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Stop rewarding them for mediocrity


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TFB turned into a wipe fest and now I'm feeling a little disgruntled.


I'd like to add my complaints regarding mediocrity but unfortunately, it was all ours. But, I will blame BW anyway as it seems to be in vogue.


Ooooo I know, because of the launcher DL issue you weren't able to get the high quality players needed to run TFB which ended in a wipe fest. There ya go, now you can blame Bioware by virtue of association. :D

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People can mostly enjoy the game, yet see the glaring issues and expect them to be corrected. The idea that someone can't complain if their paying is stupid. Yeah, we have the choice to leave, all of us do, we know that...but just because someone points out gaping flaws with the game, doesn't mean they would prefer to play something else...if that were the case, they'd be playing that other game already.


The think the point people are trying to make isn't that he is complaining while paying but complaining about paying while paying. At least that's what I am gathering form it, I could be wrong.


Now I have nothing about complaining while paying as long as it is constructive and is working towards improvement . If the complaining is not constructive and is just raging and bashing out of anger then that helps no one and is just noise to be ignored.


Now complaining about paying while still paying is at least to me, and from some of the post for others, is just rather silly. The reason is your complaining about paying for a game you fill is messed up but yet you are doing exactly what you are complaining about and paying when the logical thing for you to do is just stop.


Any way this is just how I view it my self and is my point of view unless some one else shares it.

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If that was sarcasm on your part then I really did miss it. It was very subtlely done. Well played sir.


Scary how well it just fits with the current "culture" of the "entitlement" forum posts that sarcasm is drowned out by the actual screams.

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Let me ask you, how many people are being entertained by the game right now then?


People who log on the game and play are assumed to be entertained. Otherwise why do you still play? On the other side, entertainment level varies, and there is more to be had if the game improves on some issues.

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I've got into other MMOs that have better class mechanics and different skill point allocation as well as better tailored group content.
And others will leave those MMOs for similar reasons and come here. So what?


Am I completely happy? No


Do I think I get my moneys worth? Yes....If I didn't I would not continue to pay.


Do I think a company is evil for wanting to milk me of my money? No because every company wants to milk people of their money. CC are no different, no one is force anyone to buy them. Hell even if you want want is being sold in the cartel market, you don't need to spend real money on it, you can use credits on the GTN.


Love if the made stuff on the GTN unsellable on the GTN, peoples heads would explode. :p (joking I don't want that to happen because I spend credits for the fluff I want).

Edited by mikebevo
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Ugh, FF XIV is a very bad example, since the original game was bad in EVERY sense of the word, and there was no way of improving it, unless they re-do the game entirely. And that's what S-E had to do.


If SWTOR were like FF XIV 1.0...the game wouldn't have survived the launch.

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I knew many people who played this game because it's supposed to be Star Wars, and all but three I personally knew are gone now. That was over 3 dozen people who left.


I bet some of these devs want something more for this game, but if they want to keep their jobs, then they have to do as they're told by EA execs.


How anyone can truly be happy with how they run things here is beyond me. It should be obvious to everyone that their biggest concern is expanding the cartel market, and all the best things will be going there. Instead of them concentrating on ways to get people to subscribe, and rewarding subscribers, they're looking for more ways to suck even more money out of their subscribers. I swear it feels like they couldn't care less if anyone subbed at all.

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How anyone can truly be happy with how they run things here is beyond me. It should be obvious to everyone that their biggest concern is expanding the cartel market, and all the best things will be going there. Instead of them concentrating on ways to get people to subscribe, and rewarding subscribers, they're looking for more ways to suck even more money out of their subscribers. I swear it feels like they couldn't care less if anyone subbed at all.




Do I like the game itself? For the most part, yes, warts and all. I wouldn't still be subbed-up if I didn't.


(Because I'll always have EVE-Online to go back to, WildStar is looking fully sick, and The Repopulation is definitely one to keep an eye on for us sandbox-lovers.)


The problem is not BioWare --there is no more BioWare, they were destroyed by what is the problem, what has always been the problem: EA.


If it wasn't StarWars, I never would have even considered getting into this game for precisely that reason.


Disgusting, despicable, blood-sucking, innovation-destroying parasites.


It hasn't happened yet, but I strongly suspect that we're going to see pay-to-win items in that utterly asinine cash-shop soon enough.


I only wonder how much longer they expect to keep going with their hilariously incapable game-engine? Can't get people to spend




to buy new "perks" (the aforesaid pay-to-win items --which, IIRC, they tried with space mission stuff), not to mention the




in the




if your "game" won't even render right, now can you?




Formatted for extra-obnoxious sarcasm.


Oh, and one other thing:


Stop spamming me with poorly-disguised hard-sells for your *********** cash-shop every time I load-up, EA. Aside from using my subscriber-stipend to flip the odd gambling-box on the GTN for creds and/or buying cheap CM stuff whose look I like from same --for creds, that I earned through playing the game-- I want no part of it, and more to the point, I am sick to *********** death of it.

Edited by midianlord
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If you are paying and playing a game until you no longer enjoy doing that, that's perfectly fine.

If you are paying and playing a game, hoping that one day it will be what you want it to be, you're doing it wrong.


A game is supposed to entertain you. if it's not working out then you might need to consider that just because you enjoyed a certain game that is related to this one, doesn't mean that you have to (or even, should) necessarily enjoy this one.

Hey look someone who is quitting because of being nickle and dimed. But according to the faboys nobody quits because of the cartel

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Hey look someone who is quitting because of being nickle and dimed. But according to the faboys nobody quits because of the cartel


I rather suspect that that [/facedesk]-inducing-level-of-obnoxious cash shop, and EA's even more obnoxious way of hawking it to people were/are the proverbial "last straw" for many.


That in and of itself, as well as all the other not-last straws that came before, is something else the fanboiz don't seem to want to admit to thinking about. If they even think at all, which I doubt:


One cannot be a critical thinker and a fan boy/girl at the same time, it's just not possible.

Edited by midianlord
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You should probably stick to "ungimp assassins plox" posts.

Those at least make sense.


Seems to make sense to everyone with menial comrehension skills. See; sarcasm. Seriously at some point cartel will lose more subs than its worth and peope will quit when they realize if you want anything cool you habe to buy it instead of earn it

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Stop spamming me with poorly-disguised hard-sells for your *********** cash-shop every time I load-up, EA. Aside from using my subscriber-stipend to flip the odd gambling-box on the GTN for creds and/or buying cheap CM stuff whose look I like from same --for creds, that I earned through playing the game--

"Earned." Playing a game. Do you crow about "earning" that $200 every time you pass "Go?" It's just a game. Get a grip.


I want no part of it, and more to the point, I am sick to *********** death of it.

Then just ignore it. "Problem" solved.

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EA, and by extension, Bioware, has be *********** up for too long. Most of their mainstream games are incomplete at launch, and have been full of faults with every update bringing more damage than good. In my one month of experiencing this game, it has been no different. I feel sorry that I subscribed for three months and bought coins for card packs. (Another horribly designed money milling machine.) This game is notorious for 'nickle and diming' the ever living **** out of its customers. And for what? Glitched armor, bugged quests and missions, Errors in cutscenes, and poor PVP dynamics. So why do we pay money to them every month? Yeah, the games foundation is great, but with all the constant flaws within the game? Why do we honor them with money, for cracked eggs? Would you buy a cracked egg? I wouldn't trust it. The same way I don't trust this game. It is a broken egg. Fundamentally flawed. I am done burning holes in my pocket book.


Learn from Final Fantasy 14. They saw they made a tragically flawed game, they game back to their customers, scrapped the game and fixed it for 2 and a half years. Maybe it's time to do the same Bioware. Please. someone with millions of dollars, buy out Bioware from EA and fix this once "Golden" mmo.


so because this game isn't PERFECT they should take it down and completely remake it? that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard.

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"Earned." Playing a game. Do you crow about "earning" that $200 every time you pass "Go?" It's just a game. Get a grip.



Then just ignore it. "Problem" solved.


I was speaking figuratively, you sanctimonious...Ugh.


If you really can't tell the difference, and immediately assume that I'm the one taking it to that extreme, then maybe you're the one who needs to get a grip, bru.


Projection, much?


Anyway, moving on, now:


It's hard to fully ignore something that's always in your face, all the bloody time.




Why do we not have the option, in the UI configurator, to remove that big, tacky, loud, jarring, toally immersion-breaking, and pig-ugly gold button-thing from our screens? We can resize it and move it, but we can't remove it from our main game-screen AFAIK, even though it is also in the inventory as soon as you open it, and in the abilities panel under the General tab as soon as you open that, right there for anyone who wants to use it.


At least give subscribers the option to do so, I for one would very much appreciate it.


Just one example of many.




Whoops, no it's not under the Abilities/General tab. Can't say why I thought it was. OK, good. The less places I see that...thing...the happier I'll be.

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Hey look someone who is quitting because of being nickle and dimed. But according to the faboys nobody quits because of the cartel


Yet another useless comment that is neither consecutive or useful. Let me tell you something, this game is not perfect by any means and there are issues. But am I still happy? Yes. Do I get my money's worth? Yes. The fact remains we are aloud to enjoy the game and support it but it does not make us "fanboys" god I'm so sick of hearing that. The op is entitled to his opinion for sure and so are you but please for once try not to resort to name calling.

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Urgh, I hate posts like this.


You're trying to make something very simple into something complicated.


If you enjoy playing this game, with any flaws you think it has, and think that is provides value for money for you, then keep playing. If you don't, unsub.


How complex is that?


Please don't assume that your opinion is fact or that you speak for everyone. I object to OP's title, which seems to be ordering me to unsub. How about no? I am happy with the money that I pay for my sub, for cartel items and for any other thing I want to spend my money on. It's my money. Worry about your own and stop telling me what to do.


Some of us enjoy this game. If you don't, what are you doing here?

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I think what is most unfortunate for players like the OP is that the market seems to be a success. That is rather inconvenient for someone that wants to extoll the evils of a market in an MMO.


Complaints, IMO, is what got us the market in the first place. I contend that this is exactly what casual players wanted, and casual players make the rules considering they are likely the majority playerbase.


There are aspects that are not particularly favorable with respect to the F2P/Market system in place, but adjustments are made here and there....and I think with time it will evolve into a positive system for game growth.

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