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Reasons why SWTOR will be F2P in 6 mos


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Has Multi-core support

Not needed

They have lots of detailed responses

Not needed

The community doesnt need more respect when they whine and complain with no constructive criticism and make TOR die in 6 month threads.

Duh? New planet next month.

Lots of servers currently, take your pick.


I love how you just dismiss things as not needed without any elaboration at all.


I just spent $300 upgrading my already stellar computer even more because I want to run warzones as smoothly as possible since that it what I plan on spending most of my time doing. Apparently Bioware isn't responsible for providing us with either accurate system specs or a mention that warzones are or are not functioning properly.


Seriously, I can run a 32v32 on Battlefield 3 with every setting on high flawlessly running a 8v8 in an MMO with every setting on low is too much for my computer to handle. You think that's ok?


I don't feel like arguing every point there that is just something that bothers me more than most things...

Edited by Paganini
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So because some critics go about it the wrong way you dismiss all criticism? Yes, I said all criticism because my post that you quoted just said "critics". Not the OP, not any thread in particular, just "critics"


And I have seen what the OP posted, it's a little over the top because it needs to grab attention. Thats how things work on a forum that moves this quickly, welcome to the real world.


But beneath the OP's obvious frustration you can see a lot of constructive criticism, you just didn't notice it because you read the provocative thread title and then immediately dialed up the rest of the Bioware defense squad and started flaming away.


Since you lack basic reading comprehension abilities (and the ability to type simple english sentences) let me make it simple for you.


The OP suggests that Bioware needs to include:


Multi-Core support

64 bit client support

More detailed community responses

Give us an updated minimum systems requirement since Warzones seem to clog up significantly more resources than any other part of the game

Community admins should treat players with more respect

More end-game content

More servers/server transfers


Now, was that so hard?


yes sorry i shoulda correct your quote


critics =/= constructive critcism

and because you actually spend the time for the OP to post a valid suggestion lets see


Multi-Core support

Nice feature to add but atm there isnt' any real need for that, this isnt' a DX10 Heavy - DX11 that need 8 threads to work in acceptable FPS

64 bit client support

Not a game breaking feature that misses. Hell lots of programms come out for 32bit OS. Do you know what a 64bit application does and where is needed? or you read it in this forums? You need 64bit if your application needs the extra memory mapping (more than the 3GB). Since the OS is working with both 32bit and 64bit programms then there is absolute NO NEED to make it 64bit if it doesnt' need more than 3gb of ram

More detailed community responses

They are busy deleting the trolls. Yes they need to improve that

Give us an updated minimum systems requirement since Warzones seem to clog up

in which game you saw: Minimum req for X place : pentium 200ghz , minimum req for the Y place: i7 960 . Yes what nowhere. Minimum requirements are what they are...well minimum

Community admins should treat players with more respect

Respect the players or the trolls? Respect is mutual.

More end-game content

Asking more end-game content in the first week is .... lol? (have you done ALL FP heroics / OPs (non bugged)) and you are ask more content?

More servers/server transfers

More servers why? there is no queue. Server Transfer is always a nice addition to a MMO and will come.

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I predict that SWTOR will go F2P in about six months.


When you start a thread by saying this, I just feel I´m about to read a moronic post but I read it anyway and even though I won´t debate all points overall it´s just another trash talk thread.


Like all mmo´s (or most) the game is still a WIP and you certainly had some replies on future implementations and on balancing. And if they aren´t providing more info to the community it´s certainly because they have their hands full atm. Certainly you´re aware this game broke lots of records already, right?


Plus they weren´t expecting such a massive inflow of players.


But anyway, if you wanna pull each and every string you will find "bads" about the game as well. It´s just that people like you (which this forum already has tons) just feel like bringing down the game by scrutinizing every little detail, no matter how worthless they are.


And once again don´t start thread with "I predict" , if you want to predict set up your own tarot office .

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As of 9/2011, the engine still does not support multiple cores nor a 64-bit client. Even WoW supports multiple cores and a 64-bit client.


Ignoring the subjective matter of the rest of the post, I'll point out that the client is fully multi-threaded. Though 64-bit support would be nice considering how much memory it likes to gobble up.

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It was added in 3.3; the middle patch for Wrath of the Lich King, not "late WOTLK"


And any "veteran" MMO Player sees LFD as what it is — a useful tool for finding groups without resorting to primitive methods of spamming chat, and adding everyone with a Tank Spec to your friends list


Some of us Veteran MMO players actually enjoy making our own groups instead of getting grouped with random people who won't even know how to write in party chat :p


Personal preference, but stop generalising.

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Some of us Veteran MMO players actually enjoy making our own groups instead of getting grouped with random people who won't even know how to write in party chat :p


Personal preference, but stop generalising.


And a LFG tool dosent stop anyone from make your own groups.


And not all people that use a LFG tool not know how to write in party chat, so stop your generalising...

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I think F2P/freemium is the future. These companies could make so much more money from the model. In 2010 I read that WoW had over 80,000,000 inactive and trial accounts, imagine how much money they would have made if they had squeezed just $10 out of each of them on top of the money they get from their premium subscription players.


I am betting that all MMOs will be following some version of freemium or even in game cash sinks (real cash) like auction houses etc to make their money.

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I think F2P/freemium is the future. These companies could make so much more money from the model. In 2010 I read that WoW had over 80,000,000 inactive and trial accounts, imagine how much money they would have made if they had squeezed just $10 out of each of them on top of the money they get from their premium subscription players.


I am betting that all MMOs will be following some version of freemium or even in game cash sinks (real cash) like auction houses etc to make their money.


Long term I agree, the game would need to be designed with this in mind though.


Future games will be.

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Your opinion is noted but opinions don't make them facts. This game will do fine, and only get better the more they iron out things wrong with the game and add more to do in the future.


This ^


You might not like it, but if WAR is still P2P after all this time i think SWtOR will do just fine.

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Ignoring your users


The community management sucks. The interaction is canned corporate responses. There is no detail, the only admitted problem is Taris and that's only because quite literally hundreds of players have fallen into a figurative black hole on that world. This is a poor way to treat your community. To treat them like children. As if giving them information is something they could not handle. Your customers are not asking you to cater to their every whim (well, most of them), but they do enjoy having information that allows them to make informed decisions... like... do they actually need to upgrade, or do you have a really crappy, inefficient engine that you'll eventually patch and do we just suffer or spend our money to get new hardware. Stuff like that. This smacks of pride.



If you've visited the forum and also read the dev tracker in the past (both before and after release) you'd realise that there's enough members of the community that can't handle information without missquoting it, taking things out of context and then blowing it out of proportion and try to start a mass panic/rage over issues that aren't there except for in their own head.

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I've never seen a bad MMO go f2p, then all of a sudden get good...


Unlike the OP, I like ToR currently, its in much better shape than most MMOs at launch, especially the ones that have gone f2p.


What does this mean? I have no idea.....


But the OP should get behind the Warhammer f2p group, they were there first.

Edited by Tic-
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I only agree on the engine issues, other than that I disagree.


There we go, voice of reason. They need to do a lot of work on the engine, possibly get a whole team (ie. more than Kenny the copy guy) to work on it - it'll do the game and any future incarnations (can you see it? SW: New Jedi Order, right after RotJ) a lot of good.

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Was it not one or two days after the Christmas holliday that I had to download a patch? I am talking max eight days in and we are already getting a patch, and you are complaining about lack of commitment? For taking a perfectly good MMO development tool like the Hero engine and modifying the heck out of it and in essence becoming a developer of that engine as I am pretty certain with Bioware and EA using this engine that the company who owns it will be working right with them to make sure SWTOR succeeds in all aspects including multicore support and 64 bit OS support.


I was along for the ride with NeverWinter Nights, now granted that was not an MMO however it was multiplayer and the Bioware website had over 6 million users because of NWN and the things that Bioware did to support it and still do to this day.


Not only did they support NWN but when Obsidian Entertainment took over and developed NWN2, Bioware continued that support with forums for the new game, because they did not want to divide the community and again showing that yes they are aware of the importance of maintaining a community.


I really do not see a problem at all right now and I honestly think SWTOR has the ability to take top spot in the MMO genre away from WoW. Why? Well it is because the main reason I keep logging back in is because my character is involved in this amazing Star Wars adventure, I am the hero or the villian, and I just have to find out what happens next, I absolutely must find out! :D


Never has any MMO before this one, except Ultima Online but that is a very long story, but never has an MMO kept me captivated by the storyline like SWTOR has. It does not matter what my gear is as long as it gets me to the next part of the story, not once have I cared what level I am because all I care about is the great storyline...can you name any other MMO that can do this and do it with groups?

Edited by Rahl_Windsong
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Ignoring the subjective matter of the rest of the post, I'll point out that the client is fully multi-threaded. Though 64-bit support would be nice considering how much memory it likes to gobble up.


Do you even know what's the difference between a 32-bit process and 64-bit process is? Someone mentioned it briefly above but to clarify. If you have a 64-bit process running it can gobble up even more memory. A 32-bit process will only max out at only 3GB.


If you've visited the forum and also read the dev tracker in the past (both before and after release) you'd realise that there's enough members of the community that can't handle information without missquoting it, taking things out of context and then blowing it out of proportion and try to start a mass panic/rage over issues that aren't there except for in their own head.


Sounds alot like RL media :)

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This is perhaps the biggest misstep. Biowhore and Evil Arts cut corners by licensing the HeroEngine instead of developing their own. Now, as a developer professionally, I would normally say "Good for them," but it is painfully clear not much money went into developing this engine into something for a AAA MMO. As of 9/2011, the engine still does not support multiple cores nor a 64-bit client. Even WoW supports multiple cores and a 64-bit client.


This is sloth, and the fact that BW/EA did not bother to invest in the backbone of this game. Players will burn through your content and dialog. And when they get into the routine of playing the repetitive parts of the game, they will really start to notice how little was put into this engine.


I agree with this.


Not having a engine in nearly 2012 that has multi core and 64-bit support is just incredibly ignorant and dumb i don't even have words for it.


BIOWARE,multi core support and 64-bit support,NOW!


Sooner or later this will go all around the internet that your junk engine doesn't even have these basic things.

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