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20 bucks for a one use dye, REALLY?


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They are actually going to drive GTN prices downward for these very desired dyes at these prices.. and they are going to tank their dye pack sales as well. For them.. it's probably a wash revenue wise.. but for players it means these dyes will sell on the GTN for 1-2M tops. And given how people will undercut each other on the GTN.. prices could drop even further. This is what people do not grasp. People were plunking mucho bucks on packs to get the rare dyes and turn around and sell them on the GTN. Now.. the price to aquire if fixed.. and only the peg exchange between CC-2-Credits through the GTN will shift.


What you are not grasping is that the GTN is not the main reason people want these dyes, they want them because they want to dye their armor. You are completely missing the whole argument because you insist on thinking the economy and credits are the only thing people are concerned about.


$20.00 for a ONE TIME USE item is absurd. Stop defending them on this crap because you see an easy way to make credits in game. There could be no other answer fro why you are defending them on this squeezing of the player base.

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For over a year this game had NO DYES at all and it worked just fine.


Black-Black is a status symbol and it will remain expensive, else the point is at least partially lost.

Deal with it.




What a completely stupid argument. The ONLY reason it is rare is because the players wanted MORE black in the game, especially for sith since the sith WEAR BLACK.


Deal with the fact that some people do not want to be made to pay ridiculous amounts of cash for a one time use item. It's not a status symbol at all, and I have black/black dyes on my sith. It's on their because they are sith. I could give a rat's *** about your asinine status symbol angle.

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One can certainly complain about this situation, and even defend themselves against those that might deride them for it.


But to attack folks that either complain against it or find it acceptable...that is just ridiculous.


I'm wondering what you feel you will accomplish by attacking those that do not agree with you, deriding them for not having the same opinion as you do, calling them names, etc.


Do you really feel this adds any weight to your arguments or influence? Or are you doing it just to vent?


All you do by attacking those that oppose your view is weaken your own position.


Some folks are going to find this unacceptable. Some folks are going to accept it, patronize it or perhaps even explain or excuse it.


Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and you just make yourself look foolish when trying to revoke that right.

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What you are not grasping is that the GTN is not the main reason people want these dyes, they want them because they want to dye their armor. You are completely missing the whole argument because you insist on thinking the economy and credits are the only thing people are concerned about.


$20.00 for a ONE TIME USE item is absurd. Stop defending them on this crap because you see an easy way to make credits in game. There could be no other answer fro why you are defending them on this squeezing of the player base.




Seriously, it never ceases to appall me how far idiots will go to defend Bioware. I'm not a troll nor a fanboy, but people need to quit acting like this is justified because it equates to market credit price.


Because $20 bucks for a single use dye is *********** absurd. They can at least add it to collections.

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Its hard to sum up my collective thoughts on this whole debacle as twenty dollars for a single use dye is absurd. Bioware has managed to, finally, go and do something that both insults and takes advantage of their player base. My hats off to them, as this is potentially the single most ridiculous cash shop purchase I've heard of.


Move over Sparkle Pony, we have a new champion.


To the players defending the prohibitive cost of the dyes, I say this to you. I've bought four of the damn things already in the auction house, and considering some of the absurd colour schemes implemented on new armor pieces its fairly obvious Bioware is planning to, yes, force players to continue buying dyes if they have plans on wearing any of the newly added items.


To Bioware themselves, some actions have long lasting consequences, the good faith you earned recently from the Super Secret Space Project has effectively be wasted now as THIS will become the headline for the forseeable future. 'Oh, Swtor? The game with the $20 single use dyes? Yeah, no thanks.' Will people buy the dyes? Sure, you'll make money gouging the so called whales. Is it worth the bad press, and handy new punchline you've given players? Probably not. Change the price, or add the things to the collections page already. Stop dragging your heels on the one that that absolutely belongs on that page, dyes.


To myself as a subscribing customer. Stop giving undeserving companies your money if they start treating you like ****. This one is easily done, GW2 already tried this crap once with their RNG holiday 'special' lockboxes(they weren't that special) and hasn't see a cent of my money since Halloween. So...Grats SWTOR, your cashshop is on my ****list.

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Yeah, this one is the final thing that's given me the push, letting my sub lapse and de-installed the game last night. Businesses have to make money I know, but blatant gouging like this tells me that milking customers via the CM is what EA want to focus on, so there's no point me continuing to pay in the hopes they'll continue the class stories that drew me to this game in the first place. Skinner box like manipulation makes more money than well crafted entertainment in the short run, and moves like this are all about short term profit at the expense of long term quality.


Best of luck guys :)

Edited by Furtled
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More Cartel Market bs.


If you honestly believe the Cartel Market is not funding all of the other development you are fooling yourself. Does some of the money go back into making more CM items? Yes. Does it also fund profits for EAs investors? Yes. Does it also fund new expansions, the super secret space project, new operations, new flashpoints, the new arenas and every other piece of playable content that comes out?


Yes. Yes it does.


I would rather have a game with no cash shop and no free options, to be honest. However, that is not the game we have. What we have is a game primarily funded through cosmetic sales to people with too much money. In the end, I would rather have that than no game at all. I enjoy playing TOR, and plan to continue to play it for a long while yet, and I for one am glad someone is willing to pay $20 for a dye so I always have new content to play through.


I don't plan on buying nay myself, at least not with coins. Thank you to those who will. :)

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If you honestly believe the Cartel Market is not funding all of the other development you are fooling yourself. Does some of the money go back into making more CM items? Yes. Does it also fund profits for EAs investors? Yes. Does it also fund new expansions, the super secret space project, new operations, new flashpoints, the new arenas and every other piece of playable content that comes out?


Yes. Yes it does.


I would rather have a game with no cash shop and no free options, to be honest. However, that is not the game we have. What we have is a game primarily funded through cosmetic sales to people with too much money. In the end, I would rather have that than no game at all. I enjoy playing TOR, and plan to continue to play it for a long while yet, and I for one am glad someone is willing to pay $20 for a dye so I always have new content to play through.


I don't plan on buying nay myself, at least not with coins. Thank you to those who will. :)


Yes you can thank them. You can also thank them for helping the ongoing support of squeezing the playerbase in an insulting manner. Out of the thousands of ways to support a game through cosmetic purchases, this is one of them you want to give your thanks to?


Yes please, by all means. Go thank the whales. As for me, I'll be thanking the people who have the decency to continue to support the game by OTHER means like they've always done, myself included.

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You mean like, with a subscription? (Which I obviously have.) Possibly through purchasing the game when it launched? (Which I did.) I too have been a subscriber since early access, with a few months off due to life interference.


As I mentioned, I would much prefer the game was still subscription only as it was at launch, but that reality is gone, and there's not really a point to harping on it. We will never get that model back. Instead we have the new world. If you don't like it, don't participate and don't play.


I choose to tolerate it and continue to enjoy the parts of the game I like. I don't care that they are charging an arm and a leg for a dye, since I won't buy it that way. If I want a black dye, I'll get it from the GTN.

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I wish it was the schematic instead. Artifice can make a few dyes and the black-blue dye available from CZ-198 is certainly nice. But instead of just handing out the dye module, it'd be cool if instead they sold the schematic for 2000 CC (or whatever it is) and the dye was super hard to make. That way, people who want to spend CCs to get the dye can get it, and people who have loads and loads of in-game credits (probably would sell for >10mill) could get it too.


Also, it would keep the dye super rare. The mats would be something like 10 of all of the grade 6 and 9 color and power crystals, 10 Exotic Element Equalizers, and 3 Mass Manipulation Generators. That would make it rare enough that it would take a whole lot to get the dye, but it would still be out there and hardcore Artificers could learn how to make it.

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I wish it was the schematic instead. Artifice can make a few dyes and the black-blue dye available from CZ-198 is certainly nice. But instead of just handing out the dye module, it'd be cool if instead they sold the schematic for 2000 CC (or whatever it is) and the dye was super hard to make. That way, people who want to spend CCs to get the dye can get it, and people who have loads and loads of in-game credits (probably would sell for >10mill) could get it too.


Also, it would keep the dye super rare. The mats would be something like 10 of all of the grade 6 and 9 color and power crystals, 10 Exotic Element Equalizers, and 3 Mass Manipulation Generators. That would make it rare enough that it would take a whole lot to get the dye, but it would still be out there and hardcore Artificers could learn how to make it.


This is actually a fantastic idea. It'd be nice if they started integrating the CM with gameplay more like that. Put schematics up there instead of just the items.

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Yes you can thank them. You can also thank them for helping the ongoing support of squeezing the playerbase in an insulting manner. Out of the thousands of ways to support a game through cosmetic purchases, this is one of them you want to give your thanks to?


Yes please, by all means. Go thank the whales. As for me, I'll be thanking the people who have the decency to continue to support the game by OTHER means like they've always done, myself included.

There is only way, which matters, to support the game: give BWEA money. Were you contemplating other ways?

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What you are not grasping is that the GTN is not the main reason people want these dyes, they want them because they want to dye their armor. You are completely missing the whole argument because you insist on thinking the economy and credits are the only thing people are concerned about.


OH... well that completely explains why so many have been put up on the GTN for sale all these months. :rolleyes:


Dude.. get real. You are completely missing the point that a lot of people actually do buy-2-sell in game. Reasons vary.. but let's not pretend that is not the case.. just because it isn't for you. The most common reason is subs who have free coins and simply are not into buying things on the CM for themselves.. so they buy things to convert into in game credits.


Wait a week or two and you will be able to buy all you want off your local GTN for under a million credits. Save yourself 20 bucks and eliminate the need to whine all at once. ;)

Edited by Andryah
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Seriously, it never ceases to appall me how far idiots will go to defend Bioware. I'm not a troll nor a fanboy, but people need to quit acting like this is justified because it equates to market credit price.


Because $20 bucks for a single use dye is *********** absurd. They can at least add it to collections.


Justification does not even enter into the discussion IMO. Blame your peers, not me, and stop with the name calling because you are keester-hurt over the price.


These things will sell like hotcakes and will resell on GTNs like hotcakes as well.


I personally do not use the B/B and W/W and never will unless they drop out of the back of droids and are free. But I certainly don't fault the company for selling these at prices that they will sell well at. Their market, they set the price. All we get to do is buy/not_buy.


They are actually going to drive the price of these on GTN way down with this action.... so suck it up cupcake. It's good for the player base as a whole since they deflate prices on the dyes. It's absurd that people cannot grasp this fact, simply because they are too self-involved to look at the larger effect at play here.

Edited by Andryah
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This is actually a fantastic idea. It'd be nice if they started integrating the CM with gameplay more like that. Put schematics up there instead of just the items.


Well.. so far.. they have avoided selling of recipes/schematics...preferring to list them behind rep grinds. Personally, I think that is the right move on their part as crafter psychology leans more to working for something rather then buy-2-get-quicker.


As for having multiple avenues for a dye (CM, direct buy, Crafted)....meh.. that's a really hard thing to balance in MMOs as players always seek the lowest fruit on the tree. In this game.. the low hanging fruit is usually on the GTN regardless.. and people seem to either like this or hate it.

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Justification does not even enter into the discussion IMO. Blame your peers, not me, and stop with the name calling because you are keester-hurt over the price.


These things will sell like hotcakes and will resell on GTNs like hotcakes as well.


I personally do not use the B/B and W/W and never will unless they drop out of the back of droids and are free. But I certainly don't fault the company for selling these at prices that they will sell well at. Their market, they set the price. All we get to do is buy/not_buy.


They are actually going to drive the price of these on GTN way down with this action.... so suck it up cupcake. It's good for the player base as a whole since they deflate prices on the dyes. It's absurd that people cannot grasp this fact, simply because they are too self-involved to look at the larger effect at play here.


Totally agree with you on this one, Andies.


I was happy at first that I would be able to buy these and pop them up on the GTN for a few million; however, I knew that most of the people who use the GTN are a bunch of drooling monkeys that undercut like idiots in order to make a quick "buck." This pissed me off a bit, and made me hate the fact that the price was so high. But then I thought again, wait a sec, this means that I won't be able to make a lot of credits on this up front, but there will be great opportunities to buy at discounts and resell. This is actually going to be a god send for those of us who are resellers, and even better for those who actually want to use the dye. You won't be stuck paying 2-3 million credits for this dye when in a few short weeks, they'll be consistently selling for 800k-1 million. This is a win-win.

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The defense of the 20 dollar dye is funny. But if people don't buy them, Bioware will see the writing on the wall and lower the price. So don't buy them, people.


I am not buying any dyes. If my Artifice can't make it, and no vendor sells it, then I don't need it that bad.


Actually, this is exactly my point. If the price truly is too high, no one will buy it, and they will lower the price.


I highly doubt that will happen, though, as I fully believe there are people out there will to spend 2k coins on it, and the rest of us can either not use it, or get it from the GTN.

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The defense of the 20 dollar dye is funny. But if people don't buy them, Bioware will see the writing on the wall and lower the price. So don't buy them, people.


I am not buying any dyes. If my Artifice can't make it, and no vendor sells it, then I don't need it that bad.


Well that is the question. From what I've seen of CM use though, that if just isn't going to happen.

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The defense of the 20 dollar dye is funny. But if people don't buy them, Bioware will see the writing on the wall and lower the price. So don't buy them, people.


I am not buying any dyes. If my Artifice can't make it, and no vendor sells it, then I don't need it that bad.


I'm really "defending" it...but the fact is that this dye has been obtainable ever since I started playing the game.


Personally I do not care for the black/black dye...so I never cared to try to obtain it.


However, all Bioware did was give the players another option to obtain the item.


There really is no reason anyone should be complaining about it. If you don't like this option...use the other options, that have already been available to you, to get this item.



If this was the only way to get this item...then I could understand...but they simply added another option. That is absolutely NEVER a bad thing.

Edited by VitalityPrime
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