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As a professional gamer, I need to see rankings for achievement points.


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Alright look. You people need to realize something right now. I am a gaming professional. So yes, I take this game very seriously. Gaming is my life. I left my wife and daughter so I could game more and I won't apologize for it.


This is why I get very passionate about stuff like this. Some people accuse me of "trolling". Those people just don't understand that gaming is my passion and is really the only thing I care about.


I work hard at being the best player on the Prophecy of Five server...


Yes, I want recognition for it.

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What we need is an web-based armory that allows us to:


1) see a character's stats, achievements, operation progress, gear, etc.




2) ties forum posts to a specific character so there's some sort of accountability.

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Alright look. You people need to realize something right now. I am a gaming professional. So yes, I take this game very seriously. Gaming is my life. I left my wife and daughter so I could game more and I won't apologize for it.


This is why I get very passionate about stuff like this. Some people accuse me of "trolling". Those people just don't understand that gaming is my passion and is really the only thing I care about.


I work hard at being the best player on the Prophecy of Five server...


Yes, I want recognition for it.


In other words you have no life outside the game. Lol okay.

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For those of you challenging Sir Copperfield's assertions that he has the most achievement points and is the biggest Gaming Legend in the history of either Gaming or Legends, let me explain it in terms you should understand.



Sir Copperfield
























The sooner you accept this reality, the easier your existence will be.

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You're not hardcore until you beat Street Fighter 2 with one quarter in a small town in the middle of Mexico with dozens of kids surrounding the machine at midnight cause there is a roadblock and you can't go anywhere cause the rebels bombed the main road and are engaged in a gunfight with the Military police and bullets are flying above your head. True story, my brother was a hero that night and I watched it happen in January 1994.


I'm sorry that noone else found this funny enough to quote but I damn near almost pissed myself, thank you for such a great comment, that made my day

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In other words you have no life outside the game. Lol okay.


If he were a successful stock trader, would you still mock him? He does what he does because he's the BEST there is at it. Plenty of people give up their lives to pursue bettering themselves at their career.

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Dulfy chooses to hide on a PvE server, away from competition. Big fish.. Small Pond you know.


Copperfield is THE premier gamer of our generation.


Copperfield not only wins warzones at an alarming rate.. He also soloed TfB NiM.. the TFB quit when it saw Sir Copperfield...


Show some respect; Copperfield is not only a Gaming Legend..


He is a RL Ninja.


Look what happened to the Ninja in UFC 2.



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Alright look. You people need to realize something right now. I am a gaming professional. So yes, I take this game very seriously. Gaming is my life. I left my wife and daughter so I could game more and I won't apologize for it.


This is why I get very passionate about stuff like this. Some people accuse me of "trolling". Those people just don't understand that gaming is my passion and is really the only thing I care about.


I work hard at being the best player on the Prophecy of Five server...


Yes, I want recognition for it.


A man with such skewed, and self-defeating, priorities would be better off in a psych ward than here... (your gimmick would work better if you claimed you stayed with said imaginary wife, just so you didn't have to bother with cleaning or cooking.)

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A man with such skewed, and self-defeating, priorities would be better off in a psych ward than here... (your gimmick would work better if you claimed you stayed with said imaginary wife, just so you didn't have to bother with cleaning or cooking.)


He doesn't deserve respect if that story is true. He deserves pity. That or a straight jacket and a bowl full of medication.


On a more serious note, I know people that have nearly 12k achievement points. So Sir-Copperfield's assertion that he's ahead by far is a false one. Hell I sit at 9k achievement points or so and don't actively pursue achievement completion.

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Unless you're getting paid to play this game, you are not a professional.

Not having any other fixed income, he's clearly paid to play this game. Who wouldn't pay a legend?


This is why I'm trying so hard to butter him up and get him to tell me where to get my paycheck.

Edited by B-Dick
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Sir Copperfield is my gaming hero. It's not his own posts that are the most fun, but the amount of people who can't help themselves being trolled. I want a Sir Copperfield statue in game. Now.

Make it a holocron and give it some dialog (of course voiced by the player himself), so that he can troll you to in the game!

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First of all. Don't ever call me "dear".


Second of all, that list is not supported by Bioware. Therefore, I don't believe anything posted there. I want real rankings.


Who do you really think you are that you have authority to tell someone what not to call you, when clearly the have the freedom to do so and you have no power to stop it?


If you're so pro, how are you trapped spending so much time achieving things in merely one game? There are thousands of games that you have to achieve things in. This isn't a career sport like football (american) or football (everything else.) Which, by the way, sports will never accomplish anything that actually matters; i.e. colonize mars, save Earth from people, save people from people. Sports will never do anything but consume time and resources like all wasteful forms of entertainment.


Are you sure you want to be known as a professional in something so meaningless?

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