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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

New Companions


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#1: More romance options with a full actual developed story/conversation chain. This could come from all over, but it'd be nice to have some distinctly different choices. Sure, there's specific suggestions, but more than that, I'd just like to see some different options. (SGR possibilities here would also be nice as actual companions, not just people you meet on Makeb then never see again like any of the other npc flirt options.)


#2: Dr. Evesta and Cytherat would be easy choices to fill #1. Cytherat was the better done story on Makeb, but with Evesta, a lot of that had to do with trying to carry out a romance storyline in front of her Uncle... kind of awkward. I'd like to see more of her though. Easiest part about these two would be that they're faction wide. Also with Cytherat - yeah, no body. Besides, you can also save him, so if its an optional recruit, people can always decide not to recruit him.


#3: Simply storywise, I'd love to see something like a talented young Jedi healer as a companion type to join crews. Right now, we have Guss... it'd be nice for some of the Jedi knights especially (as they lack a healer option, even, though also good for shadows and dps sages) to have a healer who still keeps up the knight & padawan adventuring story option/appearance. Its a Star Wars classic set up and look, but frequently not done, because people would rather run with a healer.

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On a broader discussion, I think it would be nice to fill in the gaps of each class with a companion that wears a gear type that doesn't currently exist in the class. For instance, there are no strength wearing Agent companions. So any strength gear I get from random greeds I just end up vendoring. I even offer to them to teammates and usually they're like, "nah, my comps all have better". You might be able to legacy transfer to some alts, but that only goes so far.
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On a broader discussion, I think it would be nice to fill in the gaps of each class with a companion that wears a gear type that doesn't currently exist in the class. For instance, there are no strength wearing Agent companions. So any strength gear I get from random greeds I just end up vendoring. I even offer to them to teammates and usually they're like, "nah, my comps all have better". You might be able to legacy transfer to some alts, but that only goes so far.


I wouldn't mind this, actually. I've come across this issue with Willpower stuff and my Scoundrel. Having some companions who use each of the stats would be pretty nice, and in some cases (like a Willpower user with a Smuggler), the interaction there would be pretty damn interesting.

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Characters like Thana Vesh, Jaxo and Cytherat are a no go seeing as half the playerbase has killed them off (although Cytharat can be explained by some "hey I didn't actually die" situation) Unless they do some kind of back to the future type stuff, lol... Too bad because I liked a lot of NPCs more than a lot of companions.


I fully expect more global companions in the future. Maybe even some faction specific companions that you can unlock through the storyline instead of just buying them with CC.

Edited by Atma
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Please, no non-humanoid companions unless we're actually able to change the look of their gear. Customization is one of the most fun aspects of this game to me and I make a big deal out of my own and my companion's gear (I like when other players stop, stare and whisper me about the gear :))


I wouldnt mind the imperial security key vendor. She looks awesome.

Edited by MidichIorian
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So if their fate is ambiguous (with death being an option) they are a no-go? Well that eliminates about every other suggestion in this thread and a prospective amount of NPCs that would work as companions. I'd possibly like to see Mia Hawkins (IA Tatooine contact), but given the parameters she wouldn't be a valid suggestion.


Personally I'd probably just like to see more original companions in the form of exotic species and droids. Although I guess that doesn't really work for the crowd that wants companion romance.

Edited by Inflicktion
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I certainly wouldn't mind getting a new companion along the lines of say General Hesker from the Imp side Corellia planetary quests. And a lot of the others that people have mentioned are good too.


Oh ya!!!! I forgots about him. I always liked the good General myself. :D

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-I forget the name of him and if you could kill him or not, but the gormak on Voss for the sith inquisitor storyline, that helped you kill some things in the dreamworld, I would have much preferred him as a companion over Xalek, even though Xalek is pretty cool.

-The jedi on tatooine for smuggler storyline that I believe you could end up killing, would also be a nice melee dps or tank.

-The cathar lady on Balmorra in the bounty hunter storyline was pretty cool, though you did have to (spoilers:) kill her....


-As for planetary storylines, the imperial guard, Hesker I think was his name, would be nice. And the scientist guy who fanboyed over Dr. Oggurobb on Makeb as a republic equivalent. Any makeb npc would make a great companion, Cytharat, the Cathar, Dr. Avesta. Thana Vesh would be cool too.

Edited by Djstingable
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I'm a fan of class-specific stuff, thus I'd prefer it if they continued the stories of the current companions. However, there are a few characters I'd like to see a companions - but limited to a couple of classes. HK and Treek work well as global companions because they were designed around that, but for existing characters global status wouldn't work because it would undermine some part of their established characterization.


JK and JC: Bengel Morr

SW and SI: Watcher One (a high-placed Sith could get him back into Sith Intelligence and thus would be a loyal minion and a good source of information)

Trooper: Jonas Balkar

IA: Watcher Two

Smuggler and BH:

Hylo Visz


Republic: Doc Avesta

Imperial: Thana Vesh

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Thana Vesh for Imp and Republic, Agent Galen from the JK storyline, a Voss, and Watcher X.


Your Agent Galen reminded me of someone else that could make for an interesting companion. When you first get to Tatooine on Pub side you end up talking to a droid near the exit of the spaceport who puts you in touch with Agent Fauler to sart the planetary quest that ends w/ "The thing Czerka found". Fauler has got a seemingly natural sense of humor that would posses me to find out what kind of trouble we'd be able to get into trouble with.


On a side note for this one, I've tried looking it up and haven't been able to find the answer AFAIK, but does anyone know who the voice actor is for him? It's one I swear I have heard before but I can't quite place it.

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Characters like Thana Vesh, Jaxo and Cytherat are a no go seeing as half the playerbase has killed them off (although Cytharat can be explained by some "hey I didn't actually die" situation) Unless they do some kind of back to the future type stuff, lol... Too bad because I liked a lot of NPCs more than a lot of companions.


I fully expect more global companions in the future. Maybe even some faction specific companions that you can unlock through the storyline instead of just buying them with CC.


The Morichro Force power would easily work as an out for Thana Vesh.


Personally, I'd use that and bring her back as a dark side companion for the Republic characters. She's got too many enemies in the Empire so only the Republic could protect her. She'd be a great romance option for dark side characters which is something only the Smuggler really got. It might even be fun if she was now part cyborg as a way of helping explain what happened to her.


But yeah, love me some Thana Vesh. :ph_love_this:

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As I suppose all next companions will be common for all classes...

Visas Marr (or at least female Miraluka with same voice actor) Jaesa type (convertible) as force healer :cool:

Chiss ranged dps/tank - military adviser / defector (to be available for all classes).

Voss & Gormak duo as Treek based companion (one heal, other tank - may use only one at a time/send only one at crew mission/crafting) - most conversations include both and player have to put some diplomacy to gain affection.

Nautolan (any type).

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