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Why does this game receive so much hate?


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you want to know the truth , cause people hate losing !


while partly this game was DEV and Support fault , other side it is also the community fault .

the community is wrong on a lot of things , but also right on certain things .


the DEV and Community including Support (EA) rather play childishe blaim games , instead of addressing the issues

It didn't matter who was right , but more who was more wrong .


Like a sad bunch of immature trolls , thus till today it still excist the problems .


The game is terrific Fun , there is a lot wrong with the game , but sadly there is much more right with the game .

But like spoiled immature childeren in this present era , they rather play who was wrong ,

Instead listen to logic and fix the main issue .


Example Makeb a wonderfull expansion for 10$ , wrong place mobs , wrong placed dailies .. Way too much content.

what do people moan about , what is defended ? The wrongs , not what they did right !

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Whether or not people like a game is...and always will be...subjective.


Personally...I absolutely love the game...as it is probably my favorite game at the moment.


I would love to say I could care less what other people think about the game...but since this is an MMO I cannot...because I need other people to like the game so that it stays around.


To be honest...this is why I wish it was just a single player game.


Games like the Mass Effect series can recieve all the hate in the world and I wouldn't care...because I will always be able to play my copies of the game no matter what.


Unfortunately...being an MMO...swtor will only be around as long as the masses are still interested...and I just hate that fact.

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They have come a long way toward addicting casuals to this game by adding tons of market content and allowing it to be sold on the GTN. This helped quite a bit toward the games overall appeal to casuals IMO.


That said, the only real way to shake the negative mantra this game seems to have based on it's form at launch and the behavior of the original dev staff is to work to add features that further draw casual players.


Minigames are the key to that future IMO...the SSSP is one of those special additions, and if done right might entice casuals into PVP play, which will be quite an accomplishment.


I think the lack of focus on making your starship a home is a mistake. That is a huge draw to casuals IMO...not to mention something that burns a ridiculous amount of time in game if done correctly.


Also, too much of the early content of the game remains gated behind required group participation....and this results, in my experience, in folks just plain skipping the content. The ability to use companions to fill the group is needed for heroics, and all heroics should become dailies when completed.


Finally, every color available now in dual sets should be added to single color primaries or secondaries as craftable and drop items, and all restrictions should be removed if possible from Orange armor and dye slots added.


All of this, IMO, would go a long way toward addicting casuals to this game, which is the key to it's success and a change to how it is perceived by the masses.


The only problem with addicting casuals is that they are casuals. They hold no loyalty or allegiance to any one game and they will bolt the moment greener pastures present themselves. Casual focused games are often decimated by new competition.

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The negative issues of this game and the positives have been listed enough in the last however many pages of this thread. That being said, my main worry is the cash shop. I've already been emotionally attached to another game that I played for several years: LotRO... In fact, this was my favorite MMO of all time that I played since its release in 2007/2008. When the cash shop came out for that game (about 2 years after release), at first the devs promised that only cosmetic items and so on would be featured in said shop. 3 years later (and I stopped playing it 2 years ago, checked back in to see how it was) the entire game is centered around the cash shop, a.k.a. direct stat boosts, X 2 speed acceleration tomes for every mundane task in the game, etc, basically a cash shop icon popping up at any point in the game where paying a few bucks makes it many times quicker to do something in the game that before was actually much less of a grind.


And then I remember a particular interview with John Ricciotello (EA CEO) saying that his ambition for the next Battlefield game and beyond was to have a model where if players ran out of ammo clips they could simply buy another ammo clip from the shop and keep on playing. I really don't see how EA will care about making the people that have liked this game, like this game, or continue liking this game happy when they are so clearly in love with the microtransaction model that has absolutely no interest in holding a consistent player base but counts on a continuing turnover of players in the f2p/microtransaction model in MMO's.


I really hope that I'm wrong and that the future of SWToR will be a bright one, full of amazing new content and an ever growing subscriber base. So please, do not misinterpret me as hating this game or anything of the sort. I love this game and have been playing it since launch, and look forward to a bright future. Still, I look forward with both eyes open.

Edited by Lucidus
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The negative issues of this game and the positives have been listed enough in the last however many pages of this thread. That being said, my main worry is the cash shop. I've already been emotionally attached to another game that I played for several years: LotRO... In fact, this was my favorite MMO of all time that I played since its release in 2007/2008. When the cash shop came out for that game (about 2 years after release), at first the devs promised that only cosmetic items and so on would be featured in said shop. Almost 3 years later (and I stopped playing it 2 years ago) the entire game is centered around the cash shop, a.k.a. direct stat boosts, X 2 speed acceleration tomes for every mundane task in the game, etc, basically a cash shop icon popping up at any point in the game where paying a few bucks makes it many times quicker to do something in the game that before was actually much less of a grind.


And then I remember a particular interview with John Ricciotello (EA CEO) saying that his ambition for the next Battlefield game and beyond was to have a model where if players ran out of ammo clips they could simply buy another ammo clip from the shop and keep on playing. I really don't see how EA will care about making the people that have liked this game, like this game, or continue liking this game happy when they are so clearly in love with the microtransaction model that has absolutely no interest in holding a consistent player base but counts on a continuing turnover of players in the f2p/microtransaction model in MMO's.


I really hope that I'm wrong and that the future of SWToR will be a bright one, full of amazing new content and an ever growing subscriber base. So please, do not misinterpret me as hating this game or anything of the sort. i love this game and have been playing it since launch, and look forward to a bright future. Still, I look forward with both eyes open.

The Biodrones could take a few notes from your post.


You are defending this game without sounding like a total dooshnozzle.


+1 from me.



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The Biodrones could take a few notes from your post.


You are defending this game without sounding like a total dooshnozzle.


+1 from me.




The beautiful part is that I have all the power in MY hands.


If Bioware ever created a gargantuan cash shop that literally makes you pay for everything (like the reload example), I will quit and take my money with me. I don't fear it happening because I have nothing to fear. I am the consumer. All the power rests in my hands.


People "emotionally" attached to game and constantly whine about the cash shop fail to realize they have all the power. They fail to realize cash shops only work because people USE THEM.


I'm not emotionally attached to this game at all. I play it for fun and I really enjoy it. If Bioware ever becomes the nightmare that people fear (slippery slope fallacy) then I have the power to walk away.


See how that works?


But for the record, Lucidus's post was very reasonable.

Edited by Arkerus
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Thank you both for hearing my post. Of course, I am an adult and have the freedom to vote with my wallet and walk away from that which I want nothing to do with. Hopefully, that will not be this game. Personally, I'm looking forward to that 4 v 4 arena PvP stuff, looks like a lot of fun ; )
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Being fairly new to the game myself and not having experienced it to the full potential, I have to say that I really like SWTOR so far and having a lot of fun. Also kicking myself for not trying it out sooner. :D


Anyway, whilst being fairly new to SWTOR, I'm not new to MMOs and I can say that the love/hate pattern is present within any community of any MMO I have played. Every game out there gets it's fair share of flak from the forum community for numerous reasons, sometimes justified and sometimes because of personal preferences/expectations.

That said, as someone comming here from another game that I shall not name, I have to say that since joining SWTOR my gaming fun has significantly increased and when I try to compare - this really is a good game right here IMHO, yes it could always be better as everything else, but when it comes to my gaming needs it delivers. So, no hate from me cause I do enjoy the game. :)

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They game is alright but in the end it was just the same as every other mmo on the market and the linear quest style made it less fun to run alts. As the graphics copied from WoW too much.

Don't feel bad for Bioware, a business that spend 300 million making a wow in space clone.


The market didnt like the product hence the product failed, I dunno why people defend for-profit products but they do.

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Still don't get it, I mean these games change as time passes to please the gamers or become better, few games of any other genre' do this any if at all. If thats really the only reason people are still against this game, so long after its launch, then thats not a reason its an excuse, and a pretty sh**y one at that


Guess that explains that then, not really the answer I was looking for (guess I expected more, ironic huh) but glad to hear I wasn't just a MMO noob who was missing something major

SWTOR was the first game in which I got sucked into the pre-launch hype, internalized it, lived it. I was so hyped for this game from 2009-2011, based upon clever marketing moreso than anything. I got burned for it. The game did not live up to the expectations BioWare themselves set.


It wasn't the game itself, per se. It's an okay game, though one could argue that it is not a good game for such a massive expenditure of time, effort and money. No, what made the game a failure in my mind was that so much was promised that wasn't delivered. World PVP was an abysmal failure, so much so that they abandoned all grand plans for supporting it. "Elder game" replayability was a failure intially---they actually didn't think that people would blow through their story content in two days and then demand new endgame content a month later (they should have). Crafting & customizability were crushingly disappointing. The storylines and worlds, while interesting at first go and aesthetically pleasing, were painfully static. Unlike in other KOTOR games, your actions didn't really have the consequences that the devs promised---promised!---they would have. The Legacy system was a joke, especially the family-building aspect, which had no actual mechanical function despite promises.


What finally killed it for me, however, was not any of these things. It wasn't the server merges, the lost character names which had once been so carefully chosen, the hasty relaunch as a F2P game, or the glacial content update schedule. It wasn't the ridiculously long load times and endless pointless runs through space stations. The final straw for me was the way BioWare yanked rated warzones at the last minute---literally, hours before patching---after months of hype and promises. Yes, I know it's in the game now, but I'm talking a year ago when it was originally promised. It wasn't the biggest thing, but it was the final thing for me. I cancelled my sub August 2012.


After a year, I've come back, and nothing has really changed. A little extra content. Some UI improvements. The difference is that my expectations have changed. Now I'm content to dink around with it, expecting little, until a better game comes along. They fooled me once. Won't happen again.

Edited by RolyartNala
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Thank you both for hearing my post. Of course, I am an adult and have the freedom to vote with my wallet and walk away from that which I want nothing to do with. Hopefully, that will not be this game. Personally, I'm looking forward to that 4 v 4 arena PvP stuff, looks like a lot of fun ; )


Personally, I can't get all worked up about fear based worries of what "might be". Cross that bridge if it ever comes, or find a new game. There's plenty of MMOs to play in the marketplace these days. Meanwhile.. play the game and enjoy it IMO.


Just because one company does something does not mean another will.


So far, IMO, they have done an excellent job with the CM. Much better then how LoTRO handled theirs, even from day one.

Edited by Andryah
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I feel bad this is OP's first MMO, this is a clone of just about every other MMO in existence hence the reason it failed was because it copied everyone else so it's market i.e. the players didnt feel it was worth its value hence the market f2p'd it after only 6 months. There is plenty of better mmos at the same price, LOTRO, Rift, etc.



Being your first mmo hence you would think swtor is new but its not, hell its only 2 years old and feels more outdated then wow and WoW is almost 10.


Everything in SWTOR another mmo did before and did it better, and no adding audio to fetch quests dont make them any more interesting.


Sorry Swtor's just a product made to steal as much money they can get away with like every other business.


Bioware spent $200 million making a poor clone mmo instead of being creative and that is just a sad fact

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Vote with your wallet all you want bioware is blind and deaf by choice they already lost half their subs and didnt do much to change course so why think anyone else leaving will get their attention. Ppl left cuz of balance and endgame content. What do they do? Add a space minigame. If that isnt listenig idk what is
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Vote with your wallet all you want bioware is blind and deaf by choice they already lost half their subs and didnt do much to change course so why think anyone else leaving will get their attention. Ppl left cuz of balance and endgame content. What do they do? Add a space minigame. If that isnt listenig idk what is


Your right, that is what I call listening...


Listening to the literally thousands of players who have been asking for the space game to be improved since launch.


In other news...Sins are fine.



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Personally, I can't get all worked up about fear based worries of what "might be". Cross that bridge if it ever comes, or find a new game. There's plenty of MMOs to play in the marketplace these days. Meanwhile.. play the game and enjoy it IMO.


Just because one company does something does not mean another will.


So far, IMO, they have done an excellent job with the CM. Much better then how LoTRO handled theirs, even from day one.


To be clear, I'm not getting worked up at all, and my concerns about the way the cash shop might escalate to something akin to LotRO's have nothing to do with fear. You are right, so far EA/BW has handled the cash shop way better than WB/Turbine. I'm a gamer and follow gaming related news, so when I see the CEO of EA making statements on the future of EA's microtransaction models that I feel have the potential to negatively affect this game I make note of it.


As I said, I love the game and enjoy it, and that's why I keep playing it. Like any other MMO, if I find that I'm not enjoying it anymore I'll unsub and move on.

Edited by Lucidus
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