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Rise of the Hutt Cartel – Free to Subscribers Starting September 12th!


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Stop deluding yourself, we paid for new content... now it is something old and they decided to use it as another "shine" to tempt F2Ps into subscribing.

Nothing more, nothing less...

They got themselves in typical - new customer temptation mistake I have seen in many companies - so it may have some logic from business point of view, but it is still not looking good from loyal customer side.


Only thing I could agree if is put on table without all this ranting crap is that those 1050CC would be a good way to show some care about old customers. But it has it's logic as last month compensation, you may remember Microsoft upgrade policy that allow last month buyers to upgrade their OS to new one (or 6 month ones to get new for something like 10-15$).

They could decide to use other thing that do same, but it has to be worth something...

Title - I have them so much I don't know what to do with them... from some times I seem to use only Name, Founder - Living Legend.

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EA is avoiding a lawsuit by giving recent purchasers the coins. They can't just sell things to people one day and give it out for free the next.


Please show me that particular law that prohibits corporations to set their own price for their own product. Really, I'm sitting on the edge of my seat here.

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Pony up the Coins for those of use loyal customers who bought ROTHC pre-release and have been subbed the entire time BioWare or be prepared to lose a bunch of subs.


I agree, even if they give away the expansion for free to increase an subscription and encourage people to become a subscribers which is a good thing since its going to expand the community to keep this game alive, but the buyers appreciation are joke even if it's mean a refund for recent buyers.


The faithful subscribers get the shaft while the other feel more "appreciated", at least everyone that has purchased the expansion should receive cartel coins. Think about relationship marketing, you encourage new players to subscription while make "all" the loyal customers feel appreciated and earn theirs loyalty for a long term.

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I don't really get why people who pre-ordered it are getting upset. With the items they got, I think it was completely worth it for them despite that it's free now.


I'm one of the people who joined the game and purchased RotHC after it's release and before August 11th, so I'm just going to post my concerns with this.


I only have a few issues and they are as follows:

1. The "reward" we get for purchasing it was a title.

2. People who are getting the 1050 cc are also getting said title

3. People may have spent the $10 for RotHC and didn't want any cc.


1. The reason this "reward" upsets me is because we're basically receiving a title that says "I paid for what people are getting for free."

2. Not only are people who waited longer to pay being rewarded more for waiting, they're being rewarded the same thing as us "loyal subscribers" for doing... nothing. They bought what we bought and got an extra $10 on top of that, whereas everyone who purchased it before August 11th is just receiving a title that will be extremely common. If it were remotely difficult to obtain, or was actually a good title that could actually fit a character than that'd be better. I have a level 55 BH and I'd much rather be


Wanted: Dead Or Alive"

Instead of


The Risen"


Like, what am I? Bread? We're not part of the Hutt Cartel so it's not like us completing the story already has made us "rise" in any way. It's a poor title that has no significance. You spent $10 for a title that doesn't make sense... Lucky us.


I've seen a lot of "You payed for 5 months of access to this content," which is a total load of crap. Everyone that purchased it paid for ACCESS to the content. Throughout our purchase, it was said we are purchasing access, not "early access." I doubt Bioware intended to make this free and I'm actually happy they are, but it seems kind of lame that this is the way they decided to go about it.


3. Like I said in #2.

"Everyone that purchased it paid for ACCESS to the content. "

People may have just wanted the extension, but instead they basically got tricked into paying for cartel coins. Instead of Bioware saying "This is going to be free so you are no longer able to purchase RotHC, they let people continue, knowing full-well that they were going to make it free. The executives at Bioware didn't wake yesterday and just decide "Today is a good day to make our first extension free." They've spent time thinking of how to announce their decision, all while people looking for the extension were really just paying for something they may not even want.


Plenty of people love playing this game but aren't interested in cartel coins. It's like going to a store and buying a shirt. Like people have stated, 30 days is a common amount of time for a retailer to give for refunds. So you go to this store and buy this shirt. Then a few weeks later (Or days for some) the shirt is free, so you go and ask for a refund. You say "I'm within my refund time, so can I please trade this back in" and instead of you getting your refund, you're given a belt of equal value.


I think all this frustration and anger that some people are having could have been avoided had Bioware simply said "RotHC is going to be free soon, so if you purchase it now you will not be refunded."

1. People who purchased it wouldn't be rewarded twice.

2. People wouldn't be forced to pay for cartel coins they didn't want.

3. Everyone else is happy (or at least happier) that people aren't getting two things for the price of one

4. Bioware saves some face with loyal customers.



People are probably going to disagree with me or take what I said and break it apart in an antagonistic way, but that's fine as I don't think my opinion will change anyone's thoughts, I just felt like posting it.

Edited by Czyirkz
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This is actually an intersting discussion.


I understand the game needs to make money and attract more people in order to survive and provide future content. However, I believe the marketing department is failing big time in this aspect and if there is a bad decision that can be taken, they will take it.


I do not think the problem is that they now make the expansion free. In my opinion this is good news for every player as more people will now be able to reach lvl 55, reducing FP/PVP queue wait times and make group content a more pleasant experience. The real problem is the distinction between players who bought the expansion last month and those who bought it a long time ago. All these people payed to contribute to the game, and should be treated equal. For example, what about someone who bought the game on August 10? They now paid 10$ for a 1 day head start to those who bought it on the 11th and get the CC. It is likely and can be expected that a majority of people will be pissed off with such distinction. Even though their opinion can be considered right or wrong, they again will feel offended and are more likely to leave the game. This could easily be avoided by giving everyone the CC, and all would be more or less happy.


The focus should always be on keeping people as happy as possible, so that they keep playing the game and enjoy it. Handing out CC doesn't cost Bioware anything, its just a combination of digital 1's and 0's, and it might even encourage people for buying more once they discover the rewards which can be retrieved from the cartel market.


Just give everyone the same reward, keep the people happy and they will keep playing the game and even attract others towards it...

Edited by vincent_rig
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so being able to play RotHC months before the rest of the subscribers did isn't enough justification for the $9.99 you paid almost half a year ago?


besides, 1000 CC doesn't seem like a lot anyway, specially when everything important is available on the GTN

Edited by GARhenus
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My first thought was people will complain about anything.


My second thought was people will complain that they now have more people to play with and more people to group with for things.


My third thought is you purchased it earlier and are now progressively further than the people just now getting it.


You Darn right im gona complain! I paid for it and if they want it they should have to pay for it to. Or reimburse us who have purchased it with cartel coins or send us a check. I believe i paid $9.99 as a pre order.

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so being able to play RotHC months before the rest of the subscribers did isn't enough justification for the $9.99 you paid almost half a year ago?


besides, 1000 CC doesn't seem like a lot anyway, specially when everything important is available on the GTN


I can live without this 1000 CC reward but if its continue like this in the future, I'm going to cancle my subscription. Since alot of people including myself are subscribers for long period of time even before they announced the expansion.


We also have purchase the expansion for a long time ago and keep paying to contribue this game while the recent subscribers just now making the effort to support this game, yet receive a reward with "real value".


I'm fine with the fact this expansion goes free to all subscribers, and I think its good way to bring new people into this game encourage more subscription & expand it community, but to me the real problem are the distinction between two group, a players who bought the expansion last month and players who bought it a long time ago like mentioned before. This show how poorly they handle this matter, and treated the customers with double standard.


Well, I'm just express my own thought. :rolleyes:

Edited by shamfurdispray
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So people who bought it August 10th get nothing but a title which they can choke on for all that matters, but you buy one day later and get 1050 CC. So the first person gets 1 day of extra access, while the second loses one day but gains 10 dollars worth of CCs. Hmm seems fair, bought mine August 1st and honestly I play at night and they had two nights completely blocked off for maintenance, so I barely get any extra play time. It should just go to all that bought it, honestly if I knew about this then I would of waited the 10 freaking days.
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It really sucks that they decide to make the expansion free to new subscribers. I bought the expansion shortly after it came out. Along with many other people it seems to me to be a rip-off for those who spent actual money on the expansion. Also, those people who said "you got six months of playing time on it, that is reward enough" should realize that it is not really a big benefit since new subscribers can play through the content within a matter of days and would not take six months for some/most of the players to play through what the expansion had to offer. Basically, new subscribers could be at the same point in the game with the same gear and everything else in a short period of time. To me that seems unfair.


Additionally, all the loyal subs who have been subbed for many months or longer only get a title? That is pretty much useless since a lot of people don't even care about titles anyway! Instead, the developers should give the loyal subscribers the cartel coins that new sub buyers are getting if they bought the ROTHC expansion months ago also. Or they can give the new expansion away for free to the people who bought ROTHC months ago when it came out.


Either way, I hope at the very least that Bioware apologizes to the loyal subscribers who paid real money to get access to the ROTHC expansion.

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It really sucks that they decide to make the expansion free to new subscribers. I bought the expansion shortly after it came out. Along with many other people it seems to me to be a rip-off for those who spent actual money on the expansion. Also, those people who said "you got six months of playing time on it, that is reward enough" should realize that it is not really a big benefit since new subscribers can play through the content within a matter of days and would not take six months for some/most of the players to play through what the expansion had to offer. Basically, new subscribers could be at the same point in the game with the same gear and everything else in a short period of time. To me that seems unfair.


Additionally, all the loyal subs who have been subbed for many months or longer only get a title? That is pretty much useless since a lot of people don't even care about titles anyway! Instead, the developers should give the loyal subscribers the cartel coins that new sub buyers are getting if they bought the ROTHC expansion months ago also. Or they can give the new expansion away for free to the people who bought ROTHC months ago when it came out.


Either way, I hope at the very least that Bioware apologizes to the loyal subscribers who paid real money to get access to the ROTHC expansion.


Agreed! Bioware needs to take point and give their fans a little more appreciative things than a title that holds no merit to the expansion, whatsoever. It is almost like an 'f u' to the fans to be doing something like this all of a sudden.. hardly fair. Hardly constructive. More of a money grabber move having happened.. Unless the desired intend was getting the heat of the fans... which is surely well done.


But of course hopefully it is fixed, as many have said. Or perhaps not repeated in the future. For by this logic, if it nothing was said, we might as well just wait the few months for it to be free once more on the next expansion that follows. I'm sure it hasn't crossed the minds of players around here.. *sarcasm*

Edited by LordExavion
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People will now think twice before buying the new expansion - wait until it will be announced free and either buy it for a title and cartel coins or wait little longer and just play free. Very smart decision guys.. lets forget about loyal subscribers to whom me owe possibilty to further game development - lets just give them sh**y title and lets give cartel coins to people who bought it now... thats so awesome business decision.
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Beginning September 12, 2013, active Subscribers will receive the first Digital Expansion: Rise of the Hutt Cartel free of charge as a newly added benefit to the Subscriber Rewards Program! Rise of the Hutt Cartel offers the breathtaking planet of Makeb, five new levels of story-driven missions increasing the level cap to 55, and exciting technology devices which unlock valuable rewards.


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Additionally, players who have already purchased Rise of the Hutt Cartel and are an active Subscriber on September 12 at 4:00AM PDT / 11:00AM GMT will receive a new title, “The Risen,” via in-game mail on or before September 25, 2013 as our appreciation for the purchase.


Finally, Subscribers who purchase Rise of the Hutt Cartel between August 11, 2013 and September 12, 2013 at 9:00AM PDT / 4:00PM GMT will be granted 1050 Bonus Cartel Coins in appreciation for their recent purchase of Rise of the Hutt Cartel. The 1050 Bonus Cartel Coins will be granted by September 13, 2013 at 9:00AM PDT / 4:00PM GMT.

So you give incentive to be one time subscriber/buyer then loyal subscriber cause you will get additional rewards and bonuses??

Do you want me to be only looking for special occasion subscriber or full 12 month paying subscriber?

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all the complaining is totally justified... and here's my complaint. this is just the newest insult in a long, long line of insults to premium customers and loyal subscirbers. highlights include; those who bought the CE are still waiting for anything to be added to the CE vendor. ROTHC will be free for subscribers... oh, wait, sorry, that'll be $10 on top of your normal subscription fee. there will be 2 subscriber bonus' in july... er... sry, the second thing we had in mind is broken. lest just pretend we didn't promise that. new content every 6 weeks... bugs and all since BW apparently doesn't believe in testing squat. ability to purchase cc's in game coming in 2.3 and subs will get one halfprice purchase. ah, sry, we didn't test that and when we tried to launch it, it broke. lets pretend we didn't promise that.


dear BW/EA, spend a content cycle fixing bugs. put all the mounts and armor shells that have been removed from the game onto the CE vendor (should be easy and would finally fulfill a promise). and give all active subs who have purchased ROTHC the 1050 cc's. or don't and watch subscriptions continue to fall. I love the starwars, but am really not loving the lack of lube everytime BW/EA shafts us subs :mad:

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I'm sure to be in a tiny minority, but if I wanted the expansion, I would've purchased it. I deliberately haven't purchased it yet because I'm not done experiencing level 50 content on level. Perhaps if the expansion were a store item that I could claim at my convenience...


Also, while I know expansions are very often reduced in price and eventually (after years) given away, it seems giving it away after only 6 months is very premature. I'm sure it will have some measureable negative impact on purchases of the next expansion as some players opt to wait for it to be made available for free.

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