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Rise of the Hutt Cartel – Free to Subscribers Starting September 12th!


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Did we get 2 days early access to Makeb? Yes.. Did we get a Hutt statue, pet, and Title? Most likely YES.. What's the problem? These people who will get for free, will never have these things..


Don't forget about lol bolster. We got that too. Oh wait, that's not a good thing. Sorry, my bad.


Edit: Oh yeah, we got naked PvP too. Now how could I have forgotten that one.

Edited by Exly
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with all the kids moaning they'll probably give the 1050 CC to anyone who bought the expansion pack anyways ;)


Maybe they will, maybe they won't. Either way, the free cartel coins as I said above are a business decision to avoid having to legally provide refunds for everyone who purchased it in the 30 days before it's free. Odds are someone could say they do not accept the coins and want a refund anyway, but I doubt anyone will bother.

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Why dont everyone get the coins instead of those that are just getting it?


I second this feeling. I suspect a lot of rage will happen / has allready happened in this thread, I won't go read it all.

Bioware, I urge you to reconsider the cartel coin part and change it so that everybody will get it.


I know that 8 euro isnt a lot of money and that the value of stuff always get depreciated overtime. This however feels a bit wrong imo.

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You did purchase the expansion. Tell me where they said they're taking it away. If they took it away you'd get compensation, you bought it a while ago so you don't get your price protection. Go in game and tell me your /played time and tell me if it was worth $10 for you. If not then quit, if however many hours is there was worth more than $10 then why are you complaining?


You will not get compensation because you complain. Your compensation is getting to play the game for the last 6 months. THAT IS WHAT YOU PAID FOR. That's it, nothing else. Why can't you understand that?


Their business relies COMPLETELY on me remaining subbed. If they !@#$ their subscribers often enough, and hard enough their business, and profits go bye bye, and the game tanks.


I'm not asking for a seat at the majority shareholders meeting every quarter for christ sake. I am asking for some measly compensation that costs them $0.

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The major problem is the wording:


Additionally, players who have already purchased Rise of the Hutt Cartel and are an active Subscriber on September 12 at 4:00AM PDT / 11:00AM GMT will receive a new title, “The Risen,” via in-game mail on or before September 25, 2013 as our appreciation for the purchase.


Finally, Subscribers who purchase Rise of the Hutt Cartel between August 11, 2013 and September 12, 2013 at 9:00AM PDT / 4:00PM GMT will be granted 1050 Bonus Cartel Coins in appreciation for their recent purchase of Rise of the Hutt Cartel. The 1050 Bonus Cartel Coins will be granted by September 13, 2013 at 9:00AM PDT / 4:00PM GMT.



Correct me if I am not wrong anyone that brought the expansion should expect the same appreciation no matter how long ago the expansion was brought.


When they state for appreciation and they give one set of subscribers something more than the other subscription that is showing favoritism and their wording shows it.


This is the problem I see with what they are doing. One set of subscribers that brought the expansion earlier just gets the title and the other set that just recently brought the expansion gets the title and coins. This is why people are upset.

Edited by ScarletBlaze
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The 1k CC for recent purchases has nothing to do with "appreciation". It's to placate players that bought the expansion just before it went free.


My 10$ got me half a year of access to the content. The poor sap who bought in 2 weeks ago DESERVES the 1k CC for his money cos taking his cash then telling him "btw its going free in a couple weeks" would be problematic to put it mildly.


If you can't see the difference between us who've gotten half a year for our money and those who look at only getting a couple weeks worth and why the latter are justified to get some cc compensation then I'm not sure the issue can be explained to you.




Yep, you're 100% right. I bought the expansion just the other week so I'll be getting the CCs. I'd have been rather annoyed if I felt like I'd just flushed $10 due to bad timing. If you've had the expansion for several months now I'd say you've gotten your money's worth.

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Yup, heavens forbid if the customers that buy their products and make them filthy rich have expectations that are never met right? Sorry, but I don't think like a communist..


Being unsatisfied with EA for not meeting your expectations is fine. But thinking that they are worse than companies that actually affect the entire world, gamers and non-gamers, is acting like an entitled child.


Also, don't bring political ideology into this, it has NOTHING to do with being or not being a communist. It's the fact that a video game company not doing what everybody likes is NOT worse than environmental destruction and financial ruin.

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My first thought was people will complain about anything.


My second thought was people will complain that they now have more people to play with and more people to group with for things.


My third thought is you purchased it earlier and are now progressively further than the people just now getting it.


My first thought was: Hey maybe they'll reward the people who give the new people advice, tips, common sense answers and are providing the backbone for the game with our actual money.


My second thought was: Well, hey... at least I'm getting screwed over... again... by having spent 15$/month since launch.


My third though was: I wonder how fanboys are going to rationalize this heap of garbage to defend their sand-packing master BW.


then I read your comment and though... wow... fanboys are more stupid than I ever thought they could be.

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So the loyal subscriber who support this game from the launch, and bought this expansion from the start get a title while the people who just getting in this game, and bought this expansion month ago receive cartel coins as compensation. Now I feel betrayed and discriminated against. Really BioWare? I appreciate that you're trying to bring new people into this game but your loyal supporter base are important as well. I think we all especially a subscriber who bought this expansion previously deserve a cartel coins as well. Edited by shamfurdispray
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first of all BW WTH?! , whats the point of being a subscriber if ur giving everything for free to F2P anyways ?!

second : do u really think you'l keep ur subs if u dont give em a decent kind of refund for actually buying the expansion? , most likely every single sub thats been playing the game and actually bought it will quit subbing and go F2P since ur giving everything for free anyways

third : a title?! , yeah thats really worth 8 euro's -.- , does anyone over there actually have the brains to realize a title is worth nothing?!

fourth : id suggest u focus less on keeping moaners like the kids and F2P society happy and instead actually try and keep ur subscribers .... , actually pay attention to whose actually paying here , the F2P society who doesnt give anything to the game at all or the subscribers who are actually willing to pay?

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On one hand, giving subscribers this for free after this long is not a thing subscribers that paid for it will take lightly.


On the other hand, I got some free junk, including title, pet, and most importantly, portable trainer on all my alts, so it's probably a fair trade off compared with the cheapskates that waited for it to be released for free.

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I'm one of those subscribers since launch and I'm one of the early purchasers of RotHC. I've no complaints, nor regrets for buying it early. I got what I paid for and have enjoyed the content up until the recent Bounty Hunter event. Of course I think the best value has been the Dr. Orrogrub statue for training, but sadly its obsolete now as it sits in cargo hold taking up space. No use now that I'm max level.


However, with this announcement I just may wait to purchase the next expansion until they offer it for free. If nothing else, I can unsub for 6 months or so, save about $90 and come back when they send me an email with such a great deal as the one just announced today. That would be bring me back as a subscriber and I wouldn't have missed out on all the new content while others are doing it. In a way I hope they do set a precedence with this announcement and handle all future expansions the same way.

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The major problem is the wording:


Additionally, players who have already purchased Rise of the Hutt Cartel and are an active Subscriber on September 12 at 4:00AM PDT / 11:00AM GMT will receive a new title, “The Risen,” via in-game mail on or before September 25, 2013 as our appreciation for the purchase.


Finally, Subscribers who purchase Rise of the Hutt Cartel between August 11, 2013 and September 12, 2013 at 9:00AM PDT / 4:00PM GMT will be granted 1050 Bonus Cartel Coins in appreciation for their recent purchase of Rise of the Hutt Cartel. The 1050 Bonus Cartel Coins will be granted by September 13, 2013 at 9:00AM PDT / 4:00PM GMT.



Correct me if I am not wrong anyone that brought the expansion should expect the same appreciation no matter how long ago the expansion was brought.


When they state for appreciation and they give one set of subscribers something more than the other subscription that is showing favoritism and their wording shows it.


This is the problem I see with what they are doing. One set of subscribers that brought the expansion earlier just gets the title and the other set that just brought the expansion gets the title and coins. This is why people are upset.


No. the people who purchased from 8/11/13-9/12/13 are the only group group getting coins. BW is saying "screw the subs we don't owe them anything. but hey... we'll give them a BoP title and a well worded 'thank you' via in-game mail."

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I feel like the title "The Risen" doesn't even make any sense in the context of what "The Rise of the Hutt Cartel" was. How exactly did our characters become "The Risen" during the story? That must have taken like what 5 minutes to think up? And another 5 to create?


More to the point, the title should be something that more accurately reflects the situation here today. I suggest that they change the free title to "The Sucker", "The Naive", "The Exploited", "The Cash Cow", or "The One Who Should Have Seen It Coming". ;)


This really is the best post in this entire thread :D

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I fail to see why everyone is so butthurt over this every company in the world does this so why is this so different i bought my iphone a year ago for 200 dollars with a new contract and guess what same iphone is now free but im not out protesting and boycotting apple. Hell even when i get those excluse preorder items on xbox, ps3, or pc a few months later you can pick them up. I think its a great idea because now we will get more new subs and even bring back some old ones. Im not a fanboy but if you seriously get upset over this how can you function in society because every thing you buy comes down in price or goes free so you must be filled with hate towards every company in the world, which is pretty sad and pathetic.
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Our complaint isnt about what we got. it is the extremely poor implementation of re-imbursing people who purchased the game recently in an in game grant of 1050cc.


We did in fact get what we paid for, however, so did the people who purchased the expansion recently. In fact, they got what they paid for, and will get the same access to this as we, who bought it on day one paid for it.


The difference? They are getting re imbursed for something that they paid for, and got what they paid for, and we are all in the 2 day warning boat that this is going to go free to subscribers. It is the fact that everyone got what they paid for, but only a portion of them are getting re imbursed.



That being said, I understand there are laws regarding this. What they SHOULD have done is announced 30-60 days ago that this was going to happen, or 30-60 days FROM the point that they decided it would happen and stopped taking anyones money and re imbursed NO ONE, that would be the fair way to handle this situation, and give the people who bought the expansion, all of them, a lousy title and then no one feels as if they are being burned because everyone who bought it is being treated equally.



further more they could have just offered refunds to the people who purchased the game within the last 60 days, OR keep the title that would be granted, that way the people would feel as though they had an avenue to get their money back, or get a cool title!



this is poor implementation, and whoever thought it through should be put in front of the player base and forced to 'answer any questions' for an entire work day, and not be allowed to skip a single question. no overtime.


Sign me up on the questions commitee. I think my information request got buried again.

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Its just another f###ed up move from BW fail...


so you must jump on forums of every company in the world and throw a tantrum right? the processor i bought last year for my pc has dropped in price more than half since i got it and my iphone i bought last year is now free when i paid 200 dollars how is this any different? you got to play 5 months before anyone else could and i think its a smart move it will bring in new subs and old ones will come back. Its quite sad you get upset over this when every company in the world does it lol.

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No. the people who purchased from 8/11/13-9/12/13 are the only group group getting coins. BW is saying "screw the subs we don't owe them anything. but hey... we'll give them a BoP title and a well worded 'thank you' via in-game mail."


Yes I know the ones that recently brought the expansion will get the coins and it seems the title as well while the ones that brought it earlier just get the title but yet BW says for appreciation of the purchase. So from the wording and what they are doing it seems the one that recently purchased the expansion are appreciated more?


All subscribers should be treated equally at least in my book but I could be wrong I guess.

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While I dont have an issue with BW decision to give the RotH free to subscribers and award the title to players who have benefited from their initial purchase of the product months ago.


I do feel that the Cartel Coin bonus should be expanded further in date for people who purchased it in July. Making it atleast something closer to a 60 day money back guarantee. I have multiple friends that took a break from SWTOR that decided to come back and subscribe for 2.3 ((2.3 released on 8/6/2013)) who are now being excluded from the purchase based off of a few day difference.

Edited by Levlin
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If you were ever going to offer this up for free, you should have said as much before. In essence, everyone who bought RotHC before the day after tomorrow (not to mention those of us who pre-ordered it in December) just bought 5 months of early access. Even if you didn't know the exact date of when this was going free, you should have been up front with your customers and let us know that eventually it would become free.


I believe everyone who bought RotHC before it becomes free would be more deserving of that 1050 Cartel Coins. Who would you expect to buy it now anyways if it's going F2P in two days?


I'll take what I can get (in this case a title to my already miles long list of useless titles) but once again, I'm thoroughly disappointed with how Bioware handles its customers.


They would actually STILL pay for it. Possibly even more than what you had paid for (imagine: they would at least need to pay $15 OR $30 if they would get the 60-day one-time sub vs $10 that you had purchased) but I have to agree on the reward for the existing subscribers. It's gave me the "what, that's it?" feeling. XD

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Yes I know the ones that recently brought the expansion will get the coins and it seems the title as well while the ones that brought it earlier just get the title but yet BW says for appreciation of the purchase. So from the wording and what they are doing it seems the one that recently purchased the expansion are appreciated more?


All subscribers should be treated equally at least in my book but I could be wrong I guess.


All subscribers are equal, it's just some are more equal than others.

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I have ONE straight forward easy to answer question for BIOWARE and the SWTOR Devs...


Why should i now buy the next expansion you release? What is the incentive for me the long term Subscriber that pumps money into the game and buys the expansions? Why should i keep doing it?


And Before anyone says 5months access etc etc, then try Makeb before you say that i personally was in make for just over a month and then done with it and id rather wait 5 months and get it for free as a subscriber perk.


And it is only a subscrber perk if you bought it recently or do not own it as i do not care what anyone says a Title is not a perk in any way shape or form.


Why not just wait 5 months for it to be free anyway, i mean Makeb was hardlys packed with content so a 5 month wait to get it for free really does not seem that bad

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