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The Super Secret Space Project is revealed... or at least teased!


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For it to be worth the hype they have to go the full way and allow the use of a joy stick and offer the same sort of flight sim JTL did.


Anything less and they will be setting themselves up for backlash when the reality doesn't live up to the hype and we get a slight upgrade on the flight system they already have which very very few people play.


There will be backlash no matter what.


I highly, highly doubt this will be a free space simulator like JTL. Probably just some pvp/multiplayer missions. And I'm totally cool with that.

Edited by Atma
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Yeah, I'm stoked, cant wait until I have to :-


pay 1000 CC's to enter

pay 1000 CC's for a ship

pay 100 CC's per ship mod

pay 10 CC's per missile

pay 1 CC per laser shot

pay 10,000 CC's to customise my ship colour etc


As I say, stoked :p


(sorry, in cynical mode today :p)

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Not quite sure why all these people are jizzing themselves. I can't see anything in that video that looks any different from what we already have. The video tells us nothing.


Might be great. Might not. No way to tell even what kind of a thing it is from this.

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Not quite sure why all these people are jizzing themselves. I can't see anything in that video that looks any different from what we already have. The video tells us nothing.


Might be great. Might not. No way to tell even what kind of a thing it is from this.


Some people are more observant than others. And some, clearly, are hopeless.

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Didn't really see anything new there. Would want to see more actual gameplay. I mean gameplay that is obviously gameplay and not some cut scene that just happens to look like gameplay.


all the footage is obviously in game footage developed by bioware on their engine and not some fancy cgi cinematic, that's a big deal. the end strongly suggests actual off rails gameplay not a cut scene, its not a lot to go by info wise but if you have been paying attention to rumors and such the video strongly suggests the sssp is very real and is on its way... soon


not much but its more then vague promises that it is in development, a reasonable excitement for this is fully justified

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Sorry, maybe I am not over-analysing the way everyone else is, but that looked to me like exactly what we already have.


I didn't see anything there that looked new. That could have been a teaser for our current space missions as far as I could see.


Looked the same to me as well. Just with different ships. That twitch people claim to see is the same thing you get with moving your mouse in the current content.


If you don't have full control of your ship like direction, speed, including full stop, yaw, pitch, and roll, then it isn't something that interests me.

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It is not on rails. It is free flight and with different ships because our ships really aren't made for combat. Yes, we go to missions in space to do the tunnel shooter thing, but that is just because they do not have the space xpac out right now.


No, there will not be on rails space. Yes, it is free flight, and yes it will come in an expansion pack. ;) Don't get discouraged. I know it's hard not to sometimes, but please remain positive and when it comes it will blow you away. I guarantee that


Just wait for more announcements!

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For it to be worth the hype they have to go the full way and allow the use of a joy stick and offer the same sort of flight sim JTL did.


Anything less and they will be setting themselves up for backlash when the reality doesn't live up to the hype and we get a slight upgrade on the flight system they already have which very very few people play.


I agree. My old Sidewinder wants to get back into action.

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It is not on rails. It is free flight and with different ships because our ships really aren't made for combat. Yes, we go to missions in space to do the tunnel shooter thing, but that is just because they do not have the space xpac out right now.


No, there will not be on rails space. Yes, it is free flight, and yes it will come in an expansion pack. ;) Don't get discouraged. I know it's hard not to sometimes, but please remain positive and when it comes it will blow you away. I guarantee that


Just wait for more announcements!


Who are you and why should anyone listen to you.

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Looked the same to me as well. Just with different ships. That twitch people claim to see is the same thing you get with moving your mouse in the current content.


If you don't have full control of your ship like direction, speed, including full stop, yaw, pitch, and roll, then it isn't something that interests me.


You have to purposefully dense to not see this is FREE FLIGHT movement. Even the damn entities used in the code say "free flight."


This isn't going to be a full flight simulator for god sakes. Its going to be a very arcade like flight sim that is going to be simple enough to control with a keyboard and mouse. Its obviously PvP oriented combat and bioware isn't going to alienate their very large casual base with some flight scheme that is so complex you need rudders and a flight stick.


Why don't you try being objective? How about looking at this as a big step forward in this game? The masses said they wanted free flight combat. Now they are getting it.


If you want a FULL space flight simulator go sign up for star citizen. This is a theme park game.

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It is not on rails. It is free flight and with different ships because our ships really aren't made for combat. Yes, we go to missions in space to do the tunnel shooter thing, but that is just because they do not have the space xpac out right now.


No, there will not be on rails space. Yes, it is free flight, and yes it will come in an expansion pack. ;) Don't get discouraged. I know it's hard not to sometimes, but please remain positive and when it comes it will blow you away. I guarantee that


Just wait for more announcements!



SO...will this expansion will come with new levels or just the sssp?


i say this as it seem you know more than what you are saying

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You have to purposefully dense to not see this is FREE FLIGHT movement. Even the damn entities used in the code say "free flight."


This isn't going to be a full flight simulator for god sakes. Its going to be a very arcade like flight sim that is going to be simple enough to control with a keyboard and mouse. Its obviously PvP oriented combat and bioware isn't going to alienate their very large casual base with some flight scheme that is so complex you need rudders and a flight stick.


Why don't you try being objective? How about looking at this as a big step forward in this game? The masses said they wanted free flight combat. Now they are getting it.


If you want a FULL space flight simulator go sign up for star citizen. This is a theme park game.


What I saw looked like simple mouse movements using the same view that's already in the game. No speed changes were evident, and no UI was shown. Until I actually see how it works in person, then I will not give them the benefit of the doubt. They have never shown me any reason to trust them for anything.

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What I saw looked like simple mouse movements using the same view that's already in the game. No speed changes were evident, and no UI was shown. Until I actually see how it works in person, then I will not give them the benefit of the doubt. They have never shown me any reason to trust them for anything.


Yet here you are, playing the game. Seems kind of odd for someone who doesn't even "trust" the company. Oh you poor thing. You can't trust them but you keep p(l)aying.


Meh, not my problem though. All yours.

Edited by Arkerus
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For it to be worth the hype they have to go the full way and allow the use of a joy stick and offer the same sort of flight sim JTL did.


Anything less and they will be setting themselves up for backlash when the reality doesn't live up to the hype and we get a slight upgrade on the flight system they already have which very very few people play.


only swg vets wont except anything less then a open space sim where you can fly anywhere and dance inside your ship while getting blown out of the air


but then again swg fans have never been happy with anything less then swg, actually not even swg most of the time lol


I think the majority of players don't expect a JTL expansion and are more then happy just to receive a new space game not on rails, pvp dog fights are icing on the cake if we can land on ships and fight inside or have a pve aspect with pve missions like escorts and defend / destroy / land and take control of capital ships well that's way more then I expect and will be very pleasantly suprised


the sensible players knew long ago it was never going to a open space flight sim where I can pilot from tatooine to ilum hunting down and dog fighting other players, exploring asteroids along the way or engaged in massive space battles with the servers slowed down to a crawl to support the slide show of lines like eve

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Lets make sure we cast a negative palor by pointing out that some folks will not find the new feature acceptable.


Because naturally we need to be reminded that you can't please everyone.


Yes, some folks will likely not like it. Some folks will. Believe it or not, I would bet that most folks are aware of this and do not require being reminded so that some folks can complain about the complainers before they even start complaining.....


Oof. Got a cramp from that one.

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Yet here you are, playing the game. Seems kind of odd for someone who doesn't even "trust" the company. Oh you poor thing. You can't trust them but you keep p(l)aying.


Meh, not my problem though. All yours.


I don't think trust needed quotes, but I give you a 5/10 for being an adequate EABW fanboy.

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