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PVP Quitting Debuff already!


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Dear Bioware,


Can we please get a PVP deserter debuff going already! It isn't healthy for a server to constantly go into matches and have people quit the moment something goes wrong. It's becoming a joke really. Every WZ has someone quitting because things aren't going their way. It is bad for the server and bad for the community.


If you can be locked out for 15mins from Flash Points, then why can't you for PvP? It doesn't make sense. You've already messed up bolster for PvPer's what else is next? What's going to happen when pugs join 4v4 and they quit screwing team mates of a competitive match?


Please sign the post fellow PvPer's and get this implemented!

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Its a hard problem with not a simple solution.


Let suppose they implement a penalty thats harsh enough people don't quit WarZones. Now they go and sit on a defence node and still don't contribute for the rest of the match. You'll even end up with idiots that will stand there and watch people cap to spite you.


Therefore to support this you need a ability for the WarZone group to be able to vote kick you from the team. So those that dont quit because of penalties also need to at least show they are pulling their weight or the team vote kicks them.


Make it if your vote kicked you get ZERO medals, that way those provoking you into vote kicking them, you can wait till theres a minute left on the WarZone and then vote kick them so they wasted their time and get zero reward.


However you know the reason this or your original request will never be implemented, because Bioware will take the path of least resistance. Implementing either systems will generate more in game tickets through the whingers whining about being penalised because they are awesome but no one else can see that.

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If you can be locked out for 15mins from Flash Points, then why can't you for PvP? It doesn't make sense. You've already messed up bolster for PvPer's what else is next?

New Bolster would've been the best improvement to PvP in this game since Hypergate if it weren't the sole competitor.


The flashpoint quitting lockout has been nothing other than a pain in the *** for everyone involved. No one stays to do an hour-long FP with a chance of wipe and repair bills, that matter to non-raiders, just to avoid that lockout.


The only 'issue' the lockout prevents is when 4 people Q for everything for the daily and then collectively decide they don't want to do this FP because their vehicle mission or whatever requires another one. Which isn't actually an issue for anyone.


WZ quitting with immediate return has been used a lot of time to grab PvP gear from cargo bay, grab the dailies/weeklies for everyone, etc. Any penalty considered should take into account acceptable vs unacceptable timeframe for quitting, and this isn't easy to do.


It should also consider cost vs benefit. The cost is a waste of players' time - to sit and wait locked out, to cheat the system by alt+f4, even to sit out 180/540 Civil War - as well as afk'ers in warzones. How large are the benefits?

If this cost-benefit fails, something as small as a counter of WZ quits could be enough.


None of use like quitters, but we can't force them to stay and actually fight.

Edited by B-Dick
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Simple solution, matchmaking by valor. If you leave you are a coward, you lose valor, you get matched with other cowards in queue.


If you leave more than 5 warzones in a day you get branded as a coward for the next 24 hours too.


For getting less than 6-8 medals you lose valor too.


Everybody wants to see Somescrub the Coward standing by the pvp terminal at fleet.

Edited by ErikGW
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Simple solution, matchmaking by valor. If you leave you are a coward, you lose valor, you get matched with other cowards in queue.


If you leave more than 5 warzones in a day you get branded as a coward for the next 24 hours too.


For getting less than 6-8 medals you lose valor too.


Everybody wants to see Somescrub the Coward standing by the pvp terminal at fleet.


I like this idea. give valour a meaning. Giving a forced title of coward if you loose X amount of valour in a 24 hour windows is a great idea.


Shame is will never come to pass :-(

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Yeah sure i like this BUT only if they also put a PVP debuff for the same lengh of time and AUTOMATIC KICK for:


1-People that don't play for the objective.

2-People that are just flat out BAD. Over here you have things like:

a- People not looking behind themselfs and someone plants a bom on a door (or caps a turret/bunker).

b- People are running around like morons AWAY from a turret/bunker or whatever and they lose it.

c-People that all go to cap pylon and then all leave it..

d-People that don't attack that damn, blasted, marked healer.

And so on, the list is huge.

3-People that don't have the right gear.

4-Perople that don't have augments.

5-People that don't have an advanced spec (yes i run into this dudes just as well).

6-People that don't play as a team...

7-People who don't listen even when it makes perfect sense..

Like in a game last night... We had west, and mid for most of the game... The enemy had a LOT of healers... We eventually lost mid and knowing that in no way we get anything again when the enemy is there defending i asked the guy at west to come with me and 1 other guy to cap east FAST... Of course he ignored me with a "no man, i must DEFENED"... If he was there we would have captured east and won the game... He did not and we lost the game.


Sorry OP but if this happends i am just going o go "defened" something the AFK way.




A vote kick like that would be to EASY to abuse... No thx.

Edited by Xanas
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You know what? At this point I'd rather they quit early, because:


1. most of the quitters are bad to begin with, now you might get someone better to replace him

2. even if they aren't bad, you want them gone if they don't want to be there, otherwise they'll be completely unproductive or worse, sabotage your team.

Edited by anwg
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If the guy wants to sit and collect bs medals, let him and the guy guarding can join the frey, or vote kick the quitter, he will still get the debuff just like PvE.


You are missing the point, the guy AFKing at the node isn't going to defend ****. He wants out of the match and the fastest way to do that is to actually HELP the other side. So you force him to remain and you now have to deal with them possible working against you. Not guarding nodes, breaking CCs or even running the ball to your side and then throwing it the other team. Making them stay in the match has a chance of making it even less enjoyable for everyone involved.

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Ok so let me ask you a question.


If you come into a WZ, see that 4 people on your team have only 2100 or less main stat and 1700 or less expertise. One person has 1900 main stat and 1300 experise (I still don't know how he managed to do this btw, he must have taken the crappiest gear he could find and put one expertise mod in each of them), you are facing against one of the strongest pvp guilds on your server and you finished your daily and are trying to get some wins for you weekly. What would you do in this case?


I'm sorry but if people can't take a few minutes to study the bolster and get some 66 blue gear (cheap on GTN now) and/or can't take 10 minutes to augment their partisan gear I don't have 15 minutes or more to waste playing with them. And don't give me any bs about you can't afford it, everyone can afford some blues by level 55 (especially if your entire right side is full partisan gear). You don't have to augment earpieces and implants but at least augment the right side.


If we lose because the other side is better than us and/or is in fully min/maxed conqueror gear, oh well it happens. But I hate playing with people who don't even have enough respect for their fellow players to take 10 minutes to augment and read about how to gear up.

Edited by sithBracer
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CW 2 days ago:


1. Join match

2. Inspect and see 2 with legacy expertise stats

3. See 3rd teammate without relics, implants, or OH

4. Communicate and play objs to win while 1 guy AFKs and 4 others pack up to chase solo reds around the map

5. Leave hoping to requeue with players who actually try


Sure, put a debuff in. It won't change the reasons why I leave (which don't include losing) or that I will be leaving. In lieu of official matchmaking I do my own when needed.

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Ok so let me ask you a question.


If you come into a WZ, see that 4 people on your team have only 2100 or less main stat and 1700 or less expertise. One person has 1900 main stat and 1300 experise (I still don't know how he managed to do this btw, he must have taken the crappiest gear he could find and put one expertise mod in each of them), you are facing against one of the strongest pvp guilds on your server and you finished your daily and are trying to get some wins for you weekly. What would you do in this case?


I'm sorry but if people can't take a few minutes to study the bolster and get some 66 blue gear (cheap on GTN now) and/or can't take 10 minutes to augment their partisan gear I don't have 15 minutes or more to waste playing with them. And don't give me any bs about you can't afford it, everyone can afford some blues by level 55 (especially if your entire right side is full partisan gear). You don't have to augment earpieces and implants but at least augment the right side.


If we lose because the other side is better than us and/or is in fully min/maxed conqueror gear, oh well it happens. But I hate playing with people who don't even have enough respect for their fellow players to take 10 minutes to augment and read about how to gear up.


Won't need wins for your weekly anymore come 2.4. So what the OP really wants is to be one step closer to having a lot of dead weight just sitting around in the WZ waiting for it to end rather than quit. More people standing at the goal in Huttball on purpose so the other team can score faster, win faster and end it faster.


I'd assume someone who doesn't want to be there, just quit rather than encourage the scenario above.

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Unless they separate the arena/WZ queues, no thanks.


I will be quitting out of any arena i zone into. No desire whatsoever to play with 3 randoms against practiced teams, and no desire to practice a team myself for boring arena play.


I am sorry, but I dont pay/play to be someone elses fun, I play to have fun myself. And arena play, to me, is not fun.


Still waiting on that huttball league/queue.

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When I see double full conqueror min/max premade enemy team and my team is full pug I quit.


Running away from a difficult fight is still a definition of cowardice.

That can be fixed by queueing premades against premades, but the same people who support rage quitting are usually the same people who think it's unfair that premades NOT queue against pugs.


The solution for all is improved matchups. PuG vs pug, premade vs premade (unless nobody is queued and you have to mix). And valor or win/loss matching to match people in the same skill level.


I also agree quitting should lower valor and should queue you with other quitters. Imagine if all the quitters had to play together. Backfilling each other in the same three hopeless warzones.


Divine justice.

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How about the ability to ignore a player means no pvp teaming with them either?


At the end of a warzone, a nice display showing who left and a click to ignore those that left perhaps?


Also, if you quit a warzone, you should not pop back in 20 seconds later, in the same warzone, ever!

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