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again I know it wont happen... but to continue requests for Thana just think of the possibility for funny :p


Thana Vesh


to bad she's not dual faction and probably dead for most people :mad:


I believe she is the same voice as Kira, [says google] so she should be available for more work and fights on the ship between Kira and Thana would be awesome

Edited by Vis-Tecum
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1. Lieutenant Rutau on Balmorra.



His unit is wiped out trying to put a virus in to the okara droid factory. Despite heavy injuries and losses of all his soldiers but him, he refuses to stay down and tries to accomplish his mission or die trying. He would make an excellent companion. Not to mention we need a grunt soldier sort of companion imo.


Ha! I love that guy, great suggestion.


Put me down as another vote for Cytharat. His whole demeanor and situation screams companion to me: he doesn't seem to be in an official position that would prevent him from being a companion, he has a need to redeem himself, he's ready and willing to follow your lead, and he respects your PC. (Not to mention the already-established romantic potential...)


- I despise Thana Vesh more than I like her, but I do think she'd make a decent companion.

- I'd take Attros Finn from the Consular story on Coruscant in a heartbeat. :)

- Likewise, Sanju Pyne from the Imperial Agent's Balmorra arc.

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Not so much a new companion but more companion bonus material, like different sayings if the are romanced .


I find it odd that in battle they still say the same stuff they did when they first joined your crew even though you two are *married*.


When I first got to Taris I was really surprised that Thana wasn't a companion, she has so much potential.


I really think there should be an option of killing a companion for good, like that one guy that betrays you, and have his role replaced by some other companion you meet in a cantina or something.

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I would like the Flesh Raider Jedi from the Tython sidequests as a companion for obvious reasons. Please make him a romance candidate as well for obvious reasons.


Serious answer: Having Jace Malcom or Theron Shan would be awesome, though understandably probably won't happen given that a new companion would have to be for both factions. Maybe a Selkath Faction neutral Sentinel/Maurader. I just think those guys are awesome looking.

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I'd like to see a few different people - Kixi, Beryl Thorne (Sue me, my character has a raging crush on her.), that crazy reporter lady from Ord could be good for a few chuckles...I'd love to replace Doc with the woman he dumped. Cytherat DEFINITELY! Avesta is ok, but he's just too damn good not to see more of. Krista from the BH storyline - mohawk lady - is also thoroughly awesome. Okay, I'm noticing a theme, and it's not a bad one to note - more female companions in general. Treek's awesome and ******, but she's not exactly night on the town material. I know I'm going back on what I just said by suggesting an Esh-ka, but the story potential there is just amazing.


Oh! And the Twi'lek guy from the Smuggler storyline on Balmorra is darling.

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I'm not sure I understand why Thana Vesh has such a huge following. Is her arrogance endearingly likeable or something? :rolleyes:


Like I said earlier, I would abuse the punish emote so badly if she was my companion.


It's ok, I don't get it either. I can't stand her. If I never saw her again, it'd be too soon.

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I'll expand on the idea a bit. I have always liked the idea of borrowing from the other faction, and having seen the crossovers in the various stories, there seems to be little reason why several companions couldn't be shared. The potential for my dark side guardian to fight with Jaesa along side or my light side assassin dumping the moaning jedi for a better wife appeals. Perhaps needing to have unlocked them on the other faction, to then steal them on the other side.


In fact, I'd like to see even more than that. A while back I thought a good expansion could be a new class, a force user who has turned their back on both sides. Start out neutral, perhaps on Voss as somewhere that force powers exist, with just one of your original companions. Then explore the galaxy, picking companions from each side, perhaps even having to kill matching ones from the other faction, until you finally have to come down off the fence once more. It would give a bit more customisation to a class, not all having the same combo of companions, even if you somewhat end up back as whatever force style it fed into. A first hero style class starting at 50, fallen from grace with the sith or the jedi, and being drawn back into the war.

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