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The State Of PvP ( Warzones ) - Brackets Desperately Needed!


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I started PvP'in on my new alt at level 12. It was tough not even having sprint or pretty much anything else, but i have never once been in the bottom few on the leaderboard. I honestly didnt see what the big fuss was about when people complained about higher levels- and then i ran into a team of almost all lvl 40-50s (with three 50s).


Personally, trying to drop a level 50 unless i ninja them when on half/low? Far beyond my skill level currently. It was an eye opener seeing my team get utterly rolled by a organised team of 40-50s. We were humiliated and if that was my first experience of PvP i would not have come back.


I dont have a problem with the no brackets generally, but the 40+ guys are in a different class compared to anyone else. I think if they include it, only two brackets should be added. 10-39 & 40+

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Please create bracketing. If nothing else please hotfix in a level 50 bracket to avoid insane gear discrepancies.


People talk about longer wait queues with bracketing, I see this as completely worthwhile, and that's why we have the ability to queue from anywhere, so that waiting won't be a big problem. As it stands right now I will not queue while levelling because I'll be put up against a level 50 premade and will have a terrible experience. I'd love to be pvping. :(

Edited by finalape
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The problem is people aren't queueing right now due to the dumb situation that exists. At least create a level 50 bracket so people that want to bully lower levels (eg. Maxxacre and other leets in this thread) will need to pick on someone their own size and use more skill to win. Edited by finalape
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I think to those who keep saying "Learn 2 Play" How about they base the bracketing partially on valor and partially on level. That way all you L2P'rs can play eachother, not get the pretty much free creds, exp, and PvP comms and the rest of the growing majority ( Those who see bracketing as a needed element ) will go enjoy PvP.


Merry Christmas ^_^

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50's only bracket


Everyone else bracket...




I'm not going to be end game pvping with level 11's in my games...


Pretty much ... at lvl 10 you can do ok against lvl 40+ player. The only issue are well geared lvl 50 players. So 2 brackets ... leveling one 10-49 and leveled one for lvl 50.

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The game has been out for 4 days people, 4 days...


Do you plan to be on lvl 10-20-30-40 for long?




It's important to bring concerns to the table that have valid examples in an asap fashion so a fix can be made. This game has great content for alts, there will always be plenty of lower levels, so I don't quite understand your second point.


This is an important issue to true pvpers, so we need to rally now to get a fix in place so that we can enjoy one of our favorite gameplay activities.


1) Low levels don't want to be picked on by level 50s

2) True level 50 end game pvp-ers do not want to fight level 10s

Edited by finalape
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It has a better feel knowing that the guy thats running at you is 20+ levels higher, it feels even better when you and your buddies mop the floor and pull out a win.


Only it doesn't.

If you literally mop the floor with a guy 20+levels your superior you just know he really really sucked...



The thing I am not liking about the current system the most is rolling over lowbies when I reach level 50... sorry, not my idea of competition and fun, I can see why so many like the idea though.



bracketing needs to be done, I am sure the devs are already ready to introduce a separate 50 bracket as soon as enough people hit max level but I would suggest adding another one for all lowbies up to maybe level 25-30.

Edited by mufutiz
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brackets are not needed... This is a level 50 end game type of video games. If there were brackets, then you would be waiting 2 hours for a queue to pop.


So, don't PvP until level 50. If the game devs intended on it being that way, they would make you wait until that point.


Also, if you think we should wait until 50 as you think the game is setup for that, then why not allow us brackets?


Are you saying, its better for the level 40+'s to be able to get into a que quick so they can slaughter low levels, than to allow the low levels enjoy an element of the game?


I disagree. I like no-brakets. It allows me to get into queues pre-50 with only a few minutes wait.


The longest que ive been in was like 4-5 minutes. Thats not a long que time, and that was on the sith side, on the republic side, i think the longest ive waited is 2-3.

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So, don't PvP until level 50. If the game devs intended on it being that way, they would make you wait until that point.


Also, if you think we should wait until 50 as you think the game is setup for that, then why not allow us brackets?


Are you saying, its better for the level 40+'s to be able to get into a que quick so they can slaughter low levels, than to allow the low levels enjoy an element of the game?


I have two scoundrels, the 2nd one is lvl 11 ... fighting lvl 30-40 enemies is not a problem. All BW has to do is split warzones into two brackets ... one for max level players and other for the rest. But right now when most of the ppl are leveling up it's not that big of a deal.

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On my server, sith got a huge advantage out of the gate. 3 days after release, a pvp guild on our server normally populates our warzones with 2-5 level 50's. At this point, at level 27, I'm the highest level 50% of the time.


Imagine every warzone, half the opposing team is level 50, with pvp gear, while you have 1 or 2 level 25's, and the rest mid teens. The reason this is, is because everyone else learned in the late teens that sith win 99% of the matches, and stop pvping entirely.


I would rather wait longer for a chance at a win, then just getting steamrolled over and over again. I don't even bother picking up the pvp daily anymore.


Brackets would be great, levels 10-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50.

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I actually like that there is no bracket system. It gives you good view of what is to come if you lvl your char (my highest char is lvl 23).

I even tried some pvp on my lvl 11 marauder. It wasn't frustrating and i didn't get killed instantly, but binding every ability is recommended.

The only bracket they should consider is a bracket for lvl 50's only, but that is probably to early to implement.

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Here is some truth alot of you asking for brackets haven't considered, and this is a few examples how things will pan out if your wish is granted..



1. Brackets come then a class is too OP at that level will be the next topic.


2. Bolster won't be in play, then gear makes a class too op will be another topic.


3. SWTOR becomes like Warcraft, and the nerf bat comes because "you" people are never happy.


4. Level 50's get placed into a high elitist Bracket, then high-end nerfs comes into play messing with the global of the game due to skill mechanics geting tweaked up and down.


5. Brackets bring in the "twink" era, then SWTOR is just another Warcraft again, losing the flavor it has due to Bolster and how it is at moment with it's fresh look.


These are things that would happen, trust me. Now I do know some point level 50's and some ranked matches are coming. Saying that I don't know what Bioware wants to do far as the playing field on Bolster and it's future when it comes to another level cap, for instance level 70's.


The state of PvP in the warzones for guilds, and competitive teams is very fun, and provides fun teamwork. Pugs has to deal with it, and I do think alot of hate is due to being ROFLSTOMPED by good players and guilds.


If you guys want Brackets expect another Warcraft PVP game, do you actually want that?

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Here is some truth alot of you asking for brackets haven't considered, and this is a few examples how things will pan out if your wish is granted..



1. Brackets come then a class is too OP at that level will be the next topic.


2. Bolster won't be in play, then gear makes a class too op will be another topic.


3. SWTOR becomes like Warcraft, and the nerf bat comes because "you" people are never happy.


4. Level 50's get placed into a high elitist Bracket, then high-end nerfs comes into play messing with the global of the game due to skill mechanics geting tweaked up and down.


5. Brackets bring in the "twink" era, then SWTOR is just another Warcraft again, losing the flavor it has due to Bolster and how it is at moment with it's fresh look.


These are things that would happen, trust me. Now I do know some point level 50's and some ranked matches are coming. Saying that I don't know what Bioware wants to do far as the playing field on Bolster and it's future when it comes to another level cap, for instance level 70's.


The state of PvP in the warzones for guilds, and competitive teams is very fun, and provides fun teamwork. Pugs has to deal with it, and I do think alot of hate is due to being ROFLSTOMPED by good players and guilds.


If you guys want Brackets expect another Warcraft PVP game, do you actually want that?


I mean you just made an entire post that is nothing but "I REALLY HATE WOW." Try to get some relevant arguments and you won't have to bring up other games.

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