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The awesomeness of the game and the shadiness of the company


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You sold a box, it said 30 days play time included, then u said only if u dsub, so everybody that didnt want to give u there personal private information u alienated, thats why the original mess and what happened after launch


next u advertised a certain level of graphics in combat ont he websoite and then claime dit wa sonly during cut scenes and called that rendered movies and told the player base u were fixing it then changed it to obhw e never meant to ahve it


then u go f2p cause the same idiots keep beign in charge of the busienss decisions, soembody the stock hodlers shoudl ahve fired at the get go when the oh u have to give us ur payment info now to play soemthign ualready paid for and set up a sub made that decision and why most the globe wa slike hell no


so now us subs are payign for your ceo';s idiocracy and mistakes puttign money before justice and the product itself, isntead of the love of makign a cool game and awesoem swtor game which was the primary goal before launch, ti became all about money and greed after launch and u failed to have wisdom putting money before quality


now u continue this because u have to but now ur model is working and maing u money btu ur makign peopel leave and never wnat to coem back, i get u need to stay in busienss, but making em sub and then makign em pay for new partys to the game, is called extrotion if u get techncial, any new content or new parts of the game or items etc shoudl not cost a sub another dime, i already pay the price of a brand new game evry 3 months, why do i also have to pay for the rest of the new customization etc because u knwo thats what peoepl want the most


yes uve stayed away from pay to win because ud go out fo busiens sif u did not because u have morality


so the bs lies and crap from thsi company arfe killign the game an awesome game peoeplw nat to play and wnat to succeed, but if u gusy cant evr stand upand telol ur bosses the actual facts itll keep beign soemthign urplayer base keeps leaving


i will keep subbing in hopes u gusy get ur act together, but u relaly need to fire the peopel u ahve in charge


the game is great, the peopel running it suck bad and are crap businessmen, quality product draqws itas pown customer base, shady busines spractices lose it

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Apearantly in general chat the community thinks if i dont liek ti i shoudl just stop playing, i am sure most fo that si peopel playign for free, but ok if thats the only thign anybody will hear, then ill stop payign my sub, have fun swtor - was a great tiem whiel it lasted
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My hope was the executive decision making would give me another option and i could still behere without feeling like i was beign taken advantage of as a subscriber from the beginning.


I had hoped the game woudl succeed, you started giving the expansion for free, thats cool, but its because u keep failing and are tryign to get more subscribers instead of pleasing the oens u have so they bring peopel tothe game,


u cant make a great product then turn it into a crap product and expect it to keep its following, as soon as u stoip making the handle out fo metal and have a great pot to piss in, and u make it out of plastic so it breaks all the time peopel stop payign the price they woudl ahve for the metal handle


u need wiser executives and share holders need to stop making a penny worth mroe then a customer


make a quality product and peopel will buy it, juice them and take advantage fo them and they wills top buying it.


My sub hasnt ended yet, but this is the first tiem i have considered doign so.


to many free to play players acting liek its just fine for a subscriber to pay their way, just liek the crap load of people on welfare that coudl work but expect the rest fo us to pay their way


i feel liek im payign for abroken welfare system now, and unfortunately the only step the company can take now is to stop the game entirely, sad, but that seems to be all the community will do. if u gusy wnat the game to last, subscribe and stop ptuting up with havenign to pay for new thinsg they add tot he game


go buya different video game every 3 months or play adifferent mmo


I hope swtor klistens and i hoep the community stops drivign peopel away withthe only answer beign if u dotn liek ti stop playing, if there can be no comprimise and the management keeps failing because they have no wsidom, i guess thats all she wrote


we wills ee if subscribers ever get what they pay for or if we will keep footing the bill for free to play players


it is oen thign to allow free to play to icnreas eyour custoimer base, it is another to expect the subscribers to pay for everybody else to play free, if uw nat me to keep playign ti is simple,l stop making my money the only thign u care about and start carign abotu the game again, make the product because u love the product or let greed put u out of business. stop treating me liek a fool and acting liek ims tupid and uc an just do whatever the hell uw nat and ill stay, i want the game to make it, but it doesnt look liek that wis the cours eit is taking, u ahve the fan base they have the money to play, ur ailienating them your ceo's are screwing u out of a job and a profit margin by making unwise money oriented decisions instead of the product beign the focus, my money si all u seem to care about and it shows more and mroe every day



whats the next expansion goign to be, pay for each mission u do?


u keep goign the route of those who love money not god


u keep ignoring the wisdom of doign soemthign u love instead of servoign an idol and doignthings for that idol


do things because u love to do them, not because u want another dollar, and it will succeed, do things because u want another dollar only and it will fail epically


your chocie, whoever u have inc harge obvuiously doesnt give a **** abotu the game, only money, u of all peoepl shoudl remember princess leiash quote abotu if money si all u love then money is all ull recieve


what happened tot he wiasdom ins tarwars? its obvious the ceos and management of this company dont have any wisdom

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community members keep mocking me, and i will leave and so will others and eventually the game will be gone


I am keepign my sub a little longer to see if thinsg turn around, because i love the game, not because i am a fool or stupid or a mark tobe taken advantage of, treat me as such to yoru own folly

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unless your business model is to juice us for all u can get short term then end the game, what u are doign now is not wise - and that isnt wise either in itself


shirt term minimal profit or long term residual income, that is ur question to answer


i am sure ur employees want answers to that question as well. will they ahve a job next year is your goal to keep them employed or just get what u can from them and then fire them also?

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I will give u one mroe year to make up yoru minds, as it is yom kippur/ the day of atonement , it is fitting, u can be in the book of inbetween to be decided this year - if u dont get that reference, go ask lucas what it means


esentially u are either int he good book the bad book ro the inbetwen to be decided book, since this has not changed, u go int eh to be decided book, one mroe year to get thsi crap straightened out or i am ending my sub


get wise peopel on your board of directors, not immature accountants and u can fix all this

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You sold a box, it said 30 days play time included, then u said only if u dsub, so everybody that didnt want to give u there personal private information u alienated, thats why the original mess and what happened after launch



All mmos require you to sub to get that 30 days free. (or at least the majority)

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I find myself unable to read your posts. Any chance you can work on pressing the space bar at the proper times? It's obvious you know how to spell, but are having a hard time typing or you just don't care. If you're handicapped, maybe put it in your sig so people know to deal with it.
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I will give u one mroe year to make up yoru minds, as it is yom kippur/ the day of atonement , it is fitting, u can be in the book of inbetween to be decided this year - if u dont get that reference, go ask lucas what it means


esentially u are either int he good book the bad book ro the inbetwen to be decided book, since this has not changed, u go int eh to be decided book, one mroe year to get thsi crap straightened out or i am ending my sub


get wise peopel on your board of directors, not immature accountants and u can fix all this


I will give you one more year to make up your minds, as it is Yom Kippur/The Day of Atonement, it is fitting, you can be in the of in-between to be decided this year - if you don't get that reference, go ask Lucas what it means (or Google, I guess.)


Essentially you are either in the good book, the bad book or the in-between book (to be decided book), (I thought we had to ask Mr. Lucas?) since this has not changed, you go in the "to be decided book", one more year to get this crap straightened our or I am ending my sub.


Get wise people on your Board of Directors, not immature accountants and you can fix all this.



As someone asked so nicely. I'm still not quite sure what he's getting at, though. Accountants are bad people? They can't balance the game?

Edited by Tatile
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Would it be possible for someone to translate the OP's posts so I could understand what the hell he's talking about.


Thanks to my supercomputer, Deep Thought - this is what I came up with after running his drivel through the machine.


EA/Bioware is a terrible company. They lie, cheat, and mistreat their loyal customers to make a quick buck.

The rest of that wall of text was untranslatable. However, the number 42 did come up.

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Unless things have changed, all MMO's require you to give some form of payment information, even for trials or F2P. Even the "free month" requires you to give a card number.


This has been an industry standard for MMO's, I'm not sure why this is such a big scary deal breaker.

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You sold a box, it said 30 days play time included, then u said only if u dsub, so everybody that didnt want to give u there personal private information u alienated, thats why the original mess and what happened after launch


next u advertised a certain level of graphics in combat ont he websoite and then claime dit wa sonly during cut scenes and called that rendered movies and told the player base u were fixing it then changed it to obhw e never meant to ahve it


then u go f2p cause the same idiots keep beign in charge of the busienss decisions, soembody the stock hodlers shoudl ahve fired at the get go when the oh u have to give us ur payment info now to play soemthign ualready paid for and set up a sub made that decision and why most the globe wa slike hell no


so now us subs are payign for your ceo';s idiocracy and mistakes puttign money before justice and the product itself, isntead of the love of makign a cool game and awesoem swtor game which was the primary goal before launch, ti became all about money and greed after launch and u failed to have wisdom putting money before quality


now u continue this because u have to but now ur model is working and maing u money btu ur makign peopel leave and never wnat to coem back, i get u need to stay in busienss, but making em sub and then makign em pay for new partys to the game, is called extrotion if u get techncial, any new content or new parts of the game or items etc shoudl not cost a sub another dime, i already pay the price of a brand new game evry 3 months, why do i also have to pay for the rest of the new customization etc because u knwo thats what peoepl want the most


yes uve stayed away from pay to win because ud go out fo busiens sif u did not because u have morality


so the bs lies and crap from thsi company arfe killign the game an awesome game peoeplw nat to play and wnat to succeed, but if u gusy cant evr stand upand telol ur bosses the actual facts itll keep beign soemthign urplayer base keeps leaving


i will keep subbing in hopes u gusy get ur act together, but u relaly need to fire the peopel u ahve in charge


the game is great, the peopel running it suck bad and are crap businessmen, quality product draqws itas pown customer base, shady busines spractices lose it


Wait, paying for the game and the right to play it is extortion now? You do realize that you have a choice to play the game or not right? Hell anymore you don't even have to pay to play the core game anymore.



And would it kill you to do a spell check before you click on the submit button? If you want to be taken even half way seriously it would behoove you to at least attempt to make your posts readable.

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OMG, stop!


You keep making these long troll posts complaining about BW and everyone else who uses the forums. You said you weren't gonna make anymore posts in this thread.


SO STOP! If we are all so horrible, then stop making these threads and replying to yourself a hundred times! That's not how forums work, it is not supposed to be you agreeing with yourself.


Maybe you have dyslexia or something and it's hard to proof read your posts. If so, I sympathise, but these are pretty much unreadable for the rest of us. People aren't mocking you or being mean, we genuinely have no idea what you are saying, except it always seems to be a bitter denouncement of every other forum user. That's not really the way to garner sympathy here.

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OMG, stop!


You keep making these long troll posts complaining about BW and everyone else who uses the forums. You said you weren't gonna make anymore posts in this thread.


SO STOP! If we are all so horrible, then stop making these threads and replying to yourself a hundred times! That's not how forums work, it is not supposed to be you agreeing with yourself.


Maybe you have dyslexia or something and it's hard to proof read your posts. If so, I sympathise, but these are pretty much unreadable for the rest of us. People aren't mocking you or being mean, we genuinely have no idea what you are saying, except it always seems to be a bitter denouncement of every other forum user. That's not really the way to garner sympathy here.



The worst part is that I have seen in his posts where not only are the same words jumbled up and in the wrong order but they are identical from post to post. For example as he calls anyone who disagrees with him or what ever other slight against him he perceives he will call them asshoels. Spelled exactly the same way every time. So I would imagine he does have dyslexia, but most of the ones I know who are dyslexic recognize that fact and will at least attempt to spell check to help others understand them, but not this guy. It's like he just says the hell with it.

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Unless things have changed, all MMO's require you to give some form of payment information


Things have changed indeed. I still play DCUO without giving them any info (I bought the expansions through Amazon), and before subscribing to LotRO - I did not give them my CC. I don't think even the WoW free trial (to level 20) requires any payment info.

Edited by TheLexinator
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