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An Open Letter to BioWare: Improving the Overall State of SWTOR.


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I get that...I do.


That makes it real. It doesnt make it fun though IMO. Nothing spells "not fun" more than running up and down a path looking for a hole, agroing a million mobs along the way.


There is real, and there is real silly. I think they tipped the scales a bit. As I said...sure, it's ruins. But there is a map. So one would think someone might mark the paths a bit better.


The real problem, IMO, is not the terrain...its the map design.


Absolutely agree. If we are talking about the map layouts in this game, they are horrible.....for exactly the reasons you've stated.

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But can they even design better maps with this engine?


Not sure how that works, but if they can, they should. If they can't, its just one more straw piled on that camel's back for sure.


Not a huge priority compared to other issues, but indicative of some of the smaller, minor aggravations to be looked at for the long haul?

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Not sure how that works, but if they can, they should. If they can't, its just one more straw piled on that camel's back for sure.


Not a huge priority compared to other issues, but indicative of some of the smaller, minor aggravations to be looked at for the long haul?

Makeb was sort of big, but it really discouraged any form of good WPvP. I kinda doubt BW will pull off developing big maps. It seems like they want to discourage any form of huge WPvP because they know their engine cannot handle anything like that. :(

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Thought you weren't gonna post in this thread anymore. :p


Wanted to clear up some confusion because people have a difficult time "Thinking outside the box"


I won't post anymore though. Don't really care because I hope BioWare doesn't respond to this thread as it wouldn't benefit PvP/class balancing at all.

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Rejoining a PvP Match - It's not hard to see that this is an easily exploitable proposal. It should be a VERY scrutinized proposition and should only be implemented after a year or so of testing.

Subscriber BenefitsSomething I can get behind. Having scaled tangible (well as tangible as pixels are) would be a cool thing. I mean the items that are available for subs are cool, but what about people who go above and beyond subscribers? Cartel Coins bring in as much as subscribers (unsubstantiated speculation), but they have no bonus. Other than to obtain the items on the Cartel Market... oh wait, those can be sold on the GTN, so they are not exclusive. OH YEA! The reputation with the two (and more in the future, to be sure!) vendors for opening Cartel Packs. Yea that gives us some.... oh wait, no. You can buy Cartel Packs off of the GTN, too. So... um... yea, there is nothing that says "THANKS!" to the Cartel Coin purchasers.

Class Balance and BugsYou might as well copy and paste that every update, as each on with unintentionally imbalance something somewhere and the process of fixing will be repeated. My suggestion is just get used to this, it will NEVER end. Just be constructive and give feedback.

Public Test ServerWell to a point, feedback and what players really do is often different. Many forget that somewhere around 5% of the people who play the game, use the forums. That is a statically insignificant number, and those who do are the most vocal. Most vocal doesn't mean correct.

There are other sources to gather information, the best is the game itself. Since we few make up 5% of the games population, it would go to assume that the opinions are around 5% of the decision. Since it is no where near a majority, you can understand why the commonly held consensus is not always true. It also doesn't preclude that the majority is correct either. Add in the limits of the game engine that NOT ONE OF US POSTERS KNOWS, LET ALONE UNDERSTANDS, and you can see why some things just don't happen.

Ability Delay, Frames Per Second and Lag Issues <– Dead horse. Stop whipping it.

Forum InteractionMaybe it's their way of saying to the more pessimistic, "GO AWAY!"? I think that the form guidelines now are too lenient, but then again, the old way was far to strict. We need to find the "Goldilocks Zone" of forum mediation. I find that the "pessimistic" posts are also just monkeys and trolls. I have gone through these cynics and read post after post and not one is positive, constructive, or helpful. A constant negative state leads to many to just dismiss you out of hand. I know. I do that. When I've sifted through 500 posts and it is all negativism and spite, I put them on ignore. They are not constructive and I don't need to see it. I have many who I NEVER see eye to eye with, but I see them on the New Player Help threads helping people out and providing useful and constructive feedback. Not always informed feedback, but feedback none the less.

PollsAgain, at 5% participation on the forums, can you blame them? That would lead to an effective elitism. Just like putting a poll on Facebook or Huffington Post. Maybe I'm not a member and I cannot vote. Maybe I don't want to be a member.

FinaleWell my finale is not in support of much of your post. PvP does not interest me in the slightest. It's why I didn't bother to reply to most of the related subsections. As for the rest, it's pretty tired. Same things posted again and again, and responded to again and again. It's either being worked on or they have dismissed it. Do a search and you will find the answers you seek. They have said time and again they will not repost information nor will they chime in when there is no information.

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Rejoining a PvP Match - It's not hard to see that this is an easily exploitable proposal. It should be a VERY scrutinized proposition and should only be implemented after a year or so of testing.

Subscriber BenefitsSomething I can get behind. Having scaled tangible (well as tangible as pixels are) would be a cool thing. I mean the items that are available for subs are cool, but what about people who go above and beyond subscribers? Cartel Coins bring in as much as subscribers (unsubstantiated speculation), but they have no bonus. Other than to obtain the items on the Cartel Market... oh wait, those can be sold on the GTN, so they are not exclusive. OH YEA! The reputation with the two (and more in the future, to be sure!) vendors for opening Cartel Packs. Yea that gives us some.... oh wait, no. You can buy Cartel Packs off of the GTN, too. So... um... yea, there is nothing that says "THANKS!" to the Cartel Coin purchasers.

Class Balance and BugsYou might as well copy and paste that every update, as each on with unintentionally imbalance something somewhere and the process of fixing will be repeated. My suggestion is just get used to this, it will NEVER end. Just be constructive and give feedback.

Public Test ServerWell to a point, feedback and what players really do is often different. Many forget that somewhere around 5% of the people who play the game, use the forums. That is a statically insignificant number, and those who do are the most vocal. Most vocal doesn't mean correct.

There are other sources to gather information, the best is the game itself. Since we few make up 5% of the games population, it would go to assume that the opinions are around 5% of the decision. Since it is no where near a majority, you can understand why the commonly held consensus is not always true. It also doesn't preclude that the majority is correct either. Add in the limits of the game engine that NOT ONE OF US POSTERS KNOWS, LET ALONE UNDERSTANDS, and you can see why some things just don't happen.

Ability Delay, Frames Per Second and Lag Issues <– Dead horse. Stop whipping it.

Forum InteractionMaybe it's their way of saying to the more pessimistic, "GO AWAY!"? I think that the form guidelines now are too lenient, but then again, the old way was far to strict. We need to find the "Goldilocks Zone" of forum mediation. I find that the "pessimistic" posts are also just monkeys and trolls. I have gone through these cynics and read post after post and not one is positive, constructive, or helpful. A constant negative state leads to many to just dismiss you out of hand. I know. I do that. When I've sifted through 500 posts and it is all negativism and spite, I put them on ignore. They are not constructive and I don't need to see it. I have many who I NEVER see eye to eye with, but I see them on the New Player Help threads helping people out and providing useful and constructive feedback. Not always informed feedback, but feedback none the less.

PollsAgain, at 5% participation on the forums, can you blame them? That would lead to an effective elitism. Just like putting a poll on Facebook or Huffington Post. Maybe I'm not a member and I cannot vote. Maybe I don't want to be a member.

FinaleWell my finale is not in support of much of your post. PvP does not interest me in the slightest. It's why I didn't bother to reply to most of the related subsections. As for the rest, it's pretty tired. Same things posted again and again, and responded to again and again. It's either being worked on or they have dismissed it. Do a search and you will find the answers you seek. They have said time and again they will not repost information nor will they chime in when there is no information.

Although this petition does include stuff outside the PvP play style, the reason it's mostly PvP centric is because PvP is the play style that has the most issues in this game. Probably tied with class balance and engine problems, but the latter takes the cake. :(

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Well, I'm calling it... 2.LOL Patch..

If I wanted to be the master of shooting myself in the foot, I would use BW as an template.


Its been real...




Yeah, the sub on my main account ends in like 3 days. Going to try out 2.4, but from what I've seen I think I'm just going to let my sub lapse.


It's almost been 2 years I've played SWTOR. I loved this game a lot before the Cartel Market came in. It's been fun, but hopefully this game can turn things around. BioWare, you guys have a chance to utilize the potential this game's PvP gameplay has. Unfortunately I and many others don't see you're trying to at least fulfill it.




Would be nice to see a dev post, but I have my doubts. IMO PvP needs to get some serious first priority since I think it's the part of the game with the most issues, but hopefully BW can address this petition and get on with actually communicating with the community for once instead of just seeing, "We're sorry for any inconvenience we've caused."

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I'm confused, how is this exploitable?


If you can't figure it out, you are a good kid.:cool: Stay that way.


Wait a second. You state that:

Yeah, the sub on my main account ends in like 3 days. Going to try out 2.4, but from what I've seen I think I'm just going to let my sub lapse.

Yet your signature says you have been unsubscribed since May 1st? So you unsubscribe one of your many accounts, but not all? What is that crap? Either you have unsubscribed all of your accounts in protest, or you are just not that serious about your protest.


Or is it all just a fib? This is why companies don't give much stock to complainers. It's not like they don't know that you are accessing multiple accounts. You have the same IP address! It's funny, from this I now expect that your Cartel Coin ledger will show hundreds of dollars in Cartel Coin purchases.

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Wait a second. You state that:


Yet your signature says you have been unsubscribed since May 1st? So you unsubscribe one of your many accounts, but not all? What is that crap? Either you have unsubscribed all of your accounts in protest, or you are just not that serious about your protest.


Or is it all just a fib? This is why companies don't give much stock to complainers. It's not like they don't know that you are accessing multiple accounts. You have the same IP address! It's funny, from this I now expect that your Cartel Coin ledger will show hundreds of dollars in Cartel Coin purchases.

I only have 3 accounts. One has been unsubscribed for a long, long time now, and my main account (who has been unsubbed since the 1st of May) will be unsubbed on October 4th, 2013. Only less than 72 hours remaining so cool your ***.




As for this account, I had a friend who had troubles getting his Friends of SWTOR program working. I referred him this account, and he let me keep the 30-day sub.


So why would this all be a fib? My friend and I are just trying to improve the game. Is there a problem other than you hate PvP? And for the record, I never spent hundreds of dollars on the Cartel Market and even if I could, I never would because I will not be milked by such a poor payment model.

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If you can't figure it out, you are a good kid.:cool: Stay that way.



Were you referring to ranked or regs? There are plenty of valid reasons not to put it in for regs, but this was primarily referring to ranked, where being down a person because of a d/c is a 99% chance of a loss, unless you seriously overpower the other team.

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Were you referring to ranked or regs? There are plenty of valid reasons not to put it in for regs, but this was primarily referring to ranked, where being down a person because of a d/c is a 99% chance of a loss, unless you seriously overpower the other team.

I have absolutely no idea how this can be exploited. I don't think it can even happen. This guy who claimed he doesn't care about PvP whatsoever doesn't know what he's talking about if he's saying that.

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ROFL this whole post is funny, you guys are so optimistic that bioware will do anything but create more content for the cartel market. Lets face it, they haven't got hardly anything right and they never will, people are starting to realize this and so this game is doomed to failure.
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ROFL this whole post is funny, you guys are so optimistic that bioware will do anything but create more content for the cartel market. Lets face it, they haven't got hardly anything right and they never will, people are starting to realize this and so this game is doomed to failure.


Hence why we got Patch 2.0, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4.... All strictly cartel market patches... Wait a minute... I smell something wrong here...

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ROFL this whole post is funny, you guys are so optimistic that bioware will do anything but create more content for the cartel market. Lets face it, they haven't got hardly anything right and they never will, people are starting to realize this and so this game is doomed to failure.
Hence why we got Patch 2.0, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4.... All strictly cartel market patches... Wait a minute... I smell something wrong here...
I believe your olfactory lobes serve you well:


2.0 (4/9/2013)

- Planet: Makeb

- Operation: Scum & Villany

- HM FPs: Athiss, Cademimu, Hammer Station, Mandalorian Raiders


2.2 (6/12/2013)

- Operation: TFB NM


2.3 (8/6/2013)

- 55 FPs: Czerka Corporate Labs, Czerka Core Meltdown

- Event: Bounty Contract Week


2.4 (10/1/2013)

- Operations: Dread Fortress, Dread Palace

- Mission Area: Oricon


Troll post squishing ... it's faaaaantastic.

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