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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Are you a fanboy, a hater, or a rational thinker?


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No matter what video game forum you go to, you run into fanboys and haters. Fanboys are the people who will defend a game and its developers to the death, and wont acknowledge any valid criticism of the game. On the other end of the fanatical spectrum are the haters who will bash everything about the game and its devs, and wont acknowledge anything good about the game.


But there is a third group; the rational thinker. These people understand that every game has both its positive and negative aspects, even if they think that one outweighs the other. But the key point is, they can at least acknowledge the existence of both. So here is my "challenge" to you:


A) Name 3 things that you like about this game.


B) Name 3 things that you dont like about this game.


If you can do both of the above, then congrats; you are a rational thinker! :D

Edited by The_Grand_Nagus
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Can I be an irrational thinker? Is rational thinker better than the other two options? And what make counting three pros and three cons one too an rational thinker? I mean one could count still completly irration things in both cases, like the feeling of certain gameplay aspects.
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1. The endgame, the story, the feeling of aiding the war effort across the planets

2. Space combat, customization, lack of RP elements like decorating your Starship, sitting in chairs, etc.


That good?


Congrats, you are a rational thinker, able to acknowledge both positive and negative aspects of a game :D

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I don't feel the need to have a label stuck to my forehead. I enjoy the game, and I enjoy the individual class and companion stories more than anything else. For the most part, I don't complain too much, just when certain aspects are out of whack, that's when I'll speak up.


The one thing I don't like is any suggestion that individual class stories wouldn't be continued, because they're what made the game special to me.


I don't care what's been said, I'll fight tooth and nail to be heard about extending individual class stories. I'm fairly patient, but that's not to say my patience doesn't have its limits.

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No matter what video game forum you go to, you run into fanboys and haters. Fanboys are the people who will defend a game and its developers to the death, and wont acknowledge any valid criticism of the game. On the other end of the fanatical spectrum are the haters who will bash everything about the game and its devs, and wont acknowledge anything good about the game.


But there is a third group; the rational thinker. These people understand that every game has both its positive and negative aspects, even if they think that one outweighs the other. But the key point is, they can at least acknowledge the existence of both. So here is my "challenge" to you:


A) Name 3 things that you like about this game.


B) Name 3 things that you dont like about this game.


If you can do both of the above, then congrats; you are a rational thinker! :D


The_Grand_Nagus, channeling Facebook for us all.


I'm pretty sure plenty of irrational people can tell you 3 things they like and dislike about this game. :D

If you find this poll narrow-minded and unnecessary, you're probably a more rational thinker than those who think that defining people is that easy. ;)

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The_Grand_Nagus, channeling Facebook for us all.


I'm pretty sure plenty of irrational people can tell you 3 things they like and dislike about this game. :D

If you find this poll narrow-minded and unnecessary, you're probably a more rational thinker than those who think that defining people is that easy. ;)


Congratulations you are a Maverick. You don't play by the rules. :cool:

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I'm probably going to list more than 3 things but here it goes:



-Cutscenes and voiced content

-Operations are 8/16 instead of 10/25 and thus easier to fill (god I hated 72 mans *shudders*)


-Operation gear drops are tokens instead of class specific



-Game engine lags if you get large scale PvP (defining large as 24 vs 24, not 16 vs 16 - been in a lag free 16 v 16)

-The emphasis on daily areas for new content, don't get me wrong Section X and CZ-198 were lovely, but after doing the weekly +10 times they got boring

-No future companion content (I can live with no more Class stuff, but my wives haven't talked to me in over a year)

-Achievement Bugs. Example: I can't get Loremaster of Tatooine and Beastmaster of Illum, thus no "Loremaster" or "Beastmaster" legacy titles. And honestly, isn't "

" a snazzy title? Edited by AshlaBoga
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A) Name 3 things that you like about this game.


1) Combat animations and sound...especially sound.

2) The storylines, specifically the Agent story.

3) The smooth integration of companions into the game and gameplay.


B) Name 3 things that you dont like about this game.


1) Lack of alternate gameplay, except for crafting and space combat.

2) Overly complicated armor and mod system that is counter-intuitive.

3) Poor engine.

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A) Name 3 things that you like about this game.


Being it star wars :D

Being able to buy my way on the GTN into going pref with minimal losses.




B) Name 3 things that you dont like about this game.



Ninjalooters ( but that isn't game's fault. just people being arses. )

Entitlement attitude/special snowflakes ( again, not game's fault.)

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1. Female smuggler lines

2. Stories

3. Community - majority are friendly, helpful and polite.



1. Shadow Infiltration DPS

2. Annoying bug/lag issues

3. Community - minority are just complete antisocial, entitled jerks.


I would consider myself a fanboy, not because I can see both sides, but because I will defend something I believe is not true or a cheap shot. I see the faults, but I can see the good parts too, I can also see that in other games too.

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i'm a "whatever".

i don't care about endgame or stuff like that at all, i'm here for the stories.


i like:

the storylines

the voice acting

err...the huge amount of alts i can make?


i dislike:

my actions won't impact on the world because this is an online game


oh, right! some things are totally not star-warsy.

Edited by _biddan_
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I generally support the game but i consider myself rational.


Ok Likes:


1) Flashpoints. I dont have an issue getting in groups even as dps.

2) I like the modding system

3) Companion and story aspect of the game.




1) Performance and engine. It literally takes 2 minutes sometimes to load a planet which is ridiculous


2) Need dual spec. I can already respec at will so im not sure why this isnt in the game yet


3) Crafting is dependant on other endgame content and should have its own identity

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