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Are more people coming or going?


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It's been quiet the last weeks but its also the last weeks of the summer. A lot of my guildies and friends are vacationing, moving back to college, moving, getting ready for school, etc. So I feel the quiet is just coincidence, not causal.


Incidently, I've also seen some old players come back to the game, leveling their 50s in anticipation of arenas. So I guess we'll just have to wait and see?

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The people who quit weren't having fun with warzones themselves, they were either trying to stroke their ego with raising their rating over 9,000 or just holding on so as not to let their guild team down.


No. Most people were holding on for the "PvP" patch in 2.4 but when the pvp player base got a good look at what the "PvP" patch brought to pvp it turned out to be the straw for alot of pvpers.


* Removal of PvP content / No start of Season 1 for rated 8v8 because of its removal.

* No Class Balancing. This was my biggest problem. As a player base we have gotten maybe three relevant skill balances throughout the life of the game and to not give us a skill balance for a "PvP" patch is beyond silly.

* Addition of a new pvp game type that got mixed reviews from serious pvpers in the community.

* Arenas are launching with less then promised. Three instead of Four.

* Huttball is all but gone.

* Community Managers that belittle the player base. Unintentionally. Heal to Full.

* No Response to MAJOR concerns. Total disregard of the pvp community and all its very founded worries.


and the slap in the face

* More PvE content will be released with the "PvP" patch then PvP content.


I've hit the unsub button. I'm just upset that I completely bought into the "wait for the PvP" patch hype and payed for multiple character transfers and a three month subscription continuation before looking into what I would be getting.

Edited by LingeringDrama
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No. Most people were holding on for the "PvP" patch in 2.4 but when the pvp player base got a good look at what the "PvP" patch brought to pvp it turned out to be the straw for alot of pvpers.


* Removal of PvP content / No start of Season 1 for rated 8v8 because of its removal.

* No Class Balancing. This was my biggest problem. As a player base we have gotten maybe three relevant skill balances throughout the life of the game and to not give us a skill balance for a "PvP" patch is beyond silly.

* Addition of a new pvp game type that got mixed reviews from serious pvpers in the community.

* Arenas are launching with less then promised. Three instead of Four.

* Huttball is all but gone.

* Community Managers that belittle the player base. Unintentionally. Heal to Full.

* No Response to MAJOR concerns. Total disregard of the pvp community and all its very founded worries.


and the slap in the face

* More PvE content will be released with the "PvP" patch then PvP content.


I've hit the unsub button. I'm just upset that I completely bought into the "wait for the PvP" patch hype and payed for multiple character transfers and a three month subscription continuation before looking into what I would be getting.


Exactly /endthread

Edited by Aewu
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I find more interesting talking about 'is punk dead or no?'.

Do you really think that after the removal of the f2p restriction the whole 'omg they are removing ranked 8/8' is going to be relevant?



C'mon, this thread, this question for me is only for an amusement. How can ppl be going if BW announce that they are:

1) removing f2p restriction

2) arenas are coming - most of the ppl, will love them because they are short, full-fledged team death-match (in the last man standing variation but still death-match). Ppl like death-match more then objective based maps, since they don't require strategy. This will be made ofc to appeal to the wide community (aka causal players) but still they are the air for this game, not some hard core pvpers.

3) RWZ will be 4/4 instead 8/8 so there you need less ppl on your side to have a fun in ranked. More guilds will be playing them since there wont be need for any specific team composition and/or strategy.

4) Even if you wont have a friends/guildies or so, you will be able so solo q in the RWZ. Many new ppl will give a shot to this. Even more, grinding for the new Obrean set will be much easier so more will be playing them.

5) above all, there will be (finally!) the matchmaking system (elo, trueskill like). It wont be a perfect one (just like the lol system isn't) but it will do a job. More ppl will find this game more comfortable aka faster queues pop.

6) Secret Space Project can be a PvP in space and if it will be, nobody will give a damn about anything that was prior to the PvP in space.


So yea, ppl are going, pvp and swtor are dead! :)

Edited by MasterBLASTERpl
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it all comes down to class balance. this game has 1, maybe 2 class balances A YEAR. They can add all these awesome features, space pvp, arenas, gladitor pits, 1v1 ranked duels, 25 new warzones, whatever, and nothing absolutely nothing changes until they can put out better class balancing more frequently.


There's no excuse why some classes go months (and even years) being underpowered or overpowered. It took them a year to fix dps mercs to make them viable in pvp. Smash monkeys are still OP after a year+, and they get minor buffs even.. Operative healers have been OP for awhile, no end in sight for at least 6+ months, probably more.


I'd rather then over buff certain classes but adjust balancing more frequently (like once a month) then the crap we have now. There are no FotM in this game, they are FotY...

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More guilds will be playing them since there wont be need for any specific team composition and/or strategy.



LOL. With 4v4, team composition will actually be MORE important than it was in 8v8. And coordination will be even more important, have fun trying to kill a guarded op healer without it.


I don't doubt more guilds will be playing them initially, but sadly, I don't expect that to last long.

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Q.Q ಥ_ಥ ಢ_ಢ ಢ_ಥ

Like I said in another thread - or was it the same one? - GL in Asseroth. Kill a panda for me.


Is that where you're going?

Because that's the only place you're going to find "hardcore" tab-targeted cooldown-based penalty-free asleep-doable PvP where both sides win in the end.


EVE requires not only dedication, but also balls way above what SWTOR RWZ community has managed to muster for the past year - else Ranked would not have died.


For the neophytes out there, let me explain: In EVE, every time you go into PvP, you put permanent loss of ship and character on the line. You can insure its hull, but not the outfit, and ready a clone for skills, so you don't restart a nobody in a noobship - think going 55 to 45 with all your 55 sh*t vendored.


That's what real PvP is like.

Meanwhile, PvPers in SWTOR have been avoiding random queuing for ranked matches so as to avoid losing their rating, instead spending time "practicing" against regs. Not losing their characters, not losing levels, not losing gear. Just having their PvP rating corrected to better reflect their actual performance results. Yes, not everyone, not all the time, but we've all done that, and we've all seen that.


Good job! Here come the fruits of your labor.


This was never the way RWZ were meant to work. They weren't to be a black tie event. They were to be a game mode you'd progress to once you found a PvP guild, move forward to it. A meaningful rating can only be calculated with thousands of games, not a rare pre-arranged match.


Support is, sadly, a two-way street. We haven't been supporting Ranked on our end. We had the button, but we saved it for that one day in a week when our very best are all online and we can Q against just the right opponent.

And Bioware isn't into telepathy. What they saw the button was pressed once a week, what they concluded was that we didn't care, not than we cared so much as to play 99 regs to 1 ranked to sit on out ratings.


Chances have been given. Dual-queuing was available. Time has been plentiful. It got nowhere.

SWTOR RWZ community proved about as hardcore as My Little Pony fandom, recent mass /ragequit only being another case in point.


Take some responsibility FFS. You didn't want ranked full-time, you didn't want ranked for the masses, you wanted exclusive - now everyone's excluded. Print your rating out and frame it on the wall; that exclusive enough?

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Dang. I had been thinking of transferring a toon to a pvp server. I know it feels as if pve is dying too. Seen a decent raiding guild fall apart over the summer. Had some friends and guildies leave the game as well. Guess that's what happens when you recycle an existing op. Hope the hardcore guilds have enough subs to keep the game afloat.


So will there be no 8v8 at all? I guess sorcs found out how bad they have it when they can't get away with casting while people are focused on all the other people. It's always felt as if pvp isn't balanced. I've seen so many fotms rolled.

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LOL. With 4v4, team composition will actually be MORE important than it was in 8v8. And coordination will be even more important, have fun trying to kill a guarded op healer without it.


I don't doubt more guilds will be playing them initially, but sadly, I don't expect that to last long.


This. Op healer and Marauder only givens imo. Even Jugg tanks can be replaced by powertechs if your team has a dps jugg.

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End of Story.


There is a reason they are called Flavor of the Month classes... Skill Balances should be monthly.


They shouldn't been done monthly. They should be done right and fair once until new content released says otherwise. For instance if the game is fair, but a new warzone favors certain classes over another, then class balance should be addressed, but other then that it should be done correct the first time or *** is the point of the pts. I'm continuously dumbfounded how a pts is available and bw still can't come out with good class balancing. It's decent for 8v8 pvp, but for arenas no way will they get balancing good enough anytime soon. There are to many common sense things that need to be addressed before balancing can be good for 8v8 and decent for arenas.

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While there are issues FF14 just started and judging from reports it had a record breaking opening.

Servers are all full with que times to get in and all digital copy sales have been suspended.


I would venture a guess that many have gone to try it and many will return just like they did for GW2.


FF14 has no PvP so I am guessing it will get old very fast.

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While there are issues FF14 just started and judging from reports it had a record breaking opening.

Servers are all full with que times to get in and all digital copy sales have been suspended.


I would venture a guess that many have gone to try it and many will return just like they did for GW2.


FF14 has no PvP so I am guessing it will get old very fast.



Just speaking for my own guilds here - none of the people in my guilds who have mostly stopped playing (at least for now, who knows) are doing it because of FF14. With GW2, a number of the people I knew *did* leave to try it out. Like, as far as I know, zero. I will admit that I can only say that about my own guild, though.


A lot of them seem to be looking for something to do while waiting for Wildstar.

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Just speaking for my own guilds here - none of the people in my guilds who have mostly stopped playing (at least for now, who knows) are doing it because of FF14. With GW2, a number of the people I knew *did* leave to try it out. Like, as far as I know, zero. I will admit that I can only say that about my own guild, though.


A lot of them seem to be looking for something to do while waiting for Wildstar.


this sounds familiar. my guild's pvp element was crushed when GW2 came out. half of the ppl that left for GW2 came back, but the rest just left and never came back. our PVP was never the same but did put together a couple different spurts of rated teams. fast forward to paid transfers, about a month of pvp, and now nobody logs on or even thinks about ranked (since 2.4 announcements). and sadly, it's not because they're playing on PTS (although I do think a lot of the competition was).


and yes, most/all of the core members are playing other games in mumble while waiting (presumably) for wildstar because, and I quote, "it's not SWTOR."

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They shouldn't been done monthly. They should be done right and fair once until new content released says otherwise. For instance if the game is fair, but a new warzone favors certain classes over another, then class balance should be addressed, but other then that it should be done correct the first time or *** is the point of the pts. I'm continuously dumbfounded how a pts is available and bw still can't come out with good class balancing. It's decent for 8v8 pvp, but for arenas no way will they get balancing good enough anytime soon. There are to many common sense things that need to be addressed before balancing can be good for 8v8 and decent for arenas.


you cannot blame the devs for not coming up with perfect balancing everytime out. Players are crafty, and there will always be some unthought of synergy with a skill that makes a spec/class op. Thats why a monthly balance is necessary. When these issues occur, they can be addressed within a month, rather than a year like it is now. Take the PT changes on PTS right now. When that goes live, no matter what occurs, we are stuck with those changes for at least a year. When a spec is found that makes them OP(and i already see one instance of this on pts) we're going have to live through months of qq posts, unbalanced warzones, etc.


Right now, areans look like a 2xmar + op healer + PT fest. At least monthly balances, while maybe making obscure specs like sin madness OP for a month, at least they can catch the gross OPness of specs quickly and deal with it. If nothing else, it lets the playerbase know that every month something is being done for balancing. As it is now, no one knows when/if the next balance is coming.

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this sounds familiar. my guild's pvp element was crushed when GW2 came out. half of the ppl that left for GW2 came back, but the rest just left and never came back. our PVP was never the same but did put together a couple different spurts of rated teams. fast forward to paid transfers, about a month of pvp, and now nobody logs on or even thinks about ranked (since 2.4 announcements). and sadly, it's not because they're playing on PTS (although I do think a lot of the competition was).


and yes, most/all of the core members are playing other games in mumble while waiting (presumably) for wildstar because, and I quote, "it's not SWTOR."


Funny, because that's exactly what we're* doing this afternoon. Sitting in mumble playing other games that aren't SWTOR. Believe it or not, most of us are redownloading WoW, of all things. How sad is that?


*my POT5 guild.

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you cannot blame the devs for not coming up with perfect balancing everytime out. Players are crafty, and there will always be some unthought of synergy with a skill that makes a spec/class op. Thats why a monthly balance is necessary. When these issues occur, they can be addressed within a month, rather than a year like it is now. Take the PT changes on PTS right now. When that goes live, no matter what occurs, we are stuck with those changes for at least a year. When a spec is found that makes them OP(and i already see one instance of this on pts) we're going have to live through months of qq posts, unbalanced warzones, etc.


Right now, areans look like a 2xmar + op healer + PT fest. At least monthly balances, while maybe making obscure specs like sin madness OP for a month, at least they can catch the gross OPness of specs quickly and deal with it. If nothing else, it lets the playerbase know that every month something is being done for balancing. As it is now, no one knows when/if the next balance is coming.


Some of what you're saying holds value, but why would we just go ahead and purposefully make an obscure spec op for the **** of it. The whole purpose of balancing is balance. Balance doesn't even necessarily mean giving sorc the bursty on the go heals that ops have, but by giving them something ops don't have such as bubble, armor buff, and force cleanse it becomes a class that will be utilized. Also, even s a madness sorc who can use a boost, I would feel uncomfortable knowing my class will be changed every month. Little tweaks every few months are necessary, but it doesn't take a bunch or crafty players coming up with hidden techniques to realize that sorcs, especially lightning can use a defensive cooldown, and madness could use more force and group damage because atm its almost a direct downgrade to lethality snipers. Every time new pvp content is released classes should be changed accordingly, but not drastically, and if tweaks every 3-4 weeks are necessary then they should be applied. Buffing madness sins just for lols and then nerfing them back to crap isn't very smart. Making classes as fair as possible then tweaking every once in a while sounds better.

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The imbalance is what makes people roll fotm alts. They have known for a while now that sent has a ton more useful cds for pvp than other classes. It's just sad knowing that when you are getting jumped by a sent that even if you can do some damage that you will still die before the fight is over. I was excited about them trying to reset cc break on death, it may have been a bad idea but it was something. Pvp is such a stun fest to begin with, now I hate getting stunned in pve. Pvp to me never really feels like I'm fighting. It's more like I die, respawn, then run to an objective to die over and over again. Yeah it's better when grouped, but it feels you end up spending more time running somewhere than actually fighting.
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The whole purpose of balancing is balance.


Complete Balance is unobtainable. Unless you are playing a very dry and simple game ie: Paper, Rock, Scissors. The whole purpose of balancing is to create a power shift in the way the game is currently being played. Every "balance" will allow the player base to continually hunt for the "perfect" class build and team dynamic... which of course will change again a month when the next class balance is released. The reason this works is because hypothetically every class gets its day in the sun and the player base will constantly be forced to change the way they play. Star Wars game play is and has been stagnate for a very very very long time... Balance will not change that but a shift of power in various classes would. The whole purpose to regular class balances are to give the players something new and shiny to play with, without the need to add new content.

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I unsubbed and quit SWTOR 2 months or so ago frustrated with the bolster bugs/exploits not getting fixed. Just resubbed today to try the PTS server out for 4v4 and its broken... lol


I am 1 of the leaders of a pure pvp guild on pot5 <PvP>. When I stopped playing and unsubbed 2 months ago there were probably a solid 10-15 players online prime time in guild every night doing WZ's. Now it looks like most people have gone inactive or quit the guild to join active guilds. Not sure if any of them are going to come back. When I log in there isnt anyone online Maybe 10/192 people have logged in in the past week.


I personally dont know why they would remove 8v8 ranked. 4v4 ranked looks like fun though. The main thing 4v4 ranked is going to do is help people focus more on their micro fighting coordination since there will not be any objectives to fight over. 4v4 will force people to get better at the fundamentals of PvP.


4v4 will definitely be a make it or break it for me. If it is good I will stick around. Otherwise as expected I'll find another game to play instead. Hope to see some bugs get worked out too. If this game ran more smooth and had less problems I'd be investing way more time and probably spending a lot more cartel coins simply to show support for a smooth running game.


I took a break from SWTOR and played Rift for a couple months. Nice thing about Rift is it is 100% free to play, free to download. Unlike SWTOR if you arent paying its pretty much not even worth playing the game. Bad part of Rift is the developers have said over and over they have no plans to add arenas into the game. It does have sweet huge Warfronts (WZ) 20vs20 and the game engine can handle huge world pvp events. Rift also has a leaderboards/matchmaking so you can see how you rank in pvp and eventually go against similar skilled players. From what I hear there isnt any restrictions on making premades either...




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It may be hard to tell with pts up, but with the arrival of 2.4 will more people be coming back into the game or will more people be leaving?


People will whine on here about leaving due to the PvP changes but they are troll faced liars, they will still play this game and the **** PvP that it offers.


While I wish they had more open ended, open world PvP instead of the WOW carbon copy WZ and arena bull ****, I can say I am happy to see 8 vs * leave the scene of this game. I do think it was the easy, lazy *** way to fix a host of im balancing issues with this game it's the smart way to do it without doing a **** ton of work.


One thing I am very happy to see them do away with is the Partisans gear and offer the Conq for those that want to get caught up and be competitive, after being gone for a year or so (I do think they strive for fairness, even with us casuals).

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People can only take so many let downs....


2.0 was a let down before 2.0 many classes were viable, hell even commando/merc dps were a viable pick for rateds if the player was good. Since 2.0 its has all just been mara's/snipers/jugs/op heals.


Biofail can only **** things up so many times before people leave.


Oh well arena's will be fun for like the first 2 weeks after that only the super meta comp teams will be left playing and winning and after that 4v4s will become 8v8s all over again very few people queuing up for them.



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