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Smash IS overpowered


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Smash can't be too overpowered. One of my Sage's took a triple smash from 3 marauders, still had almost 4k HP left and immediately started Saber Striking all 3. After a couple hits each they were all dead. Again Bioware please nerf Sage/Sorcs Saber Strike it is way to BoSS. On a serious note smash isn't over powered. I've been hit way harder by Mercs/Mandos then I have ever been hit by smash/sweep. In my opinion no class is really over powered, they all die the same way.


The Bastion / Jedi Covenant

Rellik / Syck'syyde

Jenna'syyde / Rázakel

Edited by rlamela
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Smash can't be too overpowered. One of my Sage's took a triple smash from 3 marauders, still had almost 4k HP left and immediately started Saber Striking all 3. After a couple hits each they were all dead. Again Bioware please nerf Sage/Sorcs Saber Strike it is way to BoSS. On a serious note smash isn't over powered. I've been hit way harder by Mercs/Mandos then I have ever been hit by smash/sweep. In my opinion no class is really over powered, they all die the same way.


The Bastion / Jedi Covenant

Rellik / Syck'syyde

Jenna'syyde / Rázakel


Just like you've been hit harder you've been hit way softer.


Unlike smash their damage is based on rng. Meaning they can be shielded absorbed, or even miss.

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Just like you've been hit harder you've been hit way softer.


Unlike smash their damage is based on rng. Meaning they can be shielded absorbed, or even miss.


again i wasn't claiming merc/mandos to be overpowered either, im just stating the average damage i take from a smash is aboot 8k. It s not really that big a deal. I play the squishiest class in the game and I never see these so called 10, 11 & 12K smashes people cry aboot. And most smashes actually only do around 4.5 to 5.5K damage since I almost always have bubble up.


The Bastion / Jedi Covenant

Rellik / Syck'syyde

Jenna'syyde / Rázakel

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again i wasn't claiming merc/mandos to be overpowered either, im just stating the average damage i take from a smash is aboot 8k. It s not really that big a deal. I play the squishiest class in the game and I never see these so called 10, 11 & 12K smashes people cry aboot. And most smashes actually only do around 4.5 to 5.5K damage since I almost always have bubble up.


The Bastion / Jedi Covenant

Rellik / Syck'syyde

Jenna'syyde / Rázakel


And most surely they dont do a 6k scream followed by a spam of 5k vicious slashes right and then end the fun with a 7-8k vicious throw?

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But you know, stealth classes do have black out which increases their stealth level to the point they walk right in front of people all they want. So, yea, they do act as a counter to a small degree. But if their opening doesn't burst enough, and they aren't quick to pop off their stun, the sniper can just roll away and make them pay.


when a sniper drops down, screen is in front of him. I've been targeted and pulled out of stealth from about 15m (possibly more, not less) away while sneak (scrapper version of sin's blackout) was still ticking, and I was nowhere near 130 degrees of the cover screen (was decidedly behind it tbh). he simply rotated with his right mouse button and the stealth cone rotated with him. I've done it on my MM as well (usually guarding a CW platform or a pylon).

Edited by foxmob
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he simply rotated with his right mouse button and the stealth cone rotated with him.




I've done it on my MM as well (usually guarding a CW platform or a pylon).




As stated before mouse turning does nothing in cover.


The only way to turn in cover is by using an ability that shoots in that direction (e.g. Suppressive Fire).


So yes you can turn in cover, but it's completely different from "mouse-turning" in cover.

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Snipers are extremely powerful in only a handful of situations and only vs a select few melee specs. They have a very specific weakness which no other class has and it is a doozy. They absolutely unequivocally have to "squat" to do all their big damage attacks. Their LOS strafing is weak as piss and as such are extremely susceptible to counter LOS strafing by other ranged classes.


Secondly, their positioning is critical in how melee will fair against them. If they position near any kind of obstacle, their knockback becomes completely ineffective. Positioning away from obstacles makes them extremely weak vs other ranged classes. It's a catch 22.


They also have a severe interrupt problem which no other class has. Once they start activating an ability, such as ambush, they have to wait till the cast is over before they can interrupt.


If it were up to me I would actually change the way cover operates. I would remove the "need" to hit the crouch button. I would simply make it so that a sniper who is stationary is automatically considered as in cover. I would change cover pulse to work outside of cover. I think its cover requirement is utterly ridiculous. I would also remove the cover requirement on explosive probe. I would also make it so that interrupts can be cast at any point even during a channel / activation.


I would obviously mirror these changes to operatives with one addition... going into cover does not break stealth.


As far as the 30 stacks of stealth detection goes.. did they need it?? No... Does it really have that much of an impact?? No. As a concealment operative or deception assassin, I've never had any issue with getting my open on them. The result is mirrored also when I'm playing my sniper. The 30m stealth detection just isn't as useful as the ability would suggest.

Edited by JackNader
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Only indicating valor 60+ actually indicates very limited pvp experience, imo.


Realistically geared smashers should be hitting from 7k-8k. Anthing higher/lower usually indicates taunts/armor/resilience.


I hit between 8K-9.5K on my Jugg, with 1,382 bonus damage, and that's against full expertise opponents.

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As stated before mouse turning does nothing in cover.


The only way to turn in cover is by using an ability that shoots in that direction (e.g. Suppressive Fire).


So yes you can turn in cover, but it's completely different from "mouse-turning" in cover.




actually makes sense. I'll have to verify and likely come back with my balls on a platter.

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confirmed. exactly as he says. you can still pan with right mouse button, but it doesn't turn the character, and I thought I was getting 30m detect doing it. /facepalm


w/o losing ammo, suppression fire can be used every couple seconds. interestingly enough, I saw the shadow I was testing with while turning from one direction to another with SF (he was visible then invis quickly). just thought that was neat. so the stealth detect works with your character animation as it repositions. which means one turn of roughly 180 degrees will cover 130 x2 plus a quick sweep of some more ground. doesn't really take away from my failness though. :(

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snipers are good, but just force choke then smash...done. If he has his immunity to stun up line of sight him until it wears off and then force choke.


I'm sorry but there is 0 chance you can beat a sniper who has full health by just using Force Choke & Smash. I call Bulls**t on this.


The Bastion / Jedi Covenant

Rellik / Syck'syyde

Jenna'syyde / Rázakel

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Yeah I take back what I said. Rage really is bogus lol. It needs to be revamped a little more. Its better now than it has ever been (gameplay wise), but I think something is missing. Its so boneheaded and DEADLY. Vengeance needs a buff regardless of Rage being what it is. Anyway, as a vengeance/rage juggy ( I go back and forth), i'd be happy to see Rage get nerfed a little. Or redesigned. And I know that I have freedom of to choose b/t the two, but I almost feel obligated to go Rage @ its current state of pwnage. Hate me for it. I hate myself for playing rage too :( Anyway. Edited by Warlord_Maliken
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I currently play a sniper and am up to level 44 with it (or 43).

1. They don't have a 360 invizy detection. If they did, i wouldn't be getting my butt rammed with a double-bladed lightsaber as often as I am. I think my shield attracts a lot of double-bladed lightsabers...

2. Somehow, even with my ability to negate any controlling effects for 20 seconds, I am still getting stunned from those invizies before they come out of invizy. Nothing can make ya madder 5 seconds after you "entrench" yourself.

3. Smash is not overpowered to a sniper by all means. The choke thing and smash will not kill you. It hurts, but doesn't kill you. Once they smash, they put you at your strong point. Flashbangs, leg shot, stun, entrench, the round that pushes them back.... If you utilize your skills, you can quickly change the ball game between a "smasher" and a sniper and the sniper can have a high chance of winning depending on the smasher's abilities of playing that toon are.

4. Usually it depends on who strikes first with two opponents that know their toons well that will end up on top regardless of class.

5. you guys make it sound like if you were b*tch slapped that you would go cry to your mommy saying that their hand was bigger than yours. So stop crying, and get back to figuring out a strategy that works against this. Good luck!

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Well, one the one hand, smasher AOE is quite useful.


And by the way, 8k with a full T5 equiped Guardian is normal standard against ppl with full expertise.

Best hits are like 10,5k, depending on your opponent.


If there is now some ppl complaining, what do you say about the Sith Sorcerers, who's Dots tick with 1,5-2k ?

Thermal Granates of the Scoundrel : like 7-8k.


I think there is enough other examples to show, that Smasher Damage is not THAT overpowered, compared

to other classes abilites.


Its just , for example the great survivability of the Jedi sentinel, with its shields, possibility of getting out of the

fight, if needed.


I think if we talk about such a topic, there should be not seen only what the smasher can do, but also, what other

classes do compared to them, and what the great disadvantages of an Melee Fighter are.


Has anyone yet been constantly killed by 2-3 Range DD'S, when coming from respawn, trying to get in range ?:D

Edited by Faranour
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Well, one the one hand, smasher AOE is quite useful.


And by the way, 8k with a full T5 equiped Guardian is normal standard against ppl with full expertise.

Best hits are like 10,5k, depending on your opponent.


If there is now some ppl complaining, what do you say about the Sith Sorcerers, who's Dots tick with 1,5-2k ?

Thermal Granates of the Scoundrel : like 7-8k.


I think there is enough other examples to show, that Smasher Damage is not THAT overpowered, compared

to other classes abilites.


Its just , for example the great survivability of the Jedi sentinel, with its shields, possibility of getting out of the

fight, if needed.


I think if we talk about such a topic, there should be not seen only what the smasher can do, but also, what other

classes do compared to them, and what the great disadvantages of an Melee Fighter are.


Has anyone yet been constantly killed by 2-3 Range DD'S, when coming from respawn, trying to get in range ?:D


Complaining about Sage DoT ticks? Seriously? Not only are they easy to just plain heal through, there is no dispel resistance in this game so you can just have your healer just flat out remove them. Even 1v1, the sage is going to have to LoS alot to stay alive for those DoTs to tick through all the HP and all the various defensive cooldowns.

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Smash mara is overpowered it has an auto crit 8kish aoe attack that is force and they can spam attacks to reduce cd while having extra surge on everything extra crit on almost everything and a auto slow on both leaps and their obliterate leap can be used while rooted plus they can get god mode every 45S! while still having cloak of pain saber ward camo medpack expertise adrenal so by the time you run out of those cds god mode is back up the fact that god mode is 45s is the biggest problem with this class. Being able to slow mindlessly leap 10m thats on 15s cd that goes down by 1s every time they attack that can be used while rooted and crits for what 4-5k? This spec didn't not need obliterate out of roots or slow on both leaps their slow is 1 rage and last 12s why the heck couldn't they afford to use that before and not only that but now you can leap and crush and a sage can't dispell cause it will get the slow from the leap and the crush and not the actual crush and they made crush tick faster. They need to change god to like 1m30s for smash with talents and set bonuses and make it 1m45s with set bonus for the other two specs the fact smash has so much sustained/single target burst/ Aoe burst is stupid enough but to make them have a million defensives on top of that and mindless slows is just retarded at least commando you can interrupt and make them pop shield then kill them after where as mara just has defensive after defensive that you have to get through and you have to like divert all your attention to one BAD mara just so he doesn't destroy you no other dps class get live against and entire team as long as mara can. Not saying they will beat the whole team by themselves but they can live a long *** time by them selves and not to mention smash has the highest passive dmg reduction out of all the mara specs. Edited by BurningCourage
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The devs said in the sentinel questions that Rage/Focus was performing as intended. So nothing will be changing any time soon.



Also, as one of the most played specs in the game, the metrics are going to be highly diluted. This makes it appear as if the average output/capabilities of the class are much lower than they are in the hands of a good player.

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