in about a week, and if I didn't like it I wouldn't sub it was that simple.


but knowing I don't have a choice in the mater why bother, why would anyone want to play a arena game in a pug group? getting steam rolled over and over being its the best 2 out of 3 why would I or ne one want to go through that ordeal?

1. class balance should have come before arenas.

2. cross server ques should have come before arenas.

3. an option to que or not to que for them should have launched with 2.4.


shoving arenas down the throats of gamers whom don't want to do them or didn't ask for them is silly. so in a sense no mater if there is a penalty or not the que times will get longer regardless.



I think if a cooldown is pushed, those that hate arena will just afk (move one step every 30 seconds) until the end of the match

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Hopefully, Bioware takes notice and addresses the issue.


It's not something they should take notice about. It's something that should've been thought through already. Leavers in warzones have been the topic of discussion on this forums a multiple times and surely someone at Bioware has read them.


Bioware obviously doesn't want the arena's to fail so they're shoving it down everyones throat who doesn't like it.

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lol, you're right but if we're going to be that particular, they're all faulty analogies, because having the choice in food doesn't create a queuing/time problem :)


Long queue times don't stop the PvE Group Finder from being used...why treat PvP so differently? The idea that queue pops might take longer is nullified by the players leaving WZ's or Arenas...just because my queue pops faster with players who leave, doesn't make it fun for anyone...

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