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Why does this game receive so much hate?


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This is the internet.


Some people are offended at the thought that others might like something they don't. I don't know if its a clique-like behavior, or if its more of an individual thing. Regardless, a number of people are willing to spend quite a bit of effort (and even money) attempting to undermine others enjoyment just so they can be assured of being on the "right side". They have an opinion and they want everyone else to have the same one. Whether that's because they can't stand someone not following the herd or because it makes them question whether their opinion might not be as absolute as they believe is beyond my training. I'll let the psychologists speak to that.


On the internet, its popularly known as the Stop Liking Things I Hate mentality. Simply enjoying something they hate is tantamount to an insult or accusation of lying. If your opinion differs from theirs, you become an enemy, and often an agent of an organized opposition. Surely I don't have to give examples of people doing this.


Of course, this isn't limited to the internet or to games, but its particularly rampant in games. The good news is that it seems to be linked to mental maturity and tends to lessen as people progress into adulthood. Whether that's because they actually gain perspective or simply lose time to argue on the internet is another question.


Agreed, although there is the equally annoying "stop hating what I like" brigade too though :p

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They are not considered "basic stuff" today. You have asserted that on your own. This is a MMORPG, which is an ongoing, and expanding world of constant change. No MMORPG has ever launched complete, and most (including the famous WoW) launched with the same basic shell, if not less.

Those that attempted to launch complete (Horiszons for example), never made it to launch. It is virtually impossible to attain the type of funding, time involved in doing so.


So the person that you quoted was correct with his assertion of misdirected, or uniformed hate.


Yes they are


Nope not alone


I agree


yeah that was 8 years ago since then these stuff are basics


I agree but those BASIC stuff should be there at launch


Not fully

Edited by Zolxtren
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This was my first MMO I actually got past level 10 in. All others I tried never really drew me in like this one did. The plot is well written, the full voice overs make ALL the difference as far as making this feel like a living breathing online world I'm being sucked into. PVP is fun what little I have tried


So I don't get it. I hated WOW because the plot was confusing, the missions where boring and the combat was a bit too slow to keep me interested. So I tried Tera with its action based combat, and again uninteresting story and boring dialog and missions.


I recently bought Final Fantasy 14 since now I know how much fun an MMO can be if you dig deep into it and I love the game. So many things it has done right, but a lot of features from SWTOR where done better than MMO and I was shocked to see FF14 didn't include anything remotely close to them. Like the ability to see what missions party members have even if they aren't shared with you, or shareable missions for that matter, story or otherwise. Travel isn't as easy as SWTOR, the map system in SWTOR is the only one in an MMO that was easy to navigate


But yet in that game and all others I play everyone uses SWTOR as the prime example of how bad an MMO can be if done wrong. I don't get it, what exactly has this game done so wrong to become the poster child for "crap mmo"


Is there something Im missing? I'll admit to not having done any end game content yet since I focused on having multiple characters just to see the story for each class, is it end game stuff that sucks here? is it the community? or is just this a F2P vs P2P argument and SWTOR catches the flak for being a subscription that "failed" so bad it had to go F2P to get players


Because as a free game I thought this one did a good job of going free without becoming "pay to win" unless im missing something. Someone please enlighten me


SWTOR is my first MMO, and I like the game. The game is fascinating, but the problem that it has is continuity. The end game has many issues and loop holes. I will give you some examples.


Unresolved bugs. There are many that have been known for a while, like hyperspace travel in FPs. It takes away from the game's quality.


End game PvE content is very static. Somewhat doing the same operation 100 times on different difficulties is not appealing. I tried to be a PvE centric player and after running TFB and S&V 50-60 times I got really bored. I also hate running dailies. If SWTOR wanted to be the MMO for the future that maintains millions of subs, they needed to make end game PvE more interactive. They did not even try. All they did is copy paste the ideas from previous MMOs (WOW primarly) with little to no innovation. Most players have a feeling "I did this, done that," and thus the game could not maintain them as a sub for long.


PvP is by all means underdeveloped. Since game launched we had 2 additional WZs, that take us to a grand total of 5. That's it in 2 years. Ya we are getting a major update soon, but after how long, and its taking some of the content away? Class balance is way off (for PvE too), were few specs dominate and the others are either under performing or simply not viable. How long does it take for class balance patches? around 6-8 month. Many people did not want to re-roll, when they're main spec got killed (which BW balances are infamous s for, like merc, sorc, ops, PTs) so when there complaints fell on deaf ears they left.


Finally, devs over and over again proved they use wrong metrics/logic (normal WZs for PvP, FPs and dummies for PvE) to balance classes, that's why classes are significantly imbalanced.


Again, the game is great for 3-4 month, but after the initial glow goes away, the game does little to sustain subs. I do not think I am getting $15 worth every month. I would emphasize that the game seems to be improving since patch 2.3 onwards, but that unfortunately is kind of late. I am hoping 2.4 brings some life to the light population servers we currently have.

Edited by Ottoattack
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It did have problems at launch plus constant griping and I left. Now the Issues (for the most part ) are way better and still whining. IMO Haters get more attention so they are seen as the largest group it is IMO the opposite it imo is a great game and will last a while.
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Go onto any MMO's forums and you can ask the same question.

Pretty much this. All MMOs receive hate, all MMOs receive love. Unless Bioware decided to put a draconian barricade against whining (which would be suicide as far as relations with the community goes), then I'd suggest avoiding General Discussion, Class, and PvP forums. Maybe even Crew Skills, but I wouldn't know about those.

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This is the internet.


Some people are offended at the thought that others might like something they don't. I don't know if its a clique-like behavior, or if its more of an individual thing. Regardless, a number of people are willing to spend quite a bit of effort (and even money) attempting to undermine others enjoyment just so they can be assured of being on the "right side". They have an opinion and they want everyone else to have the same one. Whether that's because they can't stand someone not following the herd or because it makes them question whether their opinion might not be as absolute as they believe is beyond my training. I'll let the psychologists speak to that.


On the internet, its popularly known as the Stop Liking Things I Hate mentality. Simply enjoying something they hate is tantamount to an insult or accusation of lying. If your opinion differs from theirs, you become an enemy, and often an agent of an organized opposition. Surely I don't have to give examples of people doing this.


Of course, this isn't limited to the internet or to games, but its particularly rampant in games. The good news is that it seems to be linked to mental maturity and tends to lessen as people progress into adulthood. Whether that's because they actually gain perspective or simply lose time to argue on the internet is another question.


All true. But its worth noting that there are just as many psychopaths on the other side of the aisle. That is, they cant stand it when someone doesnt like something that they love. Whether its 'Stop liking things I hate" or 'Stop not liking things I love", they are both equally insane, and both found en masse on video game forums.

Edited by The_Grand_Nagus
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The reasons have pretty much been listed, although the community hype wasn't the main cause it was they took the data to base a time they'd have for people levelling from beta which meant they thought they'd have ample time to release end game content, this was their first mistake which started it all as they overlooked a vast majority of players at launch had already levelled through beta so got through the levelling process a lot faster than they did in beta. That created their first problem.

Then came their second problem, they got lazy with the bugs (anyone remember having to relog when getting knocked off the speeder?) and that wasn't even the worst of them. Then they took too long to adapt to the problems and deal with them (management issue). Then they essentially replaced their team, then came f2p which EA uses to milk players, it's ok for cosmetic items they you know what your getting however gambling packs was I typical EA greed ( anyone remember the outrage when rumours ea wanted sub + micro transactions?) well now they've got it. Also there was rumours BioWare were forced to release before they were ready to rival the WoW Cataclysm expansion.


Now skip to now and this is personally the worst part of it for me, we were promised continued class stories (which co and writing had already been done for) and continued companion arcs, these have now gone and to top it off they have no plans of releasing another class. Now we don't need another class yet but that should be something they should be at least thinking of as they take the longest time to create. All of these things added up doesn't ease the fears of this being a cash cow that can be pulled at anytime as well as despite their revenue increasing by around 50% each quarter since f2p there's been no word of them trying to build the team back up again.


This game would be amazing if BioWare focused on what they do best which is dtory and characters that you really care about.

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Q: Why does this game receive so much hate?


A: The only meaningful content being cranked out at this point is for the Cartel Market. Whilst at best EAware is sluggish about actual updates, bug fixes, and "new" content (most of what we have been seeing since ROTHC has been rehashes using existing models).


EDIT: And of course, EA goes through programmers faster than a cannibal at a buffet. Almost none of the original designers of SWTOR's systems work at Bioware anymore.

Edited by Lenlo
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Cyberthugs. They're like gang bangers tagging a freeway wall ... and this is their wall. Degenerate roaches who don't respect the game or the people who publicly compliment it. Yet out the other side of their mouths they demand respect themselves and will crawl under other people's skin to get it. They show extreme prejudice toward positive vibes and make every effort to crush them with harmful intent. What is societally sick is that they think it's okay to do it because they're untouchable ... which unfortunately they pretty much are. :(


They condescend people who don't bow to their agenda. To them, anyone who contradicts an unfounded rant is targeted for complaining about the complainers. They are so full of themselves that there is no room for good intent to thrive without their smacking it down. They are punks in the truest literary sense.


Fortunately they live here in the forumland of 1s and 0s where they can't do any real damage; because they wouldn't last a week if they acted like that in RL. Maybe it's an alter ego thing and they are just naturally compelled to inflict their will on something that doesn't bite back - if only between their ears.


To the rest of the community who abide by the golden rule, this is merely a hobby that involves playing well with other human beings. One that compliments our RL schedules. It is a friggin game. So for the cyberthugs who coat our online community with scum and vitriol, all I feel is pity. The real travesty surrounding this game is their being allowed to abuse member privileges.


But that's merely one person's opinion. Queue just popped ... cheers!

Edited by GalacticKegger
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Cyberthugs. They're like gang bangers tagging a freeway wall ... and this is their wall. Degenerate roaches who don't respect the game or the people who publicly compliment it. Yet out the other side of their mouths they demand respect themselves and will crawl under other people's skin to get it. They show extreme prejudice toward positive vibes and make every effort to crush them with harmful intent. What is societally sick is that they think it's okay to do it because they're untouchable ... which unfortunately they pretty much are. :(


They condescend people who don't bow to their agenda. To them, anyone who contradicts an unfounded rant is targeted for complaining about the complainers. They are so full of themselves that there is no room for good intent to thrive without their smacking it down. They are punks in the truest literary sense.


Fortunately they live here in the forumland of 1s and 0s where they can't do any real damage; because they wouldn't last a week if they acted like that in RL. Maybe it's an alter ego thing and they are just naturally compelled to inflict their will on something that doesn't bite back - if only between their ears.


To the rest of the community who abide by the golden rule, this is merely a hobby that involves playing well with other human beings. One that compliments our RL schedules. It is a friggin game. So for the cyberthugs who coat our online community with scum and vitriol, all I feel is pity. The real travesty surrounding this game is their being allowed to abuse member privileges.


But that's merely one person's opinion. Queue just popped ... cheers!

So you blame the most toxic mmo community too?

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So you blame the most toxic mmo community too?

No ... cyberthugs. That video was little more than an homage to a parade of fools. Thank you for posting it though. Should help instill hope within the good people of our community that griefing will incur consequences. Edited by GalacticKegger
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Stop Liking Things I Hate mentality.




Simply enjoying something they hate is tantamount to an insult or accusation of lying. If your opinion differs from theirs, you become an enemy, and often an agent of an organized opposition.


...and at this also.


....but a very thoughtful and lucid analysis.

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So you blame the most toxic mmo community too?


Cept the game is not dead, did not die, and there were enough lifeboats to carry people away.


On a side note, how pathetic is this persons hate for a video game that he would take the time and effort to record all those posts, format a video to put on the internet.....especially when claiming something that has not happened?


.....and people praise him?

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Yes they are


Nope not alone


I agree


yeah that was 8 years ago since then these stuff are basics


I agree but those BASIC stuff should be there at launch


Not fully


Pretty colors do not make your argument any more valid, your assumptions any more real, your interpretation any more accurate then it was before introducing them. ;p

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There wasn't much hate. Might seem like it, but then the millions of subscriptions lost would have led to crashed forums from millions of threads. Huge majority left peaceably and silently.




Mostly lack of end game content. #1 cited reason, since I asked people as I wasn't able to try it for myself at the time.


Bugs and other such crap are expected and tolerable. But what are you supposed to do when you leveled your char? Stare at it for months on end? the massive loss of subscribers was mostly that.


There is never end-game content when an MMORPG is launched. The WOW boards were filled with these same complaints at launch because people raced to end game, skipped all the content, began to rage on the forums about lack of end game. That is nothing new or unique to this game. Wow also had some game breaking bugs, some that shut the game down for days, yet this phenom did not occur then, under the same circumstances, which would indicate a new issue.


What this game experienced was the "floating player base" those that ramble from game to game, seeking instant gratification, not finding such, then moving on (much as we see in life. In fact, the unemployment rate of the floaters may even bolster the floating player base). Long term players of these games were already nestled into their home world while the floaters were poised and ready to find their illusive BBD (Bigger, Better Deal).


This phenom did not exist until recently, and we will see it in the next game that launches.

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There is never end-game content when an MMORPG is launched. The WOW boards were filled with these same complaints at launch because people raced to end game, skipped all the content, began to rage on the forums about lack of end game. That is nothing new or unique to this game. Wow also had some game breaking bugs, some that shut the game down for days, yet this phenom did not occur then, under the same circumstances, which would indicate a new issue.


What this game experienced was the "floating player base" those that ramble from game to game, seeking instant gratification, not finding such, then moving on (much as we see in life. In fact, the unemployment rate of the floaters may even bolster the floating player base). Long term players of these games were already nestled into their home world while the floaters were poised and ready to find their illusive BBD (Bigger, Better Deal).


This phenom did not exist until recently, and we will see it in the next game that launches.


Except wow actually did something about it more urgently. By urgent i ment more than once or twice a year

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Cept the game is not dead, did not die, and there were enough lifeboats to carry people away.


On a side note, how pathetic is this persons hate for a video game that he would take the time and effort to record all those posts, format a video to put on the internet.....especially when claiming something that has not happened?


.....and people praise him?

What some people will praise can be pretty astonishing.
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